ISSN 0002-9920 of the American Mathematical Society February 1996 Volume 43, Number 2 Using Mathematics to Understand HIV Immune Dynamics page 191 Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness page 203 Emperor's Cloak (See page 188) MathSciNet Search [ Stan Sea:n:h J [ Clear Screen J Click ~ for options. r--:--:---------:,..=--'lllwnes* ~ [ Stan Sea:n:h J [ Clear Screen J 5] 91i:ll163 W!l.s,.A_ The[,.... • ..,. conjecture for totally real fields . Ann of.JI.htli (?l_ IJI (1990), no . 3, 493--540. /Reviewer: Alexoy A. Panchishkin) IIR42!11F6711RM) 6) ~j : liOSI Wil•s,.A_ On ordinary $\lambdo.$-odit represel'l!etions essociated to modular forms . lnv•nt Jl.htli. 94 /198B), no . 3, 529--573. (Revie....,r: Sheldon KamieiiiiY) 11F41 (11FSO 11R2311R80) ('II SSe:li04S ~-JL Wiles,.A_ On !1>$-odit ~;,families of Galois represol'l!etions . Co_1JJl!.OSIM M'lfh 59 (1~815), no . 2, 231--264. (Revie....,r: Ernst :Wilhelm Zink) 11018 (11F1111F33 11R23 11R32) 181 [Zg:lll42 Wiles A On l!o$-edlc represel'l!etions fortotellY real fields . Ar••' of.M'lth (?)_123 (19815), no . 3, 40"7··456. (Revie....,r: Jean·F~ois Joulel'll) 11R23(11F80 lfR1ID "] SSm:ll069 Mazut,lL ; Wtles A Cless fields ohbelian extensions of $(1bf Q}$. i'm•nt M>th 16 (1984), no . 2, 179··330 (Revie....,r: Kenneth ~ - Rlbet) ~(llQJll) Undergraduate Now in paperback ... Computational Commutative Algebra The Logic of Provability Geometry inC Miles Reid George S. Boolos Joseph O'Rourke In this well-written introduction to '1 found it lively, lucid, and informative .... ". .. very clearly written and manages to make commutative algebra, the author shows the When an argument becomes tricky, he breaks traditionally difficult-to-explain topics such as link between commutative ring theory and it down into a lot ofsmall steps, showing the point-line duality very understandable ... 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There are -D.V. Feldman, Choice topology, homotopy theory, algebra, many exercises that Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical geometry, analysis. serve to reinforce the Computer Science 38 concepts. " London Mathematical Society Lecture Note 1994 217 pp. Series 226 and 227 -D.P. Turner, 42027-X Hardback $39.95 Vol. 1: 1996 c.384 pp. Choice 49796-5 Paperback $39.95 1994 266 pp. Mathematical Theory Vol. 2: 1996 c.376 pp. 46259-2 Hardback $49.95 of Domains 49795-7 Paperback $39.95 46800-0 Paperback $19.95 V. Stoltenberg-Hansen, Spectral Decomposition Arithmetic of I. Lindstrom, and E.R. Griffor and Eisenstein Series Quadratic Forms ". .. thoroughly recommended for anyone A Paraphrase of the Scriptures Y. Kitaoka nterested in computability. " C. Moeglin and J-L. Waldspurger "... this is an excellent book. It will certainly -Steven Vickers, Describes Langland's proof in detail and be indispensable for anybody working in The Computer Journal provides essential background in subjects the field. ... "- Rainer Schulze-Pillot Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical such as: automorphic forms, Eisenstein series, 1993 276 pp. Computer Science 22 Eisenstein pseudo-series, and their properties. 40475-4 Hardback $59.95 1994 301 pp. 38344-7 Hardback $44.95 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 113 Representations of Now in paperback ... 1995 365 pp. Solvable Groups 41893-3 Hardback $80.00 An Introduction to Olaf Manz and Thomas R. Wolf An Introduction Homological Algebra "This is a very readable and coherent to Noncommutative expository monograph ... The book Charles A. Weibel Differential Geometry ftatures complete proofi and extensive ".. the ideal text for the working mathematician and its Applications background material. " needing a detailed description ofthe fUndamen­ tals ofthe subject as it exists and is used today. " J. Madore - David Gluck, Mathematical Reviews London Mathematical Society - Kenneth A. Brown, An introduction to aspects of noncom­ Lecture Note Series 185 Mathematical Reviews mutative geometry, with special emphasis 1993 313 pp. Cambridge Studies in Advanced on those cases where the structure algebra 39739-1 Paperback $42.95 Mathematics 38 is an algebra of matrices over the complex 1994 464 pp. numbers. 