SACRIFICE AND DOMINION AN ECONOMIC COMMENTARY ON ACTS Other Books by Gary North An Economic Commentary on the Bible, 31 vols. (198 – !1 " Marx’s Religion of Revolution (19#8, 1989" An Introduction to Christian Economics (19$3" Puritan Economic Experiments (19$%, 1988" None Dare Call It Witchcraft (19$#" nconditional Surrender (198!, !1!" !uccessful Investing in an Age of Env" (1981" #overnment by Emergency (1983" %ack'ard, Christian Soldiers) (198%" *+ Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray -ou Won’t As& (198%" Coined Freedom (198%" Conspiracy: A Biblical Vie' (198#" 1onest Mone" (198#" nholy Spirits (198#, 199%" Dominion and Common Grace (198$" Inherit the Earth (198$" 2iberating Planet Earth (198$" 1ealer of the Nations (198$" 3he Pirate Econom" (198$" Is the World Running Do'n) (1988" When Justice Is A$orted (1989" Political Polytheism (1989" 4udeo5Christian Tradition (199!" 3he Hoax of Higher Criticism (199!" 0ictim’s Rights (199!" Millennialism and Social Theory (199!" Westminster’s Confession (1991" Christian Reconstruction (1991), with Gary De(ar 3he Coase Theorem (199 " Salvation Through In6ation (1993" Rapture Fever (1993" 3ithing and the Church (199%" %aptized Patriarchalism (199)" Crossed Fingers (199#" 3he Covenantal Tithe (2!11" Mises on Mone" (2!1 " SACRIFICE AND DOMINION AN ECONOMIC COMMENTARY ON ACTS GARY NORTH Sacrifice and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Acts Co*yri+ht © Gary North, 2!1 -.blished by0 Point Fi e Press -.O. Box 2$$8 Dallas, GA 3!13 All ri+hts reserved. 2ritten permission m.st be sec.red from the *.blisher to use or repro/.ce any part of this book, except for brief 4.otations in critical reviews or articles. -rinted in the United States of America. TA!"E OF CONTENTS Intro/.ction . 1 1. Common Ownershi* (Acts 20%1–%%" . 9 . Better 8han Money (Acts 3:1–$" . 1# 3. Aban/onin+ 9eal Estate (Acts %:33–3$" . %. In Defense of -rivate Pro*erty (Acts ):1–#" . 9 ). 8he Diaconate (Acts #:1–%" . 3# #. 8hin+s That (oney Cannot B.y (Acts 8:18– %" . %3 $. Ch.rches That Share (Acts 110 )–3!" . )1 8. Occ.*ation An/ Callin+ (Acts 18:3" . )% 9. 8o 6.ffer Loss ;or 8he Gos*el (Acts 19:13– !" . )9 1!. 8he Joy Of Givin+ (Acts 2!:3)" . #% Concl.sion . $! vii INTRODUCTION The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that 4esus $egan $oth to do and teach( ntil the da" in which he was ta&en up( after that he through the 1ol" Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen/ To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion $" man" infallible proofs( $eing seen of them fort" da"s( and spea&ing of the things pertaining to the &ingdom of God/ And, $eing assem$led together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from 4erusalem( $ut wait for the promise of the .ather( which( saith he, "e have heard of me. .or 4ohn trul" $aptized with water: $ut "e shall $e $aptized with the 1ol" Ghost not man" da"s hence ;Acts </<–+=9 A$ T%e "ast Days 8he Book o3 Acts o=ers a narrative o3 the last /ays of the Ol/ Cov> enant or/er. 8he last /ays had beg.n with Jes.s? ministry. A new era o3 /irect revelation from Go/ had marked its beginnin+. 8he last /ays were anno.nced by the E*istle to the @ebrews. “Go/, who at s.n/ry times an/ in /ivers manners s*ake in time *ast .nto the fathers by the *ro*hets, @ath in these last /ays s*oken .nto .s by his 6on, whom he hath ap*ointed heir o3 all thin+s, by whom also he made the worl/sB (@eb. 1:1– ). 8hese last /ays wo.l/ en/ in A.D. $! at the fall o3 Jer.s> alem, when covenantally authoritative revelation from Go/ ceased.1 '.rin+ the *reliminary *hase o3 the last /ays, the a.thor o3 @ebrews sai/, Go/ had s*oken to the apostles thro.+h Jes.s Christ. B.t, after Christ?s ascension to heaven, Go/ began to s*eak to the apostles by the @oly Ghost, as we read in the secon/ chapter o3 Acts. Jes.s had sai/ o3 the @oly Ghost, A7 have yet many thin+s to say .nto yo., but ye cannot bear them now. @owbeit when he, the 6*irit o3 tr.th, is come, he will +.i/e yo. into all tr.th0 3or he shall not s*eak o3 himsel3C but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he s*eak: an/ he will 1. Denneth :. Gentry, %efore 4erusalem .ell/ Dating the %ook of Revelation (8yler, 8e1as: 7nstitute for Christian Economics, 1989". (http0EEbit.lyEkl+bF3" 1 SACRIFICE AND DOMINION shew yo. thin+s to come. @e shall +lorify me: 3or he shall receive o3 mine, an/ shall she& it .nto yo.. All thin+s that the ;ather hath are mine: therefore sai/ I, that he shall take o3 mine, an/ shall shew it unto yo.B (John 1#:1 –1)). 