The Automorphism Groups on the Complex Plane Aron Persson VT 2017 Essay, 15hp Bachelor in Mathematics, 180hp Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics Abstract The automorphism groups in the complex plane are defined, and we prove that they satisfy the group axioms. The automorphism group is derived for some domains. By applying the Riemann mapping theorem, it is proved that every automorphism group on simply connected domains that are proper subsets of the complex plane, is isomorphic to the automorphism group on the unit disc. Sammanfattning Automorfigrupperna i det komplexa talplanet definieras och vi bevisar att de uppfyller gruppaxiomen. Automorfigruppen på några domän härleds. Genom att applicera Riemanns avbildningssats bevisas att varje automorfigrupp på enkelt sammanhängande, öppna och äkta delmängder av det komplexa talplanet är isomorf med automorfigruppen på enhetsdisken. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Preliminaries 3 2.1. Group and Set Theory 3 2.2. Topology and Complex Analysis 5 3. The Definition of the Automorphism Group 9 4. Automorphism Groups on Sets in the Complex Plane 17 4.1. The Automorphism Group on the Complex Plane 17 4.2. The Automorphism Group on the Extended Complex Plane 21 4.3. The Automorphism Group on the Unit Disc 23 4.4. Automorphism Groups and Biholomorphic Mappings 25 4.5. Automorphism Groups on Punctured Domains 28 5. Automorphism Groups and the Riemann Mapping Theorem 35 6. Acknowledgements 43 7. References 45 1. Introduction To study the geometry of complex domains one central tool is the automorphism group. Let D ⊆ C be an open and connected set. The automorphism group of D is then defined as the collection of all biholomorphic mappings D → D together with the composition operator. Loosely, automorphic functions are functions that preserve the structure of a object. The young Poincaré was one of the first to do work on automorphic functions, and ultimately it helped clarify a many different areas of mathematics. He introduced a language by combining different areas of mathematics, and his work on automorphic functions have most famously led to the proof of Fermat´s last theorem. [11] It began as the Academy of Sciences of Paris proposed a challenge in 1880 to perfect some of the language in differential equations in one variable. As Poincaré entered his second memoir in the 1880s, he built the first groundwork on automorphic functions [2]. This memoir focused on Fuchsian functions which was inspired from an article by L. Fuchs. It was Klein who coined the modern term automorphic functions in 1890 [11]. Later, from all the work on automorphic functions, Poincaré and Koebe managed to prove the uniformization theorem, it lead further to the proof that the generalization of the uniformization theorem to arbitrary dimensions does not hold [4]. In Section 4, we shall explicitly deduce the following automorphism groups. Later in this introduction, we will see the importance of knowing explicitly what these groups are. • Aut(C) = {az + b : a, b ∈ C, a 6= 0} (Theorem 4.9); az + b • Aut(ˆ) = : a, b, c, d ∈ , and ad − bc 6= 0 , C cz + d C where Cˆ = C ∪ {∞} (Theorem 4.11); a − z • Aut(B (0)) = eiφ : a ∈ B (0), and φ ∈ (0, 2π] , 1 1 − az¯ 1 where B1(0) ⊂ C is the unit disc (Theorem 4.13); •{ f ∈ Aut(D): f(A) = A} and Aut(D\A) are group isomorphic where D is a bounded domain, and A ⊂ D (Theorem 4.19). The main result of this essay is the following theorem. Theorem 5.10. Let D ⊂ C be a simply connected and open set not equal C. Then Aut(D) is isomorphic to Aut(B1(0)) in the sense of groups. Theorem 5.10 is a direct consequence of the celebrated Riemann mapping theorem (The- orem 5.8). This emphasises the importance of the above examples. Consider a simply connected domain D ⊆ C, then from Theorem 5.10, we need only be interested in Aut(C), and Aut(B1(0)). The domain B1(0)\{0} is not simply connected, and Aut(B1(0)\{0}) is not isomorphic to Aut(B1(0)), which shows that Theorem 5.10 does not hold for connected and open sets that are not simply connected. Even so, it is possible to generalise Theorem 5.10 to Riemann surfaces, i.e. 1-dimensional complex manifolds. The uniformization theorem, as it is called, states: A simply connected Riemann surface, S, is biholomorphically equivalent 1 ˆ to either C , C or B1(0) (see e.g. [1]). In the early 1900 Poincaré showed that Theorem 5.10 is not possible to generalise to higher dimension with the following famous example. He showed that the automorphism group of the bi-disc in C2, 2 {(z1, z2) ∈ C : |z1| < 1, |z2| < 1} , and automorphism group of the