
aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Nothobranchius nubaensis (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae) a new annual killifish from Sudan and Ethiopia Stefano Valdesalici 1, Marc Bellemans 2, Kiril Kardashev 3, Alexander Golubtsov 4 1) Via Cà Bertacchi 5, 42030 VianO (RE), Italy. E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] 2) MOrtselsesteenweg 138, 2540 HOve, Belgium 3) Stramna 4, 2600 Dupnitsa, Bulgaria 4) LabOratOry Of LOwer Vertebrate EcOlOgy, A.N. SevertsOv Institute Of EcOlOgy & EvOlutiOn, Russian Academy Of Sciences, Leninskii Pr. 33, MOscOw119071, Russia Received: 19 March 2009 – Accepted: 04 July 2009 Abstract Résumé A new species Of annual killifish, Nothobranchius nubaensis , Une nOuvelle espèce de killy annuel, Nothobranchius is described based On specimens cOllected frOm ephemeral nubaensis, est décrite sur base de spécimens cOllectés dans water bOdies in central Sudan and sOuth -west EthiOpia. The des pOches d’eau tempOraires du centre du SOudan et du new species is distinguished frOm the Other members Of the sud-Ouest de l’EthiOpie. La nOuvelle espèce se distingue des Nothobranchius ugandensis species grOup by the fOllOwing autres membres du grOupe Nothobranchius ugandensis par cOmbinatiOn Of characters : 17-19 dOrsal fin rays; 17-19 anal la cOmbinaisOn des caractéristiques suivantes: 17 à 19 fin rays; 29-30 scales in median lateral series; dOrsal and anal rayOns dOrsaux; 17 à 19 rayOns à l’anale, 29 à 30 écailles fins in males with shOrt filamentOus rays; pelvic fins shOrt, dans les rangées latérales médianes; dOrsale et anale tips reaching the anus; Orange red head with three distinct des mâles avec de cOurts rayOns filamenteux; pelviennes Oblique bars On the Operculum ; dOrsal fin light blue with a cOurtes, les extrémités tOuchant l’anus; tête rOuge Orange pattern Of irregular Orange -red spOts and elOngated yellOw avec trOis barres Obliques nettes sur l’Opercule; dOrsale spOts in distal areas; anal fin yellOw, light blue at base, with a bleu clair avec un patrOn irrégulier de taches rOuge-Oran- pattern Of Orange -red spOts; pelvic fins yellOw with a pattern ge; pelviennes jaunes avec un patrOn de taches rOuge Of Orange -red spOts; pectOral fins Orange -red with a light blue Orange; pectOrales rOuge Orange avec un liseré bleu clair; margin; caudal fin Orange -red with shOrt pale Or dark red caudale rOuge Orange avec de petites lignes rOuges pâles Ou lines , extending frOm fin base OntO fin rays. fOncées s’étendant de la base de la nageOire jusqu’aux rayOns. Zusammenfassung Eine neue Art der einjährigen Killifische: Nothobranchius Sommario nubaensi, wird auf der Basis vOn Exemplaren beschrieben, Una nuOva specie di killifish annuale, Nothobranchius die in kurzzeitigen Wasserlöchern im Zentralsudan und in nubaensis, è descritta sulla base di esemplari raccOlti in cOrpi SW-ÄthiOpien gesammelt wurden. Sie unterscheidet sich idrici tempOranei del Sudan centrale e dell’EtiOpia sudOcci - vOn anderen Angehörigen der Nothobranchius-ugandensis- dentale. La nuOva specie si distingue dagli altri membri del Artengruppe durch die fOlgende Merkmale: 17-19 Rück - cOmplessO di specie Nothobranchius ugandensis per la se- enflOssenstrahlen; 17-19 AfterflOssenstrahlen; 29-30 guente cOmbinaziOne di caratteri: 17-19 raggi dOrsali; 17-19 Schuppen in median-lateralen Reihen; die dOrsalen und raggi anali; 29-30 scaglie lungO la serie mediana