Mohawk-Hudson Region SCCA 4,3 Li 41), IC AIpy" 111. low AN.'"Jeits ea" *-tilimiimeallik • .0 • me • atall 014,111111 • AMP al• Ifte w ■ oft .) 011 as 111Failiab... , Pt,g t?iYk kNi SCCA 8gTZT °A °N 'MIN-133 IZ xiDa 3#118 tiIldWill0:JW ain't] AN 'aiommtag haN qpnaaa '!UT -L[ Aam GIVd III x00... a r'd "wd. d10 NDOWA: t,pAzozw.,,,,,, 521Viiner—'44,0e,344,Sumactumv.i Mohawk-Hudson Region SCCA CFFICRSjrwt 1-Q0 REGIONAL EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Susanna Rogers Marilyn Meacou Eox 276 RD 1 Claverack, R.Y, 12513 Voorheesville,N.. 12186 (518) 851-7168 (518) 765-4351 ASSISTANT R.P. ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Davr, 1.14L:haysy Jack Hanifan 27 10,evtr1y St.. 39. Ramsey Place Pirtsfield, Mass. 01201 Alhany, N.Y. 12208 (413) 443-4670 (518) 438-3754 TREASVRER COMPETITION CHAIRMAN 7om be II Clark Nieholls RD 3, Pinehurst Dr. 21 Beverly St., Saratoga Springs, N,Y. 12E66 Pittsfield, Mass, 01201 (518) 587-2522 (413) 442-9710 DIRECTORS SOLO CHAIRMAN John Stin and Jim Bishop Steve Wold 17 Kent St, 935 Boosick Rd, Albany, N.Y, 12206 Troy, N.Y. (518) 14'..15-2695 (518) 279-1374 MEMBERSHIP CRAINPOS RALLY CHAiRMhK Joanne Winkelman. Rick Schlierer 3009 Williamsburg Dr.. 48 Harria Ave, Schemetady, N.Y. 12303 Albany, N.Y, 12208 (518) 355-914,7 (518) 438-4666 K1OCK-0Fr OFFICF--box 111, Neu) Baltimore, R.v. 12124 (518) 756-9282 The Knock-Off is published monthly, 12 months of the year, The deadline for articles and advertisements is the first Wednesday of the month. The material in the Enock-Off is that of the author and in no way reflects the official attitude of the mohawk-Budssu Region, Sports Car Club of America or its officers. Agreement or dissenting opinion in writing is welcome and will be published by the discretion of the editors, The Knock-Off ii mailed under third class regulations from New Baltimore,N.Y. Knock,-Off Staff, Dick Brooks and. Andy Mace. Mohawk-Hudson Region SCCA R.E.'s REPORT Having made our transition of. Officers and Chairmen in December, it's now a question of pulling together to make a successful year for Mo-Hud. Clark Nicholls will be handling Competition, Steve Wald is Solo Chairman, Rik Schlierer will be in charge of the Rally. program and Joanne Winkelman will head up the Membership Department. I would urge any member, if he or she has any questions or comments regarding any of the above areas, to please approach these folks.. They will be able to help you. Set in motion so far are the final moments for the Snowflake Rally. By the time this is printed, Bill and Nels will be reporting on the results of this event. Our confirmed School/Race date with Lime Rock is July 25 & 26, 1980. Chairpersons Bonnie Rowen, John Stim and Tom Campbell are already in gear. Heading into January, the Knock-Off pursued changing its mail permit. - The Albany Post Office has to take the blame for this hold up. Mail your articles, advertising and art work to Dick and Andy. They will be happy to hear from you. Their deadline date is the 7th of each month. The Skip Barber agreement and Membership Application has been sent to Skip for his approval and signature. Plan on working Skip's series this season. Give it a try, you will he amazed. It is good racing. You may see our own Don Valente or Dirty Ernie out there. You never know who you are going to see. This Schedule is available with Jack Hanifan, Activities Director. After the Roundtable, it will be. pub- lished. Dave Hathaway, Assistant R.E., is negotiating for Guest Night and organizing an Auction. 'You'll be hearing more on this. The NEDiv Roundtable, March 21-23, will be in Corning, New York. The purpose of this meeting is to firm up the 1980 Calendar.and to pass along any SCCA changes, decisions or conversations via Divisional Ad- ministrators and Regional representatives. We're underway for 1980. Let's all work at making it a good year. Until next month-- Yours for the Sport. Sye Rogers Mohawk-Hudson Region SCCA PROFCiLD AttlamENT TO TIRE BYLAWS In accordanca wito Article VI of the bylaws, a petition Wari submitted to the. Secretary mt the Jannary 2, 't930 vembership meeting to *mend the Constitution and Bylaws of Mohauk-Hudson 'Region, Sports Car Club of America. The proposed amendment would change the current require- ment that both the R.E : and Treasurer aign all checks, contracts, to allow eitr. the R.E. or Treasurer to sign alI checks, contracts, *,,A.,r)1.