TTFall 2004ransylvaniaransylvaniaUNIVERSITY MAGAZINE A Home for Art Charles L. Shearer Art Building dedicated INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING ■ KIM THARP-BARRIE ’83 ■ A TRANSY FAMILY THE BINGHAM-YOUNG PROFESSORSHIP ON LIBERTY,LIBERTY, SECURITY,SECURITY, ANDAND JUSTICEJUSTICE Philosophy professor Peter Fosl’s two-year Bingham-Young Professorship offers an engaging and stimulating mix of speakers, panel discussions, seminars, workshops, visiting artists, film screenings, art exhibits, and theatrical events, all aimed at illuminating issues of liberty, security, and justice in today’s world. The program recognizes that these issues have taken on new urgency since the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001. More information on the program and upcoming events, many of which are open to the public, may be found at www.transy.edu/pages/lsj/home.htm. Jack Girard “Rale”-collage/mix 2004 TransylvaniaUNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FALL/2004 Features 9 Giving and Receiving Service learning travel course to the Philippines helps students gain new perspectives on the world 12 A Fitting Tribute Transylvania celebrates dedication of the Charles L. Shearer 9 Art Building and the Susan P. Shearer Student Gallery 14 Crossing Academic Borders Transylvania professors and students embrace an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning 18 A Caring Life Kim Tharp-Barrie ’83 has combined a nurturing spirit with leadership skills to become highly successful in healthcare 12 20 A Transy Family Tree Five consecutive generations of the Gamboe/McGuire family have earned Transylvania degrees, beginning in 1896 Around Campus 2 New faculty members 20 4 Transy student finds Hollywood in Kentucky 5 Transy officially in NCAA Division III 6 New residence halls planned Alumni News and Notes 22 Class Notes 25 Alumni Profile: Joe Thomson ’66 27 Alumni Profile: Shelby Spanyer Sheffield ’95 on the cover 29 Marriages, Births, Obituaries President Charles L. Shearer and his wife, Susan, show Director of Public Relations: Sarah A. Emmons ■ Director of Publications: off the handcrafted Martha S. Baker ■ Publications Writer/Editor: William A. Bowden ■ Publica- stoneware platter created tions Assistant: Katherine Yeakel ■ Publications Designer: Barbara Grinnell by art professor Dan Selter and presented to them dur- Transylvania is published three times a year. Volume 22, No. 1, Fall 2004. ing the dedication of the Produced by the Office of Publications, Transylvania University, Lexington, Charles L. Shearer Art Building and the Susan P. Shearer Student KY 40508-1797. Send address changes and alumni news to Alumni Office, Gallery. See story on page 12. Transylvania University, 300 North Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508-1797, Photo by Helena Hau fax to (859) 233-8797, or e-mail to [email protected]. Around Campus Transylvania welcomes eight new faculty members Eight professors joined the Transylvania faculty for the 2004-05 academic year. Members of the group have research interests that range from Latin American history and adolescent development to molecular biology and Schadenfreude. Kirk Abraham (exercise science) Gregg Philip Bocketti (history) Melissa Fortner (psychology) is Lisa Haefele (English) was most recently most recently a 1996 gradu- most recently taught at the taught at ate of Transyl- a postdoctor- University of Tulane Uni- vania, where al fellow at Missouri. He versity. He she earned Stanford Uni- earned his earned his her B.A. in versity. She B.S. in physi- B.A. in history psychology earned her cal education and English and philoso- A.B. in com- from the Uni- from Hartwick phy. She parative litera- versity of College, and earned her ture and polit- Puget Sound, his M.S. in exer- his M.A. in Latin American M.S. and Ph.D. in human devel- ical science from Duke Univer- cise and sport science from the studies and Ph.D. in history opment and family studies sity, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in University of Arizona, and his from Tulane University. His from Penn State University. Her English from the University of Ph.D. in physiology from the research interests include Latin research centers on adolescent California, Irvine. Her research University of Missouri. His American and Caribbean histo- development, particularly how interests include transatlantic research interests include ry, especially modern Brazil; adolescent development modernism, postmodern and skeletal muscle metabolism sports and popular culture; liter- shapes relationships with par- contemporary British literature, and interactions of exercise and ature and intellectuals; and rev- ents and how relationships nineteenth-century British liter- diet on health and disease. olution and revolutionaries. with parents shape adolescent ature, women’s literature and development. culture, and contemporary liter- ary criticism and theory. Mark Jackson (psychology) Danae T. Orlins (Spanish) was Belinda J. Sly (biology) most John M. Zink (business admin- was a visiting most recently recently istration) was assistant pro- an associate taught cours- most recently fessor at Tran- professor of es at Indiana a senior part- sylvania dur- Spanish at University ner in his ing the 2003- Kentucky Southeast. own CPA firm 04 academic Wesleyan She earned in Lexington. year. He College. She her B.S. in He earned his earned his earned her zoology from B.A. and M.A. B.A. in psy- B.A. in Span- Oregon State in microbiolo- chology from the University of ish from the University of University and her Ph.D. in gy and his MBA from Southern Memphis, and his M.A. and Southern California and her molecular, cellular, and develop- Illinois University–Carbondale. Ph.D. in psychology from the M.A. and Ph.D. in Romance mental biology from Indiana His research interests include University of Kentucky. His studies from Cornell University. University. Her research inter- organizational behaviors and research interests include Her research interests include ests include developmental personnel development in the social comparison; negative Spanish, German, Ukrainian, biology, molecular biology, and business setting. social emotions such as humili- and Franciso Delicado’s 1528 evolution. ation, shame, envy, and prose dialogue La Lozana Schadenfreude; interpersonal andaluza. perception; and the self. GSA enjoys fifth year on Transylvania’s campus The 2004 Kentucky Governor’s School for instrumental music, musical theater, visual the Arts took place on Transylvania’s campus art, architecture and historic preservation, June 20-July 10, with 224 high school stu- and vocal music. The program has been con- dents from 55 Kentucky counties and 11 ducted on Transy’s campus for the last five international students from Northern Ireland years, and GSA has selected Transy to serve in attendance. as host through 2008. GSA offers instruction by some of Ken- tucky’s finest teaching artists in eight disci- ■ A music student practices on the lawn dur- plines: creative writing, dance, drama, ing the 2004 Governor’s School for the Arts. Alyx Dixon ’05 2 TRANSYLVANIA Author, filmmaker discuss global politics Documentary filmmaker screening of a film Smith Herb E. Smith and Kentucky based on Berry’s essay, author Wendell Berry answered “Thoughts in the Presence of questions from students as Fear,” which responds to the part of Transylvania’s fall convo- horrors of September 11, 2001, cation held September 12 in by challenging cultural assump- Haggin Auditorium. Smith is co- tions about globalization and founder of Appalshop, an inter- progress. Students then had nationally known multi-discipli- the opportunity to ask Berry nary arts and education center and Smith about the film and in Whitesburg, Kentucky. The its philosophies. author of more than 30 books, This year’s convocation was Berry has been a fellow of both the introductory event of phi- the Guggenheim and Rocke- losophy professor Peter Fosl’s feller foundations and received