BSU Backers Plan Meeting Today budget? or regulation that would encourage "Priorities do change, and available all haveTecords of d i s t i n g u i s h c (1 complete and detailed By MARGE COHEN other to prepare for the public hearings "The University President presents of the State-House Higher Education Sub- racism. funds arc often reallocated on the basis academic service. Their records speal. Collegian Feature Editor will The of changing priorities. However, it must for themselves. the budget before committees of the committee scheduled -. for Dec. 4 and 5 at "What definite commitment year. The University make to eradicate , racism? be made clear that funds from the "In what way is The Univor sit> House and Senate each . University President Eric A. Walker University Park. University publishes a complete iinait-ial yesterday issued a .statement thai "the ' "See the sta tements above. federal and slate governments earmark- fulfilling the mandate of its Land Grant The text of the group s questions and recognize the ed for specific uses cannot be diverted to Charter? report, known as the Controller 's Report, University does not have a rule or Walker 's answers follows. "Docs the University at Pattee regulation that would encourage racism." BSU as the spokesman of the black com- alternate uses. Nor can funds from "The University issues r c g u I a r annually. It is available "Does racism exist at The Legislature and the Com- Library. ¦Walker ' munity of Penn State? private sources, given for specific uses reports to Ihe s statement came in response University ? recent con- be used for other purposes." monwealth on the ways it is fulfilling the "Docs the University realize the to a list of 10 questions on racism within "On the basis of it con- "One can define racism as a system versations, it is my understanding that What evidence exists in the creden- laiulgranl mandate. The most recent and inevitability of confrontation if the : University community submitted to which alleges the superiority of one race rcprescntalh e tials of the three prospective University most comprehensive such report is tinues its token programs? his office last Wednesday by a group .of the Black Student Union is programs DVcr another and the establishment of of the Black community , which includes Presidents to indicate they are qualified "Challenge and Change: Penn State in "I do not consider that our students and faculty in support of the laws in support of such a theory. I know graduate and Ihe Sixties and Seventies." I( is available arc token , nor do I accept confrontation Black Student Union. faculty and staff as well as to eliminate racism? of of no one in the University administration undergraduate students and as such is "Those men who are being con- in Pattee. as an effective or legitimate means Nearly 70 people, most of whom were who feels he is of a. race that is superior the spokesman of Hie Black academic sidered for the presidency of Penn Stale "Will the University make public its achieving objectives." white, waited in the lobby of Old Main to another. The University does not have community. while a 15-mcmber delegation presented' a rule or regulation that sponsors or con- "Has the University insisted on and the questions to.Vice President lor Resi- dones such a feeling. To me, racism can lobbied for a legislative bill for Dr. dent Instruction Paul M. Althouse in be further defined as the practice of Walker's one million dollar request? ' Walker's absence. Their action was taken making threats or subjecting a member "The University administration Senat ors T© Discuss Proposal in a show of "white solidarity" with BSU. of a race to contempt, scorn , or ridicule stronglv supports the request for The group will meet at 1 p.m. today simply because of his race or to interfere SI .000.000 for disadvantaged students. in the Hetzel Union Building Ballroom to. with the rights guaranteed him by the Representatives of th« University have discuss Walker's reply. BSU' Political Constitution. I know of no such practice urged its passage in conversations with To Okay Sty dent Votin g Rights Coordinator Vince Benson told The Daily : by any member of the University ad- many legislators. The University's most ^ . , for Collegian last night. ministration nor would I condone it. recent expression of concern was Nov. IS, By ROB McHUGH Presently, students serve on rights was-passed by a voice debate" on the procedures ¦;. " in conversations with a member of the vote at the November meeting. election of students. _ Last week, the group divided itself "Is the racism which exists at The all Senate committees except : into two committees: one to conduct a University perpetuated by administration staff of Representative K. Leroy Irvis. Collegian. Staff Writer the Committee on Committees At that time. the committee Discussion at a Nov. 20 open further; study of University admissions policy ? "Will the University re-allocate funds A proposal containing and Rules. These students recommended direct election