December 2003 / January 2004 visit the NYC Chapter site to see City organs and get the latest recital Double and concert information http://www.nycago.org/ p en click here! How do I? Where do I? Who does it? Why don’t we? Masthead, Chapter Officers, Board Members and Contact Information for Very Informed Persons OA Publication of ......................................2 & 3 The First Word the New York City Chapter of and Nominating Committee report ........................................... 4 the American Guild of Organists From the Editor ........................................... 5 Chapter Board Resolution An Organist (Almost) Retires ........................................... 6 Scenes from a Masterclass with John Grew ........................................... 7 News & Notes of Chapter Members and Friends ........................................... 8 Executive Board News ........................................... 9 Newsletter Advertising Information & Guidelines and Where In the World? ..........................................10 Pipe Organ Encounter Testimonials from Participants .................................. 11 & 12 In Memoriam...................13 Double Open is a Publication The New York City Chapter of from the New York City Chapter of the American Guild of Organists the American Guild of Organists, was established 9 October 1950 for the benefit of members of the when it was made independent of Chapter. All content except as the former Headquarters Chapter, noted is Copyright ©2003, tracing its history to the founding New York City Chapter of the of the AGO in 1896. With more American Guild of Organists. All than 550 members, it is one of rights reserved. Reproducing or the largest Chapters in the Guild. distributing this work without the permission of the publisher is Stephen Jon Hamilton, DMA strictly prohibited. Dean [email protected] Volume 54, Number 4 212 289 0615 (home) Stephen Jon Hamilton Publisher 212 289 4100 (church) Kenneth L. Sybesma Editor 212 289 4155 (facsimile) Nicholas White David S. Macfarlane, DMA, AAGO Advertising, Double Open Sub-Dean [email protected] [email protected] Letters to the Editor 201 343 5366 (home) [email protected] 201 424 0463 (mobile) 201 568 7373 (church) Editorial Committee 212 787 4917 (facsimile) Arthur P. Lawrence, DMA, AAGO [email protected] Paul R. Olson, MusM Mary Monroe, PhD, AAGO Secretary [email protected] [email protected] Kenneth L. Sybesma, MusB 718 834 0533 (home) [email protected] 718 624 2332 (work) 718 624 4676 (facsimile) Annual Chapter Directory Steven E. Lawson, MusM F. Anthony Thurman, DMA [email protected] Treasurer Editor [email protected] 212 665 1640 (home/facsimile) Terence J. Flanagan, MusB 212 870 2310 (work) [email protected] 212 870 2163 (facsimile) Paul R. Olson, MusM [email protected] Steven E. Lawson, MusM Mark Peterson Registrar [email protected] [email protected] Annual Directory Advertising 212 675 4521 (home) Concert Calendar submissions Christopher Creaghan, MusM [email protected] Auditor [email protected] Web Site suggestions, difficulties 212 865 6903 (home) [email protected] 212 749 5882 (facsimile) Membership, Change of Address, or to begin receiving the emailed Richard D. Erickson, MusM full-color version of DoubleOpen Auditor [email protected] [email protected] 212 579 0724 (home) NYC Chapter Web Site 212 877 6815 (church) http://www.nycago.org/ 212 877 6816 (facsimile) The Executive Board Committee Chairpersons and Christopher Creaghan, MusM Frank Crosio, MusB, FAGO Members, and other Very In- [email protected] [email protected] formed People: Guild Examinations Coordinator Kenneth V. Dake Jr., MusM Professional Concerns Committee [email protected] Charles G. Currin, MusM Terence J. Flanagan, MusB David C. Shuler, MA, FAGO Chair [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Placement Officer Mary Monroe, PhD, AAGO Louise Basbas, MA Substitute List additions, [email protected] [email protected] changes, deletions; job queries K. Scott Warren, MusB Christopher Creaghan, MusM [email protected] Nominating Committee [email protected] Mark Peterson Chair Cynthia Weinrich, MusM Carl MaultsBy [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Paul R. Olson, MusM Class of 2004 Bruce G. McInnes, MusM [email protected] [email protected] Sean McClaren Jackson, MusM Paul R. Olson, MusM Mollie H. Nichols, MusM [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Barry S. Kloda, MusB [email protected] Mark Peterson, [email protected] Yvonne L. Sonnenwald, [email protected] Nancy Wertsch, BA [email protected] Class of 2006 Arthur Lawrence D.M.A., A.A.G.O. Faculty Manhattan School of Music Interim Director of Music Grace Lutheran Church Lancaster, Pennsylvania www.GraceLutheranChurch.com The First Word Report from the Additional nominations Nominating Committee may be made by petition of at Dear AGO members, least ten voting members in One of my most favorite Having not allowed any good standing