32 OFFSHORE JURISDICTIONS BVI AND CAYMAN INSOLVENCY LAW – A COMPARISON MAY-JUNE 2015 CCCommercialDD DisputeRR Resolution 33 Colin Riegels, Ian Mann and Marc Kish of Harney, Westwood and Riegels explore the similarities and differences between British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Cayman Islands insolvency laws and how to manage the disputes consequences of differences between each jurisdiction o the uninitiated, offshore common law pedigree and maintain pari legal systems sometimes passu treatment of claims, subject to look like teen-pop boy respecting the rights of secured creditors, bands; although you are preferential creditors and rights of set-off. T pretty sure that there are Both jurisdictions largely eschew debtor- some differences between in-possession forms of rehabilitation, and them, they can all look rather generic jealously guard the rights of secured credi- unless you look at them very closely. In the tors to enforce their security before and case of offshore jurisdictions, noting their after the commencement of liquidation. general resemblances is often more helpful than focusing in on granular differences Winding up between them – until offshore compa- The provisions for winding up a company nies enter financial distress, when those in the BVI and Cayman are broadly differences can become much more starkly similar, but with one key exception: under magnified. Such differences matter in liti- BVI law, a former member whose claim gation, and can affect the progress of later against the company arose pursuant to an court applications. obligation of the company in its Articles In the case of the BVI and Cayman of Association (i.e. for unpaid dividends Islands, the two most popular offshore or redemption proceeds) has no standing Both jurisdictions jurisdictions, there are certain differences to apply for the appointment of a liqui- of terminology between the two juris- dator. This is different in Cayman; they largely eschew debtor- dictions which can be glossed over. For may have standing as a creditor once the in-possession forms example, in the Cayman Islands (Cayman) date for payment has passed, or otherwise the applicable rules talk of ‘winding up’ on just and equitable grounds. Conversely, of rehabilitation, and and ‘lodging a proof’, whereas in BVI the in Cayman a member with no economic jealously guard the equivalent terms are ‘going into liquida- interest in the outcome may not petition tion’ and ‘making a claim’. We have used for winding up a company on the basis of rights of secured equivalent terms interchangeably on the insolvency, but in the BVI they may do so. basis that they will be generally familiar to Both jurisdictions permit a company to creditors to enforce most legal practitioners. be wound up either on the basis of insol- their security vency, or because it is just and equitable to Overview do so, or (upon the application of the regu- before and after the The BVI’s insolvency regime is codified in lator) in the public interest. commencement the Insolvency Act 2003 and the Insolvency Rules 2005, which are respectively the Insolvency test of liquidation longest statute and the longest statutory Although the statutes use different termi- instrument in the BVI. Cayman’s rele- nology, the litigation tests for insolvency in vant laws are predominantly found in the both the BVI and Cayman are very similar. Companies Law (2013 Revision) and the In the BVI the relevant provisions are crys- Companies Winding Up Rules 2008. In tallised into a single statutory provision; a both systems the common law continues company will be deemed insolvent if it is to regulate a number of matters, although either cash-flow insolvent or balance-sheet probably more so in Cayman than in insolvent, or it fails to satisfy a statutory the BVI. demand or a judgment debt. Overall it is fair to say that both insol- In Cayman the test before the court is vency regimes are more similar than expressed simply in terms of being “unable different; they are largely faithful to their to pay its debts” i.e. a cash-flow test, which WWW.CDR-NEWS.COM 34 OFFSHORE JURISDICTIONS includes being deemed to be unable to pay subject of a winding up petition at the time its debts by failing to pay a judgment debt of extending credit, whereas in the BVI the or valid statutory demand. set-off right will be lost if the creditor knew However, case law has also made it clear that the company was insolvent at that that demonstrating a company’s balance- time (irrespective of whether a petition for sheet insolvency may also be sufficient to the appointment of a liquidator had been satisfy the court that it is unable to pay presented). its debts, and will be a relevant factor on Similarly, in both jurisdictions there a just and equitable winding up petition. is statutory validation of subordination Either form of evidence may be presented agreements, and netting arrangements. to the court to satisfy the test, according to However, where Cayman permits multi- the facts at hand. lateral netting to prevail over the statutory