In the News Week of November 18 2019

In the News Week of November 18 2019

PREP FOOTBALL CEHTRAL TEXAS SCHEDULE am"'9 Dlrirlaa' l.a C,.Un.-•V...,~ lite lliysCl-l)n.c.n.n.1.-C,.U, 111, Slony Peal O·J> n.c,pr...._.O·lJ. lile c..t.llidgt~nc-n,,ww..eo-~ .. Clm'-'DirisioeH VilldogrWI(1...l n.C,,,oss lridgolMd O·l>.1111 Viltilidgtl>l)n.T•bil-C,.ll, lilt -(5-S),s,SdloltzO.-C,.U.'­ wesr...i.. c,.u ... ai..SIHltt>2J.lile Cku5ADirisioel C4!dor Pirie 49, McC•H- 11 GoorgelOlllll(7-l)n.LalCl-l),lm -CHJ.n.Dr\,tllllg5-illsC,.1),IIII llltto Cl-ll n.Slglil (5-S). 1111 Clm5ADirisioeH £.a,IYlow("-4).n.~TiwyC,.1),llllf ca,,.,(H)n,-O,...,C,.U.1- l.odal(H)n,WtiD(W),1111 Clm4ADirisioel lhtyIll (4-5) n.W..tC-.C,.l).lllt ._C,.l)n.t,-.,l(H),1111 Clm4ADirisioeH GidllogsSI.--•.._.,O·lln-0•1).1111 _..('"4)n,5-y(l,l),lllt ~Gnngo12,~Morqao7 Clm2ADlrirlaal Dlndllt51,c.t.-2l IIIJN41.Tlnl2t Clm2ADiri!INU ~(7-l)n,~(4,),1111 TAPPSDilisionl llogals CI-Un,Fart-ClwistiMC>--0. 111t STATE SCORES Dirisioo I ..,_111-Dislricta..."' ..,..Mid!MdlC!CliS.EP.._ ModWOod Jl Katy Tompldas. l5, Fort Bend 28 Clm"' DirisiooII .....8H>ls1rlct Ci1)1tiSCrffl<41, 21 - M<monal--Ide 211. Houston H'"ijhts 9 Katy Maydo 01'<1< ZI, Fort Bend 8tJSh 21 l,glla1Ylli-Cli!IJ1ct SA Nor1hsidt B<mnan 35.SA-ll 0...5.lDirisiool 11,giaolli-Dislrid AmaJllo44,,i,7 llcnllln Ryan 56, Gtanbwy 19 .....II. Rldllnl.._ Hills Bin!Ylk 34,Soglnow l7 Risml~43.MaRsflcldllmbffiiow lS ......llnc.asli'f.._44.ltwls>illl!lllrCGmn,2' ..,_IYl!i-OislrldcedarParlc 49,AuslinUCQlum l0 CC Miller 2&. lln>wnsvillo Pocc 21 SA YQgtWriZ. SA Hll-t 0...5.l Dirisiooll 11,giaD Ili-Dislrid Cont.Cillo 27. EP Andress 9 EP Hanks 34. EPAll!lio 14 ll!lialll-Disbid DdasSOUth oat Cliff 21. Uidlllllull7 fn5a> 44_ G"""1\'[Jh,1Z ll,glaa ■ BH>lslrid -4'.ll<d<rtMd 14 Clll& U Dilllilll 11,giaD Ili-Dislrid Mdrows 63. san Elizario 14 Clint MOllltain View 42. Big~l6 ..,..._s«nllOlt JS. F- 1 AtVylo56, Dalascarter Zl ~56,FWDtlnbar14 ......wacouv.g.n..._i.... WOrlht o.ndal 14. ICllgftO ...irman11argra>e49, Houston Rn6 l.lM1mtm134. Houston Wlloatlry 17 ..,..,a...4'...Dlwllloa n --56,_Bridg,part 14 