POLK MEMORY GARDENS POLK COUNTY, GEORGIA 8EARDEN, Herbert C. Son of the late Shelah and Blanche Ballew Bearden Born« June 5, 1913 Pickens County, Georqia Death; May 31, 1969 Rome, Floyd County, Georgia Burial: June 2, 1969 Relioioni Baptist ' Employee of Goodyear, Rockmart - Survivorsi wife, Mrs. Beatrice Williams Bearden; son, Donald Bearden; daughter, Mrs. Joseph Centenni; Brothers, Farris and Wilmer Bearden; sisters, Mrs. Elton Williams and Mrs. Irene Glisch; 6 grandchildren. BEARDEN, Mrs. Lydia Beatrice Born: Polk bounty, Georqia Death: uctober 7, 1969 Rockmart, Polk County, Georqia Burial: October 8, 1969 Took own life Religion: Baptist Survivors: son, Ronald J. Bearden; daughter, '''rs. Joseph Centenni; mother, Mrs. Olin Whiteside: brothers, Horance Williams; sisters, f''rs. Lois Phillips and Mrs. Catherine Kiser; 6 grandchildren BEASLEY, Robert Lee Son of the late Rober Lee and Annie Patrick Beasley Born: November 5, 1910 Titus County, Texas Death: May 28, 1969 Rome, Floyd County, Georgia Burial: May 30, 1969 Religion! Baptist Mason Marriage : October 20, 1939 Cedartown, Polk "ounty, Georgia Survivors: wife, former, Miss Myrtle Watts; sons, Richard and Glenn Beasley; brothers, Bascomb, Hollis and Horaoe Beasley; sisters, |f'rs. Thomas Goolsby and '?lrs. L',0. Boyd; 4 gr-children FRICKS, rs. Ethel Born: August 1, 1883 Athens, Clark County, Georgia Death: November 10, 1969 Polk County, Georgia Burial: November 12, 1969 Presbyterian Survivors: son, O.N. Fricks; brotherp Fred Mclntyre; 6 grandchildren and 8 gr-grandchildren. GOGGINS, John D. Born: ,1926 Death: June 4, 1969 Rome, Floyd County, Georoia Burial: June 6, 1969 . Employee of Douglas & Lomason Co. Survivors: wife, former Miss Annie Lee Crocker; daughter, Laura Ann Goggins; sons, Robert Carl, Dickie Ray, and Johnny Lee Gogoins; parents, Mr. & Mrs. John D. GogqinsjSrj brother, James 6. -Gonq.ins. : • , GROGAN, Willis Homer ... • • Born: March 8, 1895 Haralson County, Georgia Death: March 3, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia Burial: March 5, 1969 Religion: Baptist Mason—former Tax Collector, Oddfellow Survivors: sisters, Mrs. W.E. Cary, Mrs. R.L. Murdock, Mrs. CD. Stephens; brothers, Robert, Walter and Manco Grooan MASSEY, Mr. George Boston Rt 1, C'town, Ga. Born: June 23, 1897 Polk %Co. ,Ga. Died: Feb. 1, 1969 Resided entire life in Polk Co.; retired textile employee Survivors: wife, Mrs. Lonnie Little Massey-C'town, Ga.; c Daus., Mrs. Louise Barrett-Jonesboro, Ga., Mrs. Virginia E Blair-Lincoln Park, Mich. Mrs. Russell Garret- Weaver, Ala ^ Mrs. Wayne Swafford-C'town, Ga., Mrs. Ira Doyal-College . Park, Ga.; Sons, George B. Massey, Jr- Rome, Ga.,Robert c J. Massey- Dallas, Ga., Charles W. Massey-Marietta, Ga., Godfrey; Henry E. Massey-Stockbridge, Ga.; sister, Mfs. Nellie y; brothers, Massey- C'town, ga. B urial: Polk Memory Gardens, Polk Co.,Ga. Gammage Funeral Home,c1town,Ga. ia 4 Mrs. W.E. Goss and Mr. rs. Charlie Woods; qr-grandmbtHer, Mrs. Lula Woods. HANNON, Roy Edwards Borni October 29, 1903 Titus, Alabama Death I October 9, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georqia Burial: October 11, 1969 Relioioni Baptist Retired emoloyee of Nopoco Chemical Co. Survivors: wife, former Miss Florence Gerqer; sons, John and Roy