Antiquariat Aix-la-Chapelle 1 Greek Tragedies in Best Edition First complete edition. AESCHYLUS (graece). Tragoediae VII. Que cùm omnes multo quàm antea castigatiores eduntur, tum verò una, quae mutila & decurata prius erat, integra nunc profertur. Petri Victorii cura et diligentia. [Geneva]: Henricus Stephanus 1557. 4 unnumbered leaves, 395 pages, 1 p., with woodcut printer’s device on title , 18 th century mottled calf with richly gilt spine, 4° (24,5 x 17 cm). First complete edition. Adams A 266; Dibdin I, 237: ’An excellent and beautiful copy. The Agamemnon is published in it, for the first time, complete. This edition is rare and dear’. Edited by Petrus Victorius (Piero Vettori 1499 - 1585), one of the greatest classical scholars of 16th century Italy ‘certainly the foremost representative’ (Sandys II, 135) and Henri Estienne. Very attractive copy. Early Arabic Astronomy ALBOHAZEN HALY filii Abenragel. De iudiciis Astrorum Libri octo. Conversi … per Antonium Stupam … Accessit huic operi … Compendium duodecim domorum coelestium Authore PETRO LIECHTENSTEIN. Basle: Henricus Petri March 1571. 14 unnumbered leaves (last blank), 586 pages, 1 unn. leaf, with woodcut printer’s device on title and last leaf, some woodcut diagrams and horoscopes, and numerous woodcut initials, 17 th century full calf, spine gilt, folio (33 x 21 cm). First Edition with the contribution by Petrus Liechtenstein . (first Venice: Ratdolt 1485). Adams A 70; VD 16 A 1884; VD 16 L 1665 (for the article by Liechtenstein); Houzeau & Lancaster 3870; Zinner 2544. Scarce first edition of this translation. One of the most popular astrological compendiums in East and West, even Kepler is said to have used information from this text. "On prétend que Kepler a tiré de cet ouvrage d'importantes indications" (H.-L.) The Famous Beroaldo Commentary on Cicero Post-Incunabula. (CICERO, M. T.). Beroaldo, Philippo. Commentarii questionum Tusculanarum. [cum textu]. Paris: Jean Marchant for Jean Petit January 1509. 263 Roman numbered leaves, 1 unnumbered leaf, 33 unn. leaves (index), with woodcut printer’s device of Jean Petit on title, full page woodcut verso title, and woodcut printer’s device of Jean Marchant on unn. leaf before the index, some small woodcut initials, 18 th century quarter calf with spine label gilt, marbled boards, 4° (21,5 x 15 cm). Fifth edition. (First edition with the Beroaldus commentary was Bologna 1496). Adams C 1798; Schweiger II, 212; BMSTC French books 114. With the famous early printer’s device of Jean Petit. With the famous printer’s device of Jean Marchant with Thomas Aquinas’ motto: ‘Fides ficit = Sola fides sufficit’ in type and musical notes, and with the two Saints Crispin und Crispian of the shoemakers: the Marchant family became wealthy through the manufacture of shoes. (cf. Fairfax Murray, French books 12). Verso title the anonymous full page woodcut of a thoughtful scholar sitting in his study. Some contemporary annotations at the beginning; lacking last blank leaf of the index (FF4). Very rare title with the best commentary by the Italian humanist Philippo Beraldo (1453 – 1505) in a very good copy. Antiquariat Aix-la-Chapelle 2 Aldine in Folio ARISTOTELES et al. (latine) Habentur hoc volumine haec Theodoro Gaza interprete. Aristotelis de natura animalium. lib. IX. Eiusdem de partibus animalium. lib. IIII. Eiusdem de generatione animalium. lib. V. Theophrasti de histioria plantarum. lib. IX. Et decimi principium duntaxat. Eiusdem de causis plantarum. lib. VI. Venice: Aldus [Manutius Romanus] & Andreas Asulanus February 1513. 12 unnumbered leaves, 273 numbered leaves, 1 unn. leaf (with large printer’s device), 16 unn. leaves (with 2 vocabularies), with printer’s device on first and second title (for Problematum Aristotelis), 17th century calf, folio (32 x 22,5 cm). Second enhanced Edition. Renouard 45.2. and 65.11.; Firmin-Didot 367 et seq.; Adams A 1765; Isaac 12825; Cranz 107.809. Index Aureliensis 107.809. (First edition 6th of April 1504). Enhanced by the addition of two vocabularies for Aristoteles and Theophrastus (Eresius) both in Latin and Greek with the terms of the plants, animals, and parts of the body. A splendid printing of the first great compilation relating to biology, containing three of Aristoteles’ great works on biology and physiology as disclosed by dissection and study of animals. Provenance: engraved exlibris with the coat of arms of Nob. Hieronymus Moraggius, Art. et Med. Doc. Insigne (citizen of Trent, Italy) with the motto ’Quale non Quantum’ (quality not quantity). Some leaves browned, otherwise a large and fine copy. With Woodcuts by Weiditz, Dürer & Burgkmair CICERO, Marcus Tullius Officia. Ejn Buch, so Marcus Tullius Cicero der Römer zu seinem Sune Marco. Von den tugentsamen ämptern ... in Latein geschriben , welchs auff begere herren Johansen von Schwartzenberg etc. verteütschet…[von Johann Neuber] Augsburg: Heinrich Steyner 29. April 1531. 