Graham 59. Hillsboto 0 ..,..._Mid...t-49.Pfflyton7 Gimtr51,-C8 s.nnrv• 25, Plll5burg I] wacoc......ay 42. cantm 21 .....8Hllslrict lle! 42, WNl14e 20 Giddings 50, -IOll!WhmcrtO J05j)Cf51,5our - Hilnlln--Jcl!l'r!im127 U Gnngc 12. UMM<jUC 7 Wtsl01111gt-51111t56,~7.,._IY.,_ G<rmimoN>Yano45,Q)sblCi1yt Aockpc,t-Nloo61. PrOgn,so O ClmllDlrilloeI llglalli-Dislrid llfocl<24.Ciydot °""""'Ci'f 55.Amarilll-aiad 22 !liallow.ltor4G.KM!lt.2l ~ k~!'J,.~21 Jclf"""'.....■ -36. Ncw l.olldoo Wcsl Ru51< ll POIISl1on, 63, l<allp 0 llogi,a ■ 8i-Oislrid 0ockctt 49, Allalluac a Dl>olSG,Buna2 EISla-b<'rS42,COldq)riog 0alllwnl21 -llOrillgCkld 14 ll0y44, T<09JC 17 llogi,alVlli-Distrid EIN28.Paaolosl4 Gtor9f WCSIS5.COCllla6 47, Ric:t6 1111-Cliss3A-II llogi,alli-Dislrid -Illy'IS. Big 1-.Allogaft COOllty 0 cw.bii4i.BlagSZ2 Ci!co 41,Speannanl7 coahoma 6!1, ,11111,ony 7 cm.411,ld.llou)S.,..., Glrlter 53._ TIiiar7 Hll-47, AltalrR!co, Pamer 49, Hamilton 7 ...■ lll-lllslrict Big Sandy~(~51. W11l<wrighl 47 lltwtlln52, -lliatla42 logimlYIHlislrict CC-42.Nhoit5niloyl4 SIOClldaltl4,0dft1120 Cliss2A-I logim,111-Dislrid Hlwlry SB. Ollco 15 Lm!llly H, Wil!ICfS 1 New Deal~ Amlsllo Higllllnd P.111< 24 Post 54. santord-Ailch 0 logimlll-llisbict Ollills...15. 'M>Wteily 14 O'lwfonl ll.805q~7 SIii saba 57. Ri<sd 20 """...... 6!,C.,yuga 0 GIMtllft47. Timpson U Hltlcfon46.-,.llle7- Pricecarlslel7,Jcwotll.C!Gnlli logilalVlli-Distrid 1t011...,n_1~ t.&1Saft 41.11nll0 Sllinorn.Rffl 1 111oradalt 58,C,,,t" Poi'll ll W,lmar 35, Sanb Mara7 Cl&U 2A DM,ioon llgllalll-llislrld Slrallord 69. _._1, W'lll<61l, -·7 Alllnylogia· 5'. - r.a.s 7 ~ 21.crossPlains 1• W,lfmglDn Si, Eleclra u Whcdet 54, Aldlor Clly 47 w-..--53. _ 1, llglla ■ IIH>lslricl ~61.Rosll4 ~6!,-2!) MarlIll, santoga - HatdMI 14 -61.~16 llgllalYlli-Distrid Bremond50, Louiso 13 Qlilton_i;.111mn_21 . 0155!ASU-MM-I ll,gillllllHlistrict llalmorhoa5Z,GardoftClly28 -COUnlyQ.UCrton6 /Waloo--- SI.■ lli-lAld l.lird Hill l<Wfell'SChal)ol 12 Btlm 54. Pomn-Wholt 6 .._IYIIHlistrict ~•.Wki;3' r.uy56.110bertlffl a...asu-- ■ i.ytoo 51,-0 ---·~Gordon 66, !MOiii•Fanlindcl 21 comw. IDAS SUMMARIES MASON 41, TIIRAU. 