DFO — Libra ri ll joillue Restricted II I i 09070862 Environment Canada Environnement Canada RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BRANCH MANUSCRIPT REPORT No. Atlantic Salmon Survey of Annapolis River System, Annapolis and Kings Counties,N.S. by J. Dalziel and N. MacEachern 4rittevice 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HolifoWN.S. ATLANTIC SALMON SURVEY OF ANNAPOLIS RIVER SYSTEM ANNAPOLIS & KINGS COS., N.S. 1957 by 3. Dalziel N. MacEachern ABSTRACT Good salmon spawning grounds were observed on the lower sections of the Nictaux River, Fales River and the South Annapolis River. A few scattered sections of possible spawning grounds exist on the main river between Lawrencetown and Paradise. Good nursery areas extend thr-aghout the snawning areas and includes all of the nain river. Major obstructions were found on all the large branch strepmR and include storage dams, barrier falls, mill dams and diversion canals. Salmon angling is carried out on the rain 7.iver - below -Aiddleton, on the Nictaux River, below Rogers Mill, and on the Lequille and Round Hill.7vers. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 07 STRUM The Annapolis Fiver is a comparatively large stream, about 50 miles long, which rises near Berwick, Kings County,'.3., and flows in a southerly direction through Kings and Annapolis Counties, emptying into Annapolis Basin below Annapolis Royal. The stream was surveyed during June and July, 1957, from Berwick West to the head of tide, including all of the main branch streams. Source to Middleton - From its source down to Mieldletonl the stream flows through neadowland and farmland with small sections of swampland and woodland scattered here and there. The gradient is slight, while the stream for the most part is gently flowing, broken occasionally by short, rapid sections. Width varies from 10 to 60 feet. The water is brown in colour, and the bottom is com- posed of sand and very fine gravel with some bedree, rocks, boulders and sUt :scattered''.ere t7:-:ore. There are no good helding, pools, but transient salmon pools are numerous. Yearling salmon were abundant, while fish of the year were almost entirely absent. No salmon spawning grounds were observed, but shad soawning groura s were numerous. 22-11-keLtan.,..te.---01)arad;isc' - From Middleton to Paradise, a distance of about 10 miles, the stream flows through a mixture of meadowland, farmland and woodland. Gradient varies from slight to moderate, while the velocity is mostly sluggish. The stream is about 60 feet wide, dark brown in colour, and the bottom is composed mainly of sand with some bedrock, rocks, boulders and coarse gravel. There are several goo d holding pools along this section that provide the best sal: oe angling area in the main river. Salmon yearlings are present in this area, although they do not seem as abundant as in the area above Middleton. Limited salmon spawning grounds were observed in the riffle areas between Law- rencetown and Paradise. A few fish of the year were observed in the Lawrencetown area. Water temperatures varied between 15.5 9t and and the was 7.2. TRIBUTARIES Bloody Creek is a small stream about 12 miles long which flows out of Godfrey Lake and empties into the main river, about 2 miles below Bridgetown. The stream was surveyed from ite month un to the power dam, a distance f)17 about 4 miles. In this section, the stream, is about 25 feet wide and has a steep gradient. Bottom is comeosed mostly of rocks and boulders, eith some coarse gravel scattered here and there. The drainage area is wooded, with some marshland near the mouth. Pools are email end. shoal with no shelter for large fish. Tatural fieh flod is abundant, but fieh feuna vere ecaree. *o ealnon seneenine greends 0bser7d. spaleelne 311:7707 earrled out List , .wea.' plant °;a3.lief..loeratl.ng tle wa;er was shut 11.. iam,n a resalt, the wster is the brook wns very low, and Ido not believe any nalmon would enter a brook in this condition. 7ecause of the fluctuating water levels, this would Lot be a !mrsery brook. The water is very :lark brown in colour and aad a temperature of The Power Plant, owned by the 7ova Icetia Light end ?ower C;o., is tn a very ?cep state of repair. I was told that this plant vas only going to operate until some major breakdown occurred, at le;1!:.:h time the plant will cease to operate. The storage dam is built in the gnrge about on mile above the plant. al:Raise Fiver is abn-ut 1'5 miles long and flows out of Paradise Iced Lake, pmotying into the Annapolis -1.ver betaea Bridgetown and Levrencetown. The stream was surveyed from its mouth to the barrier falls, a distance of about 4 miles .