DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2021, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PegasOPPOSITION’usSUNITEDstallsFRONT ` 85 per kilo Parliament ` 113 per kilo ` 139 per kilo again,comes ` 64 per Dozen Ram temple to upinSCtoday be ready by Six TMC MPs askedtowithdraw 2025, but from RS; Govt passes five Bills in din devotees will MANOJCG be let in earlier Wrestler Ravi Dahiyaafter the semifinal win againsthis Kazakhstanopponent. Reuters NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 THERE WASnolet-up in the India joins selectclub DEEPTIMANTIWARY Opposition’s pressureonthe NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 With last-min takedown, Government in Parliament Wednesdayseeking astructured of naval powers, first CONSTRUCTION OF the Ram discussioninbothHouses on the temple at Ayodhya won't be Pegasus affair.The standoffdis- Uproar in RajyaSabha on indigenous aircraft completedbefore2025 though wrestler Ravi Dahiya is ruptedbothHouses even as the Wednesday. ANI/RSTV devotees maybeallowedtovisit Supreme Court is scheduledto and pray at the partiallybuilt hear Thursdayaclutchofpeti- carrier starts sea trial structurebyDecember 2023, one win away from gold tions demanding acourt-moni- Ghosh and Mausam Noor,were sources involved in the construc- toredinvestigation intothe al- “named” anddirectedtowith- tion of the temple told TheIndian leged potential targeting of draw from RajyaSabha by Express. Haryana village erupts in joy: activists,politicians and journal- Chairman MVenkaiah Naidu. In KRISHNKAUSHIK ED "Weare hoping to complete ists using the spywaredeveloped the din, the Government passed NEWDELHI,AUGUST4 Demand the main garbha griha (sanctum by an Israeli firm. five Bills —three in RajyaSabha PLAIN E ● formore sanctorum)and the firstfloor of EXPRESSAT ‘Haven’t slept since last night’ As the Opposition parties in- and twoinLok Sabha. INDIA’S FIRSTindigenouslyde- EX the temple by December 2023. OLYMPICS tensifiedtheir blockade of The action againstthe TMC signedand built aircraftcarrier This willhelp devotees visit and bout as long as possible. Parliament on Pegasus andthe members onlycemented begansea trials offthe coastof ONCE IT is commis- offerprayers to RamLalla,” a ANDREWAMSAN Rakesh wasstillsoakingin farmers’ protests,six MPs of the Opposition unity.Soon afterthe KochionWednesday. Theland- sioned, INSVikrant will source said. MIHIRVASAVDA NAHARI,AUGUST4 those final frames when he was Trinamool Congress, Dola Sen, MPs were directed to withdraw markachievement putsIndia in join theRussian-origin Sources also said the bricks TOKYO,AUGUST4 whisked away by revellers who Md. Nadimul Haque, AbirRanjan from the House, 15 Opposition an exclusive listofahandful of INSVikramaditya,atpres- collected by karsevaksfrom THE ENTIRE villagebecame stuffedhis mouth with ladoos Biswas, Shanta Chhetri, Arpita CONTINUEDONPAGE2 nations that have the capability entIndia’s sole aircraft across the countryatthe peakof RAVI DAHIYAisjust23. But in the deliriouswith joywhen the ref- before lifting him on their shoul- to manufacture thesemostpow- carrier.While the Navy the Ramtemple movement may string of akharasacross outer eree raisedRaviDahiya’s hand to ders. Within minutes, someone erful of navalvessels. has been pushingfor an- notbeusedinthe construction Delhi and Haryana, stories of his signalthe semifinal win, but had wrappedaTricolour around The Indigenous Aircraft other warship, the gov- of the temple. Besides,only “jigar”(courage) is already the Rakesh Dahiyaremainedglued him as shoutsof“Bharat Mataki Ex-SC judge Arun Mishra’s Carrier (IAC) will carry the name ernment is still weighing about 70 per cent of the carved stuffoflegend. to theTVinstalledinthe com- Jai”pierced the air. INS Vikrant —the same as the the demand. China is ex- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 At thesedustbowls,young munityhall. He wanted to Then, as the celebratory old number, court officials Indian Navy’s firstaircraftcarrier pected to have five carri- wrestlers aretold stories about savour the highlightsofhis son’s CONTINUEDONPAGE2 that wasdecommissionedin ers by theend of this the man who canbestopped 1997 aftermorethan35years of decade. onlybythe clock, whose relent- on snoop target list: report CONTINUEDONPAGE2 BUSINESSASUSUAL less attacks suckthe energy out SPORT of opponents —and, whose abil- tiredon September3,2020 —the BY UNNY ity to come backfromthe dead EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE reportquotedhim as saying that can put even The Undertakerto LOVLINA NEWDELHI,AUGUST3 he had surrenderedthecellphone shame. SETTLESFOR number “on April 21,2014”. On Wednesday, inside a ARAJASTHAN-BASED cellphone “The number megaconvention hall outside BRONZE AFTER number that wasearlier regis- +9194XXXXXXX is notwith me Tokyo, Dahiyashowedthem