’ 'h O ^ -V?- '■ r >\\r •V N 1. ■ ■ - , . ■ ■ 'I ■ V MOI^DAY, JANUARY' 18, 1958 PAGE TWELVE j.v. Average Daily Not Preiis Run 'The Weather _L lEtt^ntns IfmUi Far the W e^ Ended ~7T Jaansry 11, 1958 Forecast of V. S. Weather Buraae Norman A. Miller, son of Mr. and Hom Co., No. 1, 8th Dtotrlof ilton was elected chairman; Floyd X Freezing rain mixed with anow, Mrs. Clarence Mfller, 07 Ridge S t, Fira Dopartmont, will meet tonight Chapman, vice chairman; Thomaa Speaks to PTA C of C Backs O L L I E R S ending' bite’ tonight. Lew 30-83.- About Town and husband of the'former Dorothy a t '7:80 at the flrehouaa. Past Priests Maxwell, aecretaty; George Proc- 12,612 Wednesday, little mijder. Hlgti 33- M. Chambers of Memphis,, Tenn., tpr, treaaurer; Fred Clough, chap­ AUTO Member of the Audit / 40. Hazardous road eoiliHtiona this The Aseodated LJtUe Theaters, has been promoted to the rank of baiightara of LibOrty. No. 130: Lairs lain. ' Fluoridation Bureau of Clrrulationx afternoon nnd tonight, Tnc. will hold it's monthly meeting staff .sergeant while serving with IX)LI, will meet Ip Orange Hall at Col. WQUiam A. Bpatlg brought it W ELDING V M mtchie$ter-^A City o f ViU agO ^harm this evening at 8 o'clock in Studio the Marine Xir Group. 31, at the 7;40 tomorrow night. ' Following many precioua atones for display, Town Directors have been in­ 2 of station WNBC-TV. The dele* Marine Corps Air Station, Miami, the meeting a aocial time wrlth-re- Delta'Chapter, No. SI, Royal some In the rough and many cut. it AUTO BODY md z Arch Masons, Will observe Paat formed by letter that the Mon- gates from the member theatrical Fla. freshmenta will be held, with Mra. He gave a talk of his life’s Work FENDER REPAIRS VOL. LXXVII, NO.‘ 88 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1958 v -(Clasaifled Advertising on Pnge IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS companies are asked to bring their High Priest's Night Wedneaday at In the' field pf-gema chester Chamber of Commarce #h- Vera Dion in charge. ''' f ' ' group's nominations for the ex­ 7:30 in the Maaonic Temple. A The meeting was preceded by a ★ COMPLETE CAR Officers of the Junior Fellowship team of past high priests, head­ doraes fluoridation of the towh ecutive posts which will be ap­ at Center Congregational CTmrch Manchester Carden Club will supper, put Pn by Fred Clough, water supply. PAINTING pointed in May. ed by James W. I-ewls of 112 Walter Pefrett, William Hall and were recently elerted, as follows: meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the Woodland St.,'will confer the Mark In a letter to the Board, Pres­ iJIOOtnCR sad BNABftX David Baxter, presidentr Bradford home of Mr. and Mre. .A. Lawrence Master degree. Arthur Kittle. ident Edward H. Olenney calla the Freezing Rain Mianciiester Lodge, No. 73, AF Ashton, vice president, Marcia Rtker, Highland Park> Riker wrlll attention of the Directora to the 9 Griswold Street and AM, v^ill hold a regular meet­ Smith, secretary; Karen Churilla. show elldea of Manchester gardene. The officers of the evening will Chamber’s resolution endorsing Tel. M1-9-S025 ing tomorrow night at 7:30 in the be: Liewis, right worablpful mas- Auta Big Hits treasurer; Linda Helwlg. program -3 G)vering State Refreshments will be eerved. fluoridation “as a aafs and effec­ Maaonic Temple. Presentation of chairman; Williarj Frehelt, wor­ Skaters Allowed tive means of controlling dental A • ■ * a SO-year pin to Past Master R. X ship chairman. The group Is made Members of Washington' DOL. caytea." By THE ASSOCI/.TED PRE.<IS ■ LaMolte Russell will be made by up of eighth gi-aders and meets Oil Pond Tonight The Board la informed that the FOR 8A1.E—VKRT FINB The Weather Bureau at Right Worshipful George A. Bradt. Np. 117, and Star of the East weekly under the direction of Ken­ Royal Black Preceptory will meet local bualneiamen's group la rec­ Bradley Field Issued the fol­ district deputy of the Grand Lodge neth Holt, youth director of the ' Centeb Springs Pond will be open ommending the adoption of flaorl- CUSTOM TAILORED lowing freezing *rain advigory of OonnecUcut. FVillowing the pres­ tonight at 7:30 at the Holmes Fu­ church. neral Home, to pay their \i^specU tonight foi> the first time this' sea­ datlbn "as a public health meas­ for Connectl^t and t h e^ entation the fellourrSft degree will ure." SprlnglSeld arear / be conferred. At .the concUision of to Samuel J. Black, who died Sat­ son. The Pafk Department aald MEN'S SUITS Detroit, Jan. 14 {tP)—Lead­ An invitation is extended by the urday. • . I The Directors afe now