This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com Rel.eased nnder the John F. Kennedy Assass1nat1on Recora:s ClJll::i!i::iFfu-.-i-KcSf -'0¥1992 -( 44 1JS"C-=2""10TBiitE!)..,,c DATE: 11-14-2017 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/21/201 Identification Fonn Agency Infonnation AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: _124-10216-1 0388 RECORD SERIES: HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 105-114543-286, 287 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO : DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/11/1969 PAGES : 17 SUBJECTS: JURE, ASSOC, MEETING, ASST, CUBAN REFUGEES DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Secret RESTRICTIONS : 1B; 4 CURRENTSTATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 05/1311998 OPENING CRITERIA : INDEFINITE COMMENTS : INC 2 LHM, A/T v9 .1 16 Docid:32296112 Page 1 Rele-ased uiuter Ute\JOJm F. Kenp,edy Assassination ReoordsColleo""ffiiJL:Ac.. Cu£f9~ -:-r-:t-.r · ns"C - 2fOTTol:eT: DATE: 11-l\l~2017 ~ c ~ - - _r\ ' - _} A;; v. 5-22-64) .. \ .0 J/'.; '1 ;:;~(j 1i·v: UJ 0&r/!} !I \~ I \ FBI I I Date: 6/11/69 I I Transmit the following in -------___,.,~-~---~...,....---------11 (Type in plaintext or code) I AIRTEL I Via · -- · - - __ . (Priority) ..i 1 /J ----~,------:~:~0~~-F~~-:1~:~1:;~~------~~-~~~- - , - tpr-~1:/ ~~ ( FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105-666l)(C) SUBJECT: ej?UNTA REVOLUCIONARIA ~~NA \:CUB'AN""tiEVotUT loN'AltY"'J~T (JURE) f'~- · ()' IS - CUBA (____/-\ RA - CUBA Re Miami airtel to the Bureau, dated 4/11/69. Enclosed herewith are nine copies of an LHM, dated and captioned as above. The LHM has beenclassified confidential to protect a source of continuing value to the national security of the United States. in the enclosed ~~Bureau (Enc 9)(AMSD)(RM) 3 - , Miami !:' (1 - )05~729) (Fo~ign Political Matters - Venezuela) L (1 -t:l34t!:l98 SubA)(¢0) rf-11~ .REC-86 - _ JEM/ c . · ,--- ' -r-s.D·ot.-A. :1 /.!r jt/Lrt/2 (5) mg S, t_ate/CI~;J 1¥•~/RAO.~ _ --..;·-~~- --- ""v~ 7v 7 J Army/Navy/Air Force/DIA,_£ LISJ/ _ ~ ~ 1 C. inator ·or Cuban Affairs, State JUN - I • 1 3 1969 Doold:32296112 Page 2 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act o:f 1992 ( 44 USC- ..2107 No'te) .­ DATE: 11-14-2017 < ( ,; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to File No. 105-6661 Miami, Florida June 11, 1969 Re: AI.t ttlFOl\M.A.T!ON' COWl'A!NO HE!REtN 1 S UNCL.ASSIFito .E:XCEP'! WHERE SHO'IVN OTHERWISE On June 11, 1969, a Cuban National residing in Miami who is personally acquainted with members of JURE, advised that on Saturday, June 7, ~ a meeting of JURE members was held in the home of SA~IO,. Z~Q.....§J! .. 3]~. ... _ Str:~~L.J.-~z-!cl£.r_;i., .<;l. c:t.,!!.~DRO ENTENZJ\. made a report on ~' the recent meetl.ngtn'a'-i:he- had with President RAFAEL CALDERA of Venezu··e la. The mee};.ng was held in Caracas, Venezuela, on Ma~ 31, 1969.~~J .. In ~t_t.¢ndance at t~ mee~· on June . 7.. , .19.69,. · addition to EN~N· mereLOSORI . VILA, HERIBERTO .£0R!Jl,,;u LO~NZ. · .: UIZ ~IJ.11 of .wh· m are memb~ersofJ'URE, ". S'.AitA 'tmio an.d 1!-I~. · - ] (JI?(s) · . •• - ,· ' ~- ' I ENTENZA is currently residing in the Washington, D.C. area and is a member of the Foreign Language Department of the University of Maryland. He reported to the group that he and JAVIER PAZOS met with President CALDERA at the home of LORENZO FERNANDEZ, Minister of the Interior of Venezuela. At the meeting.were ENTENZA, PAZOS, President CALDERA, Minister FERNANDEZ and. BOZA :MASVIDAL, former Auxiliary Bishop in Havana who is now residing in Caracas, Venezuela.-~) (it) JAVI~ PAZOS is th~ son of FELIPE PAZOS, former President of the National Bank of Cuba during the first year of FIDEL CASTRO's regime. PAZOS is now working for the Government of Venezuela in the Office of the Coordinator of Economic Affairs. · €h eap l: litfcluded fi em au*om£Uic . scr·ftgz ad ing &Rt.i­ tleclassl.±ic~ttoa IDocid' 3;~:6112 Page 3 ·Released under the John F. o:t 1:9.2_~rT:t4 usc 21o'17H_ote r. DATE: 11-14-201J · .. -------- -<.,.)./ FD-36 .(Rev. 5-22-64) ;;:- .~ 1 ~~ I ~ I I I FBI ·I I ~11/69 I I Transmit the following in -------.----;:;::----:---:--:---_;__--:--:----------ill (Type in plaintext or code) I Via __~A~I~R~T~E~L=----- -----------=--:-~~-------~~ . (Priority) 1 (/ -------------------------------------------.