UNCLASSIFIED Department of Defense Office the Administrative Review of the Detention of Enemy Combatantsat U.S.NavalBaseGuantanamoBay, Cuba 24 August 2007 To : GUL, AWAL Subject: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASEOF GUL, AWAL 1. An Administrative Review Board will be convened to review your case to determine ifyour continued detention isnecessary . 2. The AdministrativeReviewBoard will conduct a comprehensivereview ofall reasonably available and relevantinformationregardingyour case. At the conclusionofthis review the Board will make a recommendationto: (1) releaseyou to your homestatc ) transferyou to yourhomestate, with conditions uponby theUnitedStatesand your homestate; or ( 3 ) continueyour detentionunderUnitedStates control. 3. The followingprimary factorsfavor continueddetention: a. Commitment 1. Thedetaineestatedthat in he enlistedwithanindividualwho was the local commander ofthe Mujahedin. 2. The individual in the previous statement was a commander of the Hezb- e - GulbuddinKhalis faction. 3. The Hezb- e - IslamiKhalis, HIK , isattemptingto re- establishitselfas jihad organizationfocusedon fightingagainst forces operatingin Afghanistan. The HIKis also attemptingto recruitnewmembersandre- establisholdties withthe TalibanandalQaida. 4. The detainee stated he would travel from Peshawar, Pakistan, where his family was livingas refugees, tojihadwith a commander. 5. The detainee stated that for three Afghan years hewas in chargeoflogistical support for the Jalalabad highway in Afghanistan The detainee's duties included distributing food, oil, and supplies for the Mujahedinfront line. 6. The detaincestatedthat whenthe Mujahcdintook overJalalabad Afghanistan, he becameCommanderofMilitaryBase# 4 from 1992-1996. MilitaryBase # 4 was a ISN782 DMO Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Subject: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASEOF GUL, AWAL stagingarea for MujahedinarrivingfromKabul, Afghanistan, to fight in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. 7. Following the death of the Hezb - e - Islami Khalis faction Commander, the detainee assumedcommandofhis forces. 8. The detainee stated that when the Taliban took power inAfghanistan in 1996, he fled to Pakistan for approximatelyone month. The detainee stated the Taliban asked him to returnand -take commandofMilitaryBase # 4 . The detainee stated that at the beginningof the Talibanreign, he cooperated with them inthe hope thatthe Taliban would stabilizethe area. Military Base # 4 consisted of approximately300-400 men . The base had a tank unit, personnel and ammunition. 9. The detainee stated that the last time he was incommand ofMilitary Base # was 2001, which is theday hewas captured b . Training The detainee has practical knowledge of light weapons and knowledge of guerilla and Taliban tactics and training. Connections/ Associations 1. The detaineestated first saw UsamabinLadenaround 1990 during the jihad againstthe Soviets andwhilethe detaineewas drawingwater from a nearbyriver. The detainee stated he met Usamabin Ladenagain around 1995 when the detainee's commander invited him to go see bin Laden. The detainee and his commander were able to talk with Usama bin Laden for about 15 minutes. 3. The detaineestated his thirdsightingofUsamabin Ladenwas duringthe Taliban takeoverofJalalabad Afghanistan. The detaineeandhis commanderwere stoppedby UsamabinLadenas they passedby UsamabinLaden'shouse and spoke to himfor 10-15minutes. The detainee stated that a week to ten days before the arrival of the Taliban , the detainee andhis commanderpassedby UsamabinLaden'shouse and toldhim that the Talibanwas comingto Jalalabad, Afghanistanto take over the city. 5. As of lateSeptember 1996, the detainee'sforces controlledthe Tora Bora camp and a location northwest of Agam , Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan , where DMOExhibit 1 Page2 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED 477 UNCLASSIFIED Subject: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARY OF EVIDENCE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD INTHE CASE OF GUL AWAL Usama bin Ladenhad a facilityunder construction . 6. A source stated that he was told the detainee worked with Usama bin Laden and al Qaida and helped many of them The source stated the detainee was a commanding Emir in Jalalabad, Afghanistan and vicinities 7. A stated the detaineeassistedan individualwithlogisticalsupport. Followingthe battleofTora Borathat took place inNangraharProvince, Afghanistan, UsamabinLadenand the individualreportedlyvisited the detainee's housein Jalalabad, Afghanistan. 8. The individual in the previous statement was second in command for al Qaida. 9. The detaineeattendeda meetingin March2000 for Terrorist hostedby UsamabinLaden . 10. As oflate November 2001, Usama bin Laden gave the detainee 100,000 United States Dollars to pass to Arabs attempting to flee to Pakistan 11. The detainee stated that fifteen days before he was captured, he was in , Afghanistan, and sat with a United States person and another individual and told them that he was with the Taliban d . Other Relevant Data 1. sourcestated the detaineefoughtagainstthe Alliancein Kabul, Afghanistan on the Gul - Da -Da -Ra front lines and was a commander in charge of ten men 2. The detainee was in Afghanistan from 1996-2001and owned a guest house in Jalalabad, Afghanistanin 1997. 3. The detainee was a highlyregardedleaderduringthejihadagainstthe Soviets in Afghanistan . The detainee met with the Taliban as an honorable representative of Jalalabad in order to officially surrender the town to Taliban rule . 4. Thefollowingprimaryfactorsfavor releaseor transfer a. The detainee statedhe wrote a letterofresignationin2000becausehe unhappy. b. The detaineestated he triedto resignfrom the Talibantwice, buthis resignations rejected. DMOExhibit1 Page3 of4 UNCLASSIFIED 478 UNCLASSIFIED Subject: UNCLASSIFIEDSUMMARYOF EVIDENCEFORADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWBOARDINTHE CASE OFGUL, AWAL . The Taliban weakened the detainee's unit because the detainee would not cooperate wtih the fighting. d The detaineestatedhis secondattempt to resignwas rejectedby the Provinvial GoverorofNangahar Province, Afghanistan because the detainee was being used as a token Mujahedin commander who was still working for the Taliban. e The detainee stated that when the fighting and bombing in Tora Bora escalated , he again requested permissionto quit hisjob as Commander of Military Base # . f . The detainee statedthat as the Talibancontinuedto engagein violence and public beatingsfor minorreligiousinfractions, helostthe heartto work with them . g . The detainee stated he does not support Usama bin Laden. The detaineestated he thoughtit was goodthat the UnitedStates enteredAfghanistan and that Americans came and helped free them . The detaineestated he is willingto cooperateand answerall questionsbecausehe wants Afghanistan to be a better place and he knows the United States is there to help j The detainee signed a contract stating he did not help al Qaida flee from Afghanistan and he did not help Usamabin Laden. k. The detainee stated that, ifreleased, he would to his country and work for the government since they invested so much inhim . 1. The detainee stated at the meetingwith a UnitedStates official and others, he still felt responsibleto speak well for the Talibanbecausehis resignationhad nottakeneffect. mn . The detaince stated Usama bin Laden and countries like Pakistan used Afghanistan for their own personal purpose and they used the Afghani people. Instead of building Afghanistan they brought their problems with them . 5. You willbe afforded a meaningfulopportunity to be heard and to present informationto the Board; this includes an opportunityto be physicallypresentat the proceeding. The Assisting Military Officer (AMO ) will assist you inreviewingall relevant and reasonablyavailable unclassifiedinformationregardingyour case. The AMOis not an advocate for or against continueddetention, nor may the AMO form a confidentialrelationshipwithyou or represent you inany other matter. DMOExhibit 1 Page 4 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED 479.
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