| 2014 UNIVERSITY FERRARA OF GENDER REPORT | | GENDER REPORT GENDER REPORT UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA 2014 GENDER REPORT UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA | 2014 Coordination Silvia Borelli, Lucia Manzalini, Chiara Oppi, Emidia Vagnoni Photo Archive University of Ferrara Cover Stefano Bigoni Design and layout Federica Capoduri, Giulia Pellegrini Firenze, Italy Print Italia Lipolitografia Srl, Ferrara, Italy 1 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 2 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 Gender Report University of Ferrara 2014 3 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 4 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 To develop the 2014 GR, a Scientific Committee was created, composed by: - Pasquale Nappi, Rector - Cristiana Fioravanti, Deputee of the Rector to Equal Opportunities - Silvia Borelli, Chair of Equal Opportunities Committee - Cinzia Mancini, Chair of C.U.G. - Emidia Vagnoni, Full professor at Department of Economics and Management - Chiara Oppi, PhD student at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa and collaborator at the Department of Economics and Management and a Control Group composed by: - Lucia Manzalini, Gender Report referee - Simona Tosi, Responsible for Office quality system of university - Cinzia Nani, Responsible for Office management control - Maria Assunta Raisa, Office management control - Monica Campana, Office evaluation and programming 5 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 Archive UniFe Table of Contents I. Presentation 09 II. Methodology 11 III. Gender in the University: indicators 13 1 - People in University 13 2 - Students 15 3 - Technical and administrative staff 27 4 - Academic staff 35 IV. Equal Opportunities Bodies 55 V. Positive Action Plan 63 VI. The initiatives realised 65 VII Conclusions 74 VIII. Comments 77 7 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 Equal representation in the University bodies - Archive UniFe I. Presentation “The European Parliament adopts the into account as the same as men, with levels, thus becomes an essential prin- definition of gender budgeting – intend- the ultimate goal of achieving equality be- ciple for the planning of all the policies ed as the application of the principle of tween women and men” (European Par- and budgets of the University of Ferrara. gender mainstreaming in the budget- liament resolution on gender budgeting The Gender Report is therefore an es- ary process - proposed by the informal of 3 July 2003). sential starting point in the definition of network on gender budgeting organized the positive action plan and policies to by the Council of Europe; it believes that Also in 2015, the University of Ferrara re- promote equal opportunities. this consists of adopting a assessment alized a new edition of the Gender Report The University of Ferrara, due to its of the impact of fiscal policies on gender (referred to the year 2014). Forecasted preeminent role in research and experi- by incorporating a gender perspective at in the 2011-2013 positive action plan mentation activity on the subject of gen- all levels of the budgetary process and and indicated as a means of continuous der balance, represents a datum point at restructuring revenues and expenditures monitoring of all policies and actions of national level in equal opportunities poli- in order to promote equality between the the University in the 2014-2016 plan, the cies, by implementing its Statute, which genres; it stresses that gender budgeting Gender Report describes the overall pic- establishes that «UniFe guarantees the is not intended to produce separate budg- ture of the three components of the Uni- respect of the equal opportunities con- ets for women, but rather to intervene on versity (students, technical and adminis- stitutional principle among men and public budgets, since they are not neutral trative staff and academics), considering women in the access to public offices, in terms of gender and since they have a the different participation of women and promotes the equal representation of different impact on women and men, both men in the activities of the University every gender in the nomination of com- in terms of revenue and outputs; with this of Ferrara. The objective of the Gender ponents of every University’s body and in mind gender budgeting implies that, Report is to evaluate the impact on men the equal presence of the genders also within the programs, actions and policies, and women of the policies put in place: in the elective bodies.» revenue and expenses are assessed and gender mainstreaming, that is assessing In its fourth year, the Gender Report restructured in order to ensure that the the implications for women and men of shows the different composition of the priorities and needs of women are taken any planned action in all areas and at all groups that operate within the University 9 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 I. PRESENTAtION of Ferrara (students, doctoral students, Moreover, in the 2014 Gender Report, Special thanks to the coordination research fellows, academics and techni- thanks to the important collaboration