- The tre varts in v7,Jjj: rrom 11 fet to 10 feet, an:i in depth from tnce3 in the ru'es to 7 feat in t pools. 7%e gradient is quite steep aid the' vgAncity is raoid. The drainage area is wooded with some marshland near the month. Bottom is composed of bedroek, rocks ard boulders with sr d and gravel near the mouth. :he strea eoled of about 7 runs to ,j7.4 pools. :here ace three falls in te two-mile stretch below the junetion of Rextary Brook. These falls are 5 to 'S feet high and are only barrtere during low-vater piiods. There Is a 15 foot barrier tall on the in river lust above the confluence with ixbnry rook. The lova Scotia Light and Power Company hss a storage 4am on the main river about 6 miles from its .;;Iouth. The water is piped from here to the power plant, a distance of about two miles, and 13 (Ascherged into Daniel's Brook. Because of this diversion, the amount of water in the strer.: 110/olethe dam, has beea greatly decrelsed, thus 7ractically wiping out the salmon potential of the brook. During the spawning survey in -7:17ember, there was no water flowin over the dam. No salmen were observed In the stream. yer !ter is a large:-,ranch stresm eont 71 ailes 1-)ng that flows out of Aolli Ussi ndties in on the true left bank of the main river at Aiddlet ,m. The stream was surveyed from its mouth to the po4er plant at fletaux Palls, a distance of about 4i sidles. From the falls to its olouth, the stream flows through mixture of woodland and low maedovland. The stream is about 50 feet wide and 14 inches doe, in the runs, end io composed of about 570 1:Joels to ¶ ' Bottom is comonsed of coarse gravel, fine gravel, ro1 1 bed:beck 7here are several e„:.-1 salla pools a a c7:)::ole of g:',71d 7ools in thle area. (7,n sorelning and fair nursery arels e ;c:Lst,- in this section. ator levels fluctuate greatly becluse of t':14, '7ydro plant and saw 1l. These fluct,iations have z.-.1 adverse , ffect on the nursery petenti31 of the stream. 71*.r.,347nt, 7, p-.11:rtmpnt• ..7 .71or.:1t1 1 - • 7fttatn.4,. -777, --77-1L'. "7, 7 ± at ti.a present time. 1nce the constructisn of' the mw :yidro plant at. A.ctaum ills, the water in the In river above the falls has been divrrted into 4 er canal, ri the salmon ?otemtial in that section ^r the river has been destroyed. LII.L.Islylmr: is a small streo about 1.1 miles long that flows it of Pand711 ',,ace and empties into the main river below Kingston. The stream is Accessible to the barrier falls and saw mill near East Tremont. According to incol resorts, few salmon ascend t'ne stream beyond the highway bridge at East Tremont. The stream is about,^0- feet widr and, haa a noderate gradient. Fro its mouth uo to East Tremont, thm drainage •rea is conposed of farmland, pasture land Ind sone ulodland, above thi 'woodl'4n.1 oredominates. inoln are s:11 with little shelter for large fish. Natural fish. food is abundant. Bottom, up to about 1P" mile above Nast 7romont, onnoosi of sond, eravri rocks. Able this brr.:Liern Jreaominate. H1 fauna 7,! , liAlndaaf; sur'iers, parr, salnon lamormys,Pels, sti 3tleba,zk and tr.lut. 7;11:i section of stream provides good spawning and nursery &rota for salmon, 2evera1 compllAed salmon reads were observed :1..:ring grIvember between KingstA a-A the 'eavrai cLi ablve Rest Tremont road bridge. I woula suggest ' the ha clery stock this brook f1-7,o its mouth up to the barrier falls. t! ¼j1tiv is a small branch about 13 miles long that flows out of Parker Lake and empties In or the true left bank If the naI river a:)out 1/ mile above aub!Irn. !ha stream is accessible to sal-^n, up an rsrt rriPr and stnrage dam near ..orristown, a dintance cq' about 14 miles. - 1-,1771 its mouth up to iillville, the stream flows through a low flat fsrmirs! area snd the flow is vPry siu7tsh. Bottom is cnmposed of sand and r!..ne gravel. This Is a F73),. spay/mine area for !mad. rrom lillville to the falls, the drainagc, iLree is composed mainly of woodland and the gradient 5raduaiLy becomes quite stee. lotton is composed mainly of gravel with some rocks, rubble and bedrock. 17.. stream Is;°•lbmt -71• t Idc nnfi hi l 7+Arsi salmon 7..:1s. 3ottol fauna was .;:iburidant. fnunn nf ..57.11td trfnit, in parr, la71prqs, tlInnevs az1.1. stmt. Thlt stram .7.rvidea salm:-.111 spavnInz and nursort tr17,s.
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