"Hey, Mac, which Altoona station call letters, Information in following order: Location, call letters, Information in following order: Location, packs more punch, power, pep and channel, date granted, starting target dote, network channel, date granted, starting target dote, network and representative. and representative. person- Fort Worth, KTCO (TV) (20), 3/11/53- Unknown. Tacoma, KMO -TV (13), 12/10/52- 9/1/53, Branham. Galveston, KTVR (TV) (41), 11/20/52 -Late Summer, Early Vancouver (Wash.) -Portland (Ore.), KVAN -TV (21), Initial Fall '53. Decision 6/18/53. alities"? Harlingen, KGBS -TV (4), 5/21/53 -9/27/53 -CBS, Pearson. Yakima, KIT -TV (23), 12/4/52 -Aug. '53. Houston, KNUZ -TV (39), 1/8/53 -9/15/53- Forjoe. Houston, KTVP (TV) (23), 1 /8 /53- Unknown. WEST VIRGINIA Houston, KXYZ -TV (29), 6/18/53- Unknown. Beckley, Appalachian TV Corp. (21), 6/25/53- Unknown. "That's easy, Forjoe. Longview, KTVE (TV) (32), 2/5/53 -8/1/53- Charleston, WKNA -TV (49), 3/4/53- 9/1/53, Weed TV. Lubbock, KFYO -TV (5), 5/7/53 -Late '53, Taylor. Fairmont, WJPB -TV (35), 7/1/53 -1/1/54 -Gill- Perna. KTRE -TV (9), Taylor. Jack, Lufkin, 3/11/53 -1954, Parkersburg, WTAP (TV) (15), 2/11/53- 9/21/53. Marshall, Marshall TV Corp. (16), 6/25/53- Unknown. Wheeling, WLTV (TV) (51), 2/11/53 -Oct. '53. TV Co. naturally it's always . Midland, Midesso (2), 7/1/53- 11/1/53. Wheeling, WTRF -TV (7), 4/22/53- 10/1/53, NBC, Holling- San Antonio, KALA (TV) (35), 3/26/53- Unknown. bery. Sherman, KSHM (TV) (46), 3/4/53 -Late Summer '53. Temple, KCEN -TV (6), 1/29/53-10/1/53-NBC. WISCONSIN WV/"\1-,!f Texarkana, KCMC -TV (6), 2/5/53 -8/16/53, ABC, Taylor. Beloit, WRBJ (TV) (57), 2/11/53 -Fall '53, Clark. "It reaches more peo- Tyler, KETX (TV) (19), 1 /29 /53- Summer '53. Eau Claire, WEAU -TV (13), 2/26/53 -Fall '53, Hollingbery. Victoria, KNAL (TV) (19), 3/26/53- Unknown, Best. ple in central Penn- Milwaukee, WCAN -TV (25), 2/5/53-7/15/53, Taylor. Waco, KANG -TV (34), 11 /13 /52- Summer '53, ABC. sylvania with more Milwaukee, WOKY-TV (19), 6/3/53- 9/15/53, H -R Tele- Weslaco, KRGV -TV (5), 7/16/53- Sept., Oct. '53, NBC, vision. (1000 watts, Taylor. power Neenah, WNAM -TV (42), 12/23/52- 10/21/53, Clark. with Wichita Falls, KTVW (TV) (22), 11 /6 /52- Summer '53. day and night) WYOMING more of radio's best UTAH shows -CBS. Casper, KSPR -TV (2), 5/14/53- Unknown. Lake City, KUTV (TV) (2), 10/1/53 Salt 3/26/53. -ABC, Cheyenne, KFBC -TV (5), 1/23/53- 12/25/53, CBS. "That's why more local Hollingbery. and national spon- VIRGINIA ALASKA sors are putting their Charlottesville, WCHV -TV (64), 1/29/53. 9/1/53- Walker. Fairbanks, Kigglns 11 Rollins (2), 7/1/53 -Dec. '53. sales messages on Danville, WBTM -TV (24), 12/18/52 -Oct. '53, Hollingbery. WVAM." Hampton, WVEC -TV (15), 2/5/53- 9/19/53 -NBC, Ram - HAWAII beau. ARE YOU? Honolulu, American Bcstg. Stations Inc. (4), 5/14/53- Harrisonburg, WSVA -TV (3), 3/11/53- 9/1/53 -NBC, Unknown. Devney. Marion, WMEV -TV (50), 4/2/53- Unknown, Donald Cooke. PUERTO RICO Newport News, WACH (TV) (33), 2/5/53- Summer '53. Norfolk, WLOW -TV (27), 7/8/53- Unknown, ABC, Rados. Son Juan, WKAO -TV (2), 7/24/52 -1954, Inter-American, San Juan, WAPA -TV (4), Initial Decision 7/10/53. WASHINGTON ' Indicates noncommercial, educational station. Seattle, KOMO -TV (4), 6/10/53- 12/11/53, NBC, Hol- Note: Information provided by station executives, rep- lingbery. resentatives, networks and sources considered reliable. SRA Letter to FCC On Networks' Station Representation (See story this