8he last /ays were marked by /irect verbal rev> elation from Go/ thro.+h Jes.s Christ, an/ s.bse4.ently thro.+h the 8hir/ -erson o3 the 8rinity. 8he Grst two chapters o3 Acts /escribe this transition. !$ T&o Covenants '.rin+ this transitional era, Christians lived .n/er two covenants, Ol/ an/ New. 8he (osaic Covenant?s *riesthoo/ still o=ered sacri> Gces in the tem*le, even after Jes.s, the s.*reme hi+h *riest, had o=ered the Gnal sacriGce. “An/ every *riest stan/eth /aily ministerin+ an/ o=erin+ oftentimes the same sacriGces, &hich can never take away sins0 B.t this man, after he had o=ered one sacriGce 3or sins for ever, sat /own on the ri+ht han/ o3 Go/C ;rom henceforth expectin+ till his enemies be made his footstool. ;or by one o=erin+ he hath *erfected for ever them that are sanctiGed. 2hereof the Holy Ghost also is a wit> ness to .s0 for after that he had sai/ before, 8his is the covenant that 7 will make with them after those /ays, saith the Lor/, I will *.t my laws into their hearts, an/ in their min/s will 7 write themC An/ their sins an/ ini4.ities will I remember no more. Now &here remission o3 these is, there is no more o=erin+ for sin” (Heb. 1!:11–18). 8his was a transitional era because the two covenants overlap*ed. Direct revelation from Go/ was +iven to New Covenant apostles an/ Ol/ Covenant *ro*hets, John the Baptist bein+ the +reatest o3 the lat> ter. A;or 7 say .nto yo., Amon+ those that are born o3 women there is not a +reater *ro*het than <ohn the Baptist0 but he that is least in the kin+/om of Go/ is +reater than he” (Luke 70 8). Go/ still s*oke to men authoritatively, &ho in t.rn s*oke an/ wrote /own Go/?s &or/s au> thoritatively. 2e are no& .n/er the authority o3 a written Bible that was *.t onto *archment /.rin+ those last /ays. 2e are to shape o.r tho.+hts an/ lives by means o3 the information in the Bible. 8he New Covenant is marked by con/itions, an/ the Bible is where we learn &hat these con/itions are. 8his *laces consi/erable res*onsibility on anyone &ho seeks to sort o.t &hat was transitional in the last /ays from what is *ermanent in the New Covenant era. 8he Book o3 Acts is a /oc.ment o3 the transition. 6ome o3 the thin+s it recor/s are no lon+er man/ated 3or Introduction 3 Christians. ;or exam*le, it recor/s the existence o3 Foint *ro*hesyin+ that each listener hear/ in his native lan+.age (Acts 20%–8). 7t /escribes a system o3 common *ro*erty owned by the Jer.salem ch.rch an/ ad> ministered by ch.rch oHcers (Acts 0%1–% C %:33–3$). It recor/s the *.blic testimony o3 an acc.sed man &hose messa+e was conGrmed to him alone by a vision from the @oly Ghost, an/ &hose verbal /escri*> tion o3 this vision cost him his life (Acts $0))–)8). It s*eaks o3 female *ro*hets (Acts 1:8–9). It tells o3 a man who was imm.ne to a /eadly snake bite (Acts 8:3–#). On these matters, we have not been tol/ by Jes.s, “Go, an/ do tho. likewise” (Luke 1!:3$b). Nevertheless, there are mo/ern e1*ositors who &o.l/ have .s +o an/ /o likewise with one or another o3 these transitional *ractices. B.t there is a noticeable selectivity on the *art o3 those &ho /o tell .s that we sho.l/ /o this. 9.ral American con+regations whose members still *ick .* *oisono.s snakes as a ch.rch rit.al /o not *ractice common ownershi*. Neither /o those con+regations that s.bor/inate them> selves to &omen &ho claim to be *ro*hets. 6ome Christians affirm the contin.in+ existence o3 authoritative revelation from *eo*le who s*eak in an .nreco+niIable ton+.e /.rin+ a ch.rch service, b.t they /o not sen/ o.t teams o3 missionaries to s*eak in an .nearthly ton+.e that listeners will hear in their own lan+.ages. 8his is smor+asbor/ Christianity0 a little o3 this, none o3 that, an/ all in terms o3 *ersonal taste. 8he Book o3 Acts is famo.s for its /escri*tion o3 a system o3 com> monly hel/ *ro*erty in the Jer.salem ch.rch.
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