unit ball in C2, 2 2 2 {(z1, z2) ∈ C : |z1| + |z2| < 1} . is not isomorphic. Even as they both are simply connected [6]. The overview of the essay is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some background the- ory. The background related to abstract algebra is based on [3], and the background related to complex analysis is mainly inspired by [8, 10]. In the third Section, the automorphism group is defined. Ultimately, by some theorems taken from [8], the group axioms of the automorphism group are proved. In Section four, the automorphism group on the complex plane, extended complex plane and unit disc is derived. Also, biholomorphic equivalence is introduced, and automorphism groups on punctured domains are considered. Mainly, this section is inspired by [4–6,8]. In Section 5, Theorem 5.10 is proved by applying the Riemann mapping theorem, this section is based on [5, 6]. 2 2. Preliminaries In this section, we shall introduce some concepts from group theory and complex analysis that will be needed in this essay. 2.1. Group and Set Theory. For our purposes we will take the notion of a set to be obvious, it is well understood what a collection of something is. Thus we take the definition of a set intuitively. However, the concept of supremum is very useful, but since not all readers may have encountered it before, we shall state it here. Definition 2.1. Let X ⊂ R, then if there exists a a = min{α ∈ R|x ≤ α, for all x ∈ X} then we say that a is the supremum of X. We denote this as sup(X). Notice that this is not the general definition of supremum on ordered sets, a see e.g. Definition 1.8 in [9]. For our purposes it is sufficient to assume that we take the supremum of some subset of R. In many cases the supremum will be analogous to the maximum of a set, and it may help the reader to intuitively read maximum whenever we talk about supremum. Though, remember they are not always the same. Throughout this essay, we will make frequent use of discs centered at a point, c ∈ C, with radius r > 0, and the one point compactification of the complex plane (or extended complex ˆ plane) . We will denote them as Br(c) and C := C ∪ {∞}, respectively. Furthermore, we denote the unit disc as B1(0). Now, we will briefly go through some fundamental properties from group theory. Loosely speaking group theory is about generalising algebra. There is no need to limit oneself to only talk about numbers and addition, etc. What if we were to replace all the integers with different kinds of bananas (now imagine there are countably infinite amount of different bananas), then we could simply talk about putting together two different bananas and you would potentially get a new kind banana. For these bananas we can not apply directly our regular addition operator, rather in generality we talk about binary operators. Our goal is then to apply binary operators to sets, as in our example, the set of different kinds of bananas. Definition 2.2. A binary operator, ∗, on a set A is a mapping from A × A into A. For (a, b) ∈ A × A, we denote ∗((a, b)) as a ∗ b. Both ordinary addition and multiplication are examples of binary operators on Z. In particular, it is important for our purposes to realise that the composition operator, ◦, is a binary operator on the set of all complex valued functions. Definition 2.3. Let B be a subset of A, and ∗ be a binary operator on A. Then B is said to be closed under ∗, if for every a, b ∈ B, a ∗ b ∈ B. It is easy to check that ◦ is closed under the set of all complex valued functions. By restricting the binary operator to three properties, we can define a so called group. Definition 2.4. Let A be a set closed under a binary operator ∗. We call (A, ∗) a group if: G1: the binary operator, ∗, satisfies a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c, 3 for all a, b, c ∈ A, i.e. ∗ is associative in A. G2: there exists an identity element e ∈ A for ∗, such that e ∗ a = a ∗ e = a, for all a ∈ A; G3: for each a ∈ A there exists an inverse element a0 ∈ A such that a ∗ a0 = a0 ∗ a = e. The definition of a group may seem redundant for the reader with little experience with group theory, but it is really useful. One such use is when we can relate two different groups, we want a mapping between groups that preserves some structure. More formally, we call such mappings group homomorphisms, or simply homomorphisms if there is no risk for ambiguity. Definition 2.5. A mapping φ : G → G0 between two groups (G, ∗), (G0, ∗0) is called a homomorphism if 0 φ(g1 ∗ g2) = φ(g1) ∗ φ(g2) for all g1, g2 ∈ G.
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