co .<[ ~frtHRISTIA TY TODAY :Q-~~~~~>- ,~l~)~i.~.====::':====-- ~>~4 ~ ~ ~ . o'ZP:>G II~I A PRESBYTERIAN JOURNAL DEVOTED TO STATING/DEFENDING III AND FURTHERING THE GOSPEL IN THE MODERN WORLD SAMUEL G. CRAIG, Editor H. McALLISTER GRIFFITHS, Managing Editor Published monthly by . THE PRESBYTERIAN AND MID-OCTOBER, 1932 $1.00 A YEAR EVERYWHERE REFORMED PUBLISHING CO., Entered a, ,econd...,I ... matter May 11,1931, 01 Vol. 3 No.6 the Post Ollice at Philadelphia, Pa., under th" 501 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila., Pa. Act of March 3,1819. The Corporate Witness of the Church HE primary task of the organized corporate witness of the church to which nesses to the gospel in the community in T church as of the individual Chris­ we belong. As a matter of fact, how­ which our lot is cast. But" whatever the tian is to bear witness. Our LORD'S final ever, He did establish a church. More­ church to which we belong, we are under command was: "Ye shall be my wit­ over there is nothing to indicate that He obligation, as much as in us lies, to see nesses both in Jerusalem, and in all approves of un-attached Christians, those to it that in its corporate capacity it Judea and Samaria, and unto the utter­ who accept Him as their personal LORD bears full and unequivocal witness to the most parts of the earth." In obedience and SAVIOUR but who are not members gospel of the grace of GOD. This is not to this command the apostles (as soon of His organized church. Hence, the to say that it is enough that we belong as the Holy Spirit had come upon them) situation being what it is, we are both to an organization calling itself a church. entered upon a campaign of witnessing under obligation to be members of the Conceivably all the churches in a com­ -a campaign in which they continued organized church and to do all in our munity may have "so degenerated as to active until their memberships had been power to see to it that its corporate become no churches of CHRIST but transferred from the church militant to witness is both clean-cut and adequate. synagogues of Satan" (Confession of the church triumphant (Acts 1:8, 22; Ideally there should be but one church Faith, Chapter 25). Suppose, for in­ 2:32; 3-15; 5; 32; 10:39-42; 13:31; and this one church should bear faith­ stance, that the Presbyterian Church 22:15; with which compare MATTHEW ful witness to a full-orbed gospel. Lack­ should so modify its creed as to bring it 24:14 and LUKE 24:48.) ing this one church we must be content into harmony with "Modernism." In This campaign of witnessing stressed to belong to the church that best wit- that case its corporate testimony would both the facts and the doctrines that be hostile to the gospel of the grace of constitute the Christian religion. "I GOD and as such an organization to delivered unto you first of all," PAUL IN THIS ISSUE: which no genuine Christian should wrote to the Corinthians, "that which I belong. Editorial Notes and Comments also received: that CHRIST died for our We would not be understood as mini­ sins according to the Scriptures." A Significant Letter.. .. 2 mizing the importance of the witness of "CHRIST died"-that was the statement "Needed Emphases in the Church the individual Christian. Important of a fact. "CHRIST died for our sins"­ Today .......................... 3 and indispensable as that is, however, it that was the statement of a doctrine, i.e. Two Calls to Repentance. .. 3 is insignificant as compared to the cor­ the true explanation of the fact. The porate witness of the church to which fact without the doctrine would have Presbyterian Pelagianism.. .. 4 the individual belongs by as much as been meaningless: the doctrine without Wm. Childs Robinson that organization is greater than the the fact would have been empty. He who Notes on Biblical Exposition-XXII... 6 individual. How little, for instance, is is silent either as to the facts or the J. Gresham Machen the significance that attaches to the wit­ doctrines that lie at the basis of the ness of any individual Presbyterian as Christian religion is worthless as a Let Us Become "Antioch Christians" compared· with the corporate testimony Once Morel. ............. ;.... 9 Christian witness. of the Presbyterian Church in the John C. Monsma It is conceivable that CHRIST should U. S. A. with its two million members! not have established a church. In that Letters to the Editor . ............... 12 The corporate witness of the church is case we would be under obligation to therefore a matter of great importance "Perfectionism": A Book Review. " .. 14 witness for CHRIST as individuals; but in the maintenance and propagation of would not need to be concerned about the News of the Church . ................ 