8 nn. Bll., XCI Bll., 1 nn. Bl., mit großem Titelholzschnitt, 1 ganzseitigen Holzschnitt-Portrait (Johann von Schwarzenberg nach Dürer), 103 großen Textholzschnitten und 8 Holzschnitt-Initialen von Hans Weiditz, Pergament des 17. Jahrhunderts (Notenhandschrift), folio ( 30,5 x 21 cm). Zweiter Druck (erster Druck 16. Februar 1531) der ersten Ausgabe von Johann Neubers Übersetzung, die dieser auf Veranlassung des Mäzens Johann von Schwarzenberg besorgte. VD16 C 3239; Fairfax Murray 118; Schoeller 100; Dodgson II, 143; Friedländer, S. 11f.; Butsch I, Tafel 31 (für die Initialen und Zierstücke). 100 Holzschnitte des prächtig illustrierten Werks stammen von H. Weiditz, wovon 33 bereits in der Steinerschen Petrarca-Ausgabe Verwendung gefunden hatten; die übrigen wurden für den Cicero neu geschaffen. 1 Holzschnitt stammt von H. Burgkmair, zwei weitere sind anonym. Zusätzlich ist der Druck mit zahlreichen Zierstücken des vom Petrarca-Meister beeinflussten Meisters DS und mit Initialen ausgestattet. 6 Seiten etwas fleckig, leichter Wasserrand gegen Ende, meist im Rand; insgesamt schönes Exemplar. Unter dem Colophon handschriftlicher zeitgenössischer Eintrag aus: Apuleius, De deo Socratis 4. Antiquariat Aix-la-Chapelle 3 With First Geographic Lexicon BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. Peri Genealogicas (graece) Deorum, Libri Quindecim, cum annotationibus Iacobi Micylli. Eiusdem de Montium, Sylvarum, Fontium, Lacuum, Fluviorum, Stagnorum, & marium nominibus. Liber I. Huc accessit rerum, & fabularum scitu dignarum copiosus index. Basle: Iohannes Herwagen September 1532. 34 unnumbered leaves, 504 pages, 2 unn. leaves, with woodcut printer’s device on title and last leaf, 13 fullpage woodcut genealogical trees, and numerous figurative woodcut initials , 19 th century half calf with early vellum spine label, small folio (29,1 x 21 cm). First Micyllus edition (first 1472). Adams B 2173; VD 16 B 5846; Heitz/Bernoulli 126 and 127 (for the printer’s devices); Butsch I, plate 59 (for the initials). Edited and with commentary by Jacob Micyllus (1503 – 1558), German humanist, professor for Greek at University of Heidelberg, friend of Melanchthon and Camerarius. His first work (Jöcher III, 525). Partly in Greek. Splendid Basle imprint of the famous adaption by Micyllus. Rare. Impressive Contemporary Incunable-Binding Incunabula in a German Renaissance Binding. BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus. De consolatione Philosophiae cum commento angelici doctoris Thome de Aquino. Nuremberg: Anthon Koberger 8 th of June, 1495. 174 unnumbered leaves (last blank), Gothic type, 46 lines of commentary surrounding Boethius's text on three sides, with numerous initials in red and blue penwork , contemporary blindstamped leather half over wooden boards with one clasp in the middle, small 4° (22,2 x 16 cm). Hain-Copinger 3388; GW 4559; Goff B 799; BMC 2:440 (IA. 7491); Voullieme, Berlin 1754; Mead 1260; Schweiger II, 30; Kyriss 118.1 (΄bookbinder of Nuremberg΄). Fourth edition by Koberger (first 1473 in Latin and German). Signatures: title leaf, sign. 1-5; A - X8. Contemporary annotations in black throughout. The blindstamped binding showing lillies in losenge of tendrills and artichokes. Boethius (480 - 524) philosopher, logician and statesman under Theoderic the Great. He wrote his final and most popular work the Consolation of Philosophy in prison while awaiting his execution (cf. Printing and the Mind of Men 34 and Jöcher I, 1182). Some repairs, fine copy. Beautiful Incunable – Extraordinary Typesetting BONIFACIUS VIII. Pope. Liber sextus decretalium, una cum apparatu domini Joannis Andree et ejus tractatu arboris consangiunitatis. Venice: Andreas Torresanus de Asula, Bartholomaeus de Blavis de Alexandria and Mapheus de Paterbonis de Salodio 26 th of September 1482. initial blank and 145 signed leaves, 66 lines of gloss by Johannes Andreae, double column, Gothic type printed in red and black throughout and with initials in blue penwork , blind stamped calf half over wooden boards, vellum pastedowns, 1 (of 2)metal clasps with leather straps, 4° (23,3 x 16,5 cm). Hain 3604; IGI 1972; Goff B 995; GW 4871; Voullieme, Berlin 3986; Proctor 4698; Mead 2700 (First edition Mainz: Schöffer 1470). Liber Sextus Decretalium, the title of the canonical collection compiled under order of Boniface VIII (1235-1353) by Guillaume de Mandagot, Bishop of Embrun, Berenger Fredoli, Bishop of Beziers, and Ricardo Petroni, of Siena, vice-chancellor of the pope, by whom it was approved as an authentic and official collection in the Bull "Sacrosanctae" of March 3, 1298. Worming to some leaves, mild spotting, some initials faded;
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