group of the Gender Report, the Rec- cal and administrative staff). In particu- with the Statistic Office of the Minis- tor’s Deputy for Equal Opportunities, as lar, the number of students enrolled in try for Education, Universities and Re- well as the Chair and all members of the various courses is presented from a search, it was possible to compare data the Board of Equality and Single Guar- gender viewpoint. It shows the different relative to the University of Ferrara, anteeing Committee, whose assidu- proportions of women and men present with the corresponding national data. ousness and tenaciousness made the in the various levels of technical and ad- The comparative analysis allowed a realization of this third edition of the ministrative staff career and in different check on UNIFE’s position within the Gender Report possible. stages of the evolution of their academic context of Italian universities, better career. It also shows data related to the spotlighting which actions to promote The Rector of University of Ferrara, use of leave for family reasons, as well equal opportunities are most required. Prof. Pasquale Nappi as requests for conversion of employ- The inclusion of the indicators used in ment to full-time to part-time. the European report She Figures then Moreover, the Gender Report details the shows where the University is placed in participation of women in the various the context of EU countries. governing bodies of the University, as well as the functions of the bodies within the University concerned in promoting equal opportunities (the Rector’s Dep- uty for equal opportunities, the Equality Counsel and the Single Guaranteeing Committee). The University’s organs that, in general, guarantee the well- being, and the respect for the dignity of all those who work and study at the University of Ferrara are also presented. Appropriate chapters are then devoted to the description of the positive action plan and the initiatives to achieve the objec- tives set out therein. Archive UniFe 10 II. Methodology The 2014 Gender Report (henceforth The collaboration mentioned above has To develop the 2014 GR, a Scientific 2014 GR) reports the different gender allowed the University, starting from the Committee was created, composed by: composition of the groups who operate 2013 GR, to build up the same indicators - Pasquale Nappi, Rector in the University of Ferrara, and the par- (or sometimes similar ones) used in She - Cristiana Fioravanti, Deputee of the ticipation of women and men in Univer- Figures and in its reports. With regards Rector to Equal Opportunities sity boards. To wholly achieve this aim, to this, below each table and figure, the - Silvia Borelli, Chair of Equal Opportuni- all the components who act within the specific source of data is provided. ties Committee University, i.e. students, PhD graduates, The innovation introduced from the - Cinzia Mancini, Chair of C.U.G. technical and administrative staff and 2013 GR allows a deeper analysis of the - Emidia Vagnoni, Full professor at De- academic staff, have been considered. situation of the University of Ferrara in partment of Economics and Management Furthermore, the 2014 GR presents a comparison to the Italian context and to - Chiara Oppi, PhD student at Scuola Su- plan of positive actions adopted and ini- the European average. For an immedi- periore Sant’Anna of Pisa and collabora- tiatives undertaken by the bodies active ate usability of the data, EU flags were tor at the Department of Economics and in University, to promote gender equality inserted to identify indicators which can Management and equal opportunities. also be found in the She Figures, with Starting from the 2012 GR, the Univer- the indication of the page and table or and a Control Group composed by: sity of Ferrara (UniFe) has been col- figures referring to the 2012 She Figures - Lucia Manzalini, Gender Report referee laborating with the Statistical Office of Report. - Simona Tosi, Responsible for Office the Ministry for Education, Universities This report can be downloaded at: quality system of university and Research (henceforth MIUR), and in http://ec.europa.eu/research/science- - Cinzia Nani, Responsible for Office particular with Maria Teresa Morana e society/document_library/pdf_06/she- management control Simonetta Sagramora, Italian members figures-2012_en.pdf . - Maria Assunta Raisa, Office manage- in the Helsinki Group of the She Figures ment control program, promoted by the European - Monica Campana, Office evaluation and Commission. programming 11 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 II. METHODOLOGY All our thanks to the University of Fer- rara administrative staff for its willing- ness and collaboration in providing data. Our thanks also go to Maria Teresa Mo- rana and Simonetta Sagramora for their precious support, as well as Gabriella Catalini for revising the 2013 GR English version. If anyone has any suggestions, com- ments, ideas on the GR, please write to us at: [email protected] Enjoy your read! Service didactic management - Archive UniFe 12 GENDER REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA - 2014 III.
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