\ ............... T h u r s d a y , h a t t c a k t IV , i v « r ^ The Weather T W E L V 8 lEwning If^ralb Aterage D a »y ClrenlstloB 1 at V. a. weather Barwm For the Mentb et Deewber, ItU InereaolBg cloadItMaa tonight folhmed by rain oa Sataidayt net Clan McLean, No. 353, Order of 9,007 nroeh ebaago la lemperatora. Scottish Clans, will hold Its regu­ Two Talented Local Dancers Squires Hold A bout T o w h lar meeting tomorrow evenii^ at Member of tba Andit eight o'clock In the Masonic Tem­ Quiz Contest Wanted To Buy BnreM «t OlreatottoM Mancheater— A City o f Village Charm gMMiM Of the MU profram to^ ple. orrow evening, King Dmvid Lodge (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE TH REE CBNT8^< ^ Odd FeUowe will open tie meet­ Rimer I. Hayes. PR 2-c has re­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY‘11, 1946 turned from oveisess siid is spend­ Questions on Civics (CtoadUtod Advertlalag oh Page 13) ing In Od^ Fellows hell et 7:15 V0L.LXV.^ NO. 86 !;'llhhrp. TOe degree, will be con- ing a .K)-dsy leave at his home. 5 ? ferrcd on a class of candidates and Ford street. He is the son of Mr. Asked; Musicnl Pro­ . the hew qffleers will ^Jeo be In- and Mrs. Irwin I. Hayes. gram Is Enjoyed USED■ / CARS I gtaUed tomorrow night. United Nations Assembly Gmvenes in Ixmdon Mr. and Mrs. Robert McComb, WE WILL HAVE AN OUT-OF-TQWN BUYER Pickets Now Before A telegram received by Mr. end co-presidents of Center Chyrch Co- A quis on civlca was conducted Jitni. Oeorge W. House of Demlng Weda, hope for a full turnout of at the meeting'of Brown-LaGacc Reds Attack Secret AT OUR SALESROOM the members tomorrow evening, to ^street tWs morning, conveyed the circle, Columbian Squires, at its jM w s that their son. Captain Sher­ hear Major Dudley Burr, who was wood House, has arrived on the SS chaplain with the famous 4.3rd Di­ meeting at the Knights of Colum­ ' XiBgalniry yesterday at California. vision in the Pacific area. The bus home last night. Prizes were Telephone Buildings; Captain House has recently been meeting will be held in the parish awarded to the winning contest- stationed In the Philippines end hall and will be followed by an in­ ante. Ballots Asse has been for nearly five years with formal social time with refresh­ A musical program by the or- ments. che.stra being formed for the AU This Week the Arm y. Squires alao was part of the eve­ The daughter bom Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Richmond ning’s activities. Seizure Seen H artford hospital to Mr. and Mrs. of Elizabeth, N. J.. are visiting Cartons of cigarettes were pre­ Ruthven T. Bidwell of Walker Mr. Richmond’s parents, Mr. and sented to John W. Murphy , and Called Undemocratic Top Prices Paid T Lane, West Hartford, has been Mrs. .Samuel Richmond, of East Luke D. Phillips for the assistance n a m ^ Bkrbara HUlsabeth. Mrs. Center street. given the Squires during the sale Shut Off Most Long JMdwell la a daughter of Rev. and o f Christmas trees. You May Have the Cash or Apply Your Credit Towards Wells E. Tolson, Chief Special­ Sentiment Reported De­ Distance Gills; Union Mrs. Prank B. Haggard of West Next week's meeting will take A 1946 BUICK War Orders Given Hartford. The paternal grandpar­ ist, U. S. Navy, was . separated the form of a roller skating party veloping Within Amer­ Want Ike’s Stand President Reverses In­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bid- from Navy aenice at Jacksonville, at the Palace rink in Hartford. Florida, on January fl. DRIVE OVER OR PHONE 7220 structions Given Last well o f Sarasota, Florida, formerly The boys will meet at the K. of ican Delegation for Halsey by Kimmel o f this town. C. home at 6:15 p. m. and leave In On Demobilization Night to Postpone The regular monthly aocial meet­ a body. The party is an activity Abandonment of Rule John Linnell of Bunce Drive, lo­ ing of Dilworth-Cornell Post. The of the Social committee \inder the Picketing Until Mon­ cal painting contractor who Was American Legion, scheduled for tone NIchoiR chairmanship of Deputy Chief Under Which Spaakl------------------ - “ Task Force *To Sink Monday night has been postponed seriously injured in a fall from a Squire Charles Tarpinian, Jr. Demands Chief of Staff Studying Plan day; Supervisors and V roof about two months ago, and because of the dinner to be given Gonnan Motor Sales Chosen President , ScCS N o N ccd Every Japanese Ship Mnrjorie Harris, tap dancer, was hospitalized at both the Me­ for the High school’s champion 285 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Make Direct State­ Officials at Boards daughter of Mr; and Mr*. R. C. Assembly Over Lie, Found* as ^Result of morial hospital and the Veterans cross-country team. A joint social ment Arise Today at To End Anto JiOapltal. has returned to the latter meeting will be held with the Le­ Harris of-Porter etreet, and Diane Backed by Russians By The Associated Press gion Auxiliary on Monday eve­ WASHING M.