195 THE FUTURE OF WORLD RELIGIONS: POPULATION GROWTH PROJECTIONS, 2010-2050 Appendix B: Data Sources by Country The projections in this report rely on the best sources of baseline data that were available for each country and territory at the time the research was conducted. Researchers considered many sources to determine the size of religious groups in each country in the baseline year and the factors that would influence projected changes in the size of those groups, including age and sex compositon, fertility rates, patterns of migration and religious switching (how many people choose to enter or leave the group). The list of general sources below provides bibliographic information for sources that were widely used across countries. Also included is a list of data archives that were used to access some datasets and a list of customized tables prepared for Pew Research Center by census agencies. At the end of this appendix is a detailed list, organized by country or territory, of the primary sources used to determine each characteristic of religious groups in that country. When data on religious switching were unavailable for a country, no religious switching was modeled in the main projection scenario in this report. However, proxy data on religious switching were used for some of these countries in the demography chapter of the report, which includes alternative projection scenarios. The countries for which proxy data on religious switching were used in the demography chapter are noted in the Methodology on “Countries With Religious Switching Data” on page 193. General Sources Afrobarometer. Led by the Centre for Democratic Development, the Institute for Democracy in South Africa and the Institute for Empirical Research in Political Economy. http://www.afrobarometer.org/. AmericasBarometer. Administered by the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/lapop/. Annuario Pontifico. Libreria Editrice Vaticana. AsiaBarometer Project. Inoguchi, Takashi, et al. AsiaBarometer survey data. https://www.asiabarometer.org/. Asian Barometer. The Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica and the Institute for Advanced Studies of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University. http://www.asianbarometer.org/. Demographic and Health Surveys. MEASURE DHS. Administered by Macro International. DATA SOURCES BY COUNTRY 196 PEW RESEARCH CENTER http:// www.dhsprogram.com/. European Social Survey. Led by Centre for Comparative Social Surveys, City University. http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/. European Values Study. Administered by the European Values Study Foundation at Tilburg University. http://www.europeanvaluesstudy.eu/. Gallup World Poll. Administered by Gallup Inc. http://www.gallup.com/services/170945/world-poll.aspx. Generations & Gender Programme: Survey Instruments. United Nations. http://www.unece.org/pau/ggp/welcome.html. Global Migration Database. Pew Research Center. http://www.pewforum.org/2012/03/08/religious-migration-exec/. International Social Survey Program. ISSP Research Group, GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. http://www.gesis.org/en/issp/issp-home/. Latinobarómetro. Administered by the Corporación Latinobarómetro. http://www.latinobarometro.org/. Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey. United Nations Children’s Fund. http://www.childinfo.org/mics.html. Pew Research Center. 2010. “Tolerance and Tension: Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa,” http://www.pewforum.org/2010/04/15/executive-summary-islam-and-christianity- in-sub-saharan-africa/. Pew Research Center. 2013. “The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society,” http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/. Reproductive Health Survey. Administered by the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) at the University of Washington. http://www.healthdata.org/about/ghdx/. United Nations Statistics Division. 2006. “Demographic Yearbook, Special Census Topics Volume 2b, Ethnocultural characteristics,” (Table 6: Population by religion, sex, urban/rural residence and percentage: each census, 1985-2004). http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/dyb/dybcens.htm. World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision. United Nations Population Division. http://esa.un.org/wpp/documentation/WPP%202010%20publications.htm. www.pewresearch.org 197 THE FUTURE OF WORLD RELIGIONS: POPULATION GROWTH PROJECTIONS, 2010-2050 World Religion Database. Johnson, Todd M., and Grim, Brian J., eds. 2010. Brill. http://www.worldreligiondatabase.org/wrd_default.asp. World Values Survey. Values Survey Database, World Values Association. http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/wvs.jsp. Data Archives Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA). Pennsylvania State University. http://www.thearda.com/. Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS). http:// www.esds.ac.uk/. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, International (IPUMS). Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. https://international.ipums.org/international/. ZACAT Data Archive for the Social Sciences. GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. http://zacat.gesis.org/webview/. Custom Tabulations Customized census data tabulations measuring religious composition, age structure and fertility rates were provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Canada, Korea Statistics Promotion Institute (KSPI), Statistics New Zealand, Singapore Department of Statistics, Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics, and Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom). DATA SOURCES BY COUNTRY 198 PEW RESEARCH CENTER Composition Age and Sex Fertility Migration Switching Afghanistan Estimates based on Estimates based Data on fertility Religion of some Data 2010 World Religion on United Nations differences incoming migrants unavailable; Database. Population Division between based on Pew Research no religious 2010 Revision. religious groups Center's 2012 Global switching unavailable; same Religion and Migration modeled in fertility rate used Database. main projection for all religions. scenario. Albania Estimates based Estimates based Fertility Religion of incoming Rates based on on 2008-2009 on 2008-2009 differences migrants based on the Pew Research Demographic and Demographic and between religious religious composition of Center's 2011- Health Survey, Health Surveys. groups based the immigrant's origin 2012 Global adjusted to account on 2008-2009 country. Migration rates Survey of for underrepresented Demographic and adjusted to account for Muslims. religious groups. Health Survey and recent global recession. 2008 European Values Survey. Algeria Estimates based on Estimates based Data on fertility Religion of incoming Data 2010 World Religion on United Nations differences migrants based on unavailable; Database. Population Division between religious composition of no religious 2010 Revision. religious groups the immigrant's origin switching unavailable; same country. modeled in fertility rate used main projection for all religions. scenario. American Estimates based on Estimates based Data on fertility Migration in and out Data Samoa 2010 World Religion on United Nations differences of this country was not unavailable; Database. Population Division between included in projections. no religious 2010 Revision. religious groups switching unavailable; same modeled in fertility rate used main projection for all religions. scenario. Andorra Estimates based on Estimates based on Data on fertility Migration in and out Data 2010 World Religion 2005 World Values differences of this country was not unavailable; Database and 2005 Survey. between included in projections. no religious World Values Survey. religious groups switching unavailable; same modeled in fertility rate used main projection for all religions. scenario. Angola Estimates based on Estimates based on Data on fertility Religion of incoming Data 2011 Demographic 2011 Demographic differences migrants based on the unavailable; and Health Survey, and Health Survey. between religious composition of no religious adjusted to account religious groups the immigrant's origin switching for underrepresented unavailable; same country. modeled in religious groups. fertility rate used main projection for all religions. scenario. Anguilla Estimates based Estimates based on Data on fertility Migration in and out Data on 2001 Census, 2001 Census. differences of this country was not unavailable; adjusted to account between included in projections. no religious for underrepresented religious groups switching religious groups. unavailable; same modeled in fertility rate used main projection for all religions. scenario. APPENDIX B:www.pewresearch.org DATA SOURCES BY COUNTRY 199 THE FUTURE OF WORLD RELIGIONS: POPULATION GROWTH PROJECTIONS, 2010-2050 Composition Age and Sex Fertility Migration Switching Antigua and Estimates based on Estimates based Data on fertility Migration in and out Data Barbuda 2010 World Religion on United Nations differences of this country was not unavailable; Database. Population Division between included in projections. no religious 2010 Revision. religious groups switching unavailable; same modeled in fertility rate used main projection for all religions. scenario. Argentina Estimates Estimates based on Data on fertility Religion of incoming Data based on 2008 2010 Americas differences migrants based on the unavailable; Latinobarómetro, Barometer. between religious religious composition of no religious adjusted to account groups based on the immigrant's origin switching
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