MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1968 PAGE TWENTY fianrljeatpr lEnfttittg iffralii Aveitigie Daily Net Prosa Ron The Weather For Hie Week End«»d Meeting Slated January 6, 1968 Fair tonight and tomorrow. About Town Boy Scouts Set New Goals tilanrbPBtpr lEuettttig iJpralb Low tonight 16 to 26. Tomorrow, By Garden Oub TM l CEDARS OF LEBANON about 40. Dr. llioinM iMalian, dirMtcr 15,534 iMancbiestar Oamden d u b will In ^Breakthrough^ Program Manchester— A City of Village Charm d t FK)!>0Ot Oonoem, w « spcok halve a deononstraltton of flow­ TuaMlHSr«lt 8 pjiL « t a macMar A dramatlo advance In gret- "Scouting can do much to (Oiaaaifted Adverttolng on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS o£ die W«ee«tey Chd> << Oreaber er onanging and a sltver tea (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1968 Mkmdey, iFeb. 12, ert 1 p jn . in ting scouting to more boys Is help,’ ’ he said. "Scouting skills VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 107 HMittanl « t dw O m gnm Oun- and the advancement program W bodnilf HeiU o f Center Con- expected as the residt of a new p«M O n ter c t dM Vnlvmtty a t gnegcUonal Church. 7710 enrenlt bolster confidence. Our merit emphasis in the “ Breakthrough Heitlftrd, 200 BhninObhl Av«., la open to all women Interealed badge program provides op­ W a t HMttDonl Hki to ftc to "A ll BINGO in working with ftowens. for Youth’’ program of the portunities for boys to explore Bvrtudbon v t ttae Two-Year Miss EUen Buckley, MIrs. WU- Charter Oak Council, Boy over a hundred subjects under SuhurtMn Buata« EbcpertmnA" 0RAN€C HAU EVERY TUESDAY Itlam lEete, Mrs. Ear) Herrick, Scouts of America, according the guidance of flne adult citi­ WMti hdn on die pcogxwn are Mns. George M. Johneon and zens from all walks of life.’’ Secret Pueblo Talks ^ Bulletin VOrn. WOCred X . JotaMon, ^Mctal to Earle K. Borman of West Mite MUUoent Jonas' will desn- The Charter Oak Council now aeiMant, State Depardnent of Hartford, the council president. onetrato the otrranglng of fresh, has an all-time high In member­ EMuoaMon and Mire. T . K CEwm- U.S„ RUSSIA TALKS artiflctal, and anlti(iued flowerB. Nearly 409 Cub Scout Packs, ship of 16,662 boys registered in bertaln, eu|)i>atitive teacher, MOSCOW (AP)— Premier MIbbs and line arrangemients Boy Scout Troops, and Explorer scouting and expects to enroll Prorjeot Oonoem. Alexei N. Koaygln, who met- .will be dtaplayed. Posts In Hartford and Tolland 3,600 new scouts before the end Spur Seoul Dismay Monday with the North Vlet- iNb«. Eeibs and Miss Euckley counties are setting new goals of 1968 as a part of the national, nameae ambassador, discuss­ The Grade 6 Cteae of Ntadi are co-ohairfan of the event. that will expand the quality of three-year Breakthrough for ed "a number of subjeots’’ tlethodlat Church wlH meet Hocitesses are Mm. Charles the scout program and ensure Youth program which continues Choicest Meats In Town! SEOUL (AP) — South Korea’s with U.S. Ambassador Llew­ Wednesday at S p.m. at the Crocker Jr. and Mrs. Vernon the reaching of a substantially untU 1969. National Aasembly adopted to­ ellyn E. Thompson today. church, and die Oonfirmeltton Muse. greater number of boys, Bor­ President Borman has ap­ night a sharply worded resolu­ Neither Soviets, Vietnamese ClaBS wiU meet at 8:16. A declaioin will be made dur­ man said. The goals effect TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! ; pointed Norman F, Lareon of I nor Americans would say ing the meeting conoemlng the trained leadership, membership, tion expressing "national indig­ Manchester to direct the new whether there was any con­ A one-act play, "Two In a Boston and- New York City program, advancement, service 9 Lean, Imported, Sliced t§ ^ nation’’ at current secret nego­ "Program of Emphasis," and nection between the meetings. Tn^)," will be presented at a flower shows. and activities. tiations between the United meeting of the Emanuel Luther­ Arnold E. Squires of West Hart­ "Breakthrough for Youth : BOILED HAM 1 .1 9 ib : States and North Korea on the an Church Women tomorrow at ford as council chairman of the means that scout leaders are fate ot the USS Pueblo and its 7:46 p.m. In Luther Hall of the "Organization and Extension’’ Skating - Coasting determined to use scoutlng’s committee. crew. church. Women from Concordia, great potential to build a new Zion, and the Latvian Lutheran i CHOPPED HAM The resolution, reflecting generation of American boys,’’ Knudsen Chvirch will be guests at the ^ —^Mlx or Match Them— 2 5 ^ widespread Korean dismay at Borman said. event. the American attitude in the cri­ He pointed out that a recent OVER 3 MILLION ^ (Umit 2 Lbs. Per Family) ^ sis, insisted that the attack by A film Is plani)ed for mem­ study of school dropouts