THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF USA WATER POLO Hall of Fame Returns Meet the Class of 2010 VOLUME 25, NUMBER 2, SUMMER 2010 MASTERS NATIONALS RESULTS p.12 VOL. 25, NUM. 2, Summer 2010 What’s Inside... USA WATER POLO NATIOnaL OFFICE ON THE COVER... 2124 Main Street, Suite 240 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 The six newly elected Inside Water. 2 (714) 500-5445 business Hall of Famers (714) 500-5449 membership photo by Bradley Lamont (714) 960-2431 fax 5 Meters. 3 USA WATER POLO NATIONAL TRAINING CENTER 11360 Valley Forge Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Water Polo Times . 20 (562) 799-8506 business (562) 799-8508 fax WEB SITE From the Deck. 22 www.usawaterpolo.org CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Christopher Ramsey Lob Shots. 26 EXECUTIVE AssISTanT TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mai Lam CHIEF MARKETIng OFFICER Jennifer Rottenberg Also In This Issue... DIRECTOR OF OLYMPIC DEVELOpmENT Guy Baker Summer Events Preview 10 DIRECTOR OF SPORT DEVELOpmENT Scott Tanner AssOCIATE DIRECTOR OF SPORT DEVELOpmENT Fisher Cup. 16 Liz Grimes CONTROLLER A Day in the Life . 17 Ulises Sam EVENTS ManagER Kate Strand ODP Review. 18 AssOCIATE DIRECTOR OF COmmunICATIOns Greg Mescall pg6 Hot Shots. 28 AssOCIATE DIRECTOR OF OLympIC DEVELOpmENT Marcy Crouch MEMBERSHIP SERVICES ManagER Hall of Fame Whitney Collins 2010 Class Honored FundRAISIng COnsuLTanT Inge Hergenrather VIDEO COORDInaTOR Look Ahead... Jeanine Baca NATIOnaL TEams COORDInaTOR Next Issue Ashley Papenbrock >Academic All-Americans Revealed FInanCE COORDInaTOR Fay Hu RECEPTIONIST/ MARKETIng AssISTANT Sarah Stern BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Graff (Chairman), Jeremy Laster, Ed Reynolds, William Smith, Ellen Estes Lee, Robert Sternfels, RoAnn Costin, John Hendrickson, Sandy Nitta EDITOR Greg Mescall CONTRIbuTORS Darcy Couch, Chris Oeding, Jason Lynch, Jim Cullingham, Mary Pat Robinson, >FINA World Cup Recaps Joan Gould, Ed Haas, Summit Photography, Sally Olds, Jeff Shewmon, Tracy Birdsell, Kevin Burke, Fotos FPN, Fotos Hugo Rocha, Michael Duffy, Gwen Golub, Michael Machnik, George Stransky, Mike Miller, Stan Schwimer, Karina Cordisco, Stuart Sheldon, Jordan Eickman, Kelley Casey, Allen Lorentzen PRINTING Quad Graphics pg12 555 South 108th Street, West Allis, WI 53214 CREATIVE Adrenalin, Inc. 54 West 11th Ave., Denver, CO 80204 Masters Recap 303-454-8888 | goadrenalin.com The Big Winners from San Diego USA Water Polo Skip Shot Magazine (ISSN# 15507580) is published four times per year by United States Water Polo, Inc., located at 2124 Main Street, Suite 240, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Periodicals postage is paid at Huntington Beach, CA 92648 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Skip Shot Magazine, United States Water Polo, Inc., 2124 Main Street, Suite 240, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 usawaterpolo.org 1 letter from the CEO, Christopher Ramsey USA WATER POLO INSIDE WATER Honor the Game This Summer–ROOTS As members of the opposing coaches and players set a positive tone classroom and social settings. We must remind Positive Coaching for the rest of the team. athletes that their conduct away from practices Alliance, USA Wa- O Is for Officials and games reflect on their teammates and their ter Polo believes in leagues, clubs, or schools. Respecting officials, even when we disagree with honoring our game. their calls, may be the toughest part of honor- S Is for Self PCA uses the acronym ROOTS to remember key ing the game. We must remember that officials Athletes should be encouraged to live up to elements that will help you honor the game of aren’t perfect (just like coaches, athletes, and their highest personal standards of Honoring water polo this summer. parents!). Take time to think through how to the Game—even when their opponents are not. R Is for Rules best approach an official when you want to dis- Athletes’ respect for themselves and their own Rules allow us to keep the game fair. If we win by cuss a call. What strategies do you have to keep standards must come first. yourself in control of your emotions when you ignoring or violating the rules, what’s the value I encourage all of our members to use their time start to get upset with officials’ calls? We must of our victory? PCA believes that honoring the this summer to improve their skills, learn more remember that losing officials (not to mention letter AND spirit of the rules is important. about our game, and make new friends. Enjoy! O Is for Opponents finding enough in the first place) is a major problem in water polo, and we can confront this Without an opponent, there would be no compe- problem by consistently respecting officials. tition. Rather than demeaning strong opponents, we need to honor strong opponents because they T Is for Teammates challenge us to do our best. Athletes can be both It’s easy for young