D3518 2020 年第 22 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 22/2020 ENGLISH AUTHOR INDEX, 2019 009 6495 Arthur, Gordon 11381-11392 1957 & Co. (Hospitality) Arts Optical International Holdings Limited 2, 6496-6498 Limited 3328, 6583 51 Credit Card Inc 3284, 10675 Ascent International Holdings Limited 10714 9mouth 10676 Asia Cement (China) Holdings A-Living Services Co., Ltd 3285, 6524 Corporation 3329, 6584 A8 New Media Group Limited 3286, 6525 Asia Grocery Distribution Limited AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 3287 55, 6585-6586, 10715 AAG Energy Holdings Limited 3288, 6526 Asia Investment Finance Group Limited 3330 AB Builders Group Limited 3289, 10677 Asia-Pac Financial Investment Company abc Multiactive Limited 3290, 6527, 10678 Limited 6590 Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Asia Pioneer Entertainment Holdings Service 3291 Limited 3331 Able Engineering Holdings Limited 8, 6528 Asia Television Holdings Limited 3332, 10716 Ackland, Nick 3293-3304 Asiasec Properties Limited 3333, 10718 Adams, Penny 10685-10687 Atlinks Group Limited 3337, 6592-6593 Affluent Foundation Holdings Au, Louise 6615 Limited 19, 6551 Au, Man Hin 7568-7573, 11681-11682 Against Child Abuse Limited 10690-10691 Au, Rico Ka Man 10981 Agile Group Holdings Limited 3307, 6552 Au Yeung, Chi Kong 452 Agricultural Bank of China Aulas, Fred 11475-11476 Limited 3308, 10692 Aurum Pacific (China) Group AGTech Holdings Limited 20, 3309-3311, 6553 Limited 3338-3339, 6594 Ahsay Backup Software Development Austen, Jane 6595 Company Limited 3312, 6554, 10693 Ausupreme International Holdings AK Medical Holdings Limited 6555, 10694 Limited 6596 Al-Barghouti, Tamim 10695 Auto Italia Holdings Limited 3340-3341, 6597 AL Group Limited 3313-3314, 6556, 10696 Automated Systems Holdings Limited 3342, Alco Holdings Limited 22, 6557 10725 Alexander, L. G. 537, 7454 Auyeung, Pak Kuen 543 Alexander, Martin 6587-6589 AV Concept Holdings Limited 69, 6598 Ali, Abdul Azeem 66 AVIC Joy Holdings (HK) Limited 3343, 10726 Allied Group Limited 3316, 6558 Azar, Betty S. 6606 Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited 3317, 6559 B & S International Holdings Alline, Christophe 10815, 11184 Ltd 70, 10727-10728 Allison, Traci 4432 Ba, Kiara 694, 7136 Alltronics Holdings Limited 3318, 10697 Bacigalupo, Renato Sandoval 10729 Alpha Era International Holdings Baek, Seung-min 11549 Limited 24, 3319, 6560-6561 Baioo Family Interactive Limited 3344, 10730 Alphona, Adrian 4534 Baker, Dave 7976 Altus Holdings Limited 25-26, 6562-6563 Balpe, Anne-Gaelle 71, 10731 Amaral, Ana Luisa 10700 Bamboos Health Care Holdings Limited 3345 Amelin, Maxim 10701 Ban, Jung-won 4332, 4335, 4560 AMS Public Transport Holdings Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Limited 33, 10702-10703 3346, 6599 Amuse Group Holding Limited Bank of China Limited 3347, 6600 34, 6566, 10704 Bank of Chongqing Co., Ltd. 3348 An, Junseok 10917 Banmen, John 10733 An, Yanming 7561 Bansal, Shikha 4025, 4027, 4036-4042, Anchorstone Holdings Limited 6567, 10705 7278, 11497 Anxian Yuan China Holdings Limited 49, 6577 Bansal, Shiklha 4024, 4026 Ao, S. I. 3911, 7974, 12075 Bao Shen Holdings Limited 3350, 6601, 10734 Aoyuan Healthy Life Group Company Baoye Group Company Limited 6602, 10735 Limited 6578 Bar Pacific Group Holdings APAC Resources Limited 3326, 10710 Limited 72, 6603, 10736 Apex Ace Holding Limited 6579-6580 Barker, Thomas 10737 APT