;) f I D 'f ' J I I II r / “ / 7.' '! # ' *> — .zrw — ArtingB Deny Net Press Rim The Weather For Om Wedc Ended Thundenshowens deveSopbif June 11, 1066 thia evening, low near 60; aun- ny, rtigbtiy eootor tomorrow, high 80-88. 14,629 Manchester-—A City of Village Charm (CUealfled Advertlelng on Page IV) PRICE SEVEN CENTl MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1966 VOL. LXXXV, NO. 216 (TWENTY PAGES) Well Traveled - V . TOPEKA, Kah. (API — Arloa Wendland, 20, «tuck Buddhist Institute her monthly bank statement and canceled checks in the glove compartment last week And left her car lock- ed. with the windows rolled up. After- the tornado struck, Under Virtual Siege she found the car against a wall with a tree across it. The windows were gone and the glove compartment was open. Draft-Aged The State Savings Bank of Topeka got a letter from a farmer living near Stew- Protestors art.sville. about 25 miles east of St. Joseph, Mo., and 90 airline miles from To- Under Arrest ^ h ' peka. Elnclosed wa.s one of Miss SAIGON, South Viet WendlEind's canceled checks. Narri (AP) — Government security forces, with or- ders to give no quarter, State Neivs laid virtual siege to the Buddhist Institute today. With pistol shots and tear Pupils Put gas cliarges they cholted off dozens of demonstra- tions after a mob bumed Small Auto three .Jeeps and grabbed two submachine guns from In School American Military Police. TbW to arrest draft-aged dem- onstrators on the spot and send GREENWICH (API — tliem off to military service, What about the chassis of [ the small foreign car that troops and riot police carted away scores. Some were was found on the second clubbed, kicked and beaten. floor of Greenwich High Four hiuidred miles away to School ? the north, the chief of Premier School officials have found out Nguyen Cao Ky's Buddhist an- that it was the work of nine lagonlst.s, Thich Tri Quang, was seniors who hauled the vehicle- - in the seventh day of an anti- complete except for wheels and American, antigovernment engine—into the building and hunger strike. An aide said his used a block and tackle to get it conctition was “ weakening and (Herald photo by Ofiara) upstairs. very .serious.” A clandestine The seniors, all boys, have Buddhist radio, believed to be in They Headed the UConn Class been charged with disorderly a Hue pagoda, said Qtiang's E. James Cole Jr„ of 90 Pitltin St„ tliis year’s top-ranking graduate at tlie conduct and released in the cus- heart beat had become irregu- Going Two Ways at Once in Washington University of Connecticut, and Carolyn Lee McNamara, second highest tody of their parents. lar. scholar, display degrees after graduation ceremonies yesterday. Cole expects As school officials tell it, the President Johnson hands out a pen after signing a bill calling for construction On the ndiitary front, «Wef seniors managed to bring in the Intereat remained centered on to work with Dr. Frederick A. Streams, assistant professor of zoology, in of a third Coulee Dam power plant and behind him. Vice Ih-esident Humphrey chassis through the front door, the baittle of American and graduate school. Miss McNamara will study this fall for a Ph.D. in English lit- is receiving a new supply of pens from a presidential aide. (Story elsewhere on hoisted it to the balcony of the South Vietnamese troops erature at Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. (Story on page 2.) page). (AP Photofax) __________________________________ girl’s gymnasium \yy means of ____________________________ ___________ against North Vietnamese regu- block and tackle, and then lars on the Kontum plateau of the central highlands. A U.3. dragged it along the hall to the ^ § a 1 C J 1 spokesman said 466 of tbe ene- northeast comer of the building. C o U t l o n e d A b O U t S c a t l d a l Dodd Scores my were known dead. The U.S. One of the slogans decorating ------------------------------— — — Seven Wounded in Chicago the car reads: toll was reported to bo less thaa “ Made by elves in West Ger- Early Gains a tenth that. many” On tho milltaiy ftent, a Meredith Marchers WASHINGTON (AP) — spokesman for the 1st Brlgado Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D- of the U.S. 1019t Airborne Di- In Second Night of Riots Mrs. McConaughy Conn., won a couple of pre- vision estimated North Viet CORNWALL (AP) — Mrs. liminary arguments today Nam’s 24th Regiment, from Y A P ) C om - ^ng area along Division Street man, the others by stray Aots Elirabelti Rogers MeOonaughy, Move Forward Again in his $2-mllUon libel suit 1,400 to 2,000 men, hiaa lort widow of former Gov. James L. against columnists Drew leaders strove to- Humboldt Park