athletes to focus solely on fierce and friendly during the same competition their own performance, but we want athletes to (in one moment giving everything they have to realize that being part of a team requires think- Chris get to a loose ball; in the next moment helping ing about and respecting one’s teammates. This an opponent up). Coaches who show respect for respect needs to carry beyond the pool and into Top Stories on USAWaterPolo.org... > FINA World League Super Final Results - http://usawaterpolo.org/press/2010FINA_WWLSF.aspx > S & R Sport Athlete of the Month - http://www.usawaterpolo.org/press/SRSportAthleteOfMonth.aspx > In The Club (Club Profiles) - http://www.usawaterpolo.org/press.aspx www.facebook.com/usawp www.youtube.com/usawp www.twitter.com/usawp LETTERS TO THE EDITOR If you have a comment or question concerning Skip Shot magazine, send in a letter to the editor. You can write to Skip Shot Magazine: c/o USA Water Polo, 2124 Main Street, Suite 240, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 or send an email to: [email protected] 2 Quick Shots from USA Water Polo 5 Meters What’s on my iPod? ...Dan Leyson Pavement – ”The Hexx” —“You ask, ‘Was Pavement the greatest band of the 1990s?’ The answer, of course, is a resounding ‘YES.’ This haunting song features an epic guitar solo by Stephen Malkmus (ge- nius). For those of you who don’t know, Terror Twilight is one USA MEN’S YOUTH of the greatest albums of all time. Headphones required.” NATIOnaL TEam Pixies – ”Hang Wire” AssISTanT COACH, ROSE BOWL WATER —“Pixies is one my favorite bands of all time. The songs never POLO HEad COACH get old. I love when I have no idea what the singer is singing My 1st Match about and the song rocks really hard. That describes most of Brenda Villa, Women’s Senior National Team, three- Pixies’ tunes. Death to the Pixies!” time Olympic medalist, three-time world champion Television – ”Marquee Moon” I was playing on a 10-and-under —“As far as I’m concerned the only valid excuse for being late Fall, 1988 to one of our team meetings is, ‘Coach, I lost track of time coed team. I was probably about eight years old, and I can listening to the guitar solos in ‘Marquee Moon.’” remember using my head as a support system for the ball, which was bigger than my head because it wouldn’t stay Dr. Octagon – “Blue Flowers” in my hand for longer than three seconds. I definitely was —“Dr. Octagon is Kool Keith’s alter ego. Who’s Kool Keith? wearing an old-school water polo cap with a bumper on the After listening to this track your answer will be, ‘One really forehead. (Older water polo players will remember the cap strange dude.’ Awesome.” I’m talking about.) It was so much fun to play four games a The Drones – “The Minotaur” day, competing against boys and girls. I often recall those —“The ending of this song sounds like a freight train screech- times when I played so many games over a weekend and just ing to a halt inside a sheet metal press. For some reason that have fun with my teammates. It was so carefree. We were one makes me want to listen again and again. ‘Veni! Vidi! Vici!’” of the only teams that included girls, and our coach would always remind us that it didn’t matter who we were playing against, just as long as we played hard and had fun. usawaterpolo.org 3 Quick Shots from USA Water Polo USA WATER POLO 5 METERS REFerendum WITH JIM CULLINGHAM Hi everyone and happy summer. between officials, coaches, and event hosts; and These last few months more than 25 percent provide consistent interpretation of USA Water of our officials participated in “on deck” I wanted to take some time this issue to discuss Polo competition rules and mechanics. sessions with an Instructor Referee at various what we’ve been doing over the last few months ODP events. in the fabulous world of officiating water polo, If you haven’t done so already, please visit www. specifically as it relates to referee development usawpoa.org and follow the steps to register— With the help of the ODP Head Referees, and organization. it’s free. If you experience any problems with the will be expanding that program this summer registration process, please contact me directly to other USA Water Polo Zone and National I am happy to announce that the newly formed at [email protected]. Events in an effort to give each of our officials USA Water Polo Officials Association (USAW- the opportunity to “learn by doing” in a struc- POA) is off the ground and moving full speed Over the next few months we’ll use the database tured environment. ahead. created through your registration to communi- cate with each of you regarding assignment and As we move forward, please feel free to contact As noted in a previous column, this association training opportunities, standardized incident your Zone Head Referee to learn about train- was formed in an effort to unify all referees in reporting procedures, and much more.
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