TUESDAT, OCTOBER S«, IWT Ea o b t w b l v ® IHanritratrr Etmtitm Srralli TOMORROW IS mANCHESTER DAY*\ DON*T MISS THE BARGAINS! Mr. and Mra. Arthur Hoagland Mount Wilson in the Sierra Madre EMEKOENCY JXK7TOB8 mountains and about 12 miles from and small daughter are moving this ESTHER JOHNSON RACE SELECTMAN FINED AVEBAOB DAILT aBODLATlON ABODTTOWN week from North Elm ^street to Pasadena. From Signal Pomt, WBATHBK Dr. N. A. Burr, 8030, and Dr. their newly aaqulred property at 08 three minutes' walk from the hotel, tor Um Meath of Fareeoet at U. U. Weatl Edmund Zagllo, 5581, are the Stephen street, the former Craw- FROM TRIP TO COAST a marvelous view may be had of the T h € J W H A I ^ c o r k physidana who .vlU respond to valley below, and it ia said that on $43 5 .6 5 IN BOLTON < H r. Mid M n. ItaaaM H. Perguaon emergency calls tomorrow after­ shaw house. ' B w ry atract and Hr. and Ura. a clear day Oataima Island, 40 miles MANCHISTfR COHH* 5 , 9 6 7 PreboUy fatal tealght'oaA ' noon. distant, ships In Los Angeles har­ veflte A a M Hattrlyfatfr Ifralh A. Ttrorp o t Tanner atrect The Salvation Army campaign H u FiTC Weeks Vacation In toyi not anuch eknnge la tsi alaltora In Boaton today. Ur. i - bor and the shore ime for miles are I af Oreahitleaa committee will bold a report meet­ Western States; Sees AU visible. The party remained for the Tguaon and Mr. Thorp attended ing In Masonic Temple tomorrow Town OfRcial Pleads GnOty Self Serve and Health Market MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM : Ika ragMar maenng e< tha New The weekly drill of the Howitzer From Puget Sound To Holly­ evening astronomical lecture and felkCland Dally Newapaper Publlab- Company scheduled for tonight has evening at 8 :l8 Instead of Friday wood. had an opportunity to view the been cancelled because of a federal evening "as stated last nlghL A lights of the valley at night, a most Dnring Early Momint; VOL. LVEL, NO. 28 AtvwUotog aa Page U). ara Aaaodatlon at tha Oopley Plaaa luncheon will be served the work­ MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1937 14 PAGES AND 24 PAGE TABLOID PRICE THBEB CBNTB BataL property Inspection. The next drill beautiful sight. Wednesday Specials for the company will be Tuesday, ers. Mlos Esther H. Johnson, daugh­ Impreesed’ By Storee November's. ter of Mr. and Mra. Andrew John- Mias Johnson was Impressed with Session Of Court There. , H m. Dawla Rdsa ot_ Hartford, The Gleaners* group win meet the department stores and the fruit late MMka batora tha Uancheater this evening at 7:80 at the South aon of 51 CUnton street, has return­ STORE CLOSES AT NOON ON WEDNESDAYS The degree team of the National ed after a vacation of live weeks on and vegetable markets In the large HOOVER AVERS MeUiera club laat night, and wbo Fire Insurance Company will work Methodist church. Hostesses will be centers of population and the low A raid by State Policemen Arthur baa traquently lectured under the Miss Gertrude. Abbey, Mra. Gladys tha Pacifle Coast and reports a thor­ jltlif Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. , the Master Mason degree on a fel­ oughly enjoyable, sightseeing trip. prices a t which melons and fruits Kosa, Loren Laraon and V. John anapicaa o t the T. U. C A., baa low employee tonlgbt in Masonic Moseley and Mrs. Florence Gibson. and vegetables may be purchased. FIRES DESTROY CHAPEl haan engaged to r two erenlnga at Mias Johnson left Manchester and Labecky of the Stafford Barracka HE DESIRES NO Temple. John C. Conklin of Wind­ Spiingfleld, Mass, on September 18. Meats and other grocery staples H Lb. Cle^ Bog the T during the coming aeaaon. On sor and hla assodate officers will Members o f Gibbons Assembly. cost about the same as m the East. at the Villa Louiae ohortly hefora December 14 Mra. Roae la ached- Catholic Ladies of Columbus, who via the North Coast Limited train midnight last night, resulted tn the occupy the chairs for the ceremony. of the Northern Pacifle railroad for The traveler left Pasadena on uled to apeak on *nhe Internation­ John F. WIlby of Manchester will have not made returns on the (5 Monday, October 18, on the Grand arrest of John Albaal, proprietor I S ugar______________________ ^ 5 2 c POBU^OmCE al Hart,’* and on Uarcb 1, 1038 on raffle, are requested to do so not Seattle, Washmgton, where she ar­ and a Bolton selectman on four | act as organist. The lodge will open rived on Wednesday the 22, and was Canyon Limited of the Santa Fe Prejudlcea Preferred.” These lec­ at 7:30 and after a brief business later