
T/ieDELPHI AN an A N N U A L published by the S t u d e nt s o f the N e w Philadelphia High School, H UNDER the SUPERVISION o f the SENIOR CLASS o f 1 9 2 0 - - - VOLUMEVIII 3 8ft 8 8 n P R E F A C E After graduation our class will be separated « forever. Some will perhaps, be near each other u but others will journey far into the unknown world in search of success. And, as the long 8 year roll by, the memory of their High School days will gradually pass away unless they pos H ;tess something which, will keep their Iligjli School lfe ever before them. With a desire to provide something which will help to retain the memory of our school days and which 8 8 will give the general public a view of our school ♦♦ 8 life, we present to' you the Delphi a n of 8 § Nineteen hundred twenty. 8 ♦♦8 8 » 8 8 § jm «:8888i888888m 8t8888:8m:8888888mn88U8:88888888J888m888888 ttiuxm tuxxttttm txi As a token of our affection for one who is always a true friend to her scholars, who is always cheerful and happy, and who makes the Latin road a pleanant one to travel, we cheerfully dedicate this Annual to « H B ♦♦» +»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»• 5 m m n m W llr STUFF! RUSSELL CHRISTIE— ’20 Editor MARY LOOMIS—’21 Assistant Editor RUSSELL KXISELY—’20 Business Manager MARCUS SCHEAR— ’21 Asst. Business Man. MARIAN STOCK WELL Fac. Advisory Editor Associate Editors 'LIAMARLOWE—’20 Literary Editor tN WENGER— ’20 Athletic Editor MARGUERITE McDERMOTT— ’20 Art Editor VICTOR MARSH—’21 Humorous Editor MARY GETZ— ’20 Stenographer MARY SNYDER—-’20 Stenographer Class Historians MARY W HITE FOR I)— ’20 11ELEX E .A 1ER SO X— ’21 ELIZABETH AUGIIINBAUGH— ’22 GLADYS DAVIS— ’23 “ The Delphi a n is a great invention, The school gets all the fame, The printer gets the money, And the staff gets all the blame!” 6 DR. R. S. BARTON, Vice-President 88iJ8mS«88J« a 8 ♦♦8 8 9 JOHN A. AKE MARIAN STOCKWELL UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY JUNIATA COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRINCIPAL ENGLISH “Where do you belong?” ‘‘Now Remember That Fellow in College' SUP] E. FELTON CHARLES II. SLOE UNIVERSITY of WOOSTER YOCUM COMMERCIAL COLLEGE PHYSICS COMMERCIAL For Instance” “Get ready for dication” 11 a 44a a a 44a ♦t♦♦ ♦♦ 4f4 4 ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦t 4 4 ♦♦ 4 4 ♦♦ ♦♦ 44♦♦ a a ♦♦a a LAURA HOSICK FRANCES MY HR UNIVERSITY of COLORADO ♦♦a DENISON UNIVERSITY 4♦♦ 4 M A T HEMATICS 44 LATIN a “W ell----------’’ “Time to get quiet” a a H 4#44 ga I aI H H I 1 II ♦♦a 44 S 4a 4 44 ♦4 44 44 44 a a a H44 a44 44| | a 11 UN R1 CAMPE MYRTLE POLAND 44S ANTIOCH COLLEGE CONSERVATORY of MUSIC a ENC LISH — GENERAL HISTORY Cincinnati 44a “Let’s taKe this seriously” MUSIC 44 “I Want to announce” a 44a 44 44 a 44 44 a a 44 a44 J| H ntanaataiaa: .aaataaaaaamaaaaaaatmaaaatmaaamaffltaaaairnmmmtiimaanntntmmmtm 12 tn u n m u m t n n 1 I «H ♦♦« NICHOLAS WEISS VIOLET PATTERSON UNIVERSITY of WOOSTER OHIO UNIVERSITY CHEMISTRY ENGLISH — COMMERCIAL “Chances Are” “W ell, n ow .” BERTHA WEISS ROBERT L- FRAZIER UNIVERSITY of WOOSTER LIBRARY FRENCH “The study period has commenced” “Au Revoir” 13 JAMES W. KIRK ESTHER SIIAWTEKER UNIVERSITY of WOOSTER PRATT INSTITUTE HISTORY “I want you to Know” PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY “Ordinarily” I SALELLA GREGSON LIBRARY “Oh! N ic K ” MAH 11 HUNT WALLACE McCALL WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY MUSKINGUM COLLEGE E NGLllH M A N U AL TRAINING Now girls “Hey! You fellows, cut that out!’ 14 15 mnnttnmwu m m m Senior Class DONALD URFER P r e s i d e n t JOHN WENGER V i c e - P r e s i d e n 1 JAMES KIEFER S e & f e 1 ;i r y HAZEL RUSSELL rr r c a s u r o r Sweet Pea — id (Aver Blue and White —- Colors ■‘Strive to Win. and Win You W ill1 Motto SITE E. FELTON Honorary Membei Cl 0 M M I T T 1 Social C a r n i v a Paul Winters Paul Winters Varelia Hollett Marcella Dick Robert Barthlemeh Russell Christie Mildred Linebergei Clermont Milar John Wenger Wade Portz Frances White Margaret Fackler Donald Urfer Marv Tennant 17 DONALD URFER “DON” Class President ’20 Class Prophecy ’20 G lee Club ’17, IS S o cia l C om m ittee ’10 Class Play ’2 0 “He wasn’t merely a chip of the old