Seventh Series, Vol. XXVI, No. ax Friday, March 19, 1982 ' ’ Phalguna 28, 1903 (Saka) / ik I LOK SABHA DEBATES (Eighth Session) (Vol. XXVI contains Nos* 27 — ?o) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prict 1 Rs. ^,00 * B CONTENTS Seventh Series, Volume XXVI, 8th Session, 1982/1903 (Saka) 1 No. 21, Fridayy March 19, 1 $821 Phalguna 28, 1903 (Saka) ' ■ Colum ns O ra l Answers to Questions : fi * Starred Questions Nos. 375, 379 to 381, 383 and 386 . 1—30 Wi-itten Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos, 377, 378, 382, 384, 385 and 387 to 394 30—.4.8 Unstarred Questions Nos. 4184 to 42n , 4214 to 4228, 4230 to 4308 and 4310 to 4418 . 48—335 Correcting statement to U. S. Q. No. 8539 dt. 24-4-81 . • 335—49 Papers Laid on the Table ..... 350—52,412— 14 Messages from Rajya Sabha . 353 Estimates Committee— Twentieth Report ......... 353 ■Committee on Subordinate Legislation— Eleventh Report ......... 354 Statement re : Increase in Levy Sugar Quotas of States/Union Territories— Rao Birendra Singh ........ 254-55 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported decision to reduce wheat quota of ration cards holders in D e l h i ...................................................................................... 355—9^ Shri Narayan Choubey ..... 355-56, 357—62 Rao Birendra S i n g h .......................................................356, 362—68 Shri Suraj Bhan ........ 368— 73 Shri Krishna Kumar Goyal ...... 37^—80 ♦The sign+marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question- was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. C o lu m n s Shri Ramavatar Shastri .... • 381—90 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan . • • ■ * 390 — 9 7 j Business of the House ...... 398—412 Committee on Private Members’ Bill and Resolutions— Thirty-Eighth Report ..... Bills Introduced— (i) Constitution (Amendment) Bill— (Amendment o f article 335) by Shri Kusuma Krishna Mur thy 414-15 (ii) Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill— (Amendment o f section 2, etc.) by Shri Harish Rawat. 4*5 Free Legal Services Bill— by Shri Eduardo Faliero ‘ . • • • * ■ 4 J5— 34 Motion to Consider— Shri Girdhari Lai Vyas ..... ■ 416— 21 Shri T. Nagaratnam ...... ■ 421— 24 Shri Jagannath Rao ...... ' 425— 29 Shri Chitta Basu ....... • 429— 34 Death of Acharya J. B. Kripalai}i ..... .■ 431 LOK SABHA DEBATES r 2 LOK SABHA (b) No, Sir. (c) Does not arise. Friday, March 19, 1982/Phalguna 28, (d) According to the information 1903 (Saka) obtained by Director General cl Civil Aviation from the Soviet Embassy in December, 1981 the Aerodrome Rescue Vehicle APS 70 is in an early stage The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the of development and it is not possible Clock for the technical particulars to be made available at present. It is there­ [Mb. S peaker in the CHair] fore premature to hold any negotia­ tions for its purchase. ' ORAL, ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS DR. VASANT KUMAR PANDIT: I have some facts with regard to the SHRI NIREN GHOSH: You are in a performance data of this vehicle APS happy mood today, Sir. 70. I am surprised how the Govern­ MR SPEAKER: When you are there ment cannot get this technical data. I am always happy because then both Either the information has not been endst of Parliament are together, long properly gathered the Director- as well as shoj't. General, Civil Aviation, or the Airport Authority of India, it is very essen­ tial that the ultra-modern developed vehicle is not only a fire-fighting com­ Purchase of Soviet ultramodern rescue plex but the figures with me show vehicle that the APS 70 has a sliding gangway which reaches right upto the burning *375. DR. VASANT KUMAR PAN­ plane, and if the doors are jammed, DIT: Will the Minister of TOURISM there is a circular automatic saw which AND CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to cuts fhe sides and the passengers are state: rescued. It is also attached with a tank containing 8 tonnes of water and (a) whether the attention of Gov­ one tonne of foam which can be pump­ ernment has been drawn to the Soviet ed into the fire to extinguish it. The Specialist developing an Airport rescue water sprouts at about 40 litres per vehicle MPS 70 which is the latest in second and the entire process does not the world to combat fire in a landing take more than five minutes. So, or take off of aircraft; would the Hon. Minister make fresh (b) whether Government have efforts to get details of this APS 70 negotiated for purchase of this ultra­ which is fully developed and is in modern rescue vehicle to achieve operation in some of the Airports of maximum safety at the Airport; Russia. That is my question No. 1. (c) if so, the details thereof; and MR. SPEAKER: He seerfts to be smarter than you. (d) if not, the reasons therefor? SHRI A. P. SHARMA: It appears THE MINISTER. OF TOURISM AND that my hon. friend, Dr. Pandit has CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI A, P. got a lot of information regarding this SHARMA); (a) Yes, Sir. fire fighting vehicle. So far as we are 4182 LS— 1. 