laterale; analen FlOssen bei Männchen mit kurzen fadenförmigen pinna dOrsale e anale nei maschi cOn brevi raggi filamentOsi; FlOssenstrahlen; BauchflOssen kurz, die Spitzen reichen bis pinne pelviche brevi, cOn le punte che arrivanO finO all’anO; zum After; OrangerOter KOpf mit drei deutlichen schrägen capO rOssO-aranciO cOn tre distinte barre Oblique sull’Oper - Streifen auf dem Kiemendeckel; RückenflOsse hellblau mit cOlO; pinna dOrsale blu chiarO cOn un mOtivO di macchiOline einem unregelmäßigen Muster OrangerOter Flecken und irregOlari rOssO-aranciO e macchie allungate gialle nelle aree länglichen gelben Flecken im distalen Bereich; AfterflOsse distali; pinna anale gialla, blu chiarO alla base, cOn un gelb, hellblau am Grund, mit einem Muster OrangerOter mOtivO di macchiOline rOssO-aranciO; pinne pelviche gialle Flecken; BrustflOssen gelb mit einem Muster OrangerOter cOn un mOtivO di macchiOline rOssO-aranciO; pinne pettOrali Flecken; BrustflOssen OrangerOt mit hellblauem Rand; rOssO-aranciO cOn un margine blu chiarO; pinna caudale SchwanzflOsse OrangerOt mit kurzen blassen Oder dunkel - rOssO-aranciO cOn brevi linee pallide O rOssO scurO che si rOten Linien, die sich vOn der FlOssenbasis bis zu den estendOnO dalla base della pinna finO ai raggi. FlOssenstrahlen erstrecken. 143 aqua vOl. 15 nO. 3 - 20 July 2009 Nothobranchius nubaensis (CyprinOdOntifOrmes: NOthObranchiidae) a new annual killifish frOm Sudan and EthiOpia INTRODUCTION peduncle length , which is measured frOm the pOste - The freshwater fish fauna Of Sudan is pOOrly riOr end Of the anal fin base tO the pOsteriOr end Of knOwn. It was studied by SandOn (1950a, 1950b, the hypural plate ; eye diameter , which is measured 1957) and mOre recently by Bailey & Hickley between anteriOr and pOsteriOr Orbital walls ; and (1986 ), Hickley & Bailey (1987) , Lévêque et al. snOut length , which is measured frOm the anteriOr (1991), and Bailey (1994). The freshwater fish fauna tip Of the lOwer jaw tO the anteriOr edge Of the Of EthiOpia is better knOwn (Tedla 1973, Tedla & Orbital wall. Measurements were taken with digital Meskel 1981, Dgebuadze et al. 1994, GOlubtsOv et callipers tO the nearest 0.1 mm, partly under a dis - al. 1995, de Graaf et al. 2000). secting micrOscOpe. All measurements and cOunts Nothobranchius virgatus Chambers, 1984 is the were taken frOm the left side. All visible rays Of the Only species Of Nothobranchius , which has been dOrsal and anal fins were cOunted. The cOunts Of described frOm Sudan. It was cOllected in OctOber scales On the median lOngitudinal series is the num - 2008. FrOm EthiOpia it is knOwn frOm Gambella, ber Of scales between the superiOr junctiOn Of the Obela Stream , near the rOad frOm Gambela tO GOg Opercular membrane and the hypural plate . The (J. Friel , pers. cOmm.). scales On the base Of the caudal fin were cOunted sep - On 5 December 2002, live specimens Of a red arately. All measurements are presented as percent - species Of Nothobranchius were cOllected by M. Belle - ages Of standard length (SL); except Of eye diameter mans in KhOr AngarkO (which is part Of the KhOr and snOut length, which are given as percentage Of Abu Habl system ), SOuth KOrdOfan , abOut 21 km head length (HL). TerminOlOgy fOr the cephalic sOuth Of Dilling and 100 km nOrth Of Kadugli (Belle - neurOmast series fOllOws Scheel (1968) , the frOntal mans 2003). This species was prOvisiOnally described squamatiOn fOllOwing