DOCUMENT RESUME ED 079 441 UD 013 658 TITLE Hearings Before the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs of the United States Senate, Ninety-Third Congress, First Session. Nutrition Education--1973. Parts 3, 4, and 5--TV Advertising of Food to Children. Washington, D.C., March 5, 6, and 12, 1973. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D. C. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Nec-s. PUB DATE Mar 73 NOTE 294p. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Part 3--$0.73; Part 4--$0.60; Part 5--$0.70) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$ 9.87 DESCRIPTORS Administrative Problems; Child Care; Children; *Federal Aid; *Food Standards; *Government Role; *Nutrition; *Public Policy ABSTRACT - These hearings before the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs are organized in several parts (See UD 013 650 for Parts 1, 2, and 2A). The purpose of these hearings is to review the quality of advertising now being directed at children, and the health implications of that adve/#sing; as well as what steps can be taken to use television advealsing as a force for better nutrition education for the Nation's children. Part 3 has an opening statement by Senator McGovern. Testimony is heard from Dr. Jean Mayer, Professor of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health; Dr. Abraham E. Nizel, Assoc. Prof., School of Dental Medicine, Action for Childrens Television; Dr. James H. Shaw, Prof. of Nutrition, Harvard School of Dental Medicine; and Dr. Juan Navia, Senior Scientist, Institute of Dental Resdarch..Pat 4 has testimony from Mrs. Peggy Charren, President, and Mrs. Evelyn Sarson, Executive Director, Action for Children's Television (ACT); Mr. Robert Choate, President, Council on Children; Mr. Tracy Wecten, Director, Stern Community Law Firm; and Mr. George W. Orr, Exec. V.P., Medical Affairs, Miles Laboratories. Part 5 contains testimony from Mr. Stockton Helffrich, Director, National Assoc. of Broadcasters; Mr. Herminio Traviesas, V.P., NBC; mr4 Thomas Swafford, V.P., CBS; Mr. Alfred R. Schneider, V.P., ABC; Mr. Howard W. Bell, Pres., American Advertising Federation. [Five pages (pages 473 to 475, and 478) have been deleted from Part 5 of this document, as they will not reproduce.] (SB) 1-, -4" NUTRITION EDUCATION 1973 el HEARINGS BEFORE THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION AIL) HUMAN NEEDS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE NINETYTHIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION PART 3TV ADVERTISING OF FOOD TO CHILDREN WASHINGTON, D.C., MARCH 5, 1973 Series 73/NE3 US OEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EOUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO OUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED r ROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS Or viEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE Or EOUCATION POSITION OR POLICY Printed for the use of the Select Committeeon Nutrition and Human Needs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 91-722 WASHINGTON :1973 CC) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Otlice, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price 75 cents domestic postpaid or 50 cents GPO Bookstore Ovr.14 Stock Number ;',270-0174S et9 FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLECOPY SELECT COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION AND HUMAN NEEDS GEORGE McGOVERN, South Dakota, Chairman HERMAN E. TALMADGE, Georgia CHARLES II. PERCY. Illinois PHILIP A. HART, .Nlichigan MARLOW W. COOK, Kentucky WALTER P. MONI)ALE, Minnesota ROBERT DOLE, Kansas EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts HENRY BELLMON, Oklahoma GAYLORD NELSON. Wisconsin RICHARD S. SCIIWEIKER, Pennsylvania ALAN CRANSTON. California ROBERT Jr.., Ohio HUBERT II. HUMPHREY. Minnesota KENNETH SCHLOSSIIIM. Staff Director NI'TRIT!ON EDUCATION: Part. 1 and IA Overview Consultants' Recommendations, Dec. 5,1972 ; with Appendix. Part 2 and 2AOverviewThe Federal Programs, Dec. 6, 1972 ; with Appendix. Part 3TV Advertising of Food to Children, March 5, 1973: with Appendix. Part 4TV Advertising of Food to Children, March 6. 1973: with Appendix. CONTENTS NUTRITION EDUCATION Television Advertising of Food to Alildren moNnir,Mann 5, 1973 Page thilionticeutent of hearings by Senator McOoern. elmirman Iv 011111illg statement of Senator AleGmern, ehairman 255 Staten:vitt of Senator Pere 267 WITNESSES IN CIIItONOLOGIC.11, (NDR Mayer. Dr. Jean. professor of nutrition. 11arvard Srhool of Public IIralth. Roston. Mass 25t; Prepared statement "5t1 Nigel. 1r. .%braloatitE.. associate profes-or. School of Dental Aledirine. Tafts University. Boston. '3Ias 271; Shaw. Dr. James II_ profesqor of nutrition. Italy ord School of Dental Aledieine. Boston. Alas-z 23 Prepared statement 2;5 Navin. Dr. Juan. senior scientist. Institute of Dental Re-eareli, University of .11abania, Birmingham. .1Ia "ut) Prepared statement "94 APPEN DI X Item 1Articles pertinent to the hearing: Moniorandum of March 1. 