55987-1 Paperback $29.95 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 206 1995 206 pp. 46791-8 Paperback $32.95 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Electronic Res~~rch Announcements AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY CONTENTS Volume 1 • Issue 2 • 1995 Agust Sverrir Egilsson, On Embedding the 1: 1:2 Resonance Space in a EDITORIAL BOARD Poisson Manifold Douglas Arnold Hyman Bass Lisa C. Jeffrey and Frances C. Kirwan, Intersection Pairings in Eugenio Calabi Moduli Spaces of Holomorphic Bundles on a Riemann Surface Alexandre Chorin Ingrid Daubechies Walter D. Neumann and Jun Yang, Invariants from Triangulations of James Glimm Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds Ronald Graham Leonard Gross Dmitry Jakobson, On Quantum Limits on Flat Tori Yitzhak Katznelson David Kazhdan Ronald de Man, On Composants of Solenoids Alexandre Kirillov Frances Kirwan 3 Krystyna Kuperberg Robert W. Ghrist, Flows on S Supporting All Links as Orbits Robert Lazarsfeld Douglas Lind Gregory Margulis The American Mathematical Society's first electronic-only journal, "Electronic Research Hugh Montgomery Announcements of the AMS" (ERA-AMS), is now available on the World Wide Web at the URL: Walter Neumann http://www. ams. org/era/ Richard Schoen ERA-AMS publishes high-quality research announcements of significant advances in all Masamichi Takesaki branches of mathematics. Authors may submit manuscripts to any editor. All papers are reviewed, Michael Taylor and the entire Editorial Board must approve the acceptance of any paper. Thomas Wolff ERA-AMS offers you ... • decreased turn-around time from submission to print Zhihong (Jeff) Xia • fast access to your specific area of interest Don Zagier • up-to-the-minute research information Efim Zelmanov To obtain submission information and the template, send e-mail to: Robert Zimmer [email protected] with the word "help" in the subject line. Svetlana Katok Managing Editor For more information: [email protected] 800-321-4267,401-455-4000, fax 401-331-3842 Table of Contents February 1996 Articles Using Mathematics to Understand HIVImmune Dynamics 191 Denise Kirschner A discussion ofa model for the dynamics ofthe action oftheHIVvirus on cells ofthe bloodstream. Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science ofConsciousness 203 William Faris Roger Penrose speculates that the human mind determines the truth of unproven (and perhaps unprovable) statements by means of probabalistic quantum theoretical dynamics. FacultySalarySurvey(1994-1995 Salaries) 209 Communications Departments Undergraduate Mathematics Mathematics People ....................................................................... 221 Education Needs Your Critical Mathematics Opportunities ........................................................ 223 Concern 213 For Your Information ..................................................................... 225 Reporter's Notebook 216 Reference ........................................................................................... 239 Mathematics Calendar .................................................................. 240 Serving as a Visiting Scientist New Publications Offered by the AMS ..................................... 248 at the NSF 219 Publications of Continuing lnterest ......................................... 249 Classifieds ................... :..................................................................... 250 Meetings and Conferences ofthe AMS .................................. 266 Forms ................................................................................................... 275 Commentary FromtheAMS From the Editor 188 Election Results of 1995 ............................................................... 227 Letters to the Editor 189 1995 Policy Reports of the AMS Policy Committees ........... 22 7 1996 AMS Elections ........................................................................ 231 AMS Standard Cover Sheet ........................................................... 236 Notices Whither Democracy? of the American Mathematical Society EDITOR: Hugo Rossi fter many years of one-party rule, the tiny republic of Arcania finally held its first ASSOCIATE EDITORS: A contested election for president in 1991. However, it continued the unusual prac­ Robert F. Fossum, Susan Friedlander (Forum Editor), tice of including appointed judges as voting members of its legislative body; some Steven Krantz, Susan Landau, Andy Magid, Mary Beth Ruskai defeated candidates were even appointed to these judgeships.
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