--:. ...:. ~--- ~---- TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (105-11~543) ~~~- / FROM: dAC, MIAMI (105-6661) (C) n ,i. SUBJECT: '-JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA ~., (CUB~REVOLlJT'fON.A'RY"JiJNrA -"(JURE) ALL lNFvf\MATION CONTAINED Is-~ CUBA HEREIN IS UNCLJ.SSJFLED RA - CUBA EXCEPT WhERE SWW'N OTH.ERWISb.: Enclosed herewith' are nine copies of an LHM, dated and captioned as above. / ...L ..,/""',_/· The LHM has been classified "CONFIDENTIAL" to · L./~:f'otect a source of continuing value to the nat ion~l ~ _ecurity of the United States. J: r; LSJ- jhe source referred to in the ~nclosed LHM is -erM1 .;_11'1ss. (}() S) -CLASSiF!f=DBY .. L"-f .S'"~~ ! ~ DECLhSr;;rl: ijJ;fiffi~ I l ~~ ,) ~l. Bureau (En«7~tF9) (RM) (AMSD) . I 3 - Miami ft$1 " .. -.' (1 - 105~'f29) (FOREIGN POLI'iriCA~.; _, .!_ . MATTERS -'VENEZUELA) (1 ...a(l34-'il98-Sub AYI"L~) JEM: fs s~o/~ ·~~ /RAr.L~t!Lj£.CJP.E.eiPA1oR. CuB11AJ A/tlJiR5 ( 5) - ID:_"f-19 t-EA -. By R/s~-;ili'r Tufo ~ j{)o -J/tjSL 3 ~J/J? • Date_~_[] '-'-~------By_{(!(~ -~""t---.-~- ... _ :Copy t · • .Eo· Icc. 19/Rte t:f-EucL ·- =1 c ...-~ by ro~1 g sHp ftbii.l e ~ t,t,S b~ [dfl~ . ~ ll APR 16 .1969 I t2r'lnfo 0 achon .. (!CUI l date ' _'/_ {:, 9 '!J~-;;:-::---- I·II by I ) I I r ' v ( \ I Docid:32296112 Page 4 FEDERAL BU R E AU OF INVE STI G ATIO;\ Jr~ N t p~y, PlPase Refer to Miami, Florida Pi/., No. 105-6661 April 11, 1969 Re: JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY JUNTA) '·411 INForu.t~TroN coNtH~ED . (JURE) BERElN IS UNCLJ\ SS'IFIRD EXCEPT WH:E:{E. SHOWN ' INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA OIH£RW1SE . REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA On April 8, 1969, a Cuban National residing in ' Miami who is personally acquainted with members of JURE J advised that on April 5, 1 ~ meeting of JURE members I was held in the ho e of SARA IO, 7730 S. W. 31st~ Street. ,. l ~~~=~·a! 1 ~tt~~~a ,roS~:~nf A~. ~LA~:r. ~\1E~Ro o~~~ "~ \. I SARA OD I 0, L tNO 7;pEREZ, d LORENZ UI • :iNTENZA is / \ · currently res · ing in the Washi on, D. C. area and sa member of the Foreign Language Department of the University \ of Maryland. He called the meeting and made the trip from \ Washington, D. C., to Miami, Florida, to advise the organi- zation that through JAVIER ', ' PAZ~ ~:~!.in.. g had been. aa:ranged for the JURE leadership wit'h RAFA.I!IL~ERA,1 President of Venezuela. ~ . - ----·-· · · --JAVIER I AZOS is the son of FELl~, former President of the . ional Bank of ~.Y.QA, during the first year of FIDEL CASTRO regime. JAV'RR PAZOS is now wo'rking for the government of Venezuela in the office of the Coor­ dinat or of Economic· Affairs. Hls duties requi:re him to divide his time between Caracas, Venezuela, and Washington, D. C. The purpose of the meeting between JURE leadership and President CALDERA is to discuss the problem of the Cuban refugee and to determine what . commitment~ the Venezuelan gove rnment would be willing to make ·:Lrt assistance to Cuban refugees. ~U) /I I · ENI'ENZA stated that he and JAVIER PAZOS would meet ! with President CALDERA in Caracas, Venezuela, on April 16, ! I 1969. ENTENZA further advised that the contemplated meeting 9()(0 j; II ji I ' i · Ji Docid:32296112 Page 5 d Collection Aot o:f 1992 (44 USC 2107 Note). '· Release d un d e r the. John F · Kennedy Assassination Reoor. s DATE: 11-i4-2017 UNITEDD STATES DEPAHTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUR E AU OF INVESTIGATIOi\ In Uq.ty, PlPase R..Jer to Miami, Florida f'£ft., No. 105-6661 April 11, 1969 Re: JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY JUNTA) AI,t INFORMATION CONTAINED (JURE) :a1R:EIN IS UNCLASSIFIED i!:ICEPT WHERE SHOWN INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA D~~ISSI'Jy OTHERWISE REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA On April 8, 1969, a Cuban National residing in Miami who is personally acquainted with members of JURE advised that on April 5, 1969, a meeting of JURE members was held in the home of SARA O:iHO, '?,130 S. W. 31~t,;? Street, Miami, Florida. J!j~~ttendance were{J?EDRO ENT. EN. ZAJ· ,.JJw~ acted as C~irman,~ORIO DAVILA, HERIB~R0 DEL PORTO ) SARA ODIO,~tNO PEREZ, and LORENZO RUIZ. ~ NTENZA is currently residing in the Washington, D. area and s a member of theForeign Language Department of the University of Maryland. He called the meeting and made the trip from Washington, D. C., to Miami, Florida, to advise the organi­ zation that through JAVIER PAZOS, a meeting had been arranged for the JURE leadership with RAFAEL CALDERA, President of Venezuela.~ · JAVIER PAZOS is the son of FELIPE PAZOS, former President of the National Bank of Cuba, during the first year of Fli!lEL CASTRO's regime.
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