E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 No. 105 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ing apart and becoming chaotic. Ac- defeat them? This doesn’t make a called to order by the Speaker pro tem- cording to Panetta, the administration whole lot of sense. pore (Mr. HOLDING). was ‘‘so eager to rid itself of Iraq that The United States must answer this f it was willing to withdraw rather than question: Is ISIS a national security lock in arrangements that would pre- threat to us? If the answer is yes, then DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO serve American influence and our in- we must defeat them; and Congress TEMPORE terests.’’ needs to weigh in on this and make The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- So the President ignored the advice this decision. fore the House the following commu- of his own Secretary of Defense and top If we decide that ISIS is a national nication from the Speaker: commanders and pulled troops out of security threat, then, of course, we WASHINGTON, DC, Iraq in 2011. The timing, just before the need strategy, a complete strategy. July 8, 2015. 2012 Presidential election, to me, ap- The administration’s plan so far is to I hereby appoint the Honorable GEORGE peared to be based on the politics of po- train mercenaries to fight ISIS. How- HOLDING to act as Speaker pro tempore on litical convenience, not our own na- ever, just this week, Secretary of De- this day. tional interests. fense Carter admitted that the United JOHN A. BOEHNER, In any event, what is taking place States has trained, get this, 60 so- Speaker of the House of Representatives. today in 2015? Enter the Islamic State, called moderate Syrian rebels to fight f ISIS. ISIS took advantage of the power ISIS—just 60. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE vacuum left by America’s absence. So The $500 million program that was today ISIS is stronger than ever, supposed to fund 3,000 fighters before The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- spreading its reign of terror through- the end of 2015 has trained 60. So if I do ant to the order of the House of Janu- out the region. my math correctly, Mr. Speaker, we ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- ISIS practices religious genocide are spending about $8 million per fight- nize Members from lists submitted by against people that don’t agree with it. er right now. That is abysmal. That is the majority and minority leaders for They have redefined the term ‘‘bar- no way to fight and win a war against morning-hour debate. barian’’ to an all new low. They rape, terror. The Chair will alternate recognition pillage, loot, behead, and burn those in Also, there are more Americans between the parties, with each party this ISIS war against the world’s peo- fighting with ISIS rebels than we have limited to 1 hour and each Member ple. trained fighters to fight against ISIS. other than the majority and minority ISIS not only controls a massive Meanwhile in Iraq, just 8,800 fighters leaders and the minority whip limited amount of territory in the Middle East, have been trained to fight ISIS com- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- it also controls the minds of thousands pared to the goal of 24,000. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. of foreign fighters, many from the This administration’s strategy to de- f United States. It is a sophisticated feat ISIS seems to be in chaos. Even criminal enterprise that uses any and the Kurds want to do their own fight- DOES THE U.S. HAVE A PLAN TO all ways to recruit, fundraise, and ing, and they have asked us for mili- DEFEAT ISIS? spread terror. It even uses American tary support. Our allies want to send The SPEAKER pro tempore. The social media companies to promote its direct aid to the Kurds, but the admin- Chair recognizes the gentleman from cause. Through American companies istration won’t let them do that. They Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. like Twitter, ISIS is instantly and free- have to send it through Baghdad for Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the ly spreading its cancer of Islamic ex- some reason. President ‘‘avoids the battle, com- tremism to teenagers, recruiting them It is time for the administration to plains, and misses opportunities.’’ to join the jihad and then launch at- stop being indecisively weak and do the Those were the words of Leon Panetta, tacks on the streets of America. obvious. It needs to lead in this war President Obama’s former Secretary of Since the President announced his against ISIS, and it needs to listen to Defense and CIA Director, in 2011. campaign against ISIS, we have seen the commanders. At the time, Panetta, along with embarrassing results. Even the Presi- The United States needs to act and military commanders and the Joint dent admitted that the United States have a plan to defeat this determined, Chiefs of Staff, recommended that the did not have a complete strategy. well-financed enemy. It is a terrorist United States leave 24,000 troops in The ISIS terror has been going on for enterprise that is at war with us. Iraq to prevent that country from fall- over a year and we don’t have a plan to And that is just the way it is. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4867 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:52 Jul 09, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY7.000 H08JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 8, 2015 TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP incentives for affordability and con- I would like to thank Doug, the busi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sumer protections and the trade pro- ness leaders in our community, and the Chair recognizes the gentleman from motion authority objective to ‘‘ensure volunteers who help make Backpack Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- that trade agreements foster innova- Buddies possible. utes. tion and promote access to medicines.’’ WAR ON COAL Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, We need some work here. Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. On a last month Congress dealt with a trade The May 10 agreement that was separate issue, Mr. Speaker, several package that centered on trade pro- struck in 2007, which I was pleased to weeks ago, President Obama sent two motion authority; and those actions, participate in, struck the right bal- of his top cronies in his war on coal, In- while important, were really just the ance, creating incentives for innova- terior Secretary Sally Jewell and Of- beginning of a very long process. tion in pharmaceutical research and fice of Surface Mining Director Joseph Many important provisions of the access to timely and affordable medi- Pizarchik, to my home State of West Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP, cine for developing countries. This was Virginia. are still unresolved. There is a meeting achieved in part by requiring changes The apparent purpose of their visit at the end of this month in Hawaii to provisions dealing with patent link- was to seek input for a new Obama reg- where the finance ministers of 12 coun- age where it looks like TPP is moving ulation that is estimated to kill 80,000 tries come together in an attempt to in the wrong direction. coal jobs, but their rule had already The TPP includes new provisions been submitted for final review. They resolve these final questions. As I pointed out in my last meeting which, while not addressed in the May are not interested in hearing from West with the President, while I think trade 10 agreement, are inconsistent with its Virginians about the impact of their policies. Instead, they are checking a promotion authority is important and spirit and its intent of ensuring timely access to affordable medicines in devel- box. worthy of support, that support does It is clear that nothing will stop this not imply support for the Trans-Pacific oping countries. For example, with bio- logic medicines, it appears the United President from trying to implement his Partnership. radical environmental agenda, and I Indeed, because of the protections we States is seeking both patent linkage and 12 years of data exclusivity for all will continue to do everything in my built into the trade promotion author- power to fight back on behalf of all ity, it sets an appropriately high stand- countries. The former would require a change in U.S. law, and the latter West Virginians. That is why, this ard for approval. Everybody in America year, I introduced H.R. 1644, the will have several months to examine would prevent America from changing our laws to lower the exclusivity pe- STREAM Act, which will stop the the proposal if an agreement is reached President’s antimining regulations. I to see if it measures up before the trea- riod, as has been proposed in the Presi- dent’s own budget proposal. The com- also included a provision in the House ty can even be voted on by Congress. budget resolution that calls for I am hopeful that we can use this bination of these two would have enor- mous cost implications both at home defunding that regulation, and I will time to clarify and refine areas, for ex- work with the appropriators to make ample, the investor state dispute proc- and abroad.
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