In Cayman, unless the court otherwise set-off rules, in insolvency scenarios BVI directs, a liquidation committee must be law limits the protection of netting arrange- established in respect of every company ments to two-party netting. which is being wound up by the court. The composition of that committee will Avoidance of transactions be determined according to the solvency Transactions entered into after the of the company, and will play a key role commencement of winding up are void in the conduct of the winding up of the unless the court otherwise orders, in Cayman company. By contrast, the use both jurisdictions. But while the posi- of liquidation committees is virtually tion in Cayman is crystal clear, in the unheard of in the BVI, and no statutory BVI the legislation only provides that the provision is made for one, removing an custody and control of the assets vests in extra layer from proceedings. the liquidator – if a director purported to transfer company assets after liquidation Treatment of claims had commenced, it is not clear whether The commencement of winding up does a third party might still be protected by not prevent a secured creditor enforcing the provisions of section 31(1)(c)(ii) of their security rights in either jurisdiction. the BVI Business Companies Act 2004. Also, there is a small class of preferred That provision stipulates that a company creditors (largely employees’ benefits and may not assert against a third party that government claims) which rank ahead has acquired rights or interests from the of ordinary creditors and floating charge company, and that the transaction be set holders. However, only in Cayman does aside on the basis that the person claiming the class of preferred creditors include to be a director of the company was not bank depositors. duly authorised to do so (unless the third In each jurisdiction the priority of unse- party had knowledge, or should have cured claims in a winding up is broadly known through their relationship with the the same. The expenses of the liquidation company, of that fact). are paid first, followed by the preferred In the BVI, winding up only commences creditors, then the floating charge holders, at the date of the relevant court order all of the ordinary claims, then post-insol- (for compulsory winding up), whereas vency interest. Any remaining assets are in Cayman it ordinarily “relates back” to then distributed among creditors whose the date of the petition. Accordingly, in claims are based upon their rights as Cayman it is still possible for banks to shareholders, and then finally any surplus encounter the types of issues which arose is distributed among the shareholders in in Re Gray’s Inn Construction Co Ltd, accordance with their rights under the where, if a company continues to trade memorandum and articles. during the period after the petition has been presented but before a winding up Netting and set-off order has been made, all the payments are For both jurisdictions there is provision for potentially dispositions of property which set-off of mutual claims upon a company are void unless the court otherwise orders. going into insolvency, and this benefit can But there is a much wider divergence be waived (although in the BVI it can only between BVI and Cayman law in relation be waived where this would not adversely to the power to challenge transactions affect another creditor). The right to set-off entered into in the twilight period prior may be lost, but the applicable test differs. to going into liquidation. There are avoid- In Cayman the right to set-off is lost if the ance regimes in Cayman for undervalue creditor knew that the company was the transactions and unfair preferences, while MAY-JUNE 2015 CCCommercialDD DisputeRR Resolution 35 the BVI also provides for the avoidance of itself sufficient (subject to a safe harbour undervalue transactions and unfair pref- for transactions entered into in good faith erences (albeit with different emphasis) and where there were reasonable grounds – but also has separate avoidance regimes for believing the transaction would benefit for voidable floating charges and extor- the business). tionate credit transactions. The distinction between both sets of litigation regimes Fraud and unfair preferences should be noted. When it comes to unfair preferences the In respect of transactions at an under- two legal systems are more closely aligned, value, the main distinction between the although in Cayman to challenge a trans- two regimes is the relevant vulnerability action as a preference it must be shown that period. In the BVI transactions entered the insolvent company had an “intention to into up to six months before the commence- prefer” under the established common law ment of liquidation (or two years for test set out in Re MC Bacon (No 1), which connected persons) may be vulnerable, often operates to protect the rights of but in Cayman the relevant vulnerability lenders who take additional security from period is six years.
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