t999 ANNUAL RSPOkT ToivH Of Sovith Ha^mptOH, "New H^ifnpshire DEDICATED TO: Eleanor Batchelder (1928 - 1998) Lifetime resident of South Hampton Graduate of The Barnard School Graduate of Amesbury High School Eleanor was a lifetime resident of South Hampton and her family's South Hampton roots go back to the mid 1700's when her Great Grandparents, Abel and Anna Brown moved to Highland Road. She knew most everyone in town and if your birthday or anniversary were on the PTO calendar you probably received a card from Eleanor every year. She was the town reporter for the Newburyport News for meny years. She was also active in the South Hampton Baptist Church including teaching Sunday School and secretary of the Ladies Fellowship for over 32 years. 1/ ANNUAL REPORTS of the SELECTMEN, TREASURER, COLLECTOR OF TAXES, TOWN CLERK, TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUNDS, ALL OTHER TOWN OFFICERS AND THE SCHOOL BOARD of the Town of South Hampton, NH For the year Ending December 31®* 1999 APPOINTED POSITIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE CHIEF HEALTH OFFICERS Wayne Theriault, Chief John Gamble Lee Knapp Bradley Jardis, Officer Gary Crosby, Deputy BUILDING INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR EMERGENCY DIRECTOR Dan Cordeiro Mike Keller John Gamble PLANNING BOARD Mike Keller, '01 (Chair) Greg Williams, '00 Gary Crosby, '00 Sandra Zammitti, '02 Larry Baker (Selectmen Rep. Kim Lowell (Alt.) Burt Stackhouse (Alt,) llsa Briggs (Alt.) ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Jeff Healey (Chair), 00' Open, '00 Lee Knapp, '01 Frank Moore, '02 Beth Stoddard, '01 llsa Briggs, (Alt) Donald Currier (Alt.) Nancy Dixon (Alt.) Cornelia Courtney (Alt.) E. Joann Hill (Alt) CONSERVATION COMMISSION Adele Fiorillo (Chair) Gary Crosby James VanBokkelen (Select. Rep.) RECYCLE COMMITTEE:OMMITTEE P.K. Erickson (Chair) Jane Cowen Beverly Reynolds Cornelia Courtney Lee Knapp Town Administrator Deputy Town Clerk & Tax Collector SRRDD REP. Larry Baker Angela Racine Open REPRESENTATIVES TO ROCKINGHAM PLANNING COMMISSION Gary Crosby llsa Briggs HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Peter Oldak Fran Harper Open Open Edward Condon (Selectman Rep.) William Carey (Alt.) llsa Bhggs (Alt Jeff Healey (Alt.) David Riecks (Alt.) FOREST FIRE WARDENS John Gamble (Warden) Kevin Syvinski (Deputy) Scott Cloutier (Deputy) John Gamble Jr. (Deputy) GENERAL INFORMATION for RESIDENTS Because the general public Is often unaware of various lavs and regulations, the Town of South Hampton has prepared the following list aa a guide for those considering actions for which some regulatory systea Is in place. This list is for information only and the public should consult the appropriate Officials or Boards for further details. WETLANDS No digging, filling or other Permit approved by flow modification in wetlands. Conservation as defined by Land Use Ordinances Commission SUBDIVISION Must meet requirements, of Zoning Planning Board Ordinances and Regulations HOHC OCCUPATION Use of Home for Business Board of Adjustment COMHERCIAL ZONE Commercial Development Planning Board (Site Plan Review) BUILDING PERMIT No construction or demoltlon until Building Inspector permit is fully signed OCCUPANCY PERMIT No occupancy or use of new modified Building Inspector building until approved HISTORIC DISTRICT No construction or modifications Historic Commission in those districts without approval SEPTIC SYSTEMS Must meet State and Town standards Health Officer SAND & GRAVEL EARTH REMOVAL Must have permit for excavation Planning Board BONFIRES No burning without a permit Fire Warden TIMBER HARVEST Yield tax, limits on cutting Selectmen MOTOR VEHICLE Annual renewals on birth month Town Clerk DOG LICENSE Annual renewal, rabies shots Town Cleric VOTER REGISTRATION Upon establishing residence Town Clerk/Super visor of Checklist REFUSE DISPOSAL Weekly pickup, Thursday, limlta- Selectmen tions on volume and type, please inquire about Recycle Program JUNK CARS No more than one unregistered Selectmen vehicle STRAY ANIMALS Uogs must be controlled by Police property owners Please refer to directory of officers and appointees for Individual naaes. Additional InforHation may be found In the various reports froB the officials. WARRANT FOR THE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING SOUTH HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE 2000 To the inhabitants of the Town of South Hampton in the County of Rockingham in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs: You are hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Town on Tuesday the 14**^ of March 2000, between the hours of 11:00 in the forenoon and 8:00 in the evening, to act upon Article 1. You are also hereby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Town on Wednesday, the 15^ of March 2000 at 7:30 in the evening to act upon Article 2 and all subsequent articles. 