3 Oral Answers MARCH 19, 1982 Oral Answers 4 j concerted, in reply to a letter from see that our present equipment i the Director-General, Civil Aviation, modernised or kept in perfect trim | Government of India, the following compared to the other airports 1 information was furnished to us by the foreign countries. Soviet Embassy: SHRI A. P. SHARMA: At the maj . “According to the information re­ airports and practically in all tV"1 ceived from Moscow, the Aerodrome airports we have got different types Rescue Vehicle, APS 70 is in an fire fighting vehicles and these tre early stage of development and based on the specifications laid dev r there is no possibility to send you by the ICAO and therefore, it is S u ^ now any technical particulars. When cient. This is what I want to uT. this vehicle is developed, we shall the hon. House and my friend. not fail to get in touch with you.” MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Nihal Singh.. This is the reply we have got. From Mr. Harish Rawat.. our side, the source from which we could make the inquiries we have Mr. R. L. Bhatia. made and this is the reply we have Rate of deposit growth in nationali- ■ got. As I said earlier, my friend ap­ pears to have more information. banks MR. SPEAKER: Use his information *379. SHRr R L. BHATIA: Will < .. DR. VASANT KUMAR PANDIT: Minister of FINANCE be pleased to Does the hon. Minister feel that the state: present Are fighting equipment whieh (a) what was the rate ol deposit we have in our major airports is suffi­ growth in the nationalisad banks for cient enough to combat fire in a plane 1980-81; taking off or landing and what efforts are being made to augment the pre­ (b) how does the above compere sent outmoded flre-flghting equipment with the figures of growth achiev* • • t' ■ at our airports at least keeping the during 1979-80; , j safety of the passengers in view? To (c) whether Government have fix* j® one of my questions about the high targets for achievement during 1&* 1 r frequency radar at the Bombay Air­ K [I and | port, the reply was so vague and so whimsical that when the VOC equip­ (d) wftether better incentives 1 ment was installed in the Bombay Air­ being contemplated for n obilising port, it was sufficient and it was work­ posits from weaker sections of ing all right. But recently the high- society and if so, the details thereof? rise skyscrapers have come and, there­ fore, it is not functioning. This shows THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN T the lack of effort on the part of the MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI JJ> \ Government. Therefore, as far as fire ARDHANA POOJARY): (a) to ( ' fighting is concerned, I think the Gov­ A statement is laid on the Table ernment will apply its mind again and the House, 5 Or*l Answers PHALGUNA 28, 1903 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 . Statement i Table below sets out the data on deposit growth of scheduled commercial banks during 1980 and 1981. Category of Banks Deposit (Rs. crores) Deposit Varia­ Deposit 1979 1980 1981 tion (Rs. crores) Growth (%) ig8o 1981 1980 1981 SBI Group 28574 33532 39474 4g58 5g42 i7.4 i7.7 20 nationalised banks Other Scheduled Commercial banks 2889 3368 3958 479 590 16.6 17.5 All Scheduled ■ Commercial Banks 31463 369OO 43432 5437 6532 i7-3 i7-7 ¥ NB: (i) Data for 1981 are provisional. in the busy season in view of the anti­ cipated growth in our economy. We (ii) Other Scheduled Commercial require more credits for our exports, for Banks include Regional Rural Banks, our priority sectors and for our food- Other Indian Scheduled Commercial grains. As you know, in the state­ Banks and Foreign Banks. ment, he has stated that we are going to All banks strive to maximise their have a bumper crop of foodgrains. deposits. Public Sector Banks seek to Naturally, the credit requirement for achieve higher leveis of deposit mobi­ foodgrains is going to be more. May I lisation in pursuance of the policy know from him how be is going to meet objectives placed before them by the the requirements of these sectors in the Government and the Reserve Bank, who busy season. do not, however ,set specific annual targets SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY: for the banks in this regard. Sir, the question does not concern ques­ Banks endeavour to mobilise deposits tion 379. The question relates to the , through formulation of schemes to suit credit policy.
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