••• etc. 1 propooed amenAlmant would also yeoulte the R.E. mod Treasurer to be bonded, at club expense. As of this publication quotes have been ottainod for $132 and $16,4 for throe year bonding contracts for two club officers *t $10,000. The board will continue to look to the alternatives, .but it is expected that the annual cost to the club of approval of this amendmnt would he The ppoge of this proposed amendment is to simplify the job Df the treasurer wWle pro- viding improved financial protecqcn to the membership. The proposed amendment is as follows; (Material in parentheses in deleted, underlined material is added.) Article III, Section 4,, First Paragraph "the treasurer shall kave custody of all monies debts and obligations belonging to the club® He shall nale all payments of the club's debts: Re shall collect Regional club dues as required by National policy. All contracts, checks, drafts, notes or other orders for paynent or money shall be signed in the new of the club by the treasurer (and countersigned) pr h1,.1 absence., t the Regional Executive, subject to such other conditions mnd requirements as appear elsewhere in this Constitution. (He) Ilatlithe rregursr ardthe 1.?AsApneLLnxecutin shall give bond (,) at club expens ()(7i7f requ:ired by dht boarZi;c, The ballot: on this page --shold be fUled t: hy membexs in goad. standing „ titylEt, ;n2ay bf,a,r Ballots may be returned by miI to Marilyn Heacox, Secretary MIIR/SCCA RD#1 Voorheesville, NY 12186 or brought to the next membership meeting Wednesday,. March„1;,1980 at 8pm at. Mike's Place 192B North Alien St, Albany, NY: Ballots will be counted at the meeting, and results announced at that Two-thirds of the ballots cast must favor the proposed amendment for approval and adoption. Respectfully sumitted, 4 n 4.1 Bv-Iaws committee *A4A4r************************************************************ for I hereby cast my vote in against the proposed amendment to the Mohawk-Hudson Region, Sports Car Club of America. ,constitution and by-lawsa bmitted to the secretary March 5, 1980 SIGNED MEMBERSHIP # EXPIRATION DATE Mohawk-Hudson Region SCCA NEWS FLASH!!! 4e441 p dr Sr ' '• ST' AND BISHOP 50 TT IN rilE SCwyr First overall—First in Glmos II Jahn. S3kim and Jim Bishop A complete liAting of he tate will be publahed in it months ismue RME INTO THE WTH THE sORTHEAT PRO RALLY SERIES (KEPRO-SCCA) RY ORDERING YOUR NEPRO GARMERLY PE PRS) PART1CIPOT cARn TOW, Jan tat in NEPRO47 5th yam, by sending your full niorka, mailing (W.:moo anA Gard fee (pay- able to H.Maiii.ndley/WPRO, soe below) to: Harry M. Vmdley NEMO Admimirltmtor) Box 65 Westport, CT. 06860 Card fet (una,npd from previoua years): $3 - ell people within the serieR 1 basic area (e404. of %to and north of North Ccrolinm),, and pnople outaido the merlae arma, wile> ar to or nacr42- mombers of a Wori4thoast Diviffinn SOCA Ponion (415abar nuMber shown on SCCA har0114. card, MA64, be furniEhed). $5 - aIl other peopla not qaalliying above. Card holders qualify for Pal scoring tolawds the 1CFRO charptwIthip* 4nd avfxrdgp liar* priority OA ttle eori5030 )raiaing list (uued to dictribute thP NEMO BULLETIN ana,Ronnt lo.op entry- fmea down by allovinF the sertes to avoid alani4 4dsizo. "=tie Vferl* FOR SALE: 3 Fiat wheels--cal Tom Campbell (518) 587-252 Mohawk-Hudson Region SCCA The by Pat Thomson. P.E, - cylinders. Turbochargers are re- • lace Overspeeding results from FUR. Technical Editor sponsive to load and speed using a unit too small and ex- Power output in any engine is changes of the engine: Power is plodes the turbine with disastrous determined by the amount of fuel derived both from pressure and results. TOG much boost pressure that can be burned in a given heat energy. requires the pressure ratio should time: The simple formula is that The application aim of turbo be dropped through a waste burning more fuel provides more charging is to rate the engine at gate. This reacts to exhaust or power. 30 percent above its naturally as- intake air pressure by limiting the However, for proper combus- pirated state. Turbocharging in- pressure to generally specified 8 tion, the amount of fuel burned creases vehicle payload and pro- psi. Waste gates are spring-load- depends on how much air gets vides benefit' in exhaust silenc- ed to open automatically when into the cylinders. Since the vol- ing, clearer exhaust for a. fixed the. pressure is above the de- ume of any engine's cylinders is fuel level and reduced engine signed value. Lag is caused by fixed, the air supply must be in- wear. At high altitude, the turbo- inertia of the impeller and turbine creased in some way. - chargers also compensate the wheels, minimized by smaller di- This increase can be achieved lack Of oxygen. ameter impeller .turbin.e wheels in several ways that will not . Turbochargers consist of two that have less inertia.
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