PORTLAND PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.—VOL. 15. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1877. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ENTERTAINMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. TlFTFl PRESS. Past, Present and Future of Portland. _MISCELLANEOUS._= To the Editor of the Press: Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the The announcement in your issue State St. Parish and Sunday School SATURDAY SORRIER. JURE JO. morning's PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO.# relative to the Portland and Ogdensburg Kail- THE SEASON Portland. FOOD FOR REFLECTION. FOR road “that the Vermont division will be com- At 109 Exchange St.» We do not EXCURSION, read anonymous letters and communi pleted to the junction with the and a Year in advance. Burlington Terms: Eight Dollars Tc cations. Xbe name and address of the writer are In Lamoille m iil subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- Railroadjat Cambridge on Saturday, 3, 1877. OUR GREAT all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication ▼a ace. Tuesday July PRICES and to Swanton on Tuesday, and that _ FOR COMPETITION, ^EMI-ANNUAL but as a guaranty of good faith. through train will leave Eastern Railroad Special trains will run to and at 9 o’clock A. HI., for We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- Burlington Ogdensburg THE MAINE STATE PRESS Repot AND the nications that are not used. coming month, and on and after Modnay. Is published every THURSDAY MORNING at $2.50 a MARK DOWN if In advance at a SALE! next, three trains will enter the year, paid $2.00 year. city daily LAKE MOTIVES FOR THE WE PURSUE over this SEBAGO. COURSE Every regular attache of the Press is furnished road" should gladden the hearts of all Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, the HLAS COME. with a who have li of constitutes a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley X. been interested in this and igth column, “square.” Ticket? to be liad of the Committee at the Depot .A. GENUINE road, up- $1.50 per first 75 cents per week The immense success we met with last our Pullen, Editor. All steamboat and hotel ou square daily week; on the of the Excursion. july2d2t* January during closing railway, whom its construction ha3 teen a af er; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing Morning heavy out sale convinced us that we can MAKE trade even in the managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding and every other day after first week, 50 cents. dullest burden, of all those who sincerely desire GRAND credentials of to our Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one season hy making the PRICES LOW ENOUGH. every person claiming represent the material prosperity of the olty. Week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. Knock Down lournal. _ This Special Notices, one third additional. Convincing Argument, completes the key to.tho;grand arch of Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction Portland's work and to onr The new commissioner of public enterprise.beginning Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions carrying conviction readers, Remarkable Inducements to 1 agriculture, or Steamboat with the Atlantic & St. Lawrence and less, $1.50. Buyers Gen. William LeDuc of Minnesota, is a na- ending Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State It order to close ont our surplus stock, we have marked down, with the Portland & Ogdensburg. Her Press” (which has a large circulation in every part tive of Ohio, ami like President Hayes a public of the tor tor first And a Redliot shot for our Enemies. witlout below the actual work will be consummated when the rails State) $1.00 per square insertion, reserve, every garment WHOLESALE COST is are and 50 cents for each insertion. graduate of Kenyon. He credited with a per square subsequent of manufacture which our lower than the can laid connecting Portland by the Portland & Address all communications to Excursion places prices materials Og- The lime has come lor us lo dispose ol this season’s Clothing' practical knowledge of agriculture. