Knapp, Porteous Triumph In CI OS€ cV^OUilC i l K sec Announcement of the winning candidates in the election for secretary, junior member, sophomore member and co-ordinator VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1947. No. 47 VOL. xxrx ODD SPOT of social activities was made at the end of ballot counting some Reported overcrowded conditions three hours after the close of voting at 5 pm. yesterday. existing at the University of Bri­ Taddy Knapp, Stu Porteous, Gordon^ tish Columbia were realistic facts Baum and Bob B'agnall respectively fill Livingstone to one student of an English 200 the positions of secretary, junior mem­ lecture when he fell from the ber, sophomore member and co-ordi­ window of Applied Science 100 last Monday afternoon. nator of social activities on next year's Starts Student Council. Anxiety as to his welfare wt'.i SECRETARY felt by some of the compressed student assembly but fears were First unofficial figures released at New Program dispelled when the unlucky strag­ press time indicate that on second Grant Livingstone, president of gler returned to the room appar­ choices indicated in the preferential ballots Taddy Knapp polled 1086 votes Branch 72 of the Canadian Legion ently none the worse for wear. as .against Joan Fraser's 948; Muriel and next year's Alma Mater Society Van Der Valk was eliminated in the president, was empowered by Stud­ first count. ent Council at Monday night's meeting Red Cross Seeks JUNIOR to form a committee to organize the Stu Porteous polled 1048 as against proposed University Institute for the Dewar's 1004. Jack Volkovitch and development of British Columbia and Student Blood Murray Colcleugh were eliminated in to improve the transportation from the first and second counts, respective­ The Canadian Red Cross Society Sasamat to the campus. ly. has announced that a blood donor The purpose of the proposed in­ SOPHOMORE drive will be conducted at The Uni­ —"Courtesy Province" stitute is to help to solve the prob­ versity of British Columbia during S'or sophomore member Gordon PAUL ROBESON lem of employing University of Brit­ March. Mr. E. L. Kenny, donor panel Baum polled 1309 votes to defeat his Speaker ish Columbia graduates in the prov­ director, outlined plans for the cam­ opponent Alvin Nemetz who received ince by studying the opportunities paign in a letter to the Alma Mater 688. and problems of the development ol Society. Premed students have been CSA British Columbia, said Livingstone. Paul Robeson asked for their assistance in organ­ For co-ordinator of social activities FAST ACTION —Ubyssey Photo By Hal Harris izing and directing the drive. Bob Bagnall received 1143 votes to To form a committee with a view Blood will be taken on the campus defeat Jack Brown who polled 917. to organizing the institute was one Gerry Foote, Shirley Gunn, David Holman on Deck so as to cause as little inconvenience Speaks Friday of the major points of Livingstone's to the students as possible. A fully Paul Robeson, famous American platform in the recent AMS cam­ equipped mobile unit rules out the bass baritone, will be presented by paign. necessity of donors being sent to Macdonald Gets * Pinafore' Has A History the Socialist Forum in the Armory, "Although I don't take over of­ Shaughnessy Military Hospital for Friday at 12:30. fice of AMS president In full till next <•>- the operation. This unit will visit LSE Acclamation Mr. Robeson will address students fall I feel thee problems should be the campus twice a week from 11:30 on "The Challenge of Socialism.'' tackld immediately," he said. He a.m. to 1:30 p.m. A plan is yet to be Two more offices in the 1947-'48 Mussoc Production President N. A, M. MacKenzie will hopes to see the organization of the Forum Debates Acadians Hear evolved for organizing the donors in­ Student Council were filled by ac­ introduce Mr. Robeson and chairman committee under way as soon as pos­ to groups, each with a special ap­ clamation according to reports from of the meeting will be Cliff Greer, sible. Plays This Week pointment, the Elections Committee when the Alliance Ruling Grace Maclnnis president of the Socialist Forum. The The committee he will set up will be period of nominations for the final Limited number of student tickets The UBC drive is part of a nation­ address will be broadcast over a study and advisory group to all The Parliamentary Forum will dis­ That every person has a right to set of students officers closed at 5 for "Pinafore" for Thursday night wide endeavour by the Red Cross CKWX. students interested in developing the cuss the Lord's Day Act in Arts 100 good health and education in the to make blood available to those who p.m, last night. today at noon. The resolution