University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-25-1902 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 02-25-1902 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 02-25-1902." (1902). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/1088 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 16 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY AFTEKNOON, FEHKUAUY 2, 1902 NUMBER 80 Belmont. Ohio, upon telegraphic ad- - intendent F. G Shepard, of the coast der them Independent of governmental ice from the directors that they had lines; Santa Fe Pacific Division Sup- aid within a year. The Indians under ROBOTS closed the doors. The deposits are LAUNCHED erintendent I. L. Hibbard and John my charge are industrious and ambi- . $251.51)6: loans and discounts. $220,-63- Denair, Southern California division tious as a rule, and follow farming cash on hand, $20,900. Superintendents W. B. Beamer and A. principally, tilling small patches In the D. Shindler. Chief Engineer R. K. fertile valleys of the canyons. Some GEORGE ELLIOTT HANNUN. Burns, Andrew Johnson and James B. of them have nice little herds of Duffy, city passenger agent at San sheep." Public Building for A- Hi Death Occurred at His Brother's Emperor's Yacht is in Francisco. He Was Found With Home Early This Morning. Peddling of Meats. George Elliott Hannun died at the UNION COUNTY. At the request of parties Interested, lbuquerque Included. home of his brother, J. E. Hannun, at the Water. Broken Neck. The Citizen publishes below that sec- 001 North Third street a few minutes March Term of the District Court of tion of chapter XLV of the session before 2 o'clock this morning. Death That county. arts of 1901, relative to the peddling de- The county was caused by heart disease. The to district court of Union A of meats: Tillman and McLaurin Tem- ceased was born on August 2, 1887. at Magnificent Bracelet Given will convene at Clayton on March 3, Wreck on the New York "Any person or persons hereafter ,arrimore. N. I)., ami when a year old Chiei Justice aLUs presiding. There engaged In the business of peddling porarily in Favor. moved with his parents to Denver, Miss Roosevelt. are seventy-on- e cases on tne docket, of Central. beef In this territory, shall first obtain Colo. Last summer he, with his moth- which twenty-fiv- e are criminal and for from the authority provided by law for er. Sirs. Isabel Hannun, went east on a ty-si- x civil. the issue thereof, a peddler's license to visit and before returning to their Of the criminal cases four are for The carry on such business, and shall pay From The President and Prince Henry u Mutilated Body of a Texas Girl Last Transport Philippines home at Denver came to Albuquerque murder; one for as.-a- t to kill; two for therefor the sum of two hundred and assault on a railway train with intent fifey dollars, said payment to tie made Have for a visit with their brother and son Cheer Each Other, Found in Bonham. Rough Weather. here. They arrived the fore part of to commit a felony; one aiding and annually in advance, and which said September, and were so well pleased abetting an assault on a railway train license fee when collected, shall lie with the climate that they decided to with Intent to commit a felony; one converted into the wild animal bounty CORBETT AND McGOVERN ADJOURN. stay. The young man attended the MESSAGE TO THE EMPEROR. rape; one burglary; two forgery; one SANTA FE PROMOTION. fund of the county, wherein said sum Central school up to the time he was uttering forged checks; four larceny of shall be paid and collected. This act apply any person who may taken sick. Three weeks ago tonight 25. cattle; one unlawfully killing cattle; O Special shall not to New York, Feb. The special one unlawfully purchasing "stolen to The Citizen. 0 sell or otherwise dispose of any beer Special to The Citizen. O George, with his mother, were Invited train bearing President Roosevelt to 0 CerrilloB, N. M Feb. 25. Fred. O Washington, D. Feb. 25. A. sheep; one defacing brands; one un killed In good faith, for his own use. C, 0 to spend the evening with Mrs. S. the launching of Emperor William's O Delaney. who was switching cars O only Delegate Kodey today introduced Jt Sweetland on South Sixth street. The lawfully branding cattle; one driving O on top. new and this act is Intended to apply yacht, the Meteor, reached Jersey City, being at the hard coal mine O to such persons as make a business of a hill appointing the governor, 0 