BLAIR AND THE CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE Chedet.co.cc August 01, 2008 by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad I feel sad that after a very well attended Press Conference (see picture) chaired by me as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Perdana Global Peace Organisation to condemn the visit of the war criminal Tony Blair, almost nothing has appeared in the print and electronic media in this country. It looks as if Malaysia supports the criminal action of this former British Prime Minister who lied to his Parliament, to the British people and the world that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) which could hit Britain in a matter of minutes. On the basis of this lie he joined George Bush of the United States to launch a massive war against Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and destroying their cities, the electricity and water supply. When no WMDs were found in Iraq, this war criminal claimed that he and Bush unleashed their killers against Iraq to rid it of (President) Saddam Hussein and to make Iraq and all the countries in West Asia democratic. Saddam has been caught together with his Cabinet members and hanged after trial by a kangaroo court. But the killings in Iraq has not stopped. It is five years plus and the Iraqi people, from babies to old people, the healthy and the sick, are being killed or savagely wounded every day. Whatever Saddam may have done, nothing that he did can compare with the death and destruction caused by Blair and Bush. If Saddam is regarded as a criminal for the harsh way he built up his country, if Radovan Karadzic is a criminal because of the thousands of Bosniaks he massacred, then Blair together with Bush must be condemned as worse criminals, for the senseless and pointless war of aggression they launched i.e. for mass killings of innocent people that they ordered to be carried out without an ounce of mercy, with no compassion for the Iraqi people. Blair is truly a criminal who was rejected even by the British people. It is disgusting to see this criminal of the highest order being welcomed in Malaysia and worse still to talk on the rule of law when he broke all international laws and the laws of his own country by deliberately lying and sending young British soldiers to die in a war of aggression. The conspiracy of silence by Malaysia's media is to be condemned for you are lending support to a War Criminal whose criminal acts must not go unpunished. Yet you have seen how readily the United States and its cohorts condemn the President of Sudan, Omar Bashir, for alleged war crimes in Darfur when there is no evidence that he deliberately issued orders to war against anyone. 469 Comments By protunmahathir on August 1, 2008 2:41 PM Assalamualaikum TUN, harap2 saya 1st.. harap Tun dapat beri komen berkenaan pilihan raya kecil permatang pauh yang akan datang.. By sang_tawal on August 1, 2008 2:43 PM Si B. Liar ni sepatunya menjadi roomate Radozan Karadzic di ICC By abangchiqAuthor Profile Page on August 1, 2008 2:44 PM Blair,Bush and gangs.....they all are war criminal.Should bring them to ICJ http://abangchiq.blogspot.com/ By Neil on August 1, 2008 2:47 PM Tun,ya that sound convincing enough but let get bact to our own issue here in malaysia. By nadzriAuthor Profile Page on August 1, 2008 2:49 PM Where is Pak Lah? Don't we have any stand on this? Why we invite a liar to talk about rule of law? http://nadzrikamsin.blogspot.com By daelaAuthor Profile Page on August 1, 2008 2:52 PM Salam... By kulaaga on August 1, 2008 2:53 PM Tun yang dihormati. Apa yang dikatakan oleh Tun memang benar. Sekarang ini berita yang berunsur maksiat dan seks lebih utama sehingga terpampang di muka surat hadapan surat kabar kita. Apakah kita ini sudah menjadi manusia yang tidak boleh berfikir atau masih menjadi hamba dengan apa yag disajikan di hadapan kita??? Bangunlah semua rakyat Malaysia. Terima Kasih Tun yang disanjungi.. By daelaAuthor Profile Page on August 1, 2008 2:53 PM Salam... By bzzAuthor Profile Page on August 1, 2008 2:54 PM Tun, Nak buat macam mana Tun. Kalau dah Malaysia ni mempunyai pemimpin yg dipimpin oleh idola mereka yg suka pada peperangan. Kapal pengangkut ke kawasan perang dibenarkan singgah di Malaysia. Pemimpin yg melancarkan perang dibenarkan berucap tentang undang-undang. Yg pemimpin kita. Tak cakap apa-apa. By ThienWu on August 1, 2008 2:54 PM Salam Tun... I think now days... all paper are "blind"... By matpokok on August 1, 2008 2:54 PM Tun, tu la BETAPA BEBAL NYA DS LAH...menikus tak tentu pasal...mengaum juga tak tentu pasal...tapi bila BLAIR mai senyap...takuttt By iamagoodmalaysian on August 1, 2008 2:55 PM as u said before Tun, the media is controlled by the gov.my... nothing more we can do! i love peace & i hate people who created war! By PerantauDariTawau on August 1, 2008 2:56 PM me 1st?? hai Tun.. u r my idol.. we loved u much By justdoit on August 1, 2008 2:57 PM Salam A word we might use a lot in the future........ There are possible plans underway to apply to the Oxford and Webster to include a new word for their 2009 dictionary: *badawi* [baa-daa-wee] (/noun/): To start something full of promise but end in disappointment, failure and/or disaster. Eg: 'I'm trusting you to perform this task well; don't do a badawi,ok?' 'Whatever I do, I will always find a way to badawise it.' Take care always Tun I KNOW ! By dayanganita on August 1, 2008 2:57 PM Dear Tun, Indeed it is disgusting.. This is the sort of news that malaysians should read about rather than some sensational news about sodomy and wife who took pity on her husband. By cool80 on August 1, 2008 2:57 PM I am the fisrt!!!!!!!! Yahoooo... I luv u Dr M. By Amry on August 1, 2008 2:59 PM its all bodolah fault,,, blame him the stupid one.... By "My Way" on August 1, 2008 3:01 PM Dear Tun, Don't feel down about this. I'm sure you know that the media is totally controlled by 'someone'. So of course not to offend Tony Blair and his entourage, our 'good' media wiz the direction from our 'flip-flop' government just don't want to publish it. Tun, your blog page has become one of the popular and most visited sites on this planet, so don't worry we are glad that there is other source of 'alternative' media for us to depend on. Keep up the fight, Tun. Cheers! By protunmahathir on August 1, 2008 3:01 PM Tun, kami sangat kecewa ngan pak Lah.. ade ke patut kabinet tak bincang berkenaan tuntutan singapura terhadap perairan pulau batu putih.. macamana la pak lah boleh ambik senang perkara ni.. By Jue on August 1, 2008 3:02 PM Dear Tun, Well said Tun. Regards, By zzemy on August 1, 2008 3:02 PM Allah selamatkan Allahyarham Saddam Hussein! Sepatutnya Tony Blair dibawa bersama-sama Radovan Karadzic di The Hague. Bawa sama GW Bush dan bapanya GW Bush Sr. Saya tidak tahu yang Tun adakan sidang tersebut kerana tidak pernah disiarkan di mana-mana media....Reporter banyak yang hadir, berita hilang. Apa yang ditakutkan sangat dengan seorang lelaki 80an umurnya? Apa yang kerajaan takutkan sangat? Nak jaga hati Tony Blair ke? A murderer still a murderer. Lihat saja hasil misi keamanan dunia unilateral Amerika...none~ Itu pun jangan...ada juga orang Malaysia yang mahu Amerika masuk dan mencampuri urusan dalaman negara. Semua rahsia dalam kain Malaysia diungkit diungkap! Britain telah menolak Blair akibat sokongan terhadap perang Iraq tetapi penggantinya pun sama saja. Boeh katakan mana-mana pemimpin Barat dah kena penyakit Islamofobia. cakap saja yang depa semua tuh faham Islam tetapi dibelakang depa semua dok cadang cara macam mana nk naikkan pemimpin Islam yang Pro-Barat dan menjadi kerajaan Pro-Sekular macam Turki. Kat Malaysia ni dah nampak dah calon2 pemimpian terbaik untuk Amerika nak masuk jarum..... apalah nasib kita lepas ni? By Redzwan AbdullahAuthor Profile Page on August 1, 2008 3:03 PM Salam Alaik Tun... I hope I'm the first,.. I think Malaysia's Media are forgetting about the crime by Blair... I think the media also boycotting your opinion... However, I still respect your opinion and hope that our Media will be more independent after this... May god bless You... By athena on August 1, 2008 3:03 PM in spite of what he and his partner have done directly and indirectly to the iraqis, sadly all those were overlooked...i supposed it is far less mind numbing than looking our for the wof in sheep clothing By wewant on August 1, 2008 3:03 PM Asalamualaikum Tun.. ye betul Tun..sunyi je..takde sebarang berita mengenai Tony Blair tuh.. apa media malaysia nih.. berita pasal liwat bukan main cepat lagi... By (MFMS)d on August 1, 2008 3:04 PM Salam Tun, Double standard, that's it! By malaysiawati on August 1, 2008 3:05 PM dearest tun, Congratulation on ur success as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Perdana Global Peace Organisation. It really aspiring to me to know that Malaysia still have agreat Malaysian Leader like u r. Your contribution to Country and Nation is beyond any gift that any Malaysian could ever give.And even a thank you is never enaugh to express how greatfull i am to be ur fellowship.
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