MAGIČNA IGRA /MAGICAL GAME FUDBAL – čarobna reč koja spaja milione ljudi širom FOOTBALL – a magical word that connects millions of sveta, bilo da direktno učestvuju u igri ili su posmatrači na people around the world, either those who are direct stadionima i pored TV ekrana. Fudbal je igra u kojoj se svi participants of the game, spectators on the stands or osećaju kao deo porodice, igra u kojoj nije bitna boja kože, those next to TV screens. Football is a game that makes poreklo, pol. Igra u kojoj svi ostavljaju svoje srce, bilo da everyone feel like a part of the family, regardless of skin igraju na improvizovanim terenima u kraju ili na najvećim colour, descent or gender. This is a game that makes svetskim stadionima, ili navijaju ispred TV ekrana. everyone give their hearts out, either on a improvised pitch in a neighborhood, at the biggest world stadia or Partizan je već punih 67 godina neotuđivi deo te porodice. supporting your club in front of the TV screen. For full 67 years, Partizan is integral part of that family. 2 O NAMA /ABOUT US FK Partizan je osnovan 4. oktobra 1945. godine kao FK Partizan was founded on 4th of October 1945 as fudbalska sekcija sportskog društva pri vojsci tadašnje football section within former Yugoslav army sports Jugoslavije. Za 67 godina postojanja FK Partizan je aktivno association. In those 67 years, FK Partizan was active učestvovao u građenju fudbalske istorije Jugoslavije, part of Yugoslav and European football history building- Srbije ali i Evrope – osvojene su 24 titule prvaka države i 12 up. Our club won 24 national championships and 12 nacionalnih kupova. Na internacionalnom planu Partizan national cup trophies. On international scene, Partizan je zabeležio ne male rezultate: 1966. godine odigrao je can boost of notable achievements – 1966 Champions finale tadašnjeg Kupa evropskih šampiona protiv Reala iz Cup runner-up spot after final played against Real Madrid Madrida, a 1978. godine bio osvajač Srednjeevropskog kupa. and 1978 Middle-European Cup win. On 4th of September U analima evropskog i svetskog fudbala zlatnim slovima 1955, Partizan and Sporting Lisboa wrote themselves in ostaće upisan 4. septembar 1955. godine, kada je beogradski Europe`s and World`s football books by playing the first Partizan odigrao prvu utakmicu takmičenja koje je danas ever Champions Cup game, prececessor competition to poznato kao UEFA Liga šampiona protiv lisabonskog today`s Champions League. Number of football greats Sportinga. Broj fudbalskih asova koji su ponikli u Partizanu i who made their first football steps in Partizan and left ostavili traga u evropskom fudbalu jeste ogroman. Izuzetno a lasting legacy in European football is huge and we smo ponosni na njih jer su prve fudbalske korake napravili u are extremely proud they were part of Partizan football našoj školi fudbala, sada već prepoznatljivoj u svetu, a punu academy - now quite recognizable around the world – and afirmaciju stekli u prvom timu. renowned members of Partizan senior side. Danas FK Partizan dominira domaćom fudbalskom Nowadays, FK Partizan dominates domestic football scenom. U poslednjih deset godina Partizan je osvojio scene. In a last 10 years, our club won 7 national titles sedam titula nacionalnog šampionata i tri puta nacionalni and 3 national cup trophies. Over the last 5 years, Partizan kup. Osvojeno je pet nacionalnih šampionata zaredom, od won 5 consecutive titles and 3 doubles. We took part in a toga tri duple krune. Grupnu fazu UEFA takmičenja igrali 7 UEFA group competition as the only club from Serbia on smo sedam puta, i to svaki put kao jedini klub iz Srbije. each occasion. 3 STATISTIKA MEDIJSKE EKSPONIRANOSTI FK PARTIZAN FK PARTIZAN MEDIA PARTICIPATION STATS • Gledanost direktnih prenosa Partizanovih utakmica • Partizan domestic championship live games screened domaćeg prvenstva premašuje brojku od 350.000 ljudi, by RTS are watched by over 350000 viewers while the osim derbija koje u proseku prati 1.000.000 gledalaca, Great Belgrade Derby game has over one million viewers, što čini preko 48% gledalaca koji su u isto vreme gledali making it 48% of all TV viewers of all TV channels at the celokupan TV program bilo kog kanala. same interval. • Svakodnevno, u svim štampanim medijima, prosečan • Daily articles on FK Partizan in all printed media broj objava o FK Partizan prelazi 20, zastupljeni smo u exceed 20 and we are present in absolutely all printed apsolutno svim štampanim medijima (izvor: Real time media (source: Real Time Press Clipping). press clipping). • Daily electronic media articles exceed 30 (source: Real • U elektronskim medijima dnevni broj objava prelazi 30 Time Press Clipping). (izvor: Real time press clipping). • FK Partizan official website is the most visited sports • Zvanični sajt kluba najposećeniji je klubski sportski website in Serbia with over 5 million visits per year. On sajt u Srbiji sa preko 5.000.000 poseta godišnje; svaki average, each visitor opens 4 FK Partizan website pages posetilac otvori u proseku 4 stranice sajta i zadrži se oko 5 and spends around 5 minutes browsing through it. minuta. 