young man was taken suddenly 111 with at 6:40 a. m. The president remained cattle out of territory without O In Williams gulch, near Madrid, 0 the delegate and the president of O pneumonia was not moved to his Inspected, and three peddling without one by peddling." and on board until the arrival of tne 0 of tin properties operated O second section of the same act the last council, a commission to 0 brother's home on North Third street prince's a few license. O the Colorado & com- - The train, minutes after- dl Fuel Iron 0 provides penalties for violation of the reapportion the territory of New until last Thursday, when he wa's con- ward. Soon after 8 o'clock the presi- Of the civil cases nine are for 0 pany, fell and was Instantly killed 0 Mexico according to the last cen- danger. vorce, the following being the parties provisions of the same, and section sidered out of On Friday, dent, the prince and suites embarked 0 this afternoon. The exact details 0 provides hides must be ln sus. complications set in, and last night the on a boat for Shooters' Island. A fine Interested in the domestic insurrec will never be known, but as he O three that - 0 spected shipment and estab- He also Introduced a hill ap- end came. The funeral will occur at rain was falling. tions: tleofes Ga..egos Medina vs. O was found lying under the cars. It 0 before legis-- 0 the fee for Inspection. Section 0 proving the acts of the last 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon at the The crowd at the railroad station Guadalupe Medina, Ouelia Vigil vs. 0 is supposed he attempted to Jump lishes issuing bonds the Trinidad Vigil, Predlconda Jaramlllo 0 four provides penalties for violation of lature in for residence. Interment is to be made in cheered Prince Henry heartily. Presi- 0 on the trip and slipped, when a 0 five, insane hospital, agricultural col-- 0 by' de Ortiz vs. Conception Ortiz, Jerusha section three. In section section 0 Fairview cemetery. Rev. W. J. Marsh dent Roosevelt was accompanied 0 car struck him, breaking his neck. 0 ninety-two- , lege and military institute; and E. Senlnper vs. John Seninger. Eusevla compiled laws of 1897, la will preside. Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss Alice Roose- 0 Delaney was a young unmarried 0 repealed. 0 in regard to the Navajo lease of Glen Bearrup, George Dean, Chas. velt. He lifted his hat repeatedly to Gallegos Mnnlz, vs. Dorotea Martinez O man of 23, or thereabouts, and 0 0 mineral land for twenty-fiv- e years Myers, Clarence Rogers, Isaac Singer the cheering multitude. On the ferry Munlc, Francisco Archuleta vs. Marclal well known here. vs. C. 0 0 John B. Sherman Dead. 0 on a royalty. and James Cole, members of his class boat the president joined the prince Archuleta. Juan Martinez Maria 25. B. pro- Martinez, D. vs. 0 0 Chicago. Feb. John Sherman, 0 Another hill Introduced at the Central school, will act as pall on the upper deck, where they remain- Ricardo .Casados Sara Union yards, died vides for a public building Al- Valdez de Casados, and may good 000000000 0 000000000 founder of the stock 0 at bearers. ed some time in view of the cheering the today, aged 77. 0 buquerque. passengers on the crowded ferry boats. Iord have mercy on their poor souls! FIVE KILLtU OUTRIGHT. 0. The president and Prince Henry ar- 000.000000 0 000000000 DISTRICT COURT. rived at Shooters' Island at 9:30. CAPT. A. M. FULLER. New York Central Passenger and GENERAL MACARTHUR. Presidential and royal salutes were Wreck Trains Come Together. GOOD BOYS NOW. fired, and Shooters' Island presented Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 25. Five men were killed and two fatally Injured Tillman and McLaurin Will Get a Sen Judge Baker Will Arrive Tomorrow the appearance of a military encamp- Directors of the Commercial Club Spanking ment. Two nattalions of naval miliua He is P'eased With the Selection of early today on the New York Central atorial Later. near A passenger Washington, Feb. 25. The names of Evening Jury Venires. were posted between tire landing stage Aureiius. train and Will Meet Tonight. Tillman and McLaurin have been re and the scene oi launching. They Albuquerque fcr Military Post. a wrecking train collided head-o- n while stored to the roll of the senate. Presi were supplemented by a squad of petty rounding a curve at full speeu. pro officers and sailors from the Hohen- - The dead are: John Hazeman, en- dent tem Frye said: NEW SUITS FILED.
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