WaamPatersonCotege Serving the college community since 1936 Vol. 51 No. 9 Wayne, New Jersey October 8,1984 Enrollment goes down by 1,000 Freshman enrollment down by 200 BY ANDREW OGILVIE^ . aduating. He said the administration NEWS EDITOR is studying the attrition rate to decideif it There are 891 less students, including is a problem or not. 200 less freshmen, than there were last In the meantime, the Admissions office year, according to Den nis Santillo, has released a new series of publications director of college relations. to "improve our pitch," Santillo said. Santillo said due to a population shift, Faculty has also been involved to a there are less people of the traditional greater extent to glow the attrition rate. college age available to enter college. Santillo said this is the first time Santillo said the rise in enrollment has declined in at least four tuition this semester has no years. However, he.said the population relation to the loss of the shift has been widely anticipated by students. colleges. ' Santilio said the rise in tuition this semester has no relation to the loss of the Santillo stressed that although there students, which represent something are less students available to enter college, admission standards have not near $600,000 in lost money for the state. ; He explained that WPG, like the other decreased. ' We won't lower standards to state colleges, is allotted a certain get more students," he said. "The amount of money from the state. 'admission standards have been increased for next year as they have been In addition to the loss of incoming in the past years." The acceptance rate is students, Santillo has expressed concern still near 59 percent and SAT scores of The loss of 1,000 students this s em ester? ho u Id create more room in the jiver students who leave the college before incoming freshmen have increased. classroom. *» High percentage ofgrads obtain jobs Last year's placement figures are almost science and social science have a Career Counseling and Placement, "then BY DANIEL PATERNO identical. placement figure of 91 percent. they can select up to three employers to NEWS CONTRIBUTOR Ken Zurich, director of Career Zurich said, "In compiling our meet with." According to an annual report issued Counseling and Placement, explained, statistics we try to get a 75 percent The office also holds workshops by the Career Counseling and Placement college major related jobs aren't that response from our graduates. This figure designed to prepare students for their office, 91 percent of WPC's 1983 high. He also explained that many of the is the highest of state schools in the interviews. Workshops like resume graduates have been placed. jobs could be part-time. area." The office sends out question- -writing, interview techniques and career The report splits the graduates into two naire s every fall to students who decisions for the undeclared major will be The report, issued in May of 1984, categories — teachers and non-teachers. graduated the preceding January, May held throughout the year. "These will be considers a student "placed" if he has 92 percent of graduates completing and August For those students failing to expanded in the spring," said Zurich. secured a job, is enrolled in postgraduate teacher certification programs have been respond, follow-up phone calls are made. Both Zurich and Greenbaum agree that education on a full-time basis, entered the placed. Graduates of the schools of arts Of the 1,267 students graduated in 1983, it is better for students to come to their military services or Peace Corps/Vista, and communication, health professions 966 responded, resulting in a -76 percent office early in their college years. or is working as a fuli-tii and nursing, humanities, management, response; "We help students set up short term Success in securing a job is mainly a goals," said Zurich. "'These stepping result of the efforts on the part of the stones make the transition from full-time student. aWe are really not an student to full-time employee easier." employment agency," said Zurich, All along the way, Career Counseling "people place themselves." and Placement tries to match the student Career Counseling and Placement is to an appropriate career. "'We encourage set up to assist students in their job students to pick something they enjoy," search. Here students have access to said Greenbaum. career counseling, part-time employ- The office of Career Counseling and ment, an extensive career library and Placement is eager to help all students at internships in many fields. Students also WPC. The new Freshman Orientation have access to listing of full-time job Program is one way of getting students openings. involved early. A new computer has been Every spring Career Counseling and purchased that will run a sophisticated Placement sponsors an on-campus job matching system. "It should be ready recruitment program. Employers