Satellite Holdings Limited 6581, 10711 Barker, Vicky 764-769 Arkhipova, Anastasia 11183 Baruzzi, Agnese 73-74, 10738 Arnauld, Marie-Helene 4112 Basetrophy Group Holdings Art Group Holdings Limited 3327 Limited 75, 3351, 6604-6605 2020 年第 22 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 22/2020 D3519 Basil, Krystia 10739 Borras, Laura 10739 Bauhaus International (Holdings) Bortex Global Limited 88, 3368, 6630, 10759 Limited 77, 6607 Boyde, Nic 11698 BaWang International (Group) Holding Bradley, Jennie 3293-3300 Limited 3352, 10740 Bradley, Mary King 379, 456, 12114 Bbluesky Company Limited 467, 688, 785, Brainhole Technology Limited 11842 3369, 6631, 10760 Bbluesky company limited 11417 Brennan, Sarah 91 Beautiful China Holdings Company Breshears, Guy 6637, 10762 Limited 6608, 10741 Brezovec, Jelena 11410 Beijing Enterprises Environment Group Bright Smart Securities & Commodities Group Limited 6609, 10742 Limited 92, 6638 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Brilliant Circle Holdings International Limited 6610, 10743 Limited 3375, 10763 Beijing Enterprises Medical and Health Brockman Mining Limited 3376, 10765 Industry Group Limited 6611-6612 Brook, Stephanie 3377 Beijing Enterprises Water Group Bruce, Andrew 3632-3633, 6837-6838, 10975 Limited 6613, 10744 Bruya, Brian 7561 Beijing North Star Company Limited 3353 Bruyns, G. 6501-6504 Beijing Properties (Holdings) Bu, Hee-ryung 10766 Limited 3354, 10745 Buchtel, Henry 3993 Beijing Sports and Entertainment Industry Build King Holdings Limited 3390, 6642 Group Limited 3355 Byrnes, Andrew 7115 BeijingWest Industries International C Cheng Holdings Limited 95, 6650-6651 Limited 6614, 10746 C.P. Lotus Corporation 3392-3393, 6652, 10779 Belvery, Emily 10747 C.P. Pokphand Co. Ltd. 10780-10781 Bennett, Andrea 7604, 7606, 7616-7617, C.P. Pokphand Company Limited 3394 7619, 7624, 7626, 11711-11712, 11725 C&D International Investment Group Bentley, F. P. 10996-10998 Limited 3395, 10782 Bertelle, Nicoletta 11143-11144 C&N Holdings Limited 96, 3396-3397, Bervin, Jen 10748 6653, 10783 Best Pacific International Holdings CAA Resources Limited 3398, 10784 Limited 3356, 10750 Candra, Waris 3579 BExcellent Group Holdings Limited 10752 Candy 10791 Beydoun, Abbas 10753 CandyCafe 7470 BGMC International Limited 81 Canizales 3399-3404 Bhawarney, Mohan 351 CanSino Biologics Inc 10792 Bickley, Gillian 413, 7502 Canvest Environmental Protection Group Bickley, Verner 7502 Company Limited 10793 Biedrzychki, Milosz 10754 Capital Environment Holdings Billy 6617 Limited 3414, 6655 Binder, Eric 11033 Capital VC Limited 98, 6656 Biosino Bio-Technology and Science CAR Inc 3415, 10794 Incorporation 82, 6618-6620 Carino, Alfie Fiel 6657 Birmingham, Christian 10999-11000 Carlain, Noe 10795 Birmingham Sports Holdings Limited 3359 Carrianna Group Holdings Company Bisu Technology Group International Limited 99, 6658 Limited 6621, 10755 Carroll, Vanessa 6935 Blandiana, Ana 10756 Carry Wealth Holdings Limited 3416, 10796 Blass, Laurie 5-6, 6623 Carter, Andrew 100 Bliss, Harper 84-86, 6624 Casablanca Group Limited 6659-6660 Bll Railway Transportation Technology Cavusgil, S. Tamer 11327 Holdings Company Limited 3360, 6625 CBK Holdings Limited 102-103, Blumberg-Kason, Susan 350 6661-6662, 10798 BOC Aviation Limited 3361-3363, 10757 CCID Consulting Company BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited 104, 6663-6665 Limited 3364-3365, 6626 CCT Fortis Holdings