shows PRESCRIPTIONS North Korean commandos as­ New Ford an almost complete lack of signed to assassinate President bers of the Mental Aid Fellow­ Safely Compounded Skating will be allowed from skills and either a total lack of : HIGHLAND PARK MARKET • Chung Hee Park Was more im­ ship Social Center tomorrow at A 317 Highland Sfc, Manchester—^Phone 648-4*78 ^ 7:80 p.m. A dinner will be serv­ 6 to 10 tonight at Center Springs confidence or a misguided con­ ARTHUR DRUG portant to South Korea than the ed at the center Thursday at Annex only. No skating at Char­ fidence not backed up with abil­ Pueblo incident. President 6:30 p.m. before the evening's ter Oak, and there is no skiing ity. The legislators asked the gov­ or coasting. DETROIT (AP) — Semon program. Those wishing more ernment to take "punitive information about the program measures—if necessary, alone Knudsen, who retired as a vice or membership may contact the —"against Communist provoca- president of General Motors last Uons, and sug;gested that "mili­ Capitol Region Mental Health week, was named president of Association, 217 Farmington Lapointes Wed 50 Years tary reprisals would be the best Ford Motor Co. today. Ave., Hartford. measures’’ since the record of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. La­ Lapointe of Tolland, Luclen the North Koreans "proves they The announcement was made South Vietnamese soldier gestures for help as he aids a wounded major in Saigon. (AP Photofax) pointe of Grandview St., Tol­ Lapointe of Artesia, Calif., Mrs. by Henry Ford chairman of The Women’s Home League do not stick to diplomatic agree­ n, land, were feted Saturday at a Antoinette Draus of Vernon, the board and chief executive of the Salvation Army will meet Mrs. Theresa G. Blonlarz of ments.’ ’ golden wedding celebration at Many in this country feel the officer of the company. tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the Jun­ Rockville, Mrs. Martha M. the Italian American Friend­ Pueblo Incident 18 endangering At the same time, Arjay Mill­ ior Hall of the Citadel. Mrs. ship Club, Rockville. About 100 Bourke of South Windsor, Jo­ Elsa Samuelson is in charge of U.S. relations with its strongest er was elected vice chairman of attended Uie event, which was seph J. Lapointe of Ellington, Ford’s board of directors. Miller Viet Devastation Widens the service meeting. Refresh­ ally in Asia. As one legislator given by the Lapointe’s children. William J. Lapointe of Manches­ put It, "We are disappointed, had been president. ments will be served by Mrs. The couple was married Feb. ter, and Mrs. Jacqueline Culjack and although It is not yet disillu­ Knudsen also was elected to SAIGON (AP) _Attack and civilians streamed from shacks derchlef jet and a North Viet- DMZ told of fierce fighting MaJ. Kenneth tAnce and Mrs. 4, 1918, in Dollard, Saskatche­ of Rockville. sionment, we are frightened.” the board of directors and the counterattack tvldened devasta- and huts in Saigon with what namese MIG21 were shot down along South Vietnam’s northern Elisabeth Wilson. wan, Canada. They came to Mr. Lapointe was employed The fright, he explained, grew executive committee. tlon across South Vietnam today meager belongings they could in aerial duels northwest of Ha- frontier, where senior American Ooimeotlcut fixxn Maine in for many years at the Pratt ant'. out of a feeling that the United Ford said Knudsen would re­ as the (Communists pushed their carry, swelling the number of noi Monday. commanders expect an even The Army-Navy Auxiliary will 1940. They had 10 children, 9 of Whitney Division of United Air­ port directly to him and would biggest offensive of the war into homeless to staggering proper- A U.S. spokesman said two of bigger Communist offensive meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at whom are living. They also craft Oorp., Bast Hartford, States might sacrifice the inter­ serve as chief operating officer. its second week. Red troops bat- tions. Already nearly 200,000 the Russian-designed MIGs than the one in the past week the clubhouse. Refreshments have 31 grandchildren and a until his retirement about 10 ests of South Korea for Ameri­ In Ford’s albsence, the an­ Ued on against superior allied refugees are reported, 58,000 in made a high speed firing pass on that dealt severe blows to prov- will be served by the officers. great-grandchild. years ago. (Herald photo by can global interests and for the nouncement said, Knudsen fire DOwer in Saigon; gave Saigon and its suburbs, and the an Air Force F105 Thimderchief incial capitals and Their children are Phillip J. Pinto) sake of furthering a thaw in would be chief executive officer. eround in Hue total is expected to double or and shot it down.
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