Will Rogers Shows at Capitol Theater in ‘The County Chairman’ GENTLEMEN ARE BORN 'WILL PLAYS WILL ROGERS “COUNTY CHAIRMAN” ‘SHE LOVES ME NOT SMALL-TIME POLITICIAN He'f. donp It again, ladles and gen- tlemen. The ace male stir of the screen gives us another triumphant story l Your favorite actor—as well a* our* and the other fellow’s— has turned again to the rural American scene for one of the most human, trirthful and flavorsome films in years. All of which Is Just another w»V of saying thit Will Rogers Is with us once more, this time in the title role of pox Film's "The County Four years of happy, carefree college days come to an end. and theaa CTvilrrmn.” showlr Sunday. Mon- ; eager graduates are sent out into the world to put their c /lege de- d v and at Tuesday "your” Capitol, to the third that's the theme of Flrel Brownsville. grees degree. Incidentally, National's "Gentlemen Are Bom" the new drama showing Wednesday "The Countv Chairman” is a fine at Brownsville. The four ind atmospheric screen version of only "your” Capitol. cap-and_gownerg, reading from left, are Robert Franchot Nick Foran and Rosa the sime name, which thlrtr years Light, Tone, Alexander. a-o made the nave and fame of M?clvn *rhuckle as a «tace star It Is i swift-movin'* and awe-fire s»~ry viewed by a little dancer, who flees to1 musing quiet restored beneath But ifs nresept producer* have been escape held as a material Princeton's wise enou-h to ret->‘n both the ori- Bing Crosby and Miriam Hopkins in Paramount’s hilarious comedy, being wit-, dreamy spires. ginal locale a smab Wvomlng town, “She Loves Me Not.” with Kitty Carlisle, showing Sunday and Monday ness As the tow-headed, flamboyant, and the oH-inal date. the vear 1W2. at the Queen Theatre. Brownsville. She gets as far as Princteon, pen-' madcap little dancer who cauaea all a fact which nerm*ts th“ use of the niless and hungry, where she pre- the trouble, Miss Hopkins renders mlorfn1 tvoes °nd b’cVeround of had expected the to send vails upon the generosity and good one of the grandest performances these when oolitinl cam- has one the finest orphanage day*. Will Rogers of and most flavorsome roles of his career In Fox Film’s “The County nature of a group of college boys who of her career, while Crosby and were fierce and frenzied—and them a boy, she wins their hearts pal"P* Chairman," a grand and glorious version of the famou George Ade comedy. In featured roles, Evelyn Ven- disguise her as a student and hide Kitty Carlisle are equally delightful not lust talks bv radio! able and Kent Taylor take care of the romantic assi ;nment while Louise Dresser and Mickey Rooney lend and transforms their lives. While QUEEN SHOWS her in their dormitory. in both their singing and acting The star aonears as th° fioe-eatinc further support to the best-loved star on the American screen, showing Sunday, Mondav and Tuesday at doing so, however, she manages to A Crazy Publicity Scheme roles. bo*s of a smatt town "'bo kK*es all “our” Capitol. Brownsville. y get into many a harum-scarum The father of one of the students Four Hit Tunes the babies raptures all the votes and scrape. hits upon the ingenious plan of us- The picture has one advantage brines together two e*trarured voune j The story also traces her romance BING CROSBY ing her predicament as part of a which even the superb play lacked, lover* Tn a however, he’s too was Sam Heilman play written by with a schoolboy beau. This starts wild-eyed publicity scheme to save and that Is the quartet of new hit hot to hand>! ‘ANNE OF GREEX GABLES' and Gladys Lehman. with a spirited quarrel in which the one of his films which promises to numbers by Rlinger and Robin, and There is rare humor and oun- Don t wins with girl breaks her slate over the boy s An crack-brained and oe a lemon. He dispatches his demon Gordon and Revel which are sung i" tht* se**eep poHrait. a not- forget—Will again absurdly r fcpc*' head. When their private feud is press-agent to the university cam- throughout the film, including the able addition to the F"*»ers ®a’le"v this one; and—If you see It—so do delicious comedy, that even in its patched up. an old family quarrel pus where ha arrives together with hit tune “Love in Bloom." of recen* h*t* which ’nelude* “f>svid wildest moments seemed you! menaces their ensuing romance. Tom surprising- a gunman from Philadelphia who Appearing in the supporting rolee Hau’m." “Handy Andy” and “Judge — ■ Brown plays the boy of the youth- ly real. Paramount's "She Loves Me has come to silence Curly, and the are Henry Stephenson. Warren