rr:-^-^ ; mssm *$««»g«a«gBaBaffl^^ ^•^--^w.^, ^*u^v^ - -, - 2?2??'iP5!??!555?' ^3^*E^^ :|:gc '.: T we nty -SIX THE NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Thursday, November 14, lyvy Football- Boxing - Bowling ~ Basketball - Hockey • «» I..«>.<» » • » »«»«»»» >»••.» I ««<•»» | ,.,. » » », . ,« .,. ».»»»» | »«»•»». » « !••»•» » • » • t »,»»»» « « » < » McOlnnlty figured prominently In the Giant pennant victories of 1904 and JOE MGINNITY, 1905 and divided two games in the Want Accounting RIDGE ELEVEN VICTORS Brushing Up Sports By Lauf er 1905 world series against the Athletics. In June of 1904 he strengthened his lil l ..••.'.«• ••'••t'l t i » »'i .. -*-*~t I » » « ••» « i t .« » ».««.».» » « » » » » l» • ••»». for Giants'Funds «.»«!.. VETERAN STAR OF claim to fame by winning three double- IN FOUR OUT OF SIX GAMES WAGED headers. The triumphs of 1905, how­ ever, . marked the peak of his success, NEW YORK. Nov. 14. O^JWj DIAMOND, IS DEAD although he remained with the Giants minority stockholders have had «•? ON GRIDIRON BETWEEN OLD RIVALS J'owffl- until 1908. He went with Newark the monses served upon Charles A st^ 0)\)U3HH following year and thereafter played on ham, president, and Leo j. ^ "Iron Man,"'111 Since- August, numerous minor league teams until his treasurer, demanding a court ac^S Saturday's Contest on University his retirement. tag of $410,000 disbursed by tripvl' Following Operation, Loses lonal Exhibition Company to SUS S/ Field Will See Plenty of Hookers to Meet "rtPHep. Fight for Life, ,. dent between. 1919 and 1926 ^ Forward Passing, Rogers on Friday May Pay Amateur company operates the National i22 Baseball team. l "*» EOPOPBAKi NEW YORK. Nov. 14.—WH-Joe Mc- Golf er's Expenses The minority group Is headed AVENGE DEFEAT Champions Put on Outstanding Qinnity, one time "iron man" of tho William F. Kenny, wealthy co^L. Attraction of Evening. plWhlng staff of the New York Giants, who a year ago purchased a onehS died at the home of his daughter In . NEW YORK, Nov. 14. (#}—The prob­ Interest in the club. De ^ Niagara Offense Being Built on 1T&M UrTWk Brooklyn today. He was 58 years old. lem of whether the district associa­ Admitting that the disburse^ ll! Olark-Sneider Passing Factory League fans who appreciate He had been critically Ul shv:e last tions should be allowed to pay the ex­ were made as alleged. Bondy sukhfc choice morsels will certainly appreciate August when he failed to rally after an penses of Lesley Cup golfers was one public accountants found the boci<; •JXX Combination. the prospects of a great game tomorrow operation for the removal of a tumor. order when Mr. Kenny purchtse?t night when the defending champion UO\TU>GIGUT eAw 6iv)e *im .. His baseball career extended over 32 of the leading questions before the stock. Most of the paymentT £ Hooker team meet the Rogers, who have etm PAife OF eoe»/ BOOT L& years beginning in Montgomery, Ala.. quarterly meeting of the United States treasurer, added, represented return From the results of the battles staged beenunanlmously claimed the outstand­ OJrtlCH BE EM€A6gO AS. UDElL to 1893, and ending only four years Golf Association today. A petition to the club president of sums he 1. .-between Niagara and St. Bonaventures ing obstacle in the factory race. Both ago in Dubuque, Iowa., where as player- advanced the ball club without Inters '.i(b* the past six years Niagara holds a AS OpPOtiEriTS Ar^D POfcSe manager he pitched 20 games at the from the Metropolitan, Massachusetts teams won under wraps last week and and Pennsylvania Associations, which Bondy said Stoneham would not* ''.algbt edge in \ the seventh meeting of were not extended out to their limit. age of 53. his interests in the company cort« ;,:'the two gridiron machines which will This week will see both bringing out R6tfru>«srAM> He was first called the "iron man" engage annually in the Lesley Cup< chase interests at exorbitant prices^ Cjioeet on Monteagle Hldge, on Saturday. when as a member of the Brooklyn series, requests the national body to everything in their bag of tricks as a team he pitched six -winning games ^Niagara has managed to gain the de- top.standing means much In the early sanction their paying the traveling ex­ .i'.