and should be holiday texts was written by grass to grow under their col- received by the chapter secre- Helen Keller. I think it rep- lective feet, the Chapter Nomi- tary, Paul Olson, no later than resents the sentiment of this nating Committee by way of 10 January 2004. season. its chairperson, Mark Peterson, In separate but related “Christmas is the harvest and on behalf of the members of the committee, Paul R. Olson news, the Nominating Commit- time of love. Souls are drawn tee reports that Jeffrey Lake to other souls. All that we have and Mollie Nichols, presented to the Executive Board at its has agreed to fill an open posi- read and thought and hoped tion in the Class of 2006 among comes to fruition at his happy recent meeting the following slate of nominees for Officers the Members at Large of the time. Our spirits are astir. We Chapter Executive Board. feel within us a strong desire and Members at Large for elec- tion in 2004. to serve. A strange, subtle The Executive Board ex- force, a new kindness, animates tends its thanks to the Nomi- man and child. A new spirit is For the Executive Board, the following have agreed to nating Committee for their growing in us. No longer are diligent work, which is so we content to relieve pain, to have their names put forth for election to the following posi- important to ensure the conti- sweeten sorrow, to give the nuity of our Chapter leadership. crust of charity. We dare to tions: give friendship, service, the equal loaf of bread, and love.” Christopher Creaghan, for Dean, two year term This has been a most suc- cessful year for our New York Nicholas White, City AGO chapter. We have for Sub Dean, two year term great numbers...numbers of Elizabeth Wong, members, money in the bank, for Secretary, two year term a giving and working Board, excellent programs and a fine F. Anthony Thurman, collegial spirit within the mem- for Treasurer, two year term bership. My sincerest thanks to Steven E. Lawson, one and all who have made the for Registrar, two year term chapter so special and strong with their good work and good Claudia Dumschat, will. My best wishes to each William Entriken, of you as we enter this season for Auditor, two year term Meredith of the church year. May your David Brown, Elaine music making be especially Sheldon Eldridge, Baker satisfying to all those who will Jim Hagen, MA, FAGO hear. Douglas Keilitz, AGO District Convener for Metropolitan New York and Europe Jennifer Pascual, Peace and blessings, Most Holy Trinity Chapel Christopher Berry, USMA at West Point for Members at Large, http://www.usma.edu/Chaplain/mht/ Class of 2008, four year term Conductor of the Long Island Choral Society since 1979 Stephen Hamilton, Dean http://www.lics.org From the Editor six years of age. “Train up reinventing music—the impro- I recently ran the New York child”, as the proverb says! visation in baroque style was City Marathon. How I wish I had the op- particularly noteworthy—on For those who know me, portunity to hear the second the distinctive Austin organ as you know how unlikely is that half of the program, works of later repaired, revised and com- scenario. What I mean is, I Canadian composers, but I had pleted after a devastating fire. took advantage of a Sunday to be off on the second leg of A victory lap around the afternoon full of the organic my marathon. A run—okay, I park and down to Penn Station opportunities afforded in Man- admit, it was a quick walk— and home, and my marathon hattan. The 9th of November over to the Church of the Holy was complete. found me settling into a pew Trinity (Episcopal), I was just In this season of giv- at the Church of St Ignatius in time to hear Dean Stephen ing, why not give yourself Loyola for some spirited play- Hamilton play his contribution something from the new AGO ing of the first half of the to a Mannes College of Music educational publications? The mass from Nicolas de Grigny’s program, The Birth of Romanti- Masterclass Series, with Freder- Livre d’Orgue, with John Grew cism, which included a stun- ick Swann in the recent, third at the keys of the magnifi- ning and vigorous performance volume, is a welcome addition cent Mander. Men of the choir of the Mozart Andante for Or- to those by Marie-Claire Alain alternated chanted portions of gan, K.616 on the 1987 Rieger. and the late Catharine Crozier: the ordinary from the sanctu- Heard on just a few flutes, the any or all of which will aug- ary while Mr. Grew held forth bright and liquid sound and ment your library and help to from the gallery, with the large solid playing clearly captivated set and meet resolutions for screen to the right of the sing- the audience. The concert the new year. SDG! ers giving us an excellent view concluded with the Mozart Trio of the organist at work thanks in E-flat (“Kegelstatt”), and I to the technology of camera was off on the next leg of my adventure.
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