Hy- Priest" •GENTLEMEN ARE BORN* ful love affair. Not," starring Bing Crosby and Mir- dean who has just got wind of the mer, Lynne Overman. Judith Allen, Hi* sunnortinv cast nurber* manv TO SHOW AT CAPITOL Most of the humor of the story’ iam Hopkins in the film version of affair. George Barbier and Vince Barnett, plsvers who have been with him in Three distinct romances, although i is said to center about the whimsi- ;he season's greatest stage hit. shows TTie ludicrous mlx-up that results who render a series of excellent previous anecesse*. a mope them Fve- woven in the same plot, are together cal character of the heroine. The Sunday and Monday at the Queen almost causes the expulsion of the characterizations. lvp Vep-»HV Kept Tev'or. T OUlS-* unfolded in the First Nation- roles played by Brown. Helen West, Theatre. Brownsville. guilty student group, but the press Credit for an excellent directorial Dresser. B*rton Churchill, Frank "Gentlemen Are al production. ley. and O. P. Reggie also have The ludicrous account of what rallies to their defense and a happy performance gees to Elliott. Me't-n and B’enln Fetchlt. which shows Wednesday only Bom,” their comedy highlights, however, might have happened at Princeton solution is reached for all. with the Others olavlpe important roles tn at Brownsville. “your'’ Capitol. and Sarah Hadeh. character come- i but never did begins with a shoot- dancer in the movies. Crosby in love Five states observe Arbor Day “The Count*- Chairman" are aC'cVcv Robert Lee John- The story, by dienne, contributes a Charles many laughs. ing In a Philadelphia night club, with the dean's daughter and the twice year. Roonev. Robert MeWade. son. is a thrilling drama with plenty M'^dleton Fus*e!1 Bimnson WiMiam of lighter comedy touches and gay V Monr. Gay Seabrook and Endlle music, including familiar college the Al'iemon. songs and a new air written by John Blv*tone Fcx Film vetenn famous song team of Sammy Fain ha* directed the new Fo-er* veM-i. and Irving Kahal. entitled. "When W with unerring sklh and F*ward You Call the Roll. Alma Mater.” Another Treat for the Whole The screen Family Butcher la the producer The picture treats of the adventures and love affairs of four college grad- uates who encounter tremendous in a You Will Remember! — that make for Intensely — Tues. Wed. difficulties Story Always dramatic situations in their lives. back Brought by There is an all star cast headed He's the boss who owns the popular Request by Franchot Tone and three leading fire-eating CLARK ladies. Jane Muir, Margaret Lindsay town . but he more than he Anne Shirley, in the title role of “Anne of Green Gables.'* In gives and Ann Dvorak. Miss Lindsay has prays her own spontaneous and original manner, and so she . warm lovable the romantic lead opposite Tone in highly by doing takes This GABLE ruins both softens the heart of Manila, middle-aged spinster of the story, played % love tangle that nearly star will thrill once in this Helen Wesley in this RKO-Radio Picture, made from the L. M. you again Ahd their Uvea. by The two other romances are be- Montgomery classic, showing Thursday and Friday at “your'' Capitol. mirthful George Ade story of the tween Tone's pal. a part played by Brownsville. —“" Myrna LOY town war-horse with Ross Alexander, and Jean Muir, political and Ann Dvorak and Nick Foran. the wn a kiss for a striking performance as the chief Martha a line ideas,—and every latter the third of the college quar- Sleeper gives per- of the but he comes to tet. The fourth member of the renegades, formance as the girL warm in friendship, but hot no end. “MEN IN Robert good quartet Is played by Light The outdoor background of the to handle in a of the Tor the patriotically-minded, who fight! Other talented members is love to see the history of the picture breath-takingly beautiful cast Include Charles Stairett. Rus- stirring old west brought to life again, for at times, and has been well WHITE” sell Hicks, Arthur Aylesworth Henry photo, those who love action, dominated O'Neill. Addison Richards. Marjorie by graphed. with JF AN HEBSHOLT the virtues, this is an ideal Gnteson and Bradley Page homely •ANNE OF GREEN GABLES* Alfred E Green directed the pro. picture. — — One of the funniest of comics TO Thursday ductlon from the screen play by pair COME TO C AIM TOL teamed for in a time is Romance, humor and charm are Eugene Solow and Robert Lee John- pictures long n eat and Louise Beavers, both said to be combined in RKO-Radio's TARZAN son.
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