from to go by next semester," said Greenbaum. many companies visit WPC and "We've still got to program it." interview seniors for actual job openings. According to Zurich, "The bottom line "Students must have a completed is there are jobs out'there for people who resume to sign up for interviews," said really want them, but it's up to them to Fred Greenbaum, assistant director of w6rk for it." Mondale vs. Reagan Intelligent vidoes? Sam Silas October 8, 1984 Page 2 N — Non-acceptable performance,^ no Hue to overwhelming response and space restrictions, Happenings will be limited to 30peer advisement/information center credit/no grade words. Happenings will also be accepted on a first come, first printed basis. All copy WD — Withdrawn, student has officially must be received by Thursday prior to publication. NO EXCEPTIONS! withdrawn from the course Since the Advisement Period officially begins today, the Peer Advisement Center staff thought it would be helpful to OTHEKSTERMS TUESDAY GENERAL print a list of acronyms that you will Italian Club — meeting to discuss WPC Christian Fellowship — small come in contact with. R — Thursday upcoming events. Join us for a cultural and group Bible discussions. Mon. 11, 3:30, 5 G.E. — General Education (Towers); Tues. 9:30,11 12:30,2; Wed. 12:30, social experience. Slide presentation on UNFAMILIAR BUILDING CODES Elect, — Elective Italian-Americans, Tues., Oct. 9, 2 p.m., 6 (Apartments — Heritage 204); Thurs. 11 Maj. — Major Science 339. Call Dr. Martorella x2180 for (Jr. — Nursing); Fri. 11. Student Center 314. P — Ben Matelson Hail Equiv. — Equivalent All are welcome. Cal Jackie/790-3748 or E - Kenneth R White Hall more info. Ken/423-2737. Min. — Minor G — Gymnasium Prereq. — Prerequisite < OASIS *- is sponsoring guest speaker Dr. e.g. GA — Gym A, G203 — Gym 203 Rec. — Recommended Sam Silas, dean of student services, Alcohol Awareness Week — Oct. 8-14. A E Lng. — White Hall Lounge Req. — Required speaking on WPCV*€ontribution to the time to begin, to go forward. Join together A — Shea Auditorium TBA — To Be Announced ^''Returning Student, Tues., Oct. 9, 12:30, for a campus-wide campaign to focus on Z — Wayne Hall Q1Q2 — Quarter 1 or Quarter 2 — Class Student Center 326. Free donuts and cider. alcohol education.. Do something, I/STE — Off Campus/On Site meets first or second half of the semester demonstrate leadership. For specific e.g. Racquetball held at the information on events see ad in this issue. GPA^and cum — Grade point average Racquetball Club and cumulative grade point average WEDNESDAY CTS — Tennis Courts German Club — Ockjoberfest1 Sun., Oct. CRC — Course request card TRK — Tr»ck jP/F — Pass/fail, to register for a Organization for Social Action — 14. Waterloo Village (Rt. 80, Ex. 25), music, FLD — Field meeting. Wed., Oct. 10, 2 p.m., Student food, drink. Bus leaves WPC tennis courts ; pass/fail course you fill irrthe course on Center 303. All students interested in social 11:30 a.m.; returns 6 p.m.«Cost $4.50 (not B — Ben Shahn Hall ' the line at the bottom of your CRC and including refreshments). Call Laura C — Hobart Hall (Communications ^ circle the P/F action and service to Greater Paterson Building) community invited. New mernbers Musto '942-4562. i Aud — Audit, to register to audit a course welcome. For more info call Russ 835-3616 T — Coach House FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF !you fill in the line at the bottom of your or Bob 742-3775. SAPB Cinema — 7 p,n>-Morrr3sd Tues., i CRC and circle "Aud" Oct. 8-9, Student Center Ballroom, Buck BUILDING CODES REFER TO Student Accounting Society — Prof. Rogers m the 26th Century. Admission only MASTER SCHEDULE. Grippo will discuss the internship for both SI for students with a valid I.D., $2 for ail SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: public & private accounting. Wed., OcL 10, others. Call 942-6237, ask for Eddie. GRADES Deadline for submitting CRC is Friday, Student Center 324-5, 5 p.m. Call 483-5167, Nov. 2, 1984. Drop it in the box in ask for Dave or go to Accounting Society- WPC Christian Fellowship —film series • MIS — Missing, grade was not submitted Raubinger lobby, or mail it to Registrar. office & leave message — Student Center Out of the Saltshaker. (Helps for relating to INC — Incomplete, student has not Remember to obtain your advisor'? 302. others. Student Center 332-333, Mon. completed the course evenings in Oct., 7:30 p.m. Call Ken/423- signature on CRC before handing it in. Jewish Student Association — hosts 2737 or Jackie '790-3748. weekly- open house. Free bagels. Trivial Pursuit every Wednesday. 11-3 JSA office. Catholic Campus Ministry Center — Student Center 320. Call Tzipi interested in "What is a Catholic?" or Enter the Greek Olympics Burstein 942-8545 or Gail Weinberg- 790- Catholic religious instruction? Inquiry classes begin soon.
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