44,0w golzm> NOMmA int.OMM Eri0lOrl Mt4.41 044U Z07.= 470150.2 ca noe, omy >4mg ....w gntig 0000 regon" 343 14.0 xt) 4X ON THE RADIO m THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1954 7:45-8-The Eddie Fisher Show-WOR. FM PROGRAMS 8-8:30-Official Detective: Craig McDonnell-WOR. WFIJV ,90-7 WABC-FM ... .95.5 WMGM-F95 _100.3 8-8:30-Meet Millie: With Elena Verdugo-WCBS. WNYE P1.5 WQXR.F1.1 ....98.3 WCBS-FM_101.1 8-Basketball: Iona vs. St. Francis; N. Y. U. vs. St. WHOM.FM.. 92.3 WGHF 101.9 RE2XCC gX.1 WNBC.FM ....97.1 WW111.-FI8 _105.1 John's, From Madison Square Garden-WMGM. WNYCFM ...83.9 WEYD.FM ....97.9 8:05-9-SymphonyHall:FeaturingRachrrianinoff's Symphony No. 2-WQXR. DUPLICATING AM PROGRAMS 11:45-WFUV-Satred Heart Program 8:30-9:30-KayArmen Show: With Louis Nye-WNBC. 6:110 A. 111. to1:00 A. M.-WQ X R-FM W NYE-Ring Aroundthe World 8:30-9-Junior Miss: With Barbara Whiting-WCBS. 6:110 A. M. to 1:30 A. M.-WNBC4M 12:00WFUV-News; Noon Concert 9-10-Paul Whiteman Varieties: With Shirley Harmer, 6:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M.--WCBS-FM. WNYE-Famous New Yorkers 6:00 A. M. to9:013 P. M.-WNYC-FM 12:15-WNYE-Times Youth Forum Jackie -Faris, Marian MacPartland-WAEC. 8:00 A. M. to1:00 A. M.-WEVD-FM 12:45-WNYE-Home -Study 9-9:30-Meet Mr. McNutley: With Ray Milland-WCBS. 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M.-WABC.FM 1:0QWEUV-BonjourMesdames 9:05-9:30-The Spoken Word: Excerpts From Wilde's 3:00 P. M. to9:00 P. M.-WMGM.FM 1:15.WFUV-This Week a Year Ago 'The Importance of Being Earnest," With Sir John FM ONLY WNYE-Polly and Puffy Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans, Pamela Brown-WQXR. 7:40.WG.HF-American Bible Society 1:30-WFUV-City Desk; Classical 8:01311,1GHF-Music and News (To 6) Requests 9:30-10-Time for Love: With Marlene Dietrich-WCBS.-9: 15-WNYE-Home Study WNYE-Program From Utica 9:30-10-The Challenge: "Current Challenges to Fred- 8:22WFUV-Morning Meditation 1:45-WNYE-People andPlaces dom"-Thomas.K. Finletter (Recorded)-WMCA. 9:27-WFUV-Blue Chapel Mass 2:00-WNYE-Americans to Remember 9:35-10-The Eddie Cantor Show-WNBC. 10:00-WFUV-News Reports 2:15-WNYE-This Way toSteryland 10-10:30-Mr. Chamelon: Karl Swenson-WCBS. WNYE-Famous New Yorkers 2:30-.WNYE-Tales From Four Winds 10:35-11-The Jane Pickens Show-WNBC. 10:15.WFUV-InternationalDateline 2:45WNYE-Famous New Yorkers WNYE-Uncle Dan 4:00-KE2 X CC-Music; Variety (To ill 10:35-11-Spotlight, N. Y.: "Education and Freedom"-10:30-WFUV-Paris Star Time 4:30-WFUV-News; Compline Dr. Harold Taylor; G. H. Combs, Host-V.VABC. INNYE-Know Your City 6:00-INGHF-Dinner Music 10:45-WNYE-Meeting theSituation 8:30.WGHF-Music (Yo 3) DAYTIME 11:00-WFUV-Guest Star 9:00.WNYC-For Doctors Only: WNYE-Famous New Yorkers Smojcing and Lung Cancer-Dr. 7:00.INNBC-News; Allyn Edwards WCBS-Arthur Godfrey Time 11:I5.WFUV-Heart of America William Watson