E. Hannon, Jr.j Dauohter, Mrs. William T. (Letitica) Hubbard, Jr.; sister Miss Beatrice Hannon. HUDSON, Rev. Merrell H. Son of the late Jeff and Hattie Aired Hudson Born: December 15, 1969 Polk County, Georqia Dr>ath« May 31, 1969 Polk County, Georqia Burial: June 2, 1969 Religion: Baotist Survivors: wife, Mrs. Lucile Hudson; dauqhter, Mrs. Elmora Grimes; 2 grandchildren. LEE, Gordon G. Born: Death: June 16, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georoia Burial: June 18, 1969 Reliqion: Baotist Owner of Lee Wholesale Builders Co., Former City Commissioner Survivors: wife, Mrs. Sybil Gentry Lee; son, Harley Lee; sisters, Mrs. Louise Butler and Mr9. Ruby Tanner; 4 grandchildren. MASON, Mrs. John N. Former Miss Nella Ada Allen Born: May 30, 1882 Ralieqh, N.L. Death: September 29, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georqia Burial: Seotember 30, 1969 Relioion: Presbyterian Survivors: dauohter, rnrs. John N, Gammon; 2 qrand-dauohters and 2 great qrandchildren. POTTS, Mrs. Nellie Dean Dauohter of the late Marion and Loriena Campbell Camp Born: December 18, 1907 Polk County, Georgia Death: July 16, 1969 Cedartown, Polk L0unty, Georgia Burial: July 18, 1969 Relioioni Baptist Survivors: husband, James D. Potts; daughter, Mrs. Iona Liner; brothers, William, Columbes and Woodrow Camp; grand-daughters, '''rs. Brenda Yarborough and Miss Gail Liner. GODFREY, Mrs. M.H. Borni June 22, 1910 Bartow County, Georqia Deathi August 24, 1969 Out of town hospital Burial i August 26, 1969 Religion! Baptist Survivorsi husband, M.H. Godfrey; sons, Billy, Robert and Van Godfrey; sisters, Mrs. Virginia Parks and Mrs. Grace Murphry; brothers, John, Lewis and James Martin; 8 grandchildren. GOSS, Dana Michelle Infant Deatht Auoust 19, 1969 Rome, Floyd bounty, Georgia Burial! August 21, 1969 Survivors! parents, Mr. 4 Mrs. Eddie Goss; grandparents, Mr. 4 Mrs. W.E. Goss and Mr. 4 '''rs. Charlie Woods; gr-grandmother, Mrs. Lula Woods. HANNON, Roy Edwards Borni October 29, 1903 Titus, Alabama Death! October 9, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia Burial:! October 11, 1969 Relioioni Baptist Retired emoloyee of Nopoco Chemical Co. Survivorsi wife, former Miss Florence Gerqer; sons, John and Roy E. Hannon, Jr.; Dauohter, Mrs. William T. (Letitica) Hubbard, Jr.; sister Miss Beatrice Hannon. HUDSON, Rev. Merrell H. Son of the late Jeff and Hattie Aired Hudson Borni December 15, 1969 Polk County, Georgia D^athi May 31, 1969 Polk County, Georgia Burial: June 2, 1969 Religion! Baotist Survivors! wife, Mrs. Lucile Hudson; daughter, Mrs. Elmora Grimes; 2 orandchildren. LEE, Gordon G. Born: Death: June 16, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georoia Burial: June 18, 1969 Reliqion: Baptist Owner of Lee Wholesale Builders Co., Former City Commissioner Survivors! wife, Mrs. Sybil Gentry Lee; son, Harley Lee; sisters, Mrs, Louise Butler and Mr9. Ruby Tanner; 4 grandchildren. MASON, Mrs. John N. Former Miss Nella Ada Allen Born: May 30, 1882 Ralieqh, N.L. Death: Seotember 29, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia Burial: Seotember 30, 1969 Relioioni Presbyterian Survivorsi dauohter, Wr»* John N, Gammon; 2 qrand-dauohters and 2 great qrandchildren. POTTS, Mrs. Nellie Dean Dauohter of the late