is "Re­ will be distributed at noon today in post-war world, was one of the res­ ALL-AMERICAN resources of < this province, he ex­ need it, free of charge. Donors need Jerry Macdonald, icurrent president the Quad. plained. solved that the Lord's Day Act should olutions passed at the World Congress not adhere to a special diet as their of the Literary and Scientific Execu­ A graduate of Rutgers College in be amended to permit cultural enter­ of Women in New York last fall, 1922, Mr. Robeson had the highest "It is hoped that it will focus the "HMS Pinafore," the Musical So­ blood will not be reduced to plasma. tive, was returned to office without a tainment on Sundays." according to Mrs. Grac Maclnnis, scholastic average in the college's attention of all those in the province ciety light opera production, which e fight. Pat Macintosh had no contestant guest speaker before an assembly ol history, and he was selected as All- interested in this problem on th- Speaking for the affirmative wilt commenced last night in the uni­ for the presidency of the Women's women at the Acadia residences, American football end for two suc­ logical centre of thought and leader­ be Perry Millar, vice-president of th- versity auditorium and will run cur­ Athletic Association, becoming the Tuesday night. cessive years. He played professional ship toward this constructive end," Legion. Millar has benefitted by th Health Officials third student officer to be elected by rently until Monday, February 11. football for some time and had a> he said. iccent Legion charges and counter­ The former provincial Member of nominations this year. Bob Harwood, charges arising out of the Sunda; was first produced at the Op'era Parliament was one of s'.x Canadian offer to back him for the world's BIG PROBLEM '46-'47 Junior member received the concert cancellations, Comiquo in Paris on May 25, 1878, delegates to the Congress that in­ Fear X-Ray Lull heavyweight championship. At present he had in mind several treasury post by acclamation two Opposition Leader will be Michaci with the inimitable comedian George cluded 200 female representatives people with whom he has discussed A lull in the rush to make appoint­ weeks ago. In 1923 he began his career on the Creal, member of this year's McGou.: from 56 countries, all of them prom­ concert and legitimate stages. the project and who are willing te Grossmith, in the role of Sir Joseph ments for the tuberculosis chest X- Students nominated for the remain­ Cup debating team which journeyed inent in national or international assist in the organization of it, but Porter. ray was reported by the Health ing four positions on Student Council He settled in England in 1930 and to Winnipeg. politics. Service officials yesterday. They successfully worked there and on the he hopes that others interested will "Pinafore" played for two years are: A two-man team from the Uni­ said that during the first week the continent, Russian ^critics acclaim contact'him and lend their support. before crowded houses, and this was Only representatives who failed t, MAD versity of California will meet Grant ippear were the Russians, who gave response had been very good but Mr. Robeson as the greatest interp­ In regard to the transportation pro­ the beginning of the Gilbert and Sul- For president of the Men's Athletic Livingstone and Cliff Greer ntx: r:o excuse for their absence. with the present decrease in the reter of Russian music since Chalia- blem he had this to say: "It's a big ivan craze. Unfortunately the pro­ Association, Dave Comparelli and Pat Monday in a debate on the control Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, chairman number of appointments being made pin, and his knowledge of their lang­ problem which I think wc should duction was pirated by American McGreer; of Japan, of the Moral Welfare Committee of officials fear serious congestion will uage is superb. tackle soon, but it will take time and organizations, due to the abs'enej of WUS the United Nations, was one of the icsult during the last week of the preparation and a good deal of work. copyright laws, Eight companies were For president of the Women's Under­ I\ MADRID patronesses of the meeting. clinic. Tor the present I plan only investi­ staging the light opera, all in the graduate Society, Peggy Aveling and He is an enthusistic supporter r." By yesterday morning 3161 people, gation of the problem in detail. Con- McRae Favors vicinity of Fifth Avenue in Neu The congregation pledged its sup­ Norah Clarke; the Russian Communist experiment. port to the United Nations, and re­ oi nearly one third of the 10,000 at crte action may or may not clevelo,, York.
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