4 STATISTIKA MEDIJSKE EKSPONIRANOSTI FK PARTIZAN FK PARTIZAN MEDIA PARTICIPATION STATS Brojevi govore za sebe, potecijal koji proizlazi od ulaganja This numbers tell a story and a potential coming from u fudbal jeste nesaglediv. Saradnja sa FK Partizan otvara investments in football is boundless. Cooperation with FK Vam nebrojene mogućnosti. Eksponiranje imena ili logoa Partizan opens up endless possibilities for You. Promotion Vaše kompanije u svim medijima – na banerima pored of the name or logo of your company in all media – via terena, na panoima za konferencije za medije, banerima banners by the pitch, press-conference boards, official na zvaničnom sajtu, kartama i ostalim štampanim FK Partizan website banners, tickets and other printed materijalima... Naravno, marketinški tim FK Partizan materials...Of course, FK Partizan Marketing Team rado će da čuje i da se uključi u Vaše već postojeće ili would like to hear about and join your on-going or future buduće projekte i doprinese svojim iskustvom, savetima, projects, offering experience, advices, logistics and, most logistikom, a najviše svojim znanjem. Jer ako ste Vi importantly, expertise. Because, if you are satisfied, we zadovoljni i mi smo. are satisfied too. Dobrodošli u u crno-belu porodicu! Welcome to the black-and-white family! 5 STATISTIKA MEDIJSKIH OBJAVA O FK PARTIZAN U ŠTAMPANIM MEDIJIMA PRESS ARTICLES ON FK PARTIZAN - STATS PROCENJENE VREDNOSTI OBJAVA O FK PARTIZAN U ŠTAMPANIM MEDIJIMA PRESS ARTICLES ON FK PARTIZAN - ESTIMATED VALUE 6 STATISTIKA DIREKTNIH TV PRENOSA UTAKMICA FK PARTIZAN FK PARTIZAN LIVE GAMES TRANSMISSION STATS 7 HRAM FUDBALA/FOOTBALL TEMPLE Stadion Partizana je objekat sa najdužom sportskom Partizan stadium is a venue with a longest sporting tradicijom na ovim prostorima. Nalazi se na mestu koje tradition within the region. It`s based at the spot that has je oduvek bilo središte najvažnijih fudbalskih zbivanja u always been the centre of the most important football zemlji. Tu je pre Drugog svetskog rata bio dom slavnog events in the country. Before the WWII, this was the home šampiona – Beogradskog Sportskog Kluba. of the famous champions – BSK (Belgrade`s Sport Club) Neposredno po završetku Drugog svetskog rata, a Soon after the end of the WWII and with a due respect poštujući sportsku tradiciju, započeta je izgradnja novog to sporting tradition, construction of a new stadium stadiona na istom mestu. Devetog oktobra 1949. godine na commenced at the same spot. First football game on a njemu je odigrana prva utakmica, Jugoslavija – Francuska new ground was played on 9th of October 1949, when (1:1), kvalifikacije za Svetsko prvenstvo. Do danas je Yugoslavia and France locked horns in a one-all WC Stadion Partizana ugostio desetine najvećih klubova i qualifier . To this day, Partizan stadium hosted dozens of najjačih reprezentacija sveta, postavši tako deo evropske i greatest football clubs and national teams, becoming part svetske istorije fudbala. of European and world football history. Partizanov stadion je u prvom periodu primao 55.000 At first, Partizan stadium had 55000 capacity. gledalaca. Lately, international football associations criteria has Poslednjih godina pooštreni su kriterijumi međunarodnih been tightened, particularly regarding spectators safety fudbalskih asocijacija, posebno u domenu bezbednosti i and comfort. According to these requierements, stands komfora gledalaca. U skladu s tim zahtevima, gledalište were reconstructed in 1998 with implementation of je 1998. rekonstruisano, ugrađena su sedišta, prošireni seats, widening of entry and exit spectators passages prolazi za ulazak i izlazak publike, montirana savremena and modern equipment installation. Now, the capacity of oprema, pa danas ima 29 625 mesta i odgovara svim Partizan stadium is all-seated 29 625 and in accordance to propisanim uslovima. all requirements needed. 8 HRAM FUDBALA/FOOTBALL TEMPLE Mogućnosti postavljanja reklama Vaše firme na i oko Options for advertising your company in and around the stadiona jesu velike: stadium are vast: • rotating boards around the pitch, roto panoi oko terena • • video-clips on a scoreboard, video klipovi na semaforu • • static boards set around the pitch, statični panoi postavljeni oko terena • • logotype positions for sponsors just below the VIP pozicije za logotipe sponzora na vencu ispod loža • sections, pozicije za sponzore na vencima koji se protežu celom • • positions for sponsors
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