HOedeman (1958). as N. nubaensis (Bellemans 2003), but this name is Type specimens and additiOnal material is nOt available, fOr the fOllOwing reasOns: (1) the men - depOsited in the fOllOwing institutiOns:, Musée ROyal tiOn Of a “prOvisiOnal descriptiOn ” may questiOnably de l’Afrique Centrale , Tervuren, Belgium (MRAC ); be cOnsidered tO viOlate ICZN Article 16.1; (2) nO Natural HistOry Museum, LOndOn, UK (BMNH ); type has been designated in the paper, the authOr Muséum NatiOnal d’HistOire Naturelle, Paris, France rather states “types will be designated …”. Article (MNHN ); ZOOlOgical Museum, MOscOw State Uni - 16.4.1 Of the ICZN clearly requires an “explicit fixa - versity, MOscOw, Russia (ZMM ); SOuth African tiOn Of a hOlOtype, Or syntypes ”, even if nOt immedi - Institute fOr Aquatic BiOdiversity, GrahamstOwn, ately depOsited. The paper mentiOns several speci - SOuth Africa (SAIAB ); and, MuseO CivicO di StOria mens withOut giving numbers. The name N. nubaen - Naturale “G. DOria ”, GenOva, Italy (MSNG ). sis is nOt a “nOmen nudum ” as a descriptiOn is given, COmparative material is listed in Blache & MitOn but an “anOplOnym ” accOrding tO DubOis (2000). (1960), Chambers (1984, Rahad el Fula pOpulatiOn), In NOvember 2005 and NOvember 2006, K. Kar - and Wildekamp (1995) . Further cOllectiOns exami - dashev and Others cOllected specimens Of red nated include: StefanO Valdesalici private cOllectiOn: cOlOured Nothobranchius in KhOr Maada Mulaha , Nothobranchius robustus , 4 males, 31,7-36,3 mm SL, belOnging tO the Wadi Al Ghallah system (Karda - Uganda, KalisizO 0°33’S 31°36’E ; N. rubroreticula - shev 2007 a , b). In NOvember 1986, NOvember tus , 2 males, 34,3-36,9 mm SL, Tchad, ZakOuma 1994 and December 2006, A. GOlubtsOv cOllected NatiOnal Park 10°50’N 19°38’E ; N. ugandensis , 1 specimens Of red cOlOured Nothobranchius near male, 47,3 mm SL, Uganda, Butiaba 01 °53’N AbObO , EthiOpia. They Occured in seasOnal pOnds Of 31°24’E; 1 male, 43,7 mm SL , Uganda, Busesa the AlverO River drainage , White Nile basin. Speci - 00°30’N 33°31 E. mens Of these three pOpulatiOns frOm Sudan and EthiOpia are cOnsidered tO belOng tO the same species On the basis Of the cOlOratiOn Of males and Nothobranchius nubaensis n. sp. mOrphOlOgical characters . Here belOw this annual (Figs 1-6, Table I) fish is described as a new species , Nothobranchius nubaensis . Nothobranchius nubaensis Bellemans, 2003 (anOplOnym ) MATERIAL AND METHODS Measurements and cOunts were taken accOrding tO Holotype: MRAC 2008-05-P-1, male, 42,9 mm Amiet (1987) ; except fOr the additiOn Of the caudal SL; Sudan: AngarkO, 21 km sOuth Of Dilling and aqua vOl. 15 nO. 3 - 20 July 2009 144 StefanO Valdesalici , Marc Bellemans , Kiril Kardashev , Alexander GOlubtsOv 100 km nOrth Of Kadugli, 11°53’ 05.23”N base, with a pattern Of Orange -red spOts; pelvic fins 29°42’31.82”E, Marc Bellemans, 5 December yellOw with a pattern Of Orange -red spOts; pectOral 2002. COllected with hand net and preserved after fins Orange -red with a light blue margin; caudal fin living fOr abOut six mOnths in aquaria . Orange -red , with shOrt pale Or dark red lines extend - Paratypes (cOllected with hOlOtype ): MRAC 2008- ing frOm fin base OntO fin rays. 05-P-2, 1 male, 43,9 mm SL ; MRAC 2008-05-P-3- Description: MOrphOmetric measurements are 4, 2 females, 28,1-33,2 mm SL ; MSNG 54286, 1 given in Table I.
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