blocK; but the blocK itself.” How could the Class of ’20 graduate with, out Don. We would feel liKe a bald-headed man out insociety without his wig. Don is our flashy top, but unliKe the wig, he is not false. CELESTIA ANKNEY “BETTY” Social Committee ’19 French Club’ 20 T reasu rer ’19 G lee Club '20 “Thy voice is a celestial melody.” Celestia’s parents must have Known their child was going to have a voice. She made it Known when she arrived, so they called her Celestia in order that it would become celestial some time in the future. ROBERT BARTHELMEIT “BOB” Class BasKet-ball ’19 Class Play ‘20 Foot-ball ’19 Social Committee ’20 Orchestra ’17, ’18, ’19, ’20 Glee Club ’18 “I’ll be merry and free.” Bob had better be merry carrying such a load as the above record around on his shoulders. But how he can be free, I don’t see. ELM A BROOKS “PO L L Y ” Class BasKet-ball ’IS. ’19; Manager 19 F rench Club '20 S o cia l C om m ittee ’19 “The sweetest lady of the time.” Elma is a general favorite of our class. No wonder, she is always bright and pleas­ ant, and has a good disposition. What more could we want in one small lady? PEARL BAKER B a sK et-b a ll ’17, ’18 G lee Club ’17, '18, '19 French Club ’20 “She is a favorite everywhere.” Pearl is a fine student. We are proud to have her in our ciass. Not only does she do her worK well, but she is a good enter- ainer, too JANET BRITTON “JAYBEE" French Club ’20 Glee Club ’17, ’18, ’20 BasKet-ball ’17, ’18, ’20 “Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty’s s e lf.’’ Last year Janet left us and attended the Hyde ParK High School at Chicago. She found, though, that there is no place liKe old N. P. H. S. The Class of ’20 was very glad to welcome her return. IRMA BEALE ‘ O w o rld ! O tim e! O tim e! In whose last steps I climb! ” Irma comes from Midvale also. It is won­ derful how that little village contains so many talented people. GRACE BRIGGS “RED” Glee Club ’20 French Club ’20 “And sweet shall your welcome be.” Grace is another new member of our class who joined us this year. Grace has red hair but w'e haven’t seen any temper yet. MILDRED BORDER “Kind hearts are more than coronets.” Mildred is an industrious student. She has walKed right straight through the halls of learning in N. P. H. S. HAZEL BROWN G lee Club ’17, ’18 B a sK et-b a ll ’17 “A true friend is forever a friend.” A true friend is Hazel.We have always found her a true friend to our Class and to our school. 19 RUSSELL CHRISTIE “CHRISTIE” TracK ’18, ’20, Captain ’20 Class Play ’20 Class BasKet-ball Social Committee ’19 Editor of Delphian ’20 “He was wont to speaK plain and to the purpose; LiKe an honest man and a soldier.” As the editor of the Delphian, Russell is a star. We can find him shining ail through the booK. N. P. H. S. loses a good all-round fellow when it loses Christie. Here’s good lucK to our editor in the future. MARIE CAPI/ES “B E T Z” We are very sorry that we had to lose Betz, with her sweet disposition, just a fe w months before graduation, but due to sicK­ ness she was unable to finish the term. We all wish Marie great success in the future. I.U'EIXK CARROTHERS “ PO L L Y ” G lee Club ’18 F ren ch Club '20 “Her smile was liKe a rainbow flashing from a misty sKy.” 5, Polly's smile dispels all gloom. It spreads sunshine wherever she goes. It' you see a smile coming down the hall, you Know it is P au lin e. WILMA dow imnc ” K A T V ” Basket ball ’17, 'IS, ’19 'All ilil I'iciill lea a re bul easy, when the known." Wilma Is a quiet, studious person, have enjoyed her presence with us: JAMES o. noon " G l 1 V ' N 1C K ” O rchestra ’17, '19 “I was born to other thing's,’’ Jim is an accomplished fellow,He can play a fife, he can speaK French, he gets his lessons without studying, he is a great ac­ tor, and he can drive an automobile. All the same, Jim is all right. Our Class couldn't do without him. MASCEJjM DICK " D 1 e K 1C Y " Class BasKet-ball ’ 17, '18, '19, '20 Captain '17 Girls' Varsity ’20 French Club '20 “I see, but cannot reach the height That lies forever in the light.” Marcella is one of our forwards. Not; only a forward in basKet-ball, hut forward in all school events.
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