Data Collection Survey on Forestry Sector in India Final Report August 2011 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) IC Net Limited SAD JR 11-006 Survey location Map source: Magelan Geographix (1997) Map of India with survey locations i Abbreviations and acronyms AAP Aravalli Afforestation Project ADB Asian Development Bank APCCF Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest AR-CDM Afforestation and Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism BHS Biodiversity Heritage Sites BMC Biodiversity Management Committee BPL Below Poverty Line CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCA Community conserved area CCF Chief Conservator of Forests CDM Clean Development Mechanism CDW Community Development Works CEC Central Empowered Committee (of the Supreme Court) CER Certified Emission Reductions CF Conservator of Forests CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species COP Conference of Parties CPS Country Partnership Strategy DFO District Forest Officer DRDA District Rural Development Agency EC European Commission EDC Ecodevelopment Committee EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPA Entry Point Activity ESA Ecologically Sensitive Areas ETF Elephant Task Force EU European Union FAMS Fire Alert Messaging System FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FDA Forest Development Agency FIRMS Fire Information Resource Management System FRO Forest Range Officer FSI Forest Survey of India FUG Forest User Group GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GHG greenhouse gas GIS Geographical Information System GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GOI Government of India GPS Global Positioning System HPC High Power Committee IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICFRE Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education ICT information and communication technology ii IDA International Development Association IFS Indian Forest Service IGA Income generation activities IGNFA Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy IIFM Indian Institute of Forest Management IT Information Technology IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation JFM Joint Forest Management JFMC Joint Forest Management Committee JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MDG Millennium Development Goals MFP minor forest produce MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forests MOTA Ministry of Tribal Affairs MRV measurement, reporting, and verification NAP National Afforestation Programme NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate Change NBA National Biodiversity Authority NBAP National Biodiversity Action Plan NCA National Commission on Agriculture NDC National Development Council NGO non-governmental organisation NREGS National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme NTFP non-timber forest product ODA Official Development Assistance PBR Peoples Biodiversity Register PCCF Principle Chief Conservators of the Forest PDA Portable Digital Assistance PESA Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal REDD reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation RFBP Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Project SACON Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History SBB State Biodiversity Board SFDA State Forest Development Agency SFS State Forest Service SGP Small Grants Programme SHG Self Help Group SIDA Swedish International Development Authority TAP Tamil Nadu Afforestation Project TCPL Tree Cultivation in Private Land TOF trees outside forests UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change iii USAID United States Agency for International Development VCS Verified Carbon Standard VDF Village Development Fund VFC Village Forest Council VFDF Village Forest Development Fund VFPMC Village Forest Protection and Management Committee WB The World Bank WII Wildlife Institute of India WLPA Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 ZSI Zoological Survey of India List of local terms Adivasis Scheduled Tribes Gram Panchayat Village level primary unit of Panchayat Raj Institutions set up with minimum population of 300 Gram Sabha Village level governance body formed by adult male and female village residents whose names are recorded in the electoral rolls Panchayat Village council for local administration Panchayati Raj System of governance in which village councils are the basic units of administration Van Panchayats Village-level committee to manage community forest found in Uttarakhand State Currency equivalents (As of 1 August 2011) USD 1.00 = JPY 76.87 USD 1.00 = INR 44.86 INR 1.00 = JPY 1.75 iv Table of contents CHAPTER 1 Objective of the Survey ........................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Objective of the survey ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Survey strategies ......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Survey procedures and methods ................................................................................................. 1-2 CHAPTER 2 Current status of forestry and biodiversity and their institutional framework . 2-1 2.1 Current status of forest resources ............................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Status of biodiversity in India ..................................................................................................... 2-6 2.2.1 Ecosystem diversity ............................................................................................................. 2-6 2.2.2 Species diversity .................................................................................................................. 2-8 2.2.3 Other forms of biodiversity ............................................................................................... 2-11 2.3 Institutional framework for forestry and biodiversity conservation ......................................... 2-11 2.3.1 Development policies related to forestry and biodiversity conservation ........................... 2-11 2.3.2 Policies and laws for forestry and biodiversity conservation ............................................ 2-13 2.3.3 Organisations for forestry and biodiversity conservation .................................................. 2-29 CHAPTER 3 Current status of and issues in forestry and wood-based industries ................... 3-1 3.1 Trends of forest products market ................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Role of the private sector in Indian forestry ............................................................................... 3-5 3.2.1 Policy and regulatory environment for private sector participation .................................... 3-5 3.2.2 Farm forestry - a brief historical review .............................................................................. 3-7 3.2.3 Wood-based industries ....................................................................................................... 3-11 3.2.4 Corporate-farmer partnerships........................................................................................... 3-14 3.2.5 Case studies on farm forestry and wood-based industries ................................................. 3-16 3.3 Issues in the promotion of farm forestry and wood-based industries ....................................... 3-23 3.3.1 Laws and policies .............................................................................................................. 3-24 3.3.2 Works of market ................................................................................................................ 3-24 3.3.3 Technical development and extension ............................................................................... 3-26 3.3.4 Capacity development of forestry officials ....................................................................... 3-27 CHAPTER 4 Current status of and issues in Joint Forest Management ................................... 4-1 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Case study in Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan ................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.1 Survey methodology ............................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2.2 Survey results in Tamil Nadu .............................................................................................. 4-2 4.2.3 Survey results in Rajasthan ............................................................................................... 4-13 4.3 Implications in JFM implementation for future intervention ................................................... 4-25 4.4 JFM and Forest Rights Act 2006 .............................................................................................. 4-30 4.4.1 Implementation status of Forest Rights Act 2006 ............................................................. 4-30 4.4.2 Implications of Forest Rights Act 2006 on forest management ........................................ 4-31 4.5 JFM programmes and
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