WOR-News; John Gambling WMCA-News; Record Shop WNYE-Safety Sam 10:00-WNYC-Concert WABC -News; Weather WMGM-Ted HusingBandstand11:30-WFUV-French in the Air 11:00-WNYC-Chamber Music (To 12) WCBS-News; Jack Sterling WNEW-Jerry Marshall WNYE-Science at Our Door 12:00.INNYC-While the City Sleeps WMCA-News; Gallagher-O'Brien WQ X R-New York Times News WNYC-Sunrise Symphony 10:05WQX R-Morning Melodies WCBS-Road of Life The New York Times WINS-News; Charlie Stark 10 :2S-WABC-Whispering Streets WMCA-News; Recorded Music WMGM -Ted Brown 10:30.WNBC-Bob Hope - WNYC=Famous Artists NEWS BULLETINS WNEW-Klavan-Finch WINS-News; Recorded Music WOV-Wake Up, New York WNYC-You and Your Health WNEW-Recorded Music . WMGM -Recorded Music every hour on the hour WQ X R-New York Times News WNEW-Recorded Music 7:05.WQ X R-Bright and Early 10:45-WNBC-Break the . Bank 7 A. 31. to midnight over WABC-When a Girl Marries WQ X R-New York Times News 7:15-WABC-Bobby Sherwood 1: 05-WQ X R-Midday Spphony 7:28-WQ X R-Weather Report WNYC-News- Reports - WQXR 10:55-WMGM-News; Blossom Seeley- 1: IS-INOR-Patt Barnes-Barbara 7:30-WNBC-News; Allyn Edwards WEBS-Ma Perkins (1560 on your dial) WABC-Charles F. McCarthy Benny Fields Show 11:00.INNI3C-StrikeItRid,' 1:30.1NNBC-Herb Sheldon WQXR-FM - WCBS-NeWs; Jack Sterling WOR-Barbara Welles ' WNEW-News; Kievan-Finch WOR-Wonderful City 99 me. Ion FM seta] WABC-Grand Central Station WEBS-Young Dr.Malone WQX R-Breakfast Symphony WNYC-HeadlinesinChemistry 7:35-INABC-Bobby Sherwood WMCA-News; Record Shop WNYC-For theLadies 1:45-WCBS-The Guiding Light 7:45.WC135-News Reports - WNYC-Weather; News 3:45.WNBC-Right toHappiness - WNYC-Weather; News Reports WQ X R-New York Times News WCBS-Wizard ofOdds 11:05-WQ X R-M id-MorningConcert 2:00-WNBC-News; Herb Sheldon 8:00-INNBC-News; Allyn Edwards WOR-Fred Robbins 3:55-WMGM-News; BillSilbert WOR, WABC-News Reports 11:25.WOR-News; Queenfor a .Day 4:00-WNBC-Backstage Wife WABC-Modern Romances -WA BC-Dean Cameron WCBS-News; Bob Haymes WCBS-The Second Mrs. Barton WCBS-Robert Q.Lewis WNYC-Around New York 11:30.WNBC-Phrase That Pays . WMCA-News; Recorded Music WMCA-News; RecordedMusic WQ X R-New York Times News WCBS-Make Up YourMind WNYC-Americans to Remedber WNYC-Music From the Theatre 8: 05-WQ X R-Breakfast Symphony WINS-Jo Halpin WINS-News; Art Scanlon WINS-News; Listen to Lacy 8:15-WOR-Dorothy and Dick WNEW-News; RecordedMusic WMGR-Aime Gauvin Show WQ X R-New York Times News WABC-Ed and Pegeen Fitzgerald11:40-WABC-Ever Since Eve - WQ X R-New York Times News 4:0S4A/cats-Emily Kimbrough 8:30.WNBC-Tex and Jinx 11:45.WNBC-Second Chance 2:05.WQXR-Footlight Favorites WQX R-The Concert Hall WNEW-News; Klavan-Finch WCBS-Rosemary 2:15-WCBS-Perry Mason 4: 15-WNBC-Stella DaUas WOV-Ladies' Day WQX ki-Luncheon .Concert WNYC-This Way toStoryland 4 :30-WNBC-Young Widder Brown 8:45-WNYC-Social Security News 