Marion and Loriena Campbell Camp Born: December 18, 1907 Polk County, Georgia Death: July 16, 1969 Cedartown, Polk Lounty, Georgia Burial: July 18, 1969 Relioioni Baptist Survivors: husband, James D. Potts; dauohter, Mrs. Iona Liner; brothers, William, Columbes and Woodrow Camp; grand-daughters, '"'rs. Brenda Yarborough and Miss Gail Liner. Polk Memory Gardens STEELY, Rev. Thomas Elmore Bornt October 2fl, 1881 Coosa County, Alabama Death: November 13, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georgia Burialt November 14, 1969 Religion! Baotist Survivorsi Dauohter, Mrs. Alma Thaxton; sons, Henry T. and Harold E. Steely; 8 grandchildren; 11 gr-orandchildren; Preceded in dnath by wife, former, Miss Alice T. McDonald, February 5, 1959. WESTMORELAND, Mrs. Myrtle Bornt July 20, 1910 Bremen, Haralson County, Georgia Deatht November 11, 1969 Atlanta, Georgia Burialt November 13, 1969 Relioiont Baptist Survivorst dauohters, Mrs. Ed. uinqler, Mrs. Cleveland Johnson; sons, H. Gene Edmondson, Cha'ies Donald Edmonddon and James Ray Westmoreland; sister, i!irs. Gladys Maoles; brothers Seals and Charles McWhorter; 10 grandchildren. SWAFFORD, James Brewer Bornt February 4, 1912 Polk County, Georgia Deatht September 16, 1969 Polk County, Georgia Burialt September 18, 1969 Relioiont Baptist Survivors: wife, former Miss Clara McCurry; son, Larry Swafford; sisters, Mrs. L.W. Jameson, Mrs. D.A. PorterfieSd; and Mrs. J.F. Robinson; brothers, Conway, Gus, Huliett, Raymond and Hall C. Swafford; two grandchildren. ZUKER, Charlie Born: May 7, 1893 Polk "ounty, Georoia Death: July 8, 1969 Cedartown, Polk County, Georqia Burialt July 10, 1969 Religion: Church of God Survivors: wife, Mrs. Nina Boyles Zuker; dauohters, l*lrs. Heard Colbert, Mrs. Norman Zimmerman, Mrs. W.H. Mann, Mrs. Leroy Davis, Mrs. James Gentry and Mrs. Donald Bridges; son, Chaiies Zuker; rt sister, Mrs> Lottie obinson; 12 grandchildren;l gr-grandchild. Retired Goodyear employee—Veteran of World War I. BA8B, Jackson Eugene Born: February 19, 1917 Dallas, Pauldino County, Georqia Death: May 24, 1970 Cedartown, Polk County, Georoia Burial: May 25, 1970 Survivors: father, M.L. Babb; sisters, Mrs. J.M. Warren and Miss Polly Babb; brother, Julian Babb. BAKE8, Bascomb Brooks Born: February 2, 1887 Muscogee County, Georgia Death: May 19, 1970 Cedartown, Polk Lounty, Georgia Burial: May 20, 1970 Religion: Baptist Retired Goodyear emoloyee Survivors! daughters, Mrs. Leo F. LaTour, Mrs. Woodrow Johnson, and Mrs. Preston Fra^ier; sons, William R., and Rishard P. Baker; brothers, D.M., and R.P. Baker; 12 grandchildren; 26 gr-grand• children; 1 gr-gri grandchild. BALLENGER, James Solomon Born: Aoril 25, 1902 Cleburne County, Alabama Death: Octohop 28, 1970 Cedartown, Polk bounty, Georoia Burial! October 29, 1970 Relioioni Baptist Retired Goodyear emoloyee survivors! wife, Mrs. Mable Jones Partain Ballanger? dauohter, "rs. Ruth McLarty; brother, W.A. Ballanger; sister, '''rs. Ollie Smith; 2 grandchildren; 1 gr-qrandchild. BARRETT, Ed L., Ill (Trey) Borni June 28, 1954 Cedartown, Polk County, Georoia Death! October 15, 1970 Greenville, N.C. Burial: October 18, 1970 Religion! Baptist Death due to broken neck seetain in football
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