2G 11wlll O 6 14 0 - 20 M.lSIOn 1014710 - 4I lirslqutor - - l.lllnl!)oJalGiddgoal - Kmlna(ID1ll>)Qki:I<) - - -Sna(~kid() ..._- KmZI nl1 O,IIJlllltja lactc) ---naTllrd.,. ·Hillna(lailodr..-) na- wtotllllll(1'kdlcicl() - - LJ!wl56!ildclolfrctin0obll¥klclc) H - All<ft7Bkidmllretlln(Mc,sl<op;m lramltl) - .....- l!m7llll(MonUlya l<i:lc) -TEAM STATIS1ICS-~D-goal TIii MAS 11111downs g 18 Rulhos-yanjs 20--42 4!1•294 Passing 63 24 ~ -Im 7172 3-&t P<tldies-y;n 315 7-55 Rlmbles l-2 l-0 l'llltS 2-24 0-0 NIVIIUM.SlAJlSllCS lal11 1lnll.wtol l lMO. TD: IMI l 2:ta 70.TO:IQIM.K-20IOI.TD:Ed&Ml5 !i7:Kmll·74-3TD5;-2·17';Yaldcz2-(-2). Passing - 11n1.Hil 7-17·2-63: - Km }HM. ~ Tllral.wasoo4 40:YltSI I 13: ~1-6:cnllbl..;.._,_.,_ l-12:WIISOAl4!:l<lrll\'l-4. THORNDAL£58, CENTER POINT 23 ~Allt O 1 S S - 2l ll1crndu! 20 25 7 6 - 58 lirslqutor TIIO - Hcra,g 511111(falod bck) TIIO caatilt91 1111 04<'nD9 ldckl TIIO - Mli,Unn(Melazlld() TIIO - IU>m s, run (lakd IUI) TIIO - Wtld4lpass l,...No,_(falod --·klcl) TIIO - caomlc 17 M (lllltd ltil TIIO - MCCOI l4run()Acrazlliclc) Ce!ll«-- Kld!easlOrun(\\JSLUnanll! ld<t)Tllrd.,. TIIO - Lindig I run (Menl kid() Ce!II« ,._- \!aladoz3run (l,lsamanlr run) TIIO Mor5lallorllrun~lolck) -~~- - Y.illldu ◄ run~IIII) TEAM STATISTICS CP 1110 17 20 50-2'1 35-◄95 0 0-H 1-2-0•• 2-25 IMO ),2 21 411 HI NJIV'IIIIALmn5llCS ......- CMrrPoinl.MildlfflSZS-253. TD: V>ladcll2'J6.2Tlll;1-~l2;­ +lll:~C.Ublt7•1515.2T0s;IUIID Ml.2TD,:l.ndlg 7-62.TD; MtCOf 6-58. TD: 1"'20gl·Sl.TD:--I-J5;-l21.TD: -2,0. P.....- ~~IKildlells•H-o; 111omdY,,-1·2-IHL Reai,t,g - TllorndJle. - CEDAR PlRK 49, MCCAU.UM 10 MCCaM 7]00 - 10 C<!darPark 1 21 1 14 - 49 Rnt-1« CO' C...CrM l4plS$ """'- (Boln,rkidc) MCC - 9IUwn 29 n,n(w,ma,,kldcl CEP - camorMSpmll'Qffl-(Boiaor kldc) --­CEP - Momsl1111(-kldc) CEP - S1-2n,n (Bolm-kldcl MCC - GtamanlOllcld!Jl'I 1»-d-­CEP - --2passl--(l!dww kidc)_......, CEP -Ha><unll<mat1du(BolnY kldc) CO' - Hauc;lt 1 n,n (llolnr kldc) TEAM S1AT1S11CS ""'lluft.toyanls- ~ Ill ]10 comp..\11 llll 12•24-0 24-32-e """65-ya,!s -1-29 s-(,0 41 I 0 PIJnlS +3' H NJIV'IIIIALSWlSllCS -..