16 the Christian religion, true as it is that 2 CHRISTIANITY TODAY October, 1932 the effectiveness of this witness is greatly Evangelicals not only its glory but its of life as well as a system of doctrines. weakened by the fact that everywhere usefulness will have departed. Then These two are inextricably bound to­ throughout the churches, and especially there will be nothing left for those who gether, organically related as the tree throughout the Protestant churches, worship CHRIST as GOD and who are and its fruit. In the interest of the what one man proclaims as saving truth conscious of themselves as sinners who Christian. life itself, we must maintain another man denounces as fatal error. have been redeemed by His blood except the purity and vigor of our doctrinal Hence distraction and confusion. "If to leave the organization in order to jo·in witness. Get rid of the doctrines and the trumpet give an uncertain voice, who with some organization that in its cor­ the Christian life will be cut at its roots. shall prepare himself for war?" There porate capacity would bear witness to Other things being equal, the life will be is· therefore no more pressing need than the gospel of the grace of GOD. The fact vigorous and well-developed as the doc­ the creation of a situation wherein the that we are opposed to an "inclusive" trines are known and believed. Ours is Church of CHRIST will bear undivided church does not mean that we are not a religion that loves darkness rather witness to the gospel of the grace of GOD. opposed in principle to revision of the than light or that thrives best where it Some churches boast of their "compre­ Confession of Faith. It does mean, is least understood. hensiveness" and seemingly glory in the however, that we are opposed to any Shall the Presbyterian Church main­ fact that Arminians and Calvinists, revision that would weaken it as an ex­ tain its historic and corporate witness Sacramentarians and Evangelicals, pression of the Reformed Faith or that as a church of the LORD JESUS CHRIST? Liberals and Conservatives, feel equally sits lightly to the Bible as divinely That is one of the most important ques­ at home within their borders. Such authoritative III all its length and tions before us today .. If we thought churches are little concerned about their breadth. that the proposed basis of union with corporate testimony. Other churches, Whether we speak of the witness of the United Presbyterian Church would however, like the Presbyterian Church the iridividual or the corporate witness purify and strengthen the corporate wit­ (until recent times at least) have been of the church we mean, of course, a ness of our church, or even leave it un­ keenly concerned about their corporate witness in deed as well as a word. The impaired, we would heartily favor this testimony. In order to maintain the word without the deed is insincere. The particular union. But inasmuch as it integrity of this testimony "the Presby­ deed without the word is dumb. An seems to us that it would seriously tetianChurch receives into its ministry effective witness must be both sincere weaken the corporate witness of our (luly those who profess to believe the and articulate. In harmony with this church and thus render it less efficient as Bible to be the Word of GOD, the only the corporate testimony of the Presby­ an agent for furthering the gospel we are infallible rule of faith and practice, and terian Church witnesses to the Bible as constrained to oppose it. Size gained who profess to believe that its Confes­ the infallible rule of practice (as well as at the cost of purity and integrity of sionof Faith contains the system of doc­ faith) and so to Christianity as a mode testimony is secured at too great a cost. trine taught in the Bible. In proportion as ministers are intelligently loyal to their ordination vows it is obvious that the corporate testimony of the Presby­ terian Church will be clear and definite. Editorial Notes and Comments If it be true; as unfortunately it is, that the testimony given by the Presbyterian A Significant Letter woman who interview prospective mis· Qhurch today is discordant and con­ sionaries for the foreign field and upon tradictory, this finds its explanation in ONFIDENCE in the Board of Foreign whose recommendations, it is safe to assume, Missions of the Presbyterian Church the Board largely depends in making its the fact that its ministry contains many inC the U. S. A. on the part of men and selections. We have previously directed at· who. have been false to their ordination women of evangelical conviction will not be tention to the fact that Mr.
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