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Crop Protection Compendium USDA Aphis the World’S Most Comprehensive Site for Crop Signed in Via: Protection Information Username/Password

20/6/2014 Dysmicoccus brevipes Other CABI sites Home Overview About Help Contact Mobile Sign out You are signed in as: Crop Protection Compendium USDA Aphis The world’s most comprehensive site for Crop Signed in via: Protection Information Username/Password Datasheets Abstracts Full Text Library Glossary More Resources Datasheet report print back Dysmicoccus brevipes Pictures Top of page Picture Title Caption Copyright Infestation Heavy infestations conspicuous because of white waxy adults which often occur at growing points, around Crown on stem nodes, on undersides of leaves, on fruit and on roots - pictured here on pineapple, Ivory Coast. Copyright pineapple Identity Top of page Preferred Scientific Name Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell, 1893) Preferred Common Name pineapple mealybug Other Scientific Names Dactylopius (Pseudococcud) ananassae Kuwana Dactylopius brevipes Cockerell, 1893 Dactylopius bromeliae Dysmicoccus bromeliae Auct. Dysmicoccus cannae Dysmicoccus pseudobrevipes (Mamet) Pseudococcus brevipes (Cockerell), Fernald, 1903 Pseudococcus bromeliae Pseudococcus cannae Green, 1934 Pseudococcus longirostralis James, 1936 Pseudococcus missionum Cockerell, 1910 Pseudococcus palauensis Kanda, 1933 Pseudococcus pseudobrevipes Mamet, 1941 International Common Names Spanish: chinche harinosa de la piña, escama harinosa de la piña, palomilla de la raiz de la piña, piojo harinoso de la piña French: cochenille farineuse de l'ananas Local Common Names Brazil: cochonilha do abacaxizeiro, cochonilha pulverulenta do abacaxi Germany: ananas-schmierlaus South Africa: pynappelwitluis EPPO code DYSMBR (Dysmicoccus brevipes) Taxonomic Tree Top of page Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Phylum: Arthropoda 1/15 20/6/2014 Dysmicoccus brevipes Subphylum: Uniramia Class: Insecta Order: Hemiptera Suborder: Sternorrhyncha Superfamily: Coccoidea Family: Pseudococcidae Genus: Dysmicoccus Species: Dysmicoccus brevipes Description Top of page Authoritative identification involves detailed microscopic examination of teneral adult females. Beardsley (1959, 1965) discussed the important morphological characters that separated D. brevipes from closely-related species. Detailed morphological descriptions, illustrations and keys to Dysmicoccus are provided by McKenzie (1967), Williams and Watson (1988) and Williams and Granara de Willink (1992). Distribution Top of page D. brevipes originated in tropical America (Rohrbach et al., 1988) and has spread to all zoogeographical regions, mainly in the tropics and subtropics (see also CIE (1972) and Ben-Dov (1994)). It is probably one of the commonest mealybugs in Central and South America (Williams and Granara de Willink, 1992). Distribution Table Top of page Country Distribution Last Origin First Invasive References Notes Reported Reported ASIA Bangladesh Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Brunei Darussalam Present Waterhouse, 1993 Cambodia Present Waterhouse, 1993 India Present Ben-Dov, 1994 -Andhra Pradesh Present CIE, 1972 -Assam Present CIE, 1972 -Karnataka Present Mani & Thontadarya, 1987 -Kerala Present CIE, 1972 -Orissa Present CIE, 1972 -Tamil Nadu Present CIE, 1972 -Tripura Present Das, 1988 -West Bengal Present CIE, 1972 Indonesia Present Waterhouse, 1993; Ben-Dov, 1994 -Irian Jaya Present Williams & Watson, 1988; CIE, 1972 -Kalimantan Present CIE, 1972 Iran Present Moghadam, 2004 Japan -Ryukyu Archipelago Present CIE, 1972 Malaysia Present Waterhouse, 1993; Ben-Dov, 1994 -Peninsular Malaysia Present CIE, 1972 -Sabah Present CIE, 1972 -Sarawak Present CIE, 1972 Pakistan Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Philippines Present Waterhouse, 1993; Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Singapore Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Sri Lanka Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Taiwan Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972; Huang & Lin, 2014 Thailand Present Pitaksa et al., 2000 2/15 20/6/2014 Dysmicoccus brevipes Vietnam Present Waterhouse, 1993; Ben-Dov, 1994 AFRICA Angola Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Benin Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Burkina Faso Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Burundi Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Cameroon Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Chad Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Congo Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Côte d'Ivoire Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Egypt Present CIE, 1972 Ghana Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Guinea Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Kenya Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Madagascar Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Malawi Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Mali Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Mauritius Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Mozambique Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Niger Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Nigeria Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Réunion Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Rwanda Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Sao Tome and Principe Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Senegal Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Seychelles Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Sierra Leone Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Somalia Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 South Africa Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Spain -Canary Islands Present Perez et al., 1984 Sudan Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Tanzania Present Bohlen, 1973; Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Zanzibar Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Togo Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Uganda Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Zambia Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 NORTH AMERICA Bermuda Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Mexico Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 USA -California Present Ben-Dov, 1994 -Florida Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Hawaii Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Louisiana Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 CENTRAL AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Antigua and Barbuda Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Bahamas Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Barbados Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Belize Present Ben-Dov, 1994 3/15 20/6/2014 Dysmicoccus brevipes Cayman Islands Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Costa Rica Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Cuba Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Dominica Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Dominican Republic Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 El Salvador Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Grenada Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Guadeloupe Present Panis et al., 1974 Guatemala Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Haiti Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Honduras Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Jamaica Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Martinique Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Montserrat Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Nicaragua Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Panama Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Puerto Rico Widespread Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Saint Kitts and Nevis Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Saint Lucia Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Trinidad and Tobago Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 United States Virgin Islands Present Ben-Dov, 1994 SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Bolivia Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Brazil -Bahia Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Ceara Present CIE, 1972 -Espirito Santo Present Culik et al., 2009; Culik & Ventura, 2013 -Mato Grosso Present CIE, 1972 -Minas Gerais Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Para Present CIE, 1972 -Parana Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Pernambuco Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Piaui Present CIE, 1972 -Rio de Janeiro Present CIE, 1972 -Rio Grande do Sul Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Santa Catarina Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Sao Paulo Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Chile -Easter Island Present Charlin, 1973 Colombia Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Ecuador Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Guyana Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Paraguay Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Peru Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Suriname Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Venezuela Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 EUROPE Italy Restricted Tranfaglia, 1983 distribution Portugal 4/15 20/6/2014 Dysmicoccus brevipes -Azores Present CIE, 1972 -Madeira Present CIE, 1972 OCEANIA American Samoa Present Williams & Watson, 1988 Australia -Australian Northern Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Territory -New South Wales Present Ben-Dov, 1994 -Queensland Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 -Western Australia Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Cook Islands Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Fiji Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 French Polynesia Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Guam Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Kiribati Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Marshall Islands Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 New Caledonia Present CIE, 1972 Niue Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Northern Mariana Islands Present CIE, 1972 Palau Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Papua New Guinea Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Samoa Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Solomon Islands Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Tokelau Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Tonga Present Ben-Dov, 1994; CIE, 1972 Tuvalu Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Vanuatu Present Ben-Dov, 1994 Wallis and Futuna Islands Present CIE, 1972 Distribution Table Details Top of page Country Distribution Last Reported Origin First Reported Invasive References Notes ASIA Bangladesh Present Ben-Dov, 1994 CIE, 1972 Brunei Darussalam Present Waterhouse, 1993 Cambodia Present Waterhouse, 1993 India Present Ben-Dov, 1994 -Andhra Pradesh Present CIE, 1972 -Assam Present CIE, 1972 -Karnataka Present Mani & Thontadarya, 1987 -Kerala Present CIE, 1972 -Orissa Present CIE, 1972 -Tamil Nadu Present CIE, 1972 -Tripura Present Das, 1988 -West Bengal Present CIE, 1972 Indonesia Present Waterhouse, 1993 Ben-Dov, 1994 -Irian Jaya Present 5/15 20/6/2014 Dysmicoccus brevipes CIE, 1972 Williams & Watson, 1988 -Kalimantan Present CIE, 1972 Iran Present Moghadam, 2004 Japan -Ryukyu

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