1973 front Kenneth Schlossberg Cianplaint before FTC Doeket No. 5'3 :3111)77 :Mmorandum of Mareh 3, 1973, from Jame-4 Turner 314 From Advertising Age, March 5, 1973: Cereal Makers Say Nutrition nearing.; Rigged: Wio't Appear 311; General \l ills statement of March 5.1973 Item 2Artieles of scientific Journal of American DentaI Assoeiation, Vol. 47, N. 1. October 1:63: Sonzar and Deutnt caries ::1121:81 I. D. Res.. Vol. 30. No. 1. February 1957: Fut hot- Observations 1'pon the Caries-Producing Potent ialit ie- of Va dims Foodst tiffs 341 Ameriean .1ournal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 20. No.:. February 1:317: Carbohydrate Consumption and Dontal Cork- 317 Ffielleft, VOL 173, No. 1003, Sept. 21. 1971: Dental Caries: Prospeets for PI evention 352 Extract from Tho Science of Nutrition rnd IP; Applient ion in Clinical Dentistry C20 Ed.) : Relation of Carbohydrates to Disease Evt rail from Nutrition in Action (3d Ed./: Nutrition Begins With VoodTeeth IWO OFFICE OF SENATOR GEORGE McGOVERS St.N.vir. Nu inn to% CommirIm: To Holm Il:.antNos ox TELCVISION AoVESt ZSING or Form TO ('ananms Senator George McGovern (D-S.1).), Chairmanof the U.S. Senate Seleel Com- mittee on Nutrition and Human Needs. announo.dtoday that the Select Com- mittee is resuming its inquiry into the subject ofNutrition Education next week with 3 days of hearings on the subject of theadvertising of foods on television to children. The purpose of these hearings is to reviewthe quality of advertising now being directed at children, andthe health implications of that advertising. :Is well as vhat steps can be token to usetelevision advertising as a force for better nutrition education for the Nation's children. The hearings will resume on March 5, G. and71 in room 1318, Dirksen Build- ing. at 10 a.m. and continue On March 12 and 18.These hearings will include testimony from noted nutritionists, experts in thefield of preventive dentistry, consumer advocates. food companies, advertisingagencies, representatives of the broadcasting iminstry. and of the Federal Government. A COMPLETE LIST OF TIIE. WITNESSESFOLLOW March 5 Dr. Jean Mayer, Professor of Nutrition. IIarvardSchool of Public Health. Boston. Dr. Abraham I.. Nizel. DNID, MSD, AssociateProfessor, School of Dental Medi- Direetor. Action for Child ren's7'elevision Newtonville. Mass. Dr. James II. Shaw, Professor of Nutrition,Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston. M:«. Dr. Juan Navia, Senior Scientist, Instituteof Dental Research, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Ala. March 6 Mrs. Peggy Charren, President : accompaniedby Mrs. Evelyn Sarson. Executive Director, Action for Children's Television(ACT), Newtonville. Mass. Mr. Robert B. Choate. Jr. President, Council onChildren, Media and Merchan- dising, Washington, Mr. Tracy A. Westen. Director. St,.!rnCommunity Law Firm, Washington, D.C. Mr. George W. Orr, Jr., Executive VicePresident ; accompanied by Mr. Daniel R. Johnson. Associate Counsel ; and Dr.Bruce Semple, Vice President, Medical Affairs. Miles Laboratories. Inc., Elkhart,Ind. March 7 Mr. Joseph E. Louning. President and ChiefExecutive Officer, Kellogg Company ; and Mr. William LaMothe, Executive VicePresident and Chief Operating Of- ficer. Kellogg Company. r. Leonard S. Matthews, President,Leo Burnett Co., Inc. Miss Mercedes Bales, Vice President-Director,Betty Crocker Kitchens. Mr. Stuart 13. Upson, President and ChiefExecutive Officer, Dancer Fitzgerald Sample. Inc. Mr. Richard Aszling. Vice President. PublicRelations/Public Affairs, General Foods Corporation : with Mr. Bernard Kannerof Benton Boyles. Mr. Edward X. Ney. President and ChiefExecutive Officer, Young and Rubicam International, Inc. March 12 Mr. Stociaon Helffrich, Director of CodeAuthority, National Association of Broadcasters. Mr. Herminio Traviesas. Vice President, BroadcastStandards. NBC. Mr. Thomas Swofford. Vice President of ProgramPractices, CBS. Mr. Alfred IL Sehneider, Vice President. ABC. Mr. Howard II. Bell, President, AmericanAdvertising Federation. March 13 Mr. Clay Whitehead. White House Office ofTelecommunications. Hon. Lewis A. Engman, Chairman, Federal TradeCommission. Hon. Dean Blotch. Chairman, FederalCommunications Commission ; and Hon. Nicholas Johnson, Commissioner, FCC. 1 See Senator McGovern's statement on p. 256. (Iv) J NUTRITION EDUCATION Television Advertising of Food to Children MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1973 U.S. SENATE Sm.reT COMM ivrEr, ox Nurnrnoic AND IIUM.\X NEED: Wa4/1 irrW O D.C. The Select Committee met at 10:15 a.m., pursuant to call, in room 1:11S of the I)irksen Building; the Honorable George McGovern, chairman of the committee, presiding. Present : Senators McGovern, Percy, and Sehwei ker. Staff members: Kenneth Sell losSberg, staff director: Vernon M. Goetchens. senior
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