- Mccaiun.a-iD-91!.TD:~ -Hlt.-5-(1l: C<darl'n. _, 9515:-4'il.TD:Klr,g4 ll;Hor,cyl 12; SUldMCIJ•ll.TD: Hailglll I 7, TO;Jall,-J-l, -..- M<Calum.-ll·D+115; fanllq 1+0·16; c.darPn,H<mandol 19-26- 0 274; ICrUrg<r5-Hl6. ........- -m.~)5"0Mllar1 1•32; ~ 5-20;8nlwn Z◄; ~...,.._ camcnr,-2ros;-1-51:Homandoz 3·21: Adams2-U; H<ncy 3-16; Jobnson 2·14, 1D; co.:,,,y1u GIMllNGS 5e. HOUSTON KASHMERE 0 ._..Kashn,ro O O O O - 0 Giddings 14 16 1 ll SO QM!p- -lt1111(o,,dokidl) -..Rnt-­- _,_ lmmJal>lao (OIOC:iD lidO 5<cand"'"'1s ~ - -39run(OnldokW -..- Slf<ty Giddigs - Mims6run (Onlaokid() lllrd.-llr ~ --1""'(Onlaokldc) -111111111r G-.,- - 4M(,_kidl) ~ ·•00.S_S_nll (Orudokidc) TEAMSWlSTICS IASH CIDD l'lr,tdowns 2 20 _,.vds II 14 41263 Pa!lling IS 5J coo,p,NIIOt + 17 1 4-8•2 ~ 11-58 +20 4-3 42 05 H IDVIIUALSWlSllCS --..- -Kashrlll,ro. f!C¥l l-5; -2-l;lllm<rl •?;flm<ss-t:Wisoo ]{l); Jones6-Hl: N<fsm 6{ 14):Oldllogs. Jldrlc7·11.2Tll5:--Adilmsl-!6.2 TOs:Gil7◄ 1;D«sH7.lD;-2·U lD; lt;)dnguczZ.O:Ja121ail2-<-5l. P~- Hllustlll ~ flerks2-IJ.1'9; N<l5on2·lH<Jonos•HO: Giddingl.- 4-8-Hl, llocoi'llll!l - --.eo,,dHO; Wilson l '9; .IOIIOS H◄); Godcllgs. Klcinort 1·12: Adilms 115: - 1-9. TD: .-011. IA GRANGE 12. IA MARQUE 7 LaManp, 0 0 7 0 - 7 Laliriloge 6 0 0 6 - 12 Rntqut« 1£ - _,J)IIS r...Brandt(lilllod llld<) lallarqoe - lidsan l no1(Hipoi1Dlti) foor111-1N ---1£ ~lor1Sn11(fall>drun) TEAM STA11STlCS LU 1£ l'lr,tdowns 4 14 Ru!hoY,-.vds )D-101 41◄) Pming 2 143 COfflp-AlH11 1+1 9-20-1 --y,nls 9-81 S-35 l-1 H HI IDVIIUALSWlSllCS " --..-u~....,1-.Ndsal 9-ll,- lD;Rmil9:>nHII; AtidZ.r,0-SH; llGrango. ~ 18·51, TD: - !HO; Wkrsalll. , ....- 1.l~.H.alfordl HZ:ll Grancjt.Orancl,20-1·143. lloa!nilg - llM.ltque. -..Onl•Z:La Grongt.1...,11 l511:-ll6.TD:Rogcts I lO: CDII I tz: Wil<nsol I 7. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Bl-DISTRICT RESULTS AND AREA ROUND SCHEDULE ClmliADhlsioel am SA Dnlslotl 1 Tlliswed'ssoe1Me Wlmbctlcy (8-3) vs. Raymondville (10-1). Last -rs,esuts Last Wffll's re1111ts WMS (9 2) VS. Sharyt&ncl Pioneer (10•1). 7:lll p.m.

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