The Abbey Subiaco Message Abbey “...likened to the Son of God, He continues a priest forever.” day thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Christ our Eternal High Priest is further by Mr. Clare Wolf The penitent thief was justified by obscured by the unique way in which Ed. Note: Mr. Clare Wolf, a pioneer divine grace given to him personally and the priestly work of Christ is carried on in the field of Catholic lay evangelism, directly by the dying Redeemer. This through the Church. When we assist at died this past January 6 at his home in was an instance in which the God-man the Holy Sacrifice we do not have any Prairie View. During the 1960s and 70s, personally and directly bestowed the doubt that at the words of Consecra- he was a highly-regarded speaker, teacher, sanctifying grace of God on another tion the bread and wine become the and writer on theological topics in the member of the human race. During Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, just as Subiaco Deanery, in the Diocese of Little His public ministry Christ discharged truly as they did when Christ Himself Rock, and beyond. He was a frequent both of the functions of a priest. spoke the consecrating words at the Last contributor to The Abbey Message. In But, the Christ of history is no Supper. Nor do we doubt that when we his honor, we reprint one of his articles of longer visible among us. He has have contritely confessed our sins to the June 1962. Although written just before ascended out of our midst to the right priest and he pronounces the absolving the Council, his understanding of the hand of the Father. We do not see Him words over us, our sins are as truly for- sacraments is fresh and vibrant, and his worshipping on our behalf, forgiving given as were the sins of Mary Magdalen closing thought provides a striking Lenten/ sinners, ordaining priests or administer- or the penitent thief. Easter image. ing any of the sacraments. Our view of But the man who stands before us By making a sacrifice of Himself, at the Holy Sacrifice, who baptizes and Jesus Christ gave true and adequate absolves and anoints, is in every way divine worship to the Father on behalf a man like ourselves. He is another of the whole human race. His sacri- member of the human race. He is not fice was an action performed wholly the Christ of history. He is not the man by Christ Himself. It was an action Christ Jesus. And yet, when this man of Christ the Priest by which he gave sacrifices, or administers the sacraments, to God the worship of God’s people. he speaks and acts in every way as if he Similarly, Christ completed the divine were Christ. He consecrates the bread exchange between man and God by and wine with the words “This is MY personally transmitting the good things body … this is MY blood.” When he of God to the people he met while He forgives the sinner, when he baptizes, was on earth. When the good thief when he confirms or anoints, he speaks repented of his sins and begged Christ as if he were Christ. His actions would to remember him when He came into not create any problem if he used the Clare E. Wolf His kingdom, Christ replied: “This kind of words that seemed to say that see “Clare Wolf” on page 4 News of our Apostolates for Friends of Subiaco Spring 2006 Subiaco, Arkansas, Vol LXIII, No.4 1 Abbey Watch the Signs God is constantly acting in our This was Father Bernard Keller, S.V.D., I went lives, but his work is hidden under a wonderful priest and friend, pastor of in to see camouflage. As Cardinal Newman said, St. Peter’s Church. I looked up the ad- Father Bernie “His hand is ever over his own, and dress of the hospital and planned to visit who was he leads them forward by a way they Father Bernie after Frank’s funeral. indeed in his know not of.” Only if we stay atten- The funeral Mass for Frank was final struggle. tive and look closely will we get even a held in Little Rock in the morning, and The nurse glimpse of the hand of God working in the burial was at Pine Bluff in the after- told me there our lives. This is not by accident. The noon. After the service I made my way wasn’t much way to salvation is through faith, which to the hospital and asked at the front keeping him alive, and they thought means putting our trust in God. We desk for directions to ICU. “I guess he would have died before this. I could never grow in trust if the work of you’re here to see Father Keller,” the blessed him and prayed with the family God’s hand among us were visible and receptionist said. “He’s very low.” for awhile. Then I went back out to unmistakable. When I reached the ICU hallway visit with his parishioners and friends. Mostly we are given glimpses and visiting area, several people turned Several came toward me for a report. through signs that come and go in our and smiled and some I recognized came I had barely begun talking with them lives day by day. If we are not looking toward me. “It’s so good that you have when the ICU nurse, who had come up for God’s hand, we can easily miss the behind me, touched my elbow and said, signs. We have to be paying atten- “Father, he’s gone.” tion. Usually we see the signs of God’s It broke upon me then that I had activity in looking back; rarely can we known only part of the reason I was be confident about exactly what God is “If we are not look- going to Pine Bluff that day. I thought doing in the present. I had been in charge of my trip, but I Three years ago I went to Pine Bluff ing for God’s hand, was moving according to another plan. for the burial of my good friend, Frank we can easily miss the I felt very blessed and humbled to have King, a former business manager of signs. We have to be been an instrument in God’s hands, Subiaco Abbey, who had died suddenly paying attention.” though ignorant of what was going on a few days before. My whole attention until the moment it happened, to be was on Frank and what his friendship the one chosen to help a holy priest pass had meant to me and to Subiaco Abbey from this life to eternity surrounded by and Academy, and on the family and those who loved him. I realized that friends with whom I would share the Frank King had been as much a part of moment. I didn’t know there was more come. We didn’t expect anyone to come it as I, and that this was a special gift to my trip than that. I didn’t know until all that way. He is in a coma but the for both of us to be able to minister later that God was using Frank to put family will be so glad you made it.” I together one last time. It was a special me in place to be available to act as an soon understood that Father Bernie reminder to me of how close God is all instrument in God’s plan for a third had been asking for a priest before the time, taking care of us and walking party. Frank had been a deacon, and we he slipped into a coma, but the other with us even when we’re not conscious had often ministered together. I was go- Catholic pastor was out of town. He of his guiding presence. ing to mourn Frank, but that was only seemed to be hanging on until he could the part of the picture I could see. He receive a blessing from a priest. The and I were going to team up for an act people had been calling around to find a of ministry again. priest and praying that one would come. I had known from a recent request They thought I had heard about it and from Bishop Sartain for prayers for sick had come because of that search. I had clergy that one of our priests was in in- not heard about the search but had tensive care at the hospital in Pine Bluff, come, without knowing it, in answer to very ill and even in danger of death. their prayers. 2 Abbey Abbey Journal January thanks to Food Service Director Jacob to read at least some of the many Latin Carey, Brother Louis, Brother Thomas, prayers and inscriptions. Everyone Two newspaper reports sum up this and Brother Adrian. Others helped agreed that a pilgrimage should be an year’s so-called Winter: dry and warm. too, but these were the mainstays of the annual event. In early March, it was reported that operation. For a man almost 91, Father Paul 2005 had been the driest year on record Brother Tobias reported that trapper has amazing energy. During the colder for Arkansas as a whole. Our area Dennis Ahne had caught ten coyotes months, this energy goes into shelling fared better, with a rainfall deficit of 12 by mid-month.
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