-- I CAMBRIDGE, MASS. TUES, MAY 17, 1949 Only Ten More Days 0 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. LXIX NO. 29 THKE OFFciAL NEWSPAPER Till Finals TE OF THE M..T. UNDGRADUATES 71daLB~a nW ~ l l~i~P~B~ ~B~ba~BB"RB ~PB~RI Pae~ n~ - - -. Revised a ~su~iagm Di in Se~lA I I I L - -- I-- .I I VD'ERS MAKE ONE OF FEW RUNS i .IU --- I ii Freshm anCamp I - _ II Baldwin NiiII Suaperviise Program To Use Centrarl Living Facilities Tech Facilities Appointment of Frank M. Bald- r Il Dr. Kilian's Address, win to the newly created post of CordialReceptions I Director of Housing and Dinlng Tour Of Dorms, Labs, Facilities at Technology was an- Precede Wonderland A re Promoted For nounced last Friday by Horace S. Freshman Camp, the entering Ford, Treasurer, of the Institute. class's introduction to Technology, I Foreign Students He will be responsible for super- has in .past years been limited to six Cordial receptions for foreign vision of the increasing facilities hundred students by restricted students attending the Institute is ;I for student housing and dining facilities. However, during this the aim of the Student's Good Will services at the Institute to assure period similar facilities at the In- Program under the joint sponsor- effective centralized direction of stitute have been even more limited. ship of the T.C.A. and N.S.A. Under these activities. His duties include Now, with the addition of Rockwell the plan, Technology students will administration of all undergraduate Cage, and the improved athletic first contact the summer visitors dormitories, including the barracks program, it is possible to assemble with a letter and then discuss with dormitory; the Senior House, Walker Memorial, the Graduate an entire freshman class at one them the Institute, its environment, I time. Serious thought has been and activities in person after their I House, and the Women's Dormitory, as well as Westgate. given and a committee has been arrival. appointed to consider the possibility " Photo by Baschinsky The Good Will program is also an Promote Better Living of having at least a part of the Jim Miller of the Voo Doo team staggers home and upsets The Tech opportunity for the dissemination In announcing the new office and freshlnan program at the Institute. catcher Dave Uline as he collapses at home plate. Scene is from annual of knowledge of foreign countries Mr. Baldwin's appointment, MW. The commlttee, composed of both Beer-ball game. through first-hand talks with the Ford said: "It will be the function faculty and students, has approved students. Sign-up lists are posted of the director to maintain, and a ,plan which combines the facilities on most of the bulletin boards. Stu- improve wherever possible, the of Camp Wonderland and those of The Tech Outplays Voo Dooa dents joining the program will re- standard of service for students, Technology. Details of the program As faculty, and staff at the lowest pos- have not as yet been worked out. I Anmyone interested in enter- sible prices. Direction of these The freshmen will be addressed VD's Use1Ringei %s.Bribe Ump taining a student from Scandi- facilities and the policies govern- by President Kllian on the after- Sparked by the superb pitching replied, "They shure did, lbut I navia, England or France, for ing them has for many years rbeen noon of the Thursday previous to of Leo "Gopher-Ball" Satori and Iwouldn't do it. It wouldn't be fair to about two weeks sometime in effectively carried on. by the Dormi- registration day. They will then be Lew "Yog" Bergerger 'The Tech Tro- The Tech, seeing as The Tech paid July, is requested to contact the tory Board -underthe chairmanship taken on guided tours of the Insti- jans" outpltched, outfielded and me more." NSA office in the basement of of Professor Leicester F. Hamilton as a part-time responsibility. tute laboratories and also the dor- outtdrank the 'Voo Doe Smellisox" Infield Combo Walker Memorial. I mitories in order that the new men in their anual beer-ball game held Also outstanding was the un- "As the dining and housing facili- will become more familiar with the last Saturday in the Blue Hills. matched infield double-play ormL- ceivei an addressed, stamped enve- ties have increased, however, the living facillitieS. Run after run was made by The ina'tion o Youing to Sevier (oopsl ) lopej to a foreign student'and per- problemns of management !iae--= become more than a part-time On Friday afternoon the group Tech sluggers off of VI). hurler to Young to Sartori (oopsl) to sonal information about him. Clayton "Brown-Bagger" Williams, activity, and the new director will will leave the Institute