said the fired by rioters, GRENADA, Miss. (AP) — about 130, mostly Negroes, had more than 1,000 killed in a inity rioting resulted from police bru After Monday night’s violence MeOonaughy, died Monday night Pearson and Jack Ander- Men and women of the Missis- bedded down Monday night on a week of fighting in the central m y to bring jwace to a tality to residents of the neigh- was brought under control, at her home. She was 78 years sippi civil rights march, after grassy campsite. They slept in son. highlands. Brig. Gen. Willard Fuerte Rican neighborhood borhood. Police denied any bru- leaders in the corrrmunity met old. Federal Judge Alexander being cautioned to avoid scan- revivalist-style tents, sleeping Pearson, the 'brigade com- where a second night of and appoointed a committee to Mrs. MeOonaughy, bom in Holtzoff denied a motion by tality. dalous behavior, stepped out bags, or rolled up in blankets. mander, told reporters he ex- rioting left seven persons seek a meeting with Mayor Branford, was graduated from the columnists’ lawyers that Thirty-seven arrests were today for another nine miles of Floyd B. Mckissick, a march pects the kill ratio to be 14 to Richard Daley. A spokesman Boardman High School of New the senator’s suit be dis- wounded. made Monday night and early walking and more voter regis- leader, admonished the group: 1 in favor of American and said the committee planned to Haven and attended Vassar Col- missed on the gfTOund the Hundreds of poiHce poured today, making a total of 81 tration efforts. “ Remember Selma? A man South Vietnamese troops. He inform Mayor Daley of the com- complaint is too prolix, Into the mile-square area on seized during the two nights of (See Page Sev-«i) The marchers, numl>ering got up in Congress after that said the enemy la “no longer a munity's problems and seek his repetitious and bulky. Chicago’s Northwest Side at violence. and said civil rights people are fighting force.’’ dusk Monday to quell renewed All seven of the wounded were help in improving relations be- immoral, that they were doing The judge disagreed with One of the vehicles destroyed Tiolenca that began Sunday Puerto Ricans. tween residents of the ;|rea and very personal things in the pres- the columnists’ argument in Saigon was a U.S. Military jright. Police said one of the police. ence of each other," McKissick that James P. Boyd Jr., dis- Police Je^. It was burned by LieadeM In the Spanish-speak- wounded was shot by a police- A sound truck manned by Why Fathers Day? said. affected former administra- an angry mob of 8,000 Budd- area leaders moved through the McKissick, national director tive assistant to Dodd, act- hists. Rangers and riot police neighborhood today appealing to of the Oongre.ss of Racial Equal- ed under a compellng legal beat them back. residents to stay off the streets ity, referred to accusations by obligation when he entered and avoid violence. Dads Answer Senator segregationist groups after the the senator’s office, remov- Whatever they intended to do Democratic and Republican Alabama march from Selma to ed hundreds of documentff' with them, the Buddhists within Police Leaders Rap precinct captains talcing part in Montgomery last year. His talk and had copies turned over the central Vien Hao Dao pago- today's statewide primary also drew laughs from the crowd, to Pearson and Anderson. da had two 46-caliber sub- ' were enlisted to plead with resi- Backing Special Day some of whom hsid been on that Warren Woods, counsel machine guns of U.S. make. Two American MPs left them Rules on Questioning dents to help maintain law and NEW YORK (AP)—Is this more than fathers, asked, “ Why march. for Anderson, contended order. The Mi.ssissippi march, start- Boyd would have been open behind in fleeing the mob that Father’s Day necessary? is it necessary to have a nation- burned their jeep, and youths WASHINGTON (AP) — Law What the court did in a 6-4 Large numbers of police pa- al Father's Day?” ed in Memphis, Tenn., by to a charge of misprison- That question, raised by Sen. took the guns to toe pagoda. anforcement officials tired a decision announced by Chief trolled the community as resi- Russell B. Long, D-L«., on the He got an answer in Atlanta James H. Meredith June 5, had concealment- of felony if nalvn of criticism today at the Justice Earl Warren was ruled dents eligible to vote went to the from Eldward D. Disney, a fa- covered 81 of the 225 miles to he had not divulged alleged Perhaps 3,000 to 6,000 Budd- floor of the Senate, was an- hists moved in and out of the Supreme Court’s new decision out of bounds in trials all in- polls.
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