VOlume IX, Issue I the.Hillsdale.Forum August 2008 sOUND bITbITESES University of Maryland political science professor Thomas Schaller and Harper’s Magazine Senior Editor Luke Mitchell as quoted in a July 2008 article entitled “High Noon for the Republican Party: Why the GOP Must Die” SCHALLER: To do better than 50.1 percent, the Dem- ocrats are going to have to mobilize some previously under-or-under mobilized groups. And there are a of different possibilities in that regard. MITCHELL: Which groups would you suggest? SCHALLER: Latinos are ob- viously part of it. They in- creasingly tend to vote for Democrats, and they also are increasing as a proportion of the electorate—a double whammy. Unmarried adults likely will soon outnumber married adults, and they don’t seem to like Republi- cans that much. … One out of thirteen new marriages is an interracial marriage, for instance, and that proportion will continue to grow. in.this.ISSUE Brothers From Another Mother the Ultimate Guide to CHRISTINA MILLER new spirit to government.” Sound the answer was not particularly Harvard University now has the Hillsdale College STAFF WRITER familiar? If it makes you think of informative. Obama is great from John F Kennedy School of Govern- PAGES 6-7 Obama’s claim to be a “new kind a script, but stutters in Bushian ment and Obama was editor of the He’s handsome. He talks pretty. of politician,” you might be onto fashion when faced with an open Harvard Law Review. = He dreams big dreams. He may something. forum. If Obama is elected, he will come Summer Movie not be entirely qualifi ed to be pres- Both candidates also seem to be These two candidates have also into a foreign policy situation sim- ident. He has something of a cult energized by speaking to inordi- seen their heritage come under ilar to Kennedy’s. Once again the Reviews following. His eyes are “dreamy.” nately large crowds. At the Demo- scrutiny. Kennedy faced an uphill world is polarized between two PAGE 10 No, we’re not talking about crat convention, Obama will not battle with anti-Catholic senti- extreme ideologies and America’s Barack Obama. Well, not just speak at the Pepsi Center, where ment. Obama has seen his African next president will have to deal = Obama. John F. Kennedy was the all the other speeches were held. heritage, Muslim education, and with it. Break Out Your original, and here, we take a closer Instead he will declare his cani- even his American citizenship And lest we forget, the granddad- look at what the two men have in dacy at at Ivesco Field, a football challenged and questioned. But dy of all the similarities: the Berlin Leather Pants (and common: stadium that holds many more Kennedy challenged these trou- speech. Kennedy and Obama have Save Money Doing It!) Consider that JFK was America’s people. Kennedy pulled a similar bles effectively where Obama has both stood at the Berlin Wall and last senator elected president. stunt when he moved his DNC fl oundered. given speeches to the German PAGE 8 Obama, too, is a senator. Howev- speech to LA’s Memorial Stadi- Kennedy and Obama are also people. However, Kennedy gave er, Kennedy had served two terms um. known for their visual appeal. a speech that lifted up America’s = in the Senate where Obama served Obama and Kennedy also have Kennedy, at 43, is America’s capitalist system and called out “Real Hillsdalians less than one. Kennedy also served a winsome way with the press. youngest president. Obama would the fl aws of communism. Obama of Genius” in Congress. However, it’s safe to say that Ken- be the second youngest at 47. They stood in front of 200,000 people But it doesn’t stop there. Ken- nedy was better on his feet than are both seen as a departure from who can’t vote for him and pro- PAGE 8 nedy frequently spoke to enrap- Obama is. Kennedy could come usual presidents. ceeded to trash his country. HF tured crowds about bringing “a up with an answer easily, even if These two are Harvard-educated. = 2 news August 2008 The world has done an ex- The French equivalent of the cellent job of raising aware- FCC banned channels from Summer Experiences Shape Students ness about Darfur and the marketing programs to those genocide and other human three years of age or younger respected in D.C.” and that “the dent of Catholic Society, and injustices happening there. in order to shield them from JULIE rOBISON experience has given me an even signed up thinking she would be EDITOR-IN-CHIEF However, when the UN’s the “developmental risks” deeper appreciation for the lib- improving her Spanish skills as International Crime Court attributed to young children For most, getting