\CHINES ForHirohito Pre - Attack Directive institution for Mrther treatment. Nichols, acrobatic dancer, daugh­ Home and Abroad ning, January 31. REPAIRED - ALL MAKES Plants Row Pickets marched before } ter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Nichols BuRetin! nearly every American Tele- ; Marjorie Harris 10 Teara’ Experlenee! ■Washington, Jan. I I.— (A*) The weekly setback party of of Delmont street, local puplla of To Abdicate By The Associated Press ReasonaMe Rates! London, Jan. ll.-^/P>— — Admiral Husband E. Kim-i phone and Teleirraph Com­ Anderson Shea Auxiliary, No. Noreene Pratt Anmilll, have been Demands for a direct state­ A. BREW ER DelcKates of the flve major mel gave "w ar ori^ra” to Both Sides Consider pany exchange building in 2046, V.F.W., will be held tomor­ appearing In many pmgrsma giv­ work with a will and determina­ ment on demobilization from LECLERC row evening in the Post rooms. tion to see that their jobs are go­ Telephone 3-0849 — Any ’nma! nations and Venezuela and Patterson Does Not B e-' Admiral William F .* Halsey! the nation today shutting off en by the Rtar-Llte Starlets, all of Polio Drive Installation Banquet Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Proposal by Fact-Find­ ruf^RAL Horn Manchester Green. Three prizes whom are atudents of Mrs. An­ ing to be well and thoroughly South Africa were elected t ^ when the latter sailed with a most long distance calls and^” will be. awarded the wlnnera and done. lieve War Responsibil­ Army chief of staff, arose to­ num. day to the seven vice presi­ task force from Pearl Harbor' ing Board for a Labor department official ''] 2^ MMn Strati refreahments served. Mra. Lillian Recently the unit has made three < May Happen An>-whers day at home and abroad. Hutchinson, chairman, and her Set to Start dencies of the United Nations ity Such as to Re­ several days before the 1941 Per Cent Pay Increase said government seizure ot ] appcarancea. in Manchester and In commenting on the forthcom­ PhoM 62tV committee will be in charge. Play­ and Celebration assembly as the meeting In Washington, congressmen the industry might be recom* one in Willimantic. The children ing Polio drive to be conducted in FENDER AND quire Action by Him The first General Assembly of the United Nations Organization Japanese attack. Under those ing will begin at 8:15. talked of holding a joint Sen­ mended if a country-wld* tieup n$ ■ also entertained the service men Manchester Jan. 14 to Slat, Chair­ moved toward an almost cer­ listena to an address by Prime Minister Clement Attlee of Great orders, Halsey “armed every­ Washington, Jan. 11—(/P>—Union l..ocal Group Organized; BODY WORK of the ate-House session, possibly sin as it convenes at Central hall on Parliament square in London. phone service results. at W estover Field. Chicopee. man W alter Leclerc aald today: tain fight over the small Tokyo, Jan, 11— (P)— U. 8. Sec­ thing and told them to sink every and company representatives stud­ The Covenant Hi-League will Picture received in New York by radio from lx>ndon. ____________ instraettons Revenefl Maas., and In the near future will Officers and Cliairiiieii "Do we dare or can we afford to SOUMENE a FLAGG country membership on the next Tuesday, to hear him. Japanese ship that they found.” meet this evening at the home of retary of War Patterson said to­ Across the Atlantic at Frankfurt, ied today a proposal to ®nd the President Ernest Weaver of thel Are you a woman who make a trip to Framingham. gamble with the law of averages Statements From Testimony Miss Betty Blrge, 58 Wells street. Of Units Chosen when these averages deal with that INC. Italian Alliance Clubs key Security couiyclL day, In answer to a Japanese news­ Germany, soldiers gathered at an­ 81 day old General Motors strike Asaoctatlon of Commuidcatlaiia Maaa., where they will present a 884 Oeater SC Tal. 8191 Those statements by Kimmel wants to make money program for the veterans at Cush­ dread disease infantile paralysis? paperman's questions, that he did other ‘T wants go home” meeting with a 17H per cent pay increase. - Equipment Workers union order- ; were made available today to ed tbe picket linen established ing General Hospital. The Hnal organization meeting Do we dare in the face of figures London, Jen. 11.— not believe Emperor Hlrohlto’a and changed "W e want Ike.” They made no immediate com­ Xm to realize some ambi­ like these for example; In 1943 of N.
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