Limited 6666, 10799 Boczar, Peter 3366-3367 CEFC Hong Kong Financial Investment Boill Healthcare Holdings Limited 87, 6627 Company Limited 3417, 10800 Bokhary, N. P. J. 50, 67-68, 93, 10721-10724 Celebrate International Holdings Bonjour Holdings Limited 6628-6629 Limited 105-106, 3418 Boobyer, Matthew 3862 D3520 2020 年第 22 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S. S. NO. 4 TO GAZETTE NO. 22/2020 Central Wealth Group Holdings Chan, Yat Yuet 4300-4301 Limited 6667, 10802 Chan-Yeung, Moira M. W. 10814 Centre for Catholic Studies 107, 3419 Chan, Yi-kwan 815 Centurion Corporation Limited 3420, 10803 Chan, Yuk 4300-4301 Century City International Holdings Chang, Jing Jing 3428 Limited 3421, 10804 Chaoda Modern Agriculture (Holdings) Century Ginwa Retail Holdings Limited 3429 Limited 108, 6668 Chapman, Ryan 495-499, 516-517, 7391-7400, Century Group International Holdings 7429-7434, 11521-11532 Limited 6669 Char, Evelyn 4338, 11949 Century Sage Scientific Holdings Chardin, Alexandre 10815 Limited 3422, 10805 Chau, Steve 3608-3610 Cevik, Ben 7607, 7621, 11502 Chau, Winnie 4014-4017, 4054-4061, Cevik, Benjamin 7186-7191, 7290-7293 7305-7310, 11505 CGN Mining Company Limited Chen, Albert H. Y. 3439 109, 6670-6671 Chen, Albert Hung-yee 401 CGN New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. Chen, Caiwen 6680 3423, 10806 Chen, Dongji 111 Cha, Louis 10807 Chen, Fu 6681 Chaffetz, David 10808 Chen Hsong Holdings Limited 112, 6682 Chai, Andrew 10809 Chen, Huilan 113 Chai, Po Kwong 4296-4297 Chen, John 268 Champion Alliance International Holdings Chen, Lee Hang 3969 Limited 3424, 10810 Chen, LiDong 406, 7237, 7264, 7701, Chan, Amy 3608-3610, 10811 7879, 8022 Chan, Andrew C. F. 12006 Chen, Nana 114 Chan, C. K. 4116 Chen, Ruiwen 7962 Chan, C. Y. 3409-3411 Chen, Steve 3440-3441, 4286, 11798 Chan, Cathy 6672 Cheng 3412-3413 Chan, Chok Ki 3425 Cheng, Angel 32, 218, 408, 3660, 3927, Chan, Dom 6673-6674 6863, 11374 Chan, Eddy Kwan Lap 10812 Cheng, Antonia 7914-7917 Chan, Eugene Levi 6797, 7979 Cheng, Domingo 31, 188, 218, 3660, Chan, Gloria 11107 6564, 6863, 7693 Chan, Iris K. N 3877 Cheng, E. 3430-3438, 11238-11249 Chan, Jeff 45 Cheng, Jacky 89, 115-118, 273, 487, 784 Chan, Johannes S. C. 7115 Cheng, Ming Chun 229 Chan, Josephine 6550 Cheng, Nga Yee 11622-11680 Chan, Kara 11989 Cheng, Norman 10921 Chan, Karina 3996-4012, 7266-7270, Cheng, Vincent Shing 3442 11487-11492 Cheng, W. K. 4114-4115 Chan Kong, Siu Wai 3447 Cheng, Xin-Ying 3823 Chan, Lai Kiu 10935 Cheng, Xin Ying 3819 Chan, Laur 11717-11718, 11720-11721, Cheon, Eun-sil 10766, 11838 11731-11732, 11734 Cheong, Sheridan 10816 Chan, Leila 6675 CHerish Holdings Limited 119 Chan, Libby Lai-pik 6864-6865, 7482 Cheuk, Kai-chung 7473 Chan, Nok 4298-4299 Cheuk, Wing Nam 120 Chan, P. F. 3879-3892 Cheung, Amy 3443 Chan, Phil 726 Cheung, Chan-fai 121, 3444 Chan, Queenie 7691 Cheung, Clara 6845 Chan, Rev. Edmund 3426 Cheung, Irving 4028-4031, 11498 Chan, Richard 3579 Cheung, King 616-618 Chan, Shelby 390 Cheung, Michael 12123 Chan, Sherlynn G. 6676 Cheung, Rachel 122 Chan, Shing Kau 3427 Cheung, Stephanie 6794 Chan, T. K 6677 Cheung, Stephen 10818 Chan, Tommy 6678-6679 Cheung, Wai Kwok 10819 Chan, W. K. 11212-11237 Chi, Aaron 6683 Chan, Wing 12077 Chi Ho Development Holdings Chan, Woon Kei 11608, 11613-11614 Limited 123-124, 6684, 10820 Chan, Wyinne 10813 Chi, Pang-yuan 11482 2020 年第 22 期憲報第 4 號特別副刊 S.
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