11:55.WNYC-News; Midday. Symphony 2:30-1NNBC-Good News WCBS-Galen Drake 13:30-WNYC-Food Talks 12:00-INNBC-News; Faye Emerson WOR-Sloan Simpson WNEW-News; Recorded Music 8:55-WABC-News Reports . WOR-Curt Massey Time WA BC-Dorest Bell WQXR-Listening, Jacques Fray WNYC, WMGM-News Reports WABC-George AnsbroPresents WCBS-This Is Nora .Drake 4:45ANNESC-The Woman in My House 9:00-WABC-Breakfast Club WCBS-Wendy Warren WNYC-Opera Maine: Puccini's WOR-Mr. Mystery Makers 4 :55.V.INYC-News Reports. WOR-News; Second Breakfast WMCA-News;Music . La Boheme WCBS-This Is New York WINS-News; RecordedMusic WMGM-Recorded Music WMGMNews; Ted Hosing WMCA-News; Gallagher-O'Brien WMGM-Hal Peary Shur - WNEW-News; Music Hall 5:00.INNBC-Just PlainBill WNYC-Masterwork Hour WHEW-Bill Harrington Show WQX R-Alma Dettinger WOR-Sgt. Preston of the Yukon WINS-News; Charlie 'Stark WOV-ContinentalMelodies 2:35-WABC-Martin Block's Make- WCBS-News; John Henry Faulk WMGM-Carlton Fredericks WQ X R-New York Times News Believe Ballroom WMCA-News; Crosby Records WQ X R-New York Times News 12:05-WQ X R-.LuncheonConcert 2:45.1NNBC-Jane Pickens WNYC-AdventuresinJazz 9:0S-WQX R-Just Music 12:15-WOR-Les Higbie, Comments WCBS-The Brighter Day . WHEW-Art Ford Show WABC-Maggi McNellis INQXR-New York Times News 9:15.W0V-Band Parade 2:55-WNBC-News Reports S:05-WQ X R-Music Specialties 9:30-WNBC-News; Jim Coy WCBS-Aunt Jenny - WMGM -News; Bob Byron Show WOR-The McCanns at Home 12:20-WOR-Tello.Test 3:00.INNBC-Life Can Be Beautiful 5:15-WNBC-Front-PageFarrell WCBS-Joan Edwards Show 12:25-WABC-Jack Beech WOR-Radio Playhouse: A Dime WQX R-Cocktail Time WMCA-Record Shop 12:.30-WOR-News; Gabriel Heater a Dozen. With Gale Storm 5:30-WNBC-Loremo Jones WINS-Paul Sherman Show WABC-Maggi McNellis WCBS:-Hilltop House WOR-Sky King WNEW-News; Recorded Music WCBS-Romance of Helen Trent WMCA-News; Recorded Music WN-YC-Social Security Series 12:45-WABC-News Reports WINS-News; RecordedMusic WHEW-News;Ballroom Music. WOV-Morning Bells Married' WQ X R-Piano Personalities WCBS-Our Gal Sunday WQ X R-New York Times News S:45-WNBO-It - Pays toBe 9:45-WNBC-Ury Day 12:85-WOR-Here's to My Lady 3:05-WQX R-Symphonic Matinee WNYC-Armed Forces Newsreel WO X fl-Composer's Varieties WNYC-News Reports 3:1S-WNBC-Road of Life 5:50-WNYC-News Reports 5:55.WOR=Gecil Brown, Comments 10:00-1861BC-Welcome, Travelers 1:00-WNBC-News; Jim Coy WC8S-House Party WOR-Ntws; Martha Deane WOR-McCanns at Home 3:30-WNBC-Pepper Young'sFamily 1NCBS-ThisIBelieve WABC-My True Story WABC-Mary Margaret McBride WNEW-News; Recorded Music WMGM-News; TedBrown . EVEbriNG EVENING WCBS-News; Galen Drake 6:00-WNBC, WOR, WCBS-News WINS-RecordedMusic WABC-Paul Whiteman Varieties: 7:20.WOR-The Answer Man With Shirley Harmer, Others WINS-Campus Editorial:Is the WMCA-News; Recorded Music Korean G.
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