ACTIVITY CARDS 48-60 months These cards are designed for teachers of four-year-olds Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards gelds.decal.ga.gov Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards gelds.decal.ga.gov 33/64 14 57/64 5 9 <<---Grain--->> 32 /64 5/64231/ 32 4 33 14 /64 decal.ga.gov Bleed 1/4 Teacher Toolbox / dards an 57 64 ent St Activities17/64 based on the Georgiapm Early Learning and Development Standards 23 ly Learning and Develo r Ea ia org Ge 4 gelds.decal.ga.gov 8 2 8-17/64") INDEX YOUR OWN ACTIVITIES COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Post production die cut BRIGHT Cover:SOCIAL STUDIES | SS 8-57/64 x 4-17/64 x 2" IDEAS Teacher Toolbox Activities17 based on the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards COGNITIVE COGNITIVEWrap: 14-33/64 x 9-57/64" / DEVELOPMENT 22.247 4 64 DEVELOPMENTC0GNITIVE MATH | MA PROCESSES | CP <<---Grain--->> Liner: None COMMUNICATION,LANGUAGE Bleed COGNITIVE Georgi a E arly Lea DEVELOPMENT rning AND LITERACY | CLL CREATIVE and Developm gelds.decal.ga.govent Stan dards DEVELOPMENT | CR Blank: .080 w1s (12-57/64 x 57 APPROACHESTO PLAY decal.ga.gov COGNITIVE 8 / DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING | APL64 SCIENCE | SC SOCIAL AND Post production die cut EMOTIONAL 57 DEVELOPMENT | SED / 9 64 PHYSICAL SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT AND 5 MOTOR SKILLS | PDM 18 /8 and Development Standards 2 Activities based on the Georgia Early Learning ndards Sta ent opm vel earning and De rly L Georgia Ea gelds.decal.ga.gov side 4 decal.ga.gov 5/ 4 8 8 Base: 8-5/8Cover: x 4 x 6-1/2"8-57/64D x 4-17/64 x 2" 5/8 Wrap: 14-33/64 x 9-57/64" Bright IDEAs cards,8 Wrap: 23-1/4 x 18-5/8" Liner: Liner:None None d activity cards and ecal. g a.go Blank:gelds .080 w1s (21-5/8 x 17") Blank:Ge .080 w1s (12-57/64 x o r g ia v E a . r l de y L e a r n ca in g a g n l. d Dev ga e l o p .go m e n t S D t a n v d a r d s **Post production die cut on oneD 1 index cards follow Toolbox Teacher / Learning Early Georgia the on based Activities 6 2 Your and ready-to-use 4 the domain cards. Base: 8-5/8 x 4 x 6-1/2"Standards Development 8-17/64") General Wrap: 23-1/4 x 18-5/8"Toolbox will look How to fi ll your GELDS Toolbox Liner: None Insert the general cards fi rst. 1/2 -All dimensions are given in22.247 inches like this. -Bleed 1/2" 6 Blank: .080 w1s (21-5/8 x 17") 80 pt base and cover trayDrawing#: wraps TEB3206-3 -Manufacturing / Printing tolerance is +/- 1/16" 5 Next, insert each tab card **Post production die cut on one #1 5/8 in front of the fi rst matching18 Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards gelds.decal.ga.gov Material: .080 white one side domain: cognitive development and general knowledge sidesub-domain: math Remove the MA1 Strand: NUMBER AND QUANTITY domain colored activity card. MA1 – The child will organize, represent and build knowledge Kindergarten 3 Standard: Teacher Toolbox #87 Correlation(s) of number and quantity. 48-60 months 48-60 months 11-18-14 Indicators MCCK.CC2 36-48 months Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards shrink wrap gelds.decal.ga.govIndicators Counts to 100 by ones and by tens. MA1.4a Job #: domain CLL: communication, language and literacy Recites numbers up to 20 in sequence. Strand: RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE MA1.3a CLL1 CLL1 – The child will listen to conversations and Standard: KindergartenRecites numbers up to 10 in sequence. from the #53 demonstrate comprehension. Correlation(s) 48-60 months 48-60 months Indicators ELACCKRL10 MCCK.CC5 Actively engages in group reading activities Counts to answer “how many?” questions 36-48 months with purpose and understanding. Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, gelds.decal.ga.govIndicators ELACCKSL1 a rectangular array or a circle, or as many as Die#: CLL1.4a MA1.4b 10 things in a scattered configuration: given a card set. Participates in collaborative conversations number from 1–20, counts that many objects. with diverse partners about kindergarten topics 2 Listens and responds and texts with peers and adults in small domain APL: approaches to play and learning Recognizes numerals and uses Remove the INITIATIVE AND EXPLORATION and larger groups. Strand: CLL1.3a on topic to conversations MA1.3b counting as part of play and as a APL1 APL1 – The child will demonstrate initiative Kindergarten and group discussions for All correlations at decal.ga.gov/Resources.aspx means for determining quantity. Standard: Listens and responds to an extended period. Recognizes numerals and #38 Correlation(s)conversations and group quantities in the everyday and self-direction. discussions. environment. 