THE THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUME II, 1933 -I JULY TO DECEMBER I PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE O1FICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, -TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. on.-Momblow Tn BRH JULY-DEC., I9331 I MEDTCAL AOuxwAL , _ ,i~ KEY TO DATES AND PAGES THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1933, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue Pages Pages 3782 ...... July Ist 1- 42 1- 16 3783 ...... 8th 43- 88 17- 24 89- 136 3784 ...... 15th 25- 32 3785 ...... 22tnd 137- 180 33- 48 3786 ...... 29th 181- 222 49- 80 3787 ...... Aug. 5th 223- 274 81- 108 3788 ...... 12th 275- 320 .109- 124 3789 ...... 19th 321 - 364 .125- 148 3790 ...... 26tlh 365- 404 .149- 156 3791 ...... Sept. 2nd 405- 476 3792 ..... 9th 477 - 516 .157- 164 3793 ...... 16th 517- 552 .165- 168 3794 ...... 23rd 553- 590 .169- 176 3795 ...... 30th 591- 630 .177- 184 3796 ...... Oct. 7th 631- 670 .185- 196 3797 ...... 14th 671- 716 .197- 208 3798 ..... 21st 717- 766 .209- 216 3799 ...... 28ti 767- 806 .217 -236 3800 ...... Nov. 4th 807- 852 .237 -248 3801 ...... 11th 853- 904 .249 -256 3802 ...... 18tih 905- 954 .257 268 3803 ...... 25th 955 - 1006 3804 ...... Dec. 2nd 1007 - 1056 .269 -284 3805 ...... 9th 1057 - 1102 .285 -296 3806 ...... ,, 16tlh 1103 - 1152 .297 -312 3807 ...... 23rd 1153 - 1196 .313 -320 3808 ...... 30tll 1197 - 1240 .321 -324 INDEX riO VOLUMNE II FOR 1933 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Pyelography atid Urography; Lunacy and Mental Diseases; Sunlight and Ultra-violet; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt witb under various main headings in the JOURNAL have beenl set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Aiinotattions," "Correspondence," "Leading Articles," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A. ADLER, Joseph (and Jocelyn PATTFRSON: The ALLIBONE, T. E.: Continudusly evacuated tube Cronin Lowe serum reacuion for malignancy, for deep therapy, 1127 ABBOTT: Suirgery of the sympathetic, 693 1063 (0) ALLOTT, E. N.: Seruti reaction for malignancy ABBOTT, W. N.: Pulmonary disease following Adolescence. problems of, discussion, 1031 1190 exposure to vesicant and asphyxiating gases, Adrenal virilism (leading article), 890 ALMCSoNINO, N.: Poliomvelitis in Rumania, 581 862 (0) Adrenaline and asthma, 757 Alopecia areata, 42, 88, 136 Abdominal retractor. See Retractor Adrenaline preparations, 1029 Alternating current in miedical practice (leading Abdominal viscera. See Viscera ADuIAN, E. D.: Activity of nerve cells, 532-TThe article), 1081. See also liiectricity Aberdeen. See Scotland Mechanism of Nervous Actiona. rev., 872 Aluminium and health (Lieut C. A. Dunbar Aberdeen City and Aberdeen and Kincardine Africa, East, arnentia in the native of (H. L. Mitchell), 578 Counties Divisions: Report of meeting, 474. Gordon), 923, 931 Alvarenga prize. See Prize See also Supplement Index Africa: East African Medical Service, informa- Ambulance, air (Colonel E. M. Cowell), 1171- Abortion, contagious, and undulant fever (W. H. tion concerning, 469 Discussion, 1171 Andrews), 573 Africa, South:-Aviation in the Union, health Ambulance, air, in the Highlands and Islands Abortion, induction of, 667 aspects of, 934-Diet in relation to healthi in, (parliamiientary notes), 175. 220, 272 Abortion, review of book on, 495 933-Enteric fever in, 160-Malaria control, Ambulance Association, St Andrews: Ambul- ABRAHAM, J. J.: Lett om, rev., 826 504- Vlaternal mortality in, 933-" roor-whi e " ance Hanid Book, rev., 926 ABRAHAMSON. Leonard: Essential vascular problem in: report of Carnegie Commission, Ambulance service, boundary limit of (parlia- hypertension,247-Use of diuretics. 253-Radio- 296 -Scientific distinction of medical men, 504 mentary note). 86 logy in heart disease. 303- spontaneous hypo- -South African Association for the Advatice- Ambulance services: Ministry of Health glyeaemia with hepatitis. 871-Recent advances mentof Science: Annual Congress,504-South circular, 991 in medicine and tberapeutics, 1090 African Medical Congress, 933-South African Amenorrhoea after injury, 1151 ABRAM, John Hill, obituary notice of, 177 Institute of Medical Research, 1040 Amentia in the East African native (H. L. Abscess of lung following tonsillectomy (F. T. Africa: West African Medical Staff, information Gordon). 