LOSS AGAINST teredinformerSupreme Court since 2013-2014.Idon’t use this why. judgeJustice Arun Mishra's number,” Justice Mishra, who is The wrestler from Nahari, TURKISH BOXER name wasaddedtothe listofpo- nowthe National Human Rights near Haryana’s Sonepat, ensured tential targetsofanalleged sur- Commission(NHRC) Chair- India’s fourth medal in Tokyo, a INDIAN WOMEN GO veillance operation using the person, told TheWire.According wrestling medal at the fourth DOWNFIGHTING TO Pegasus spywarein2019, The to the report, Justice Mishrasaid successive Olympics, and afirst ARGENTINA Wire reportedonWednesday. he had “surrendered the num- final in the sportsince Sushil PAGE 16 While Justice Mishrawas asit- beronApril 21,2014”. INS Vikrant setoff forsea trials from KochiWednesday. PTI CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ting SC Judgeatthat time —here- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 POST CABINETDISPLEASURE Bihar, Karnataka expand Considering inclusive CET for Class 11 No review meetings at collector diagnosis of Covid death: admissions: Maharashtra govttoHC offices, Governor to meet officials While the CBSEhas commu- No CET for lung, clinicalevidence OMKARGOKHALE nicated ano-objection to the CET MUMBAI,AUGUST4 in amanner proposedbythe non-professional at circuit &rest houses in 3dists Centre: ‘Reconciling of deaths’still state, Kumbhakoni submitted THE Maharashtragovernment therewas no unanimity among courses in state on, missing out ‘completely unlikely’ informedWednesdaythe other education boards and they have no objectiontothe Bombay High Courtthatitwas have notrespondedtothe state’s VISHWASWAGHMODE Governor meeting the districtof- considering an “inclusive”eval- suggestion as yet. ALIFIYAKHAN MUMBAI,AUGUST4 ficials at the circuit house. Our SANTOSHSINGH, COUNTING THE uation method by conducting a “Weare running out of time. PUNE,AUGUST4 Bhagat Singh onlycontention wasthat the JOHNSONTA& commonentrance test (CET) for Even if we holdCET as per the ADAY afterthe Maharashtra Koshyari Governor cannothold review ABHISHEKANGAD UNCOUNTED admissions to class 11 or first- proposedschedule, and if the THERE WILL be no common en- Cabinet expressed itsdispleas- meetings at the collector's office PATNA,BENGALURU,RANCHI, year junior college(FYJC). courtdoes notintervene, class 11 trance test (CET) foradmissions ureatthe Governor's tour of and can’t createtwo powercen- AUGUST4 AN EXPRESS SERIES Around 10 lakh studentswho admissions will go on till to non-professional (traditional) Marathwada district, Bhagat cuit house in Nandedand tres,” Minority Affairs Minister PART TWO passedSSC exams and afew October and the academic year courses across Maharashtrauni- Singh Koshyari on Wednesday Hingoli districts. At Parbhani, his NawabMalik told The Indian MANY STATES have noteda thousands from other education will commencethereafter. There versities and affiliated colleges, defusedsome of the tension by meeting with district officials Express. surge in their registereddeaths boards have already registered should notbefurther delay,”he said UdaySamant, Minister for modifying his programme at will be held at aresthouse of However, sources from the in the months of Apriland May, times the April-May 2019 all- forthe CET scheduledtobeheld said. Higher and Technical Education Nanded, Parbhani and Hingoli Vasantrao Naik Krishi RajBhavanmaintainedthatthe the twomonthsworsthit by the cause deaths (2019 chosen for on August21. The courthas directed the in Pune on Wednesday. Instead, districts. Vidyapeeth. onlychangeisthat the word “re- brutal second Covidwave, but comparison, it being anon-pan- Advocate General Ashutosh other boards to respond before admissions will take place on the As per the revisedschedule However, thereisnochange view’ has been droppedand the mostofthem areyet to draw up demic year). Kumbhakoni told adivision the next hearing on August6as basis of marks receivedbystu- issuedonWednesday,instead of in the schedule to inauguratethe locations changed to guest anyconcertedplan to investigate Onlytwo states, Bihar and benchofJusticesRDDhanuka to whether theywereagreeable dentsinClass XII. holding “reviewmeetings” with girls and boys hostels at the houses.The sources indicated howmuchofthe surge is be- Karnataka, seem to have ac- and RIChagla that the stategov- to the state’s suggestions. On August3,the district officials “at the collector Swami Ramanand Teerth that these would be "a kind of" cause of Covid. knowledgedthis unusual in- ernment wasexploringpossibil- The division benchwas hear- Maharashtrastate board had de- offices”, the Governor will now Marathwada University in reviewmeetings only, without The Indian Express,inthe first crease. Factoringintheir official ities of the CET format that
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