48-60 months 48-60 months shrink wrap Revised: 03-09-15 Indicators NO PEK5.1a 36-48 months Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards Follows classroom rules gelds.decal.ga.govIndicators CORRELATION Activity cards organized by domain APL1.4a CLL1.4b and shows self-control. domain SED: social and emotional development Takes initiative to learn new Listens to and follows Strand: DEVELOPING A SENSE OF SELF APL1.3a CLL1.3b multi-step directions. SED1 SED1 – The child will develop self-awareness. concepts and try new experiences. from the Kindergarten Initiates and completes new tasks Listens to and follows Standard: Initiates new tasks by by himself/herself. #20 Correlation(s)himself/herself. multi-step directions with support. 80 pt base and cover tray wraps 48-60 months 48-60 months Indicators NO NO 36-48 months Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards 1 tab set. The card set includes: gelds.decal.ga.govIndicators CORRELATION CORRELATION SED1.4a APL1.4b domain PDM: physical development and motor skills Identifies self as a unique Selects and carries out activities Strand: HEALTH & WELL-BEING SED1.3a member of a specific group APL1.3b without adult prompting. PDM1 PDM1 – The child will practice healthy and safe habits. Kindergarten or demographic that fits into Standard: Recognizes self as a larger world picture. Makes choices and completes #1 Correlation(s)a unique individual. some independent activities. 48-60 months 48-60 months General information cards Indicators -All dimensionsNO are given in inches NO Need more 36-48 months -Bleed 1/2" 33/64 Indicators 14 CORRELATION CORRELATION <<---Grain--->> PDM1.4a -Manufacturing / Printing toleranceSED1.4b is +/- 1/16" INDEX 5 /64231 325 32 /4 /64 57/ Identifies personal 9 64 Stays awake and alert except Bleed 1 SED1.3b /4 PDM1.3a during voluntary nap time. characteristics, preferences, INDEX 23 11-18-14 1433 thoughts and feelings. gia Early Learning and Development Standards TeacherToolboxes? or / he Ge t .gov 64 Teacheron Toolboxl.ga ed ca bas de ties A17ctivi/ 64 ds dar Stays awake except an t St men elop Demonstrates knowledge ev 57 d D / g an nin .gov Lear 64 l.ga rgia Early a Geo ec ds.d 4 gel 8 2 during nap time. of personal information. 22.247 <<---Grain--->> Post production die cut X INDE Bleed N OW TIES YOURTIVI AC 8-17/64") TeacherBRIGHTAS Toolbox PEK.3a Activ IDE Order them at 17iti Cover: 8-57/64 x 4-17/64 x 2" es b ase GNITIVEENT 4 / d onC O OPM VE E EVEL TI CP V T 64 D theNI Georgia Early GNITI N C0G O CESSES | C OPMEA PRO EVEL H Wrap:| M 14-33/64 x 9-57/64" D 5 MAT 18 Lea / OGNITIVE rn Post production die cut C OPMENT ing an EVEL CR L 8 D NT | Ge CL E org GUAGE | d Developme CREATIVE ia E Y arly COMMUNICATION,N PM Lea LA rnin LO gel g an Liner: None d D ITERAC ds.d eve lopm Participates regularly in a wide e DEVE nt St eca anda AND L l.ga.govrds nt T St MEN S andar COGNITIVEOP S C HE AC L ds DEVELENCE | 57AY P SCI APPRO PL Blank: .080 w1s (12-57/64 x TO LEARNING | A 8 / de AND cal.g D 64 a.gov AN AL AL CI ON SED SO OTI | EM ENT variety of activities that involve locomotor, OPM DEVEL D YOUR OWN CALT AN YSI EN PH S | PDM ELOPMKILL DEV SCHOOL Material: .080 white one side MOTOR S non-locomotor and manipulative skills both ACTIVITIES 57 9 /64 inside and outside of physical education. YOUR OWN General ning Lear PDM1.4b rgia Earlyds Geo 4 Standar 5 on the t ased PEK4.1a b velopmen Revised: 03-09-15 / e rds 8 tanda nt S pme and D o ACTIVITIES evel Activities 8 nd D v a earning go ly L a. Ear rgia Geo s.decal.g 2 d 4 gel v .go Bright IDEAs cards, al.ga How to fill your GELDS Toolbox dec #1 5/8 side Actively participates in Participates in fitnessactivities. and conditioning activity cards and8 Base: 8-5/8Cover: x 4 x 8-57/64 6-1/2" x 4-17/64 x 2" D Drawing#: TEB3206-3 Wrap: 23-1/4Wrap: x 14-33/64 18-5/8" x 9-57/64" 1 PDM1.3b 6 /2 index cards follow Liner: Liner: None None a variety of both structured and Teacher Toolbox Insert the general cards first. d ec All correlations at decal.ga.gov/Resources.aspx D Blank:a .080 w1s (21-5/8 x 17") l .
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