923 931 Ransom and L. McGolrick), 1020 (0) concerning, 468-List for November, 1933, now America, North. conditions of practice in. 467. Abscess, pharyngeal, an unusual (Harry Cooper), issued, 1195 bSee also United States 291 African negro, labour in, 944, 1048. See also Aimierica, South, conditions of pr-'ctice in, 467 Abscess of prostate (Eric Goulston), 492 Labour American Journal of cancer for November Abscess, psoas, acute (B. R. 8worn), 6 (0) AGASSIZ, C. D. S.: Tuberculosis of the larynx, includes an article on raditunm therapy. 1195 Abscess, psoas, acute, associated with double 351 American obstetric worthies, 1089 kidneys (G. A. B. Walters), 972 Agranulocyt!sis, 577, 716-Nucleotide in, 716 Amino-acetic acid. See Glycine Agricultural Marketing (No. 2) Act, 1236 AMSLER, Caesar, elected a miieuiber of the Im- AcADEMY. ROYAL, OF MFDICINF. IN IRELAND:- Agriculture: Estimates. 132 perial German Academy of Natural uciences Section of 41e icine. - Spontaneous hypo- Airnabulance. See Ambulance \ at Ralle, 542 glyeaemia with hepatitis. 871 Air filtratioii and asthma, 116 Anacidity: Gastric, review of book on, 238-A Section of Obstetrics a"d Gynaecolotw.- Air Force, Royal: Health of, report for 1932, protest 404 Kymograph for use in Rubin's test. 1121- 1179-Infornmation concerning the Medical Anaemia, hiemolytic, acute, in adolescence Hydronephrosiq and pyelitis coml)licating Service, 7. 460, 463 (Alexander Douglas), 526 (0) pregnancy, 1121-Specimen of a tuberculous Air Force, Royal, Medical Service, 475. 1005- An4emia. achlorhydric, simple, in adult males kidney, 1121-The Asebhoeim-Zondek test in Medica) Branch. report on (parliamentary (F. Parkes Weber and W. Weisawangel. 1066 (0) early pregnancy, 1121 note), 950. See also liupplement tndex Anaemia, haemolytic. in early life (leading Section of SuraerY.-Methods for resection Air, noise nuisance from the. See Noise article), 157-correspondence on, 213 of colon, 825-A lingual growth, 1076-Exhibi- Air travel and disease transmissionj, review of Anaemia, Lederer's 213 tion of clinical cases, 1076 book on, 240 Anaemia in pregnancy, 834 Air. See also Aviation Anaemia, vitamin B in (L. E:. P. Davidson). 344 Accidents: In which the London Passenger AIRD: Surgery of the sympathetic, 693 --Discussion, 314 Transport Board is concerned (parliamentary AITETEN, C. J. Hill: Scarlet fever immunity, Anaemia, yeast products [autolyred] in the lote), 1236-Motor, compensation for (parlia- 1101 treatment of (L. S. P. Davi(sm n), 481 (0) mentary note), 1236- Motor damages (parlia- ALABASTER, Mr.: Conditionof tbeears in miners' Anaemias, liver treatment of 843 mentary note), 1100-Road, 998, 1239-Parlia- nystagumius. 104 Anaesthesia, beginnings of, 710. See also mentary notes on, 950,1001,1239-Medical fees, ALBEE, F : Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis, Anaesthetics 1001-Statistics, 1001 251 Anaemias, deficiency of childhood (L. G. Par- Accidents, road, Compensation Bill. See also ALBERTYN, C. J.: Medico-legal problems in sons). 256, 631 (0)-Discussion. 256 Road general practice. 933 Anaemias, the: discussion at the Association of *Aohlorhydric anaemia. See Anaemia Alcoholic " flavouiriug essences " (parliamentary Clinical Patoologists, 58 Acidosis. so-called, in children (Reginald Miller). note), 1150, 1237 Anaemias. chronic tinct. ferri pe rehlor. in, 404 1103 (0)-Correspondence on. 1232 Alcoholic neuritis. See Neuritis Anaesthesia: chioroform cape ules (oui ing labour Acta Aerophysiologca, first issue, 976 Alcoholismll in Germany, Austria, and Czecho- (Arthur Rees), .41-(L. Carnac Rivstt), 347- Acta Medica Scandinavica, 1933, vol. lxxx, slovakia, 740 Discussion, 347 Supplementum lii: Clinical measurement of Alcoholism in Mediaeval England (J. D. Anaesthesia, closed, a method of (T. A. B. heart function, 982 Rolleston). 150 Harris). 1203 (0) Aeta Paedriatrica, vol. xiv, Supplementum iii ALEXANDER A. J. P.--Confidence trick: a Anaesthesia, ether (W. N. Kemp). 616 and lv: Electrocardiographie investigation of warning. 1004 Anaesthesia, evipan, report on, 63. See alto theheart in scarlet fever, 1078 ALEXANDER, W. A.: Deficiency anaemias, 256 Evipan Acta Badiologica. Supplementum XVI, Det- TVert Alexindria, small-pox epidemic in [1932-3], Anaesthesia in gynaecology (H P. Fairlie),a920 der Roentgenusnters'echuniig in der Lungen- (N. Kenawy) 987 Aiiaesthesia in labour. 316, 358, 404. 544 diagnostsk (Torleif Dale), 106-Supp'ementum ALGAR, Artur death of, 1194 Anaesthesia in midwitery, 884-A
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