<|siQn in four of the tilts which the against Pittsburgh in seven days win­ penses of the players. Oakwoods A. 0. stages of the race. ning the pennant for the team. i two elevens have waged, while the Olean "IRS tE\JEgA<Se BtffortSL The attitude of the U. S. G. A. al­ ^ ci.'t«am has eked out a win in the other A game that should be a rip snorter OW HE MET He joined the big leagues in Balti­ ways has been that amateur golfers The Oakwoods football squad «i is the Building TradesrMathleson clash more in 1899 and continued as one of hold a practice tonight at 6:15 on ft -«two contests. the foremost pitchers of his day for al­ must pay their own way, with the where two husky outfits playing the MANS--" Ryder cup matches as the only excep­ Market and Saturday morning on o . i-i '.1923 Niagara 9: St. Bonaventure, 8. most ten years. He came to Brook­ Oakwoods field. These practices* <f'."vi924 Niagara 7; St. Bonaventure. 19. same type of ball hook-up. Then the 'CeiijA'z- . lyn in 1900 when a reduction of the tion. The district associations con­ Salesbooks, winners of their opener, fboTeMt Bcosreo tend that it Is not fair to ask the play­ be held In preparation for Eunffi • ..OH 1925 Niagara, 7; St. Bonaventure, 0. National League circuit from twelve to clash with the Lumberjacks. ThbiS .1928 Niagara, 21; St. Bonaventure, 0. me,et the Carborundums who were un­ HiMOPP-rne'- eight clubs brought about a merger of ers to pay expenses while represent­ :; ceremoniously tripped up last week. ing their district In such a competition. make It the second time these \ " -11927 Niagara, 13: St. Bonaventure, 8. ASSIST' RPSRT^icg. the two teams. teams have met this season with L. '{'^'1928 Niagara 8; St. Bonaventure, 25. The U. S. L. and International Papers At the start of the 1901 season he both anxious to break into the win first game resulting in a scoreless B The history of the two teams shows Jumped to the Baltimore Americans, Hibernians Lead The Oakwoods are favored to take he column, will do battle in the fourth t then under the guidance of John J. the bacon this time. !, the closeness of each season's games game. McGraw and when McGraw, a year .> and. the relative standing of both The order of playing the games to­ later came to New York to lead the The .City Euchre league standings ...Sevens shows that each game was won morrow night will probably be reversed I itMliHI'PTW^M'f New York Giants he came with him. published yesterday did not include the St. Paul's Cathedral, London, U by a very small margin. The scoring H : to accede to the requests of several He remained with McGraw duringvthe Hibernians. This team Is leading the to have been built without an oath b N /i^btals for the'six contests in Which the managers. Full announcement of the remainder of his major league days. first division of the league. ing uttered. '•;''\'%iPUrple^ha* faced the Brown and White order of games wll be.published tomor­ V gjves Niagara a total of 65 tallies with row night. Z&lilifSl points scored by the down state u, gtjdsters. *•}<: .Coach Sheldon Hecker will no doubt w - strain every effort to have his oleven BUFFALO SECURES folii the pink of condition in order that WHAT DOES "B. P." . the Roaring Cataract team may avenge !^';VJJiet trimming which Coach Ostergren's THREEPLAYERS IN "team handed the local outfit at Olean MEAN TO YOU? last season. Hecker is still possessing 7 of much of the Niagara friendly rivalry LAST MINUTE DEAL Ipser BLISS OF VAte- RECOUEREO A for the St. Bonaventure team and will V\££\JARtf D FUMBLE Ul ST^AM MATE, impart much of this into the members *popte neFra.Ftvi6fc7R. GRABBED HIH d| the vMohteagle--varsity before they Burch and Connor Leave Ameri­ BW TtfB MAPS OP TvAE NECK ANt> W5A66BD line against the Brown Indians in this cans ; Neighbor Signs; Changes TO SOME IT MEANS week's conflict. HtM ACEOSS-Tvte GOAL UUE FOR A ?\The rgame will see forward-passing Made in the Rules. ibOCW^OU) ^ VALE- HARv/ARD -169! attacks4 carried to their last point In scoring attempts as the St. Bonaventure team is reputed to use this form of of­ TORONTO, Ont., Nov. H—Last min­ fensive play In nearly every game this ute trading before the opening of the thler, "Hap" Hamel, Gerald Green, Ed­ hockey season saw several deals put f ar.. ,jTho, Ole^h .club trampled upon through last night. Cliff McBride of die Baker. "Buck" Moore, "Mac" Me- Ie^attohgIteam•• jfrom Canisius Col- gaffln and Fred Lowrey. EAU the Toronto Maple Leafs has been sent jgfelh.the Election.Day game In Buf- to the London Panthers but is subject Hockey Qossip *.q,V4nd; rnoitor the Brown scoring Reid has not picked his starting line­ ; to Instant recall. Lloyd Mclntyre of I?;Via the. air. : Niagara has made the Leafs has been sent to Buffalo with up yet but will do so this afternoon. It itself one of the strongest teams In this the provision that he must be given Tomorrow night hostilities will start wilt be announced to tomorrow's home OF section of the state by the ability of plenty of work on right wing.
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