American Renaissance There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 13 No. 8 August 2002 The Wichita Massacre The crime–and motive–the basketball practice around 9:15, and at shouting. Her boyfriend cried out in sur- 10:00, H.G. decided to go to bed. Be- prise as someone forced open the door media ignored. fore joining H.G in bed, Mr. Befort made to the bedroom. H.G saw “a tall black male standing in the doorway.” She by Stephen Webster didn’t know how the man got into the house, and police investigators have not n September 9, Reginald Carr said how they think the Carrs got in. She and his brother Jonathan go on says the man, whom she later identified Otrial for what has become as Jonathan Carr, ripped the covers off known as the Wichita Massacre. The the bed. Soon, another black man two black men are accused of a week- brought Aaron Sander in from the liv- long crime spree that culminated in the ing room at gunpoint and threw him onto quadruple homicide of four young the bed. H.G. saw that both men were whites in a snowy soccer field in armed. She said they wanted to know Wichita, Kansas. In all, the Carr broth- Jonathan (left) and Reginald Carr. who else was in house, and the terrified ers robbed, raped or murdered seven whites told them about Mr. Heyka in the people. They face 58 counts each, rang- sure all the lights in the house were basement and Miss Muller in the other ing from first-degree murder, rape, and turned off and all the doors were locked. ground-floor bedroom. The intruders robbery to animal cruelty. Prosecutors Mr. Sander was sleeping on a couch in brought them into Mr. Befort’s bedroom. will seek the death penalty. the living room while his former girl- “We were told to take off all of our The only survivor of the massacre is friend slept in the second ground-floor clothes,” says H.G. in her testimony. a woman whose identity has been pro- “They asked if we had any money. We tected, and who is known as H.G. In said: ‘Take our money . Take what- statements to police and in testimony at ever you want.’ We didn’t have any an April 2001 preliminary hearing, the (money).” 25-year-old school teacher offered hor- The Carrs, however, were not at that rible details of what happened on the point interested in money. They made night of Dec. 14, 2000. That evening, a the victims get into a bedroom closet, Thursday, H.G. went to spend the night and for the next hour brought them out at the home of her boyfriend, Jason to a hall by a wet bar, singly or in pairs Befort. Mr. Befort, 26, a science teacher for sex. In the closet—perhaps 12 feet and coach at Augusta High School, lived away from the wet-bar area—the vic- in a triplex condo with two college tims were under orders not to talk. H.G. friends: Bradley Heyka, 27, a financial says that when the Carrs heard whisper- analyst, and Aaron Sander, 29, who had ing they would wave their guns and recently decided to study for the priest- shout “Shut the fuck up.” hood. The Carrs first brought out the two When H.G. arrived with her pet women, H.G and Heather Muller, and schnauzer Nikki around 8:30 p.m., her made them have oral sex and penetrate boyfriend Mr. Befort was not there, but each other digitally. They then forced the two roommates were. A short time Four of their victims. Clockwise from top left: Mr. Heyka to have intercourse with H.G. later, Mr. Sander’s former girlfriend, Jason Befort, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander, Then they made Mr. Befort have inter- Heather Muller, a 25-year-old graduate Bradley Heyka. course with H.G, but ordered him to stop student at Wichita State University who bedroom. Mr. Heyka slept in a room in when they realized he was her boyfriend. worked as a church preschool teacher, the basement. Next, they ordered Mr. Sander to have joined them. At about 9 p.m., H.G. went Shortly after 11 p.m., the porch light intercourse with H.G. When the divin- to her boyfriend’s ground-floor bedroom came back on, to the surprise of Mr. ity student refused, they hit him on the to grade papers and watch television. Befort, who was still awake. H.G. says back of the head with a pistol butt. They Mr. Befort came home from coaching a that seconds later she heard voices, then Continued on page 3 American Renaissance - 1 - August 2002 initiative that gives one state a chance to conduct its business differently from other states. If the results are fairer for whites, let us try to pass similar mea- sures elsewhere. If we never try some- thing like the racial privacy initiative in at least one state we will never know if it is useful or harmful. Arthur Church, Redwood City, Cal. Sir — Richard Lynn’s calm assess- ment of charlatan Stephen Jay Gould proves what many of us have long main- tained—that the race issue, at its core, is not so much about graphs, charts, theories, and interpretations, as it is men wanted routes on black streets be- about truth vs. lies. If ever a moral issue Letters from Readers cause so few people put out their tubs existed in our civilization, this is it. Sir — I was deeply impressed by the they almost never had to stop the trucks. Kelly Nicholson, Draper, Utah breadth and depth of Richard Lynn’s Much as I admire Prof. Lynn’s article scholarship in his article about racial nothing in it surprised me. differences in psychopathic behavior. It Name Withheld, Louisville, Ky. Sir — I was interested to learn in an appears to me that he has certainly found O Tempora item that according to one the reason why people of different races school teacher, black students caught in behave differently even when IQ is con- Sir — I was surprised by Stephen an infraction are likely to turn aggres- trolled for. Taken in combination with Webster’s conclusion in his article about sive, whereas whites submit quietly to average intelligence, psychopathic ten- the California Racial Privacy Initiative, reproval. Surely, this difference contin- dencies surely explain essentially all the namely, that whites should oppose it ues into adulthood and explains why so racial differences in outcomes that an- because it will make it harder to collect many blacks have violent encounters guish the liberals. Imagine all the hand- information about the costs and deviance with the police. I suspect black crimi- wringing, head-scratching, and breast- of non-whites [the initiative would for- nals are considerably more likely than beating that would stop if the country bid collection by the state of almost all whites to resist, swear, run away, or try would simply accept the facts as Prof. race-related statistics]. The information to steal an officer’s weapon when they Lynn presents them. Prof. Lynn’s re- no longer available from California are caught, and this, rather than police search is original and hugely important, would be available from other states, and misbehavior, explains a great deal. but in today’s climate would be recog- could be assumed to apply to California I suspect also that most whites, deep nized as such only if he were to find as well. If Hispanics in Texas, say, are down, know there are racial differences personality differences that reflect badly three times more likely than whites to of this kind, but that in public they must on whites. commit violent crimes, the same is pretend otherwise. I believe the knowl- Peter Greene, Boise, Idaho likely to be true of Hispanics in Cali- edge that would change racial thinking fornia. lies just below the surface, waiting for At the same time, it is possible whites some dramatic event or charismatic Sir — Prof. Lynn’s article on psycho- might gain from the initiative. If there spokesman to bring it into the open. pathic personality reminds me of a con- were no official statistics on how many Anne Edelman, Charlotte, N.C. versation I had years ago. Our city has a Hispanic lawyers there are in the state, recycling program, and issues all house- it would be harder for La Raza to claim holds three plastic tubs: one for news- that “the race” was underrepresented in Sir — I was fascinated by your ac- papers, one for glass, and one for cans. judicial appointments, for example. If count of Dwight York and his Nuwaub- When the system was first established, there are no statistics on the number of ian Nation of Moors. He was obviously a few of my neighbors grumbled a little blacks in the schools, it will be hard for a sociopath and a pervert, but you have about having to sort trash, but soon ev- blacks to claim they are not getting into to credit him for energy and organiza- eryone got into the habit and, I think, honors programs and gifted programs as tion. Inventing languages and religions was glad to be recycling. often as they deserve. The natural dif- isn’t easy, nor is maintaining the loy- Once, on a hunch, I asked the men ferences in outcome that stem from ra- alty of hundreds of acolytes.
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