for Sharon Honigsberg to Earris (oopsl) to Some of the posters containing while V.). fielders booted the ball now consolidate the management where they will Sevier to Harris. Barbed wire and the lists have been misplaced, and remain until Sun- all over the field. of housing and dining services and day morning. Nearly land mines laid along the second a list of all names received 'by the fifty under- I provide continuous administration graduates will accompany the fresh- Tech Sluggers base line proved of material aid as T.C.A. is posted outside its office Pausing only for frequent retreats the Infield kept up practically in the basement of Walker. All stu- of these activities, Promotion of men as counselors. Anyone inter- better living accommodations for to the beer keg, The Tech batters errorless ball. At the end of the dentsI who signed up but whose ested in acting as counselor should students and planning for addi- scarcely had time to run bases as fifth inning Voo Doo was threat- namesI are missing or do not even- contact the T.CA. office. tional facilities are important they batted around the order again ened by a serious dearth of players tuallyI receive an envelope are re- Sunday afternoon the freshmen responsibilities of the new office in and again, and V.D. outfielders as group after group of Smelll- questedI to re-register with the will return to the Institute where I glumly chased the ball. Particularly CT.C.2A. which the director will report to Dr. Killian will hold a reception in soxers wandered off arm in arm outstanding for his pelota pounding singing lewd songs and others Wlodzimlevy Tereshkevitsh, '50, the Treasurer of the Institute." his home for them and for their Comtmerting in an interview, Mr. was N.B. Champ, The Tech General simply lay inertly about I parents. the \beer of the forign student department of Manager, who took a position in i Baldwin stated that he hoped he It is believed by the committee keg. Finally the game was called the T.C.A. is in charge of the pro- the field replacing Sandy '"Sandra" (Continued on Page 4) gram. would be able to act efficiently as that the usual fourteen-dollar cost I a Rubin af.ter the latter was pursued -" -- liaison officer between the donni- may be reduced .1 considerably next into the woods by a drunken (and tory residents and the dormitory year. short sighted) V.D.'er. Di*.amondmenD]' vi'deTwo~amess; office. He will also assist Albert W. The Tech's runs were made Bridges, Manager of Walker Dining C ( r ses XAV9 X;1 despite Voo Doos use of ringers and Service, and Mr. Henry K. Dow, their frequent attempts to bribe Marshalllll Blanmks 'W,P,,I,, 1-0 IManager of the Graduate House umpires. It is rumored that Ted I and Dormitory Supervisor. Complete Survey Williams and Eddie Stanky were Byrnes Home Run Beavers Held To i Hit Interested in Students Of Job Situation sawed off at the ankles and pounded As Devens Wins, 6.2 Speaking from his experiences with baseball bats for a whole Tops Worcester Held to one hit by strong pitching with the St. Clair Restaurant, at Course XV night to disguise them as George By SCOTT CONNOR on the part of Ed Frydryk and help- Harvard Square, Mr. Baldwin said The demand for interviews for Piness and'Dave Yeomans of the Captain Lloyd Marshall turned in ful home-town scoring, Warren that he had considerable interest business administration students V.D.'s. W.C. "Honest John" Sehnei- one of his best efforts of the season Berg's varsity nine dropped a 6-2 in the students and that. he hoped has experienced no slump, Profes- der when questioned as to being last Saturday afternoon at Brlggs decision to Devens in a game played (Continued on Page 4) sor E. H. Schell stated, but the approached by V.D.Iers who wished Field as Tech edged out a Worcester Friday afternoon on the Winners' number of offers of positions-re- him to favor their team as umpire, Polytech squad by a 1-0 count. Bar- home field. I sulting from the interviews-is not ..I .- . _ ney Byrne slammed a home run, A bad fifth inning, in which the yet known. Course XV has experi- over the left fielder's head in the winners scored five of their runs, Tech Show Script enced less fluctuation in the de- Dorm To House Guests seventh inning, to account for the proved to be the undoing of Starter mand for its graduates; Professor For Graduation Week. only run of the game. Stan Moulton. After pitching four ghliglts Ghost Schell attributes this to the versa- The New Dormitory at 362 The game -was a close pitcher's scoreless frames, Stan ran into a Preliminary choice of a script tility of the students.
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