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. be at retail belore are cut or densburg with the Lakes. more can he THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND DOUEEARS worth npw lies on our conns bought they manufactured. Nothing done of a public character; everything that cau at a value these hard tiute- Ex Gov. of South Caro- ters. To hold these goods market during Chamberlain, bring business to Portland will then be com- the Islands WE CAN’T AF- ENTERTAINMENTS. Among would drive us to carry over more Ilian one-hall ot it. lina will speak at Bowen’s Fourth of July pleted. Let her merchants work together with DO IT. WE DON’T PROPOSE TO DO IT. Thereloic we and — — FORD TO the energy which has charac- in OUR REPUTATION celebration at Woodstock, and it is enterprise have made ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS to enable ns to clear our conn- pretty terized them in ithe past. Let concessions be CITY HALL, tcrs* generally understood that he will attack the made in the present raiiroad troubles, and the CASCO BAY, FOR SUPERIOR CLOTHING, President’s Southern policy. time hastens on when the business of Portland, JULY 2d. OF CLOTHING Truthfulness in of faith with in more particularly the export trade, will aston- MONDAY, FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH repesentation goods, good the public ish the most sanguine of her friends. Prominent Pennsylvania predict July 4tli, givitg them the bargains we advertise is so well established we are politicans Portland is four to six days nearer Europe b; BENEFIT OF THE SUFFEREBS must: 1,1,1 shall be sold the next two weeks. confident a good deal of interest will be manifested in reading the that the Eepublican convention in that state sailing veseel than Baltimore, Philadelphia or New York, an important consideration In will closely follow the course of that just held ship- By llie Fire at St. John. following ping cargoes of flour, wheat and more especial- JULY 4tll [n Iowa, as far as its attitude toward the ly corn, in landing these cargoes sound, the Pacific slope will yet contribute to the com- find our stock reduced more than ONE-HALF, and for the President is concerned. THE FAST1STEAMEB must ready PRICE LIST. merce of Portland. There are no or GRAND of other suitable tor fall wear. long bays “CONCERT reception goods rivers to the ocean to delay vessels Men’s Pant and and Young John Bigelow, son of Gov. Tilden’s by contrary Suits, Coat, Test, $10 $12 to $ 8,00 winds: there is no necessityto employ steam to by tbe follow ing talent, who have kindly volunteered. CITY OF RICHMOND, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ WE ARE IN DEAD 15 16 12.00 Secretary of State, declined to associate with tow vessels to sea, bat in one hoar from EARNEST! “ “ “ “ “ “ “ « the wharves 3VIISS Capt. aCHUy, 18 22 15.00 cadet Flipper, at West Point, on account of sailing vessels,and in ten minntes we want the public to thoroughly understand that we shall offer steamships are oat upon the broad Atlantic. will leave Railroad o'clock P, Young Hen’s Suits, Coat, Pant and Vest, 12,14 and 15 to 10.00 his color, but the Secretary of War has so far Wharf, Portland, “ “ “ “ “ “ Portland has one oi the safest ports, and a down to Youths’ 10 12 5.00 NI., July 4thf for Bail the bay Harpswell, Saits, 8, Mr. feelings as to best harbors in the world. The port charges at and Is- « “ “ “ " « neglected Bigelow’s assign touching Evergreen Landing Cushing’s 12 14 6.00 are less that at aoy port of her business on the Annie Louise returning in season for early trains from the “ “ “ “ “ “ “ them both to the same regiment. land; FAR GREATER BARGAINS 14 15 Atlantic. There is no will be a for the 7.00 compulsory pilotage feed Cary, city. This graud opportunity peo- “ “ •• “ « “ •* The celebrated American Contralto. to to see the beaut iful Islands in our and en- 1G 17 10.00 to an hungry set of unprincipled men, who prey ple bay ever or Ever Desired The peace party at Constantinople seem joy a sail on the elegant and fast steamer City of Than were Ever Thought of, Dreampt of, upon commerce as in New York. Rates of ELLA C. Richmond. ;o be doubt- are less from Portland to from MISS LEWIS, BUYERS ON EARTH, and Children's in gaining ground rapidly, owing freight Europe BY THE SHREWDEST CLOSEST Boys’ Clothing Proportion nine pence to one shilling per on SOPRANO, 50 Children under 15 less, to the gloomy situation of affairs on the quarter, 2Hr-Fare cents; wheat and corn, and in the same proportion years, 25 cents. Danube and in Armenia. In on MR. RUDOLPH LOT 2164,-5,-6. BOSTON _ANTD PORTLAND announcing* oil and floar, than from every other port in I1ENNIC, the close of the of the Chamber the in a GEO. L. Gen. Ticket of 87 Webster’s check worsted which cost us-to sittings of country engaged foreign commerce, VIOLONCELLO, DAY, Agent. Consists fancy Suits, and all for the reason of small wide last week the President remarked good port E. CUSHING, Assistant Manager.ja2(ltt make $9.00, We shall sell them lor $7.00—sack suit, binding Deputies charges. HAYDN ASSOCIATION. and patch pockets. ONE PRICE CLOTHING that it was possible that they might be as- The eoergy and enterprise of Portland has Grand Celebrating Ball COMPANY, been not a railroad has been built CHOEUS OP 100 VOICES. LOT 3156,-7,-8. lembled again soon to deliberate upon a “sat- wondertul, — by — into the city, with one (Boston & the and White cassimere suits and cost us to make is exception Soloists: Mrs.
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