1 To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing. 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $359,008 (three hundred fifty nine thousand eight dollars) for the general operation of the Town. The above includes $16,179 for the 2000 payment on the 1996 GMC custom pumper. The following table shows the relationship between the operating budget, other warrant articles, and the total appropriations: 2000 1999 Operating Budget 302,008 293,998 Warrant articles 57.000 77.955 Total appropriations 359,008 371,953 The operating budget is 3% above last year but after adding the warrant articles, the total is 3% below last year The selectmen expect to apply $50,000 from the fund balance therefore the net effect on the tax rate is expected to be a reduction of approximately $0.25. 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 (Fifteen thousand dollars) to be placed in the Town Buildings Maintenance Trust Fund created in 1992 under RSA 31:19. $18,788 was spent from this account in 1999 on the new front door, new kitchen, new handicap bathroom, upgrade of the electrical system, installation of an emergency generator switching system, and repairs to the heating and water systems. The account balance is $44. A. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 (Twenty five thousand dollars) to be placed in the Hilldale Avenue Pavement Capital Reserve Fund created in 1997 and to appoint the selectmen as agents to expend, under RSA 35:1. This is tfie year tliat this project will be done therefore this Capital Reserve account will be closed out. If all funds are not spent on this project the balance will be returned to general revenues to reduce the tax rate. Current account balance is $80,522. 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 (Five thousand dollars) to be placed in the Police Cruiser Capital Reserve Fund created in 1996 under RSA 35:1. Current account balance is $15,520. 6. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 (two thousand dollars) to be placed in the Ford/Grumman Refurbishment Fund created in 1998 under the provisions of RSA 31 : 1 9-a. $1,570 was spent from this account in 1999 leaving a balance of $2,433. 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 (one thousand dollars) for the purpose of restoring the lot line in the Hill top cemetery. 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 (Two thousand five hundred dollars) to continue a 3 or 4 year plan to remove old pines and saplings at the Indian Ground Cemetery. The plan includes reconstruction of the stone stockade on Hilldale as a historic area. 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500 (Five hundred dollars) for the purpose of updating the cemetery plot maps. 1 0. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000 (six thousand dollars) for the purpose of purchasing, for the fire department, a utility body for a new forestry truck to be purchased using funds from the Eleanor Batchelder Fund and the South Hampton Fireman's Association. 11. To see if the Town will vote to appoint the selectmen as agents to expend the Cemetery Land Acquisition Capital Reserve Fund created in 1993. It is estimated it will cost approximately $15,000 to $20,000 for the purchase of 2 acres of land including all taxes, legal fees and survey costs. Approximately an additional $15,000 will be required for site work. Any remaining balance will be added to the Land Acquisition Capital Reserve Fund created in 1988 under RSA 35:1. The Cemetery Land Fund balance is $61,807 and the Land Acquisition Fund balance is $12,839. 12. To see if the Town will vote to approve the expenditure of and appoint the Selectmen as agents to expend $12,000 from the Land Acquisition Capital Reserve Fund Established in 1988 under 35:1 lll-a for the acquisition of land for the purpose of Conservation. This money would be combined with $25,000 from the Conservation Commission account to purchase 89 acres of land on the old Bugsmouth Hill Road for conservation purposes. 13. To see if the town will vote to extend the term of the Campaign 2000 Capital Reserve Fund established in 1998 from 2000 to 2010, all other conditions to remain as originally approved. This fund currently has a balance of $1,072. 14. To see if the town will vote, per RSA 674:40, to maintain the road know as Aspen Hill Drive, which is a cul-de-sac road off Chase Road. This is currently a privately owned road that was build to town specifications with the exception of a substandard culvert.
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