awaiting Freezing rain has over­ the degree there will be a social North Methodist Church Men's two acres of skating apace will be a report on fluoridation from Gen­ Vsed, Bat In "Uke New” ers of the auto industry's spread most of OonnetiUcut hour with refreshments. Club to all members and friends available between the hours of 0:30 eral Manager Richard Martin CondlttoB .big three — Ford, Chrysler and is advancing tbwaTu Mas- St. Margaret's Circle. No. 280, and 10 o'clock. Sizes: About 42-44. to attend the meeting tonight, They have the power to order the and General Motors — have aachuietta at thisytime. Ex- A variety program is planned starting with a fellowship period D aughter of Isabella, will meet to­ X Center Springs Annex, open from addition of fluorides to the water Fricod To Sell Rev. Robert Keating greeted Walter Reuther’s pooed surfaces aye becoming by the merabers bf the Salvation at 7:30, to be followed by the pro­ morrow gt 8 pjn. in the K. of C. 1:30 to 6:30 for ice skating, will supply, > according to an opinion Seo Tbeni At The . icy and roads n m soon become Army Home League at the regular gram at 8 o'clock. ,The Rev. and Hotne. A eccial time wlH foUow the be turned over to hockey players given to the manager by Atty. profit - sharing plan with slippery. • / meeting in' the Citadel tomorrow Mrs. Allan L. Irwin’, former mis­ blialpcea seeatbn, with Mre. Ann tonight from 6:30 until 10. Guest speaker at the January Vincent Diana. ’ . LEXINGTON sharp words that amount to meeting of the Hollister PTA The Oonnrotlcut State Po­ afternoon at 2 o'clock. Hostesses sionaries, will speak about their Jylkka eervlpg as chairman of .the Charter Oak Park skating hours Usta Reasons TAILOR SHOP . rejection. lice r e p ^ some roads in Probe Left will be Mrs. Anna Addy, Mrs. Mina experiences in Japan. hospitality committee. Regept wUl be from 1:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesday night will be the Rev. ; In his letter, Glenney Usta the A Ford apokesman called the souths^ Connctlci;! are a)- Metcalfe and Mrs. Lucy Richard­ Anna'LaGece announces that,the George Krause will be in charge Robert Keating of Cheshire. The 200 SPRCCE STREET reasons for Chamber endorsement MANCHESTER plan unrenliatic. General Motors resdi^llppery. son. Carl Gunderson will talk about S ta t# ttt^ n |r wilt 1^.1^^ Sunday of skating activities tonight at meeting will be open to the public. as follows; President Harlow H. Curtice aald Ipmg on tree branches with Norway at the meeting of the Ro­ at 12:30 p.m. at the Hotel Bond, Center Springs, Manchester's big Father Keating, chaplain of the "1. Dental decay ii prevalent i It waa "foreign to the concept of inds 15-25 m.p.h, this sfter- In Doubt on tary Club tomorrow night at 6:30 Hartford, and members who plan gest supervised Ice skating area Cheshire Reformatory, Connecticut among all but a small percentage the American free enterprise aya-' iioon may result in some wires at the Manchester Country Club. to atteiM*8hould-contact her at as maintained by the Park Depart School for Boys in Meriden and of Manchester's population. Its tom.” L. L. Colbert, prteident of being broken. early a date as posslble.^^ j ment. - Cheshire Academy, U one of the extent, widespread neglecL coat RANGE Chrysler, aald it waa inflationary. Extreme caution.advised for Sub Liakota Coiincil, No. 16, De­ The lodge will be open again on moat sought after speakers ih New of correction, and impact on gen­ ■ Fbr a different reason,, the Unit­ all travelers this r'fterpoon and gree of Pocahontaa, will meet Center Church Mothers Club the north bank with William England. A Navy veteran during eral health make it a true public ed Auto Workers union rtiief also tonight. Wednesday night in Odd Fellows will eaest- Wednesday at 8 p,m. in Andrulot In charge. Skaters may World War H, Father Keating waa health problem demanding a pre­ l UEL Oil appears headed for oppooltion from Washington, Jan. 14 </P)— Hall, starting with a potluck at ordained May 18, 1040 at 8L Jo­ ventive approach. the Fellowship room of Center ^ao&M W. LewU use the faelUties at the lodge to GASOLINE within Us own union. Congressmen have been told 6:30. At the meeting followring the Churrtl. DK'Robert Aylesbury will change their shoes and also to get seph’s Cathedral In Hartford. "2.' Water fluoridation at the The reason, says Oarl Stellato, the Navy will have early in supper, the raising of chiefs will be guesS' speaker. Refreshments ter; John F. Seavey, aehior grand warm''l}y the fireplace.
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