Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02817-3 - Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic Valentina Arena Index More information Index locorum Appian Caesar Bella Civilia Bellum Civile 1.10, 151, 152 1.5, 201 1.11, 150–1 Bellum Gallicum 1.12, 125, 137 6.22, 144, 145 2.23, 189 Cassiodorus Grammaticus 2.27, 172 7.150.10ff. (GRF Varro 268), 269–70 Archytas Cato, Marcus Porcius fr. 3.6–11 Huffman, 102 fr. 252 (ORF 8,p.96), 67, 142 Pseudo-Archytas fr. 33.14 Huffman, fr. 80 Peter, 85 108 Charisius Aristotle Ars Grammatica Ethica Nicomachea 62.14ff., 267 1130b30, 103 Cicero 1131a-b, 104 Brutus 1131a-b., 103–4 164, 131 Politica De amicitia 1265b26–9, 83 41, 60 1270b21–2, 83 De domo sua 1280a 25–31, 105 19, 188 1294a36–b18, 105 19–20, 188–9 1301a26–b4, 104, 121–2 20, 185 1301b29–1302a8, 104–5 100, 213 1317b2–10, 122 102, 213 1318b25–6, 105 111, 213 Asconius 113, 214 8C, 61–2, 173 114, 213 57C, 177–8 De finibus 71.17C, 128 1.6, 253 78C, 138, 139 3.62–3, 262 Athenaenus 3.67, 156 4.141a–c, 83–4 4.79, 86 Augustine De inventione rhetorica [Ars Breviata] 1.8, 254 3.25, 274–5 2.53, 135 De civitate Dei De lege agraria 2.21, 250 1.17, 232 Aulus Gellius 1.21–2, 240 Noctes Atticae 2.5, 61 1.9.12, 164 2.7, 231 10.20.2, 64 2.9, 231 312 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02817-3 - Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic Valentina Arena Index More information Index locorum 313 2.10, 231 3.55, 157 2.11–14, 231 3.57, 161 2.15, 231–2 3.61–62, 161 2.16–17, 237 3.62, 161 2.20–1, 237–8 3.63, 156 2.29, 77, 238 3.67, 161 2.32, 236, 238 3.69, 157–8 2.33, 232 3.70, 161–2 2.34, 236–7 3.72, 158 2.63, 221 3.89, 153 2.71, 239 3.118, 262 2.73–4, 239 De oratore 2.75, 232, 239–40 1.225–6, 130–1 2.77, 240 1.230, 131 2.86, 240 2.107, 132 2.87–91, 240 2.132, 203–4 3.15, 242–3 2.164, 133, 136–7 3.16, 240–1 2.167, 133, 137 De legibus 2.203, 132–3 1.33, 262 3.112, 254 3.12–16, 98, 129 3.115, 254 3.27, 61 3.152, 271 3.28, 98–9 3.153, 271 3.33, 58 3.154, 271 3.34, 58, 59 3.170, 271–2 3.38–9, 58, 59 De republica 3.42, 129 1.38, 119 3.43.2–3, 129 1.39, 95–6, 118, 119, 250 3.44, 66 1.41, 97 De officiis 1.42, 166 1.17, 20, 261–2 1.43, 101, 121 1.20, 155 1.45, 118 1.21, 155 1.47–52, 118, 121, 122, 141, 161 1.62, 64, 66–70, 262 1.48, 121, 123 1.85–6, 246, 262 1.49, 122–3, 159 1.88, 66 1.51, 96, 118 1.124, 66 1.52, 97–8 2.16, 84 1.53, 101, 123 2.22–4, 262 1.54–5, 118 2.37–8, 262 1.55, 89 2.41–2, 66–7 1.66–68, 167 2.73, 144 1.68, 247 2.77, 145–6 1.69, 66, 81, 88–9, 101, 102, 2.78–9, 144, 145, 152, 221, 222 246–7 2.79–4, 152–3 2.2, 86–7, 98 2.80, 146, 147 2.15, 97–8 2.82, 148 2.25, 96 2.83, 148 2.31, 96 3.26–7, 158, 262 2.33, 96 3.36, 262 2.35, 96 3.42, 157 2.37, 98 3.50, 153 2.37–8, 96 3.51, 154 2.39–40, 55, 110–11 3.52, 154–5, 157, 158 2.40, 55–6 3.53, 155 2.45ff., 53–4 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02817-3 - Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic Valentina Arena Index More information 314 Index locorum Cicero (cont.) 9, 173 2.56, 96 In Vatinium 2.56–8, 97–8 5, 128 2.57, 89 27, 177 2.61, 249 35, 197 2.62–3, 249 36, 197–8 2.67, 97–8 In Verrem II 2.69, 60, 97–8, 112–13 5.163, 51 3.12, 89 5.172-3, 51 3.43, 250–1 Orationes Philippicae 3.44, 251 1.34, 67 3.45, 166–7 3.12, 263 3.48, 121 3.14, 264 