issue) WLWC July 17, 1953 Broadcasting Company and Columbia Broadcast- Docket #9080 ing System in actually further encroaching and projecting still additional encroachment upon Dear Mr. Chairman the station National spot representative field, This letter will supplement the original peti- and (3) the rapid growth in the number of tele- tion filed herein on September 29, 1947, by vision stations accelerates the development of Columbus' National Association of Radio Station Repre- practices which, permitted, will become industry sentatives, now Station Representatives Asso- fixtures. ciation, Inc. (1) The simple position of petitioner is that During November and December of 1948 and national networks already controlling most of January and March of 1949, the Commission en their independently owned affiliated stations' banc held extensive hearings on this matter and broadcast hours may not acquire and exercise entertained briefs and argument. further control over their time, business and dynamic On October 31st, 1949, the Commission took programming without running counter to sound intermediate action in placing certain network public policy and to the controlling policy if owned stations on temporary license pending not the specific letter of the Commission's net- the conclusion of this and other related matters. work regulations. The only real purpose sought Thereafter, the Commission concluded that no and achieved in these regulations was to lessen definitive action would be taken at that time, network control over the operations of their affiliated and to to those TV issues would be stations, restore sta- station and indicated that unresolved concluded after a general network investigation tions the minimum degree of control consistent then in contemplation. with licensee responsibility. The limitation of This latter and broader proceeding has not station hours controlled by networks is an es- been undertaken. Your petitioners, conscious of sential cornerstone of this basic policy. the great work load on the Commission, recog- Coupled with this policy is a basic tenet of ...with nize that such a general inquiry cannot be ex- the Communications Act itself, that radio broad- pected in the foreseeable future. This impels casting shall remain a freely competitive in- your petitioners to draw to your attention three dustry. It is axiomatic that the chief and only compelling factors (1) the issues herein are both direct competitor of network advertising and basic and simple and may feasibly remain iso- programming is that afforded through national central Ohio's lated from other network problems, and (2) a spot advertising. To suggest that this direct conclusion upon them has become urgent through competition is not restrained by network control recent and current action of the National of the latter is to urge that a network will compete with itself. Free competition is not Service built of such sheer fabric. only Client (2) In complete disregard for the Commis- sion and the proceeding before it, NBC and Columbia have recently acquired the national Over Holt Million Dollars a day Pouring spot representation of the following inde- Department to "plus" Field Alone! pendently owned and operated affiliated sta- from our East Texas Oil tions: (a) Television ED KFRO < I National Broadcasting Company "Voice of Longview" TEXAS your advertising 1. KPTV, Portland, Oregon BROADCASTING TELECASTING July 27, 1953 Page 111 .
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