meeting of the Committee on policies and possible changes and the "The University does not have a rule from non-priority items to priority items? changes necessary to secure have full committee privileges of student senators through the Committees and Rules cen- student voting rights in the and are entitled to address a colleges. tered on the question of elec- University Senate will be , vice presi- tion procedures. Represen- Senate meeting,¦ but they can- Charles L. Lewis presented to the Senate Dec. i not vote. , ' dent for student affairs tind an tatives of the Undergraduate for final action by that body. A resolution endorsing the ex officio senator, said yester- Student Government, the The changes, recommended day he expected : "vigorous (¦Continued on page fiuej by the Senate Committee on principle of: student voting W-2O view Beelined Committees and Rules, involve Me ' amendments to the Senate s constitution, by-laws and standing rules. Specific pro- cedures for the election of stu- dent senators are included in By Ad Hoc Commiffee the changes. ; By CINDY .DAVIS possible to define 'University standards'," the committee Although the proposal was ' ' Collegian Staff Writer said. " . brought before the Senate in <\ "This decision was considered a temporary expedient November, Senate rules re- Alter a week's deliberation; ' the University Senate since . the whole matter of campus sale and distribution quire constitutional changes to ad hoc, committee to consider an appeal of a publication's of publications (whether W-20 should be modified or elimi- be discuss at two separate unanimously chose • to de nated) is currently being considered by another Senate ban under Senate Rule' W-20, ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ meetings. cline to review the case.: . - ' . ' -. ¦ " ¦'" ' '.' .. ' ¦' committee," the report further stated. The proposal calls for a full ¦ The case involved a ruling" of Robert Clappier, dear The Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Af- voting unit of 36 students of student affairs at the Ogontz campus, last May, barring fairs (SCUSA) has been studying W-20 since the begin- within the Senate. These stu- the distribution of ah issue of the Temple Free. Press, ning of Fall Term, following a petition last spring from dent senators would enjoy full published by the Philadelphia Free . Press. the Ogontz Faculty Council to abolish it. floor and voting privileges. The on the section of W-2C The ad hoc committee's report called SCUSA's study changes also would make Clappier's ruling1 was based which states: ' "The : University shall bar from sale oi "a matter of great urgency" and recommended that deliber- instructors and research assis- distribution on its campuses any publication which in its ations on the problem be completed "so that a revision may tants eligible to serve in the opinion is incompatible with the Unversty's standards." . be brought to the Senate . for early action." Senate. The. ad hoc committee wasvappointed last week by Senate Chairman Arthur O. Lewis in response to an ap- peal filed by the Ogontz. Carripus News against Clappier's Favor 'Concept ' of County Bureau ¦ ¦ ¦ ban. ' " ¦ : '* •> :; . ¦' .. • . ' , . - . ' i' •' ¦¦" In' a letter dated Nov.: 7, ' Ogontz News: Editor Rod Nordland stated: "The OgontzVCarhpus ..News : would like to formally appeal this ban ' oh< the: grbunds?that;, no one the of BBB in the University, community.^including dean stu- Merchants Consider dent affairs or any other administrative member,' has the to; determine; what-is-in- By BILL BROADWATER r , business practices and in: college (Human Development right to or is competentlyiable. is supportive of some: bcttc; compatible with University, 'standards¦ ,' as stated in" Rule i , Collegian Staff [.Writer -formation . was , provided coti . "¦ ' ' :: ¦¦• ¦• ' ¦ -¦ . business organ in our town,' Photo by Oom Benciveng a W-20." . ; corning the proposed bureau. Smith slated. W-20: provides for an: appeal to be made by written The Association of Downtown COLLEGIAN EDITOR Jim Dorris last night discussed notice from a chartered student oragnization which has Merchants yesterday voted in At an open meeting whicl He said "Professionally Collegian Editor with members of Students for a Democratic Society con- been barred from ' selling or distributing a publication on favor of supporting the "con- USG set up Nov. 13 lo discuss trained : educators w o u 1 c "incompatible with the standards " the grounds that it is cept" of a Centre. County Bet- the possibility of establishing i enlighten.tlic community and Explains Policy flicts which arose over Collegian coverage of SDS meetings. 3f the University.", . the added thai this "would give In its report, submitted, to Lewis, the committee gave ter Business Bureau. State College Bureau, students trust and respect oi two reasons for its decision to neither uphold jhor reverse general consensus, 'of the the merchants." ¦ ; : _ '"Manuel R.
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