away from eral arts education that Hillsdale well as her spirituality, but little (ICC) approached Sudanese watching television. home seems to be imperative, provides.” did she know the impact the trip President Omar al-Bashir re- which is why most feel it neces- Cara Burke ‘10 took summer would have on her life. She went garding the crimes against A recent study finds that the sary to go to school in a pseudo- courses this humanity occurring under Amish population has more Narnia environment (it’s always summer, but him, he and his government than doubled over the course winter but never Christmas in not to fulfill not only were outraged at the of the last 16 years, and ex- Hillsdale, MI). This may be why class require- allegations, but emphatically pansion of over 130% in some most jump for joy at the chance ments for the denied them. Perhaps over states. to return home for the summer college at a lo- 300,000 bodies isn’t enough to months, where they can re-co- cal university convince him, but it certainly Rudy Giuliani will be the key- operate from the harsh academ- in her area, has impacted their fellow citi- note speaker for the Republi- ic months in their bed or by the as many HC zens of the world. al-Bashir can National Convention in pool side. Others, unable to en- students do. has also recently rejected the Minnapolis/Saint Paul. Oth- joy such luxury due to a hatred Rather, she deployment of UN troops to er guests include First Lady of boredom or sufficient lack of partook in the the Darfur region. Laura Bush, Joe Lieberman, funds, get jobs to fill the hours Oxford Study and Mitt Romney. and their bank accounts. Oth- Abroad Pro- Though he attends a Method- ers, however, enjoy the road less gram, which ist church in Texas and Epis- They finally made her go to taken: unpaid activities that ac- she heard photo by Katie O’Donnell copal services when in Wash- rehab, and she said no no no... Two weeks in Honduras not only allowed Julia Spiotta tually leave them with less pe- about through ington D.C., President Bush is Amy Winehouse is back in to brush up on her Spanish, but helped her to make cuniary funds than before, but Dr. Calvert. reportedly considering con- rehab. Again. some amazing memories as well. open up worlds of opportunity She decided to verting to Catholicism when and experience for them. spend 8 weeks he leaves office in January. New York City Mayor Mi- Trevor Shunk ‘10 is one of those in the UK because “at Hillsdale in with a self-sufficient mindset, chael Bloomberg proposed such people. As a Health Policy I learned about studying for its the kind that starts each sentence Universal Music has just August 19th to develop wind- Studies intern at the Heritage own sake, and decided to apply with “I” instead of relying solely awarded a group of Cister- turbines to fit atop many Foundation this past summer, it to the summer as well as the on Christ’s strength. Spiotta and cian Monks a recording con- of NYCs famous skyscrap- Shunk has school term.” She the other college students on the tract after a YouTube video of ers and bridges, a plan that been able had an excellent trip stayed at Casa Guadaloupe the group singing a Gregorian would supply the city with up to get an experience, and with the Franciscan Friars of chant “blew record producers to 10% of its energy needs. inside look enjoyed having the Renewal a few days prior to away.” of the “nuts close relation- the mission, but for the actual The new Blackberry Bold is and bolts ships with her mission, they lived with fami- Famed Olympian Mark Spitz set to hit shelves in the United of modern tutors. “Personal lies deep in the mountains. Her claims that in his prime, he States in early September. politics.” relationships group stayed in Majadas, Agua would have “tied” modern He met helps you learn Blanca, where she interacted swimming sensation Michael John McCain has announced many influ- more, and to re- with people “who endure so Phelps. that he will reveal his running ential pub- spect your teach- much suffering on a day-to-day mate at an Ohio rally on Au- lic figures, ers,” said Burke. basis, who have so little to offer Despite promises to pull out gust 29th, his seventy-second had exclu- She hope to be and yet willingly give more than of Georgia, Russian troops birthday. sive tours able to study in they can afford, whose lives are show little proof that they in the White Oxford again, an unending cycle of uncertain- intend to, indeed, leave the Using his granddaughter’s House, Pen- and considers the ty, hardship, and pain, yet they country.
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