Epistulae ad Atticum 3.29, 263 1.14.3, 210–11 4.11, 263 1.18.6, 221, 223, 226 4.2, 276 1.19.4, 221, 226, 235 5.3–4, 265 1.20.3, 221–2 6.19, 77, 263 2.1.3, 206 8.12, 263 2.1.6, 234 8.13, 215–16 2.1.8, 226 10.12, 264 2.16.1–2, 228 10.19, 20, 263 2.17.1, 232–3 11.17, 181, 192–3 2.18.1–2, 233 11.18, 193 4.1.6, 185 11.19, 196 4.2.5, 214 11.20, 193 6.2.2, 84 11.27, 263–4 7.2.8, 20–1 13.1–2, 263 11.20.1, 76 Paradoxa Stoicorum 13.32.2, 84 5.41, 131–2 Epistulae ad Brutum Partitiones oratoriae 152–3, 27 62, 254 Epistulae ad familiares 104–5, 134, 135–6 1.9.5, 214 106, 204, 258 1.9.8, 228–9 Post reditum in senatu 5.2.8, 202 18, 189 8.6.5, 172 Pro Caecina 10.31.3, 76 96, 28 Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem 98–100, 27–8 2.1.1, 228 Pro Cluentio 3.1.14, 214 53, 66 In Catilinam 146, 68 1.3, 215 Pro Cornelio de maiestate 1.5, 214 I. 31 Cr., 128 1.27, 218 I. 50 Cr., 138 2.11, 77, 219 Pro lege Manilia 2.19, 219 51, 194 4.10, 218–19 52, 188 4.16, 208, 209, 218 52–3, 128 4.19, 209 53, 195 4.22, 208 59, 194 4.24, 208–9 60, 188, 194 4.7, 209 62–3, 194–5 In Pisonem Pro Milone 4, 205 80, 217 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02817-3 - Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic Valentina Arena Index More information Index locorum 315 Pro Plancio 36.43, 181, 188 33, 66 37.23, 181 Pro Rabirio perduellionis reo 37.30.2, 225 2, 205–6 37.42, 202 3, 206 37.50, 226 4, 206–7 37.50.3–4, 234 7, 206 38.1.3, 228 10–17, 207 38.2.1, 227 12, 208 38.2.3, 227, 235 13, 208 38.3.1, 227 20, 206 38.3.2, 233–4 21–2, 208 38.5.1–2, 223–4 27–8, 207 38.7.1, 227–8 33, 77, 219 38.7.3, 228 34, 206 38.7.5–6, 176 Pro Rabirio Postumo 38.13.2, 61–2 22, 77 38.30.5, 184–5 Pro Sestio 39.9, 192 116–23, 211 39.33–4, 191 103, 222 39.34.4, 192 104, 60 Diogenes Laertius 118, 211 7.131, 86 123, 212 Diomedes Grammaticus 137, 98–9 1.439.15ff. (GRF Varro 268), 267 Topica Dionysius of Halicarnassus 10, 27 Antiquitates Romanae 29, 27 2.14, 90, 99–100 84, 254 4.9.9, 70–1 85, 254 4.10.1, 70–1 Tusculanae disputationes 4.11.2, 70–1 3.48, 127 4.16–18, 56 4.19.3, 111 Dicaearchos 4.29.4, 70–1 fr. 1W, 83–4 4.72.3, 70–1 Digesta 4.75.4, 54–5 1.3.32, 65 4.84.3, 54–5 1.5.3, 15 5.2.2f., 54–5 1.5.4, 15 6.83.2–86, 114–15 1.5.6, 15 6.85, 115 1.6.9, 25 6.86, 115–16 1.7.3, 25 7. 54.1, 114, 165 7.55, 90 4.5.4, 17 7.55.2, 81, 87, 36.1.14, 25 114 38.1, 20–1 7.55.3, 87 38.15.24, 21 7.55.3–5, 94 40.12.23 pr., 16 7.55.5, 114 44.7.39, 24 7.56, 54–5, 94–5 Dio 9.44.6, 54–5 36.30.3, 187 10.6, 90 36.31, 195 36.32, 196–7 Florus 36.33, 198 2.1, 150, 152 36.35, 187 Fragmentum Dositheanum 36.36, 197, 198 5, 18 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02817-3 - Libertas and the Practice of Politics in the Late Roman Republic Valentina Arena Index More information 316 Index locorum Gaius 24.16.19, 35 Institutiones 24.16.9–10, 37 1.3, 65 25.6.22, 37 1.9, 15 30.45.5, 32 1.10–11, 15 33.23.1–6, 32–3 1.16.4, 29 33.46.1ff., 74–5 1.17, 17 34.2.5, 69 1.48, 22 34.2.7, 69 1.49, 22–3 34.3.5, 69 1.52–3, 23 34.31.16–18, 149–50 1.55, 24 35.32.11, 74 2.87, 24 38.50.5–8, 66 2.116, 25 38.55.2, 32 3.56, 18 45.44.15, 34 3.149, 162 Periochae 3.154, 163 19, 35 3.154a, 163 3.154b, 164 Photius 3.163, 24 Bibliotheca Gracchus, Gaius Sempronius 37 = fr.
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