than- Sunday, October 31, to charges. At Albaal's request AS CHINESE RETREAT Railroad and spent the following tures win be given In the Wtalton Miss Mary Shea, Miss Mary Tier­ Jomed by her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. special aesaion of the Bolton Justice I session the visiting officers will oc­ John Henry of Pasadena, Cal., wbo day at the Grand Canyon. In the Memorial auditorium, which has a cupy the chairs for the work. ney or Mias Helen Thomas. The Court was held at 1:80 this morning Urges G. 0 . P. To Fonnidate limited capacity, and those who were visiting In Seattle. The tram morning the tourists were conduct­ drawing will take place at the. next ed to the western portion of the at the home of Justice of the Peace | P e a B e a n s 4 n » - 2 3 e pi— to attend are requested to ae- regular meeting of the assembly, trip from Chicago through the Mrs. George McKinney will lead Canyon. Stops were made at vari­ L. D. Eaton. ) .....................■ Issues, Attacks Morality cnra their tickets from the T. M. the devotions at the meeting of the Friday, November 5, In the K. of C. Northwest was scenic and Interest­ In the raid the state police found I ing. ous points, during which'the ranch­ _ Franco Amertena ^ BEFORE JAP SOLDIERS C A.. 7008. clubrooms. Wesleyan Guild tomorrow' evening ers driving the buses would direct 20 cases of home made wme. In the at the South Methodist church to Five daya were spent m Seattle, Justice court, Mr. Albasi was charg­ the largest commeirial seaport on attention to things of Interest. In Of New Deal, Says Repab- Manchester Townsend Club No. follow the parish supper. Miss Aon The Emblem club will have a des­ the afternoon a bus trip was made ed with actual sale of IntoxlcaUng Spaghetti 3 cans 2 5 « Strickland will be pianist, and after sert-bridge at the Elks home In Puget Sound, from wblcb steamers S will bold an old-fashioned lunch ply to all parts of thd world. It Is Eastward to the Watch Tower, built liquor, keeping mtoxlcatlng liquor Historic Seetkm Of SbiglHii iwwr aodal In tha Balch and Brown the one-act play, "Other People's Rockville tomorrow afternoon at 2 with Intent to sell, manufacturing Ecais Face Great Service o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Dower and a wonderful harbor with fresh at Desert View where one obtama a block hall Friday evening. Each Husband," presented by a cast of breath-taking view of the so-called of Intoxicating liquor without a Invitation To Parley the church people under the direc­ Mrs. Lena Crockett are the local water lakes .. connected by canals. Burt Olney Doomed; Both Sides Sel woman member la to bring a box Trips- were taken to Rainier Na­ Painted Desert." A number of permit and having m hla posaeaslon hmcb for two persons which will tion of Mra. T. B. Kehler, refresh­ members of the committee. It win Boston, Oct. 27.— (A P )—Herbert be open to the public. tional Park to see the snow-capped HopI Indians danced m the late af­ intoxicating liquor on which no tax { be auctioned to the highest bidder. ments will be served by the Hus­ ternoon outside of their Pueblo, fac- had been paid. 14 oz. btls. Hoover suggested to the Republican tlers’ group. Husbands of the Guild Mount Rainier, and to the great K etch u p 2 2 1 e On Far East Conflict Fires During Despente Coupon books will be on sale for power project on Skagit river. This ng the El Tovar Hotel. From the Fined 8488M party today the broad Unea of ,a distribution of 80 merchandise members will be guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Willett, former On each of these charges he was residents of Manchester, were given latter trip required two days and Canyon Miss Johnson came directly I declaration o f principles he arould prlaea. An attendance prise of (25 through by train to Chicago and foimd guilty and on each charge he Conflict— U. S. M ariM t win be given and also a lunch box November 4 la the date set for a surprise housewa.*mlng party last was sponsored by the City Light have party leaders adopt before night at their new home on South corporation of Seattle. reached home Saturday monUng, was fined (100. Together with coats | Is Declined B y Japs prise of (5. Merchandise coupon the classes In Home Hygiene and October 23. (435.95 was paid. next fUl'a elections Bxplaming at may be obtained from mem- care of the sick, given under the road, Bolton. Guests to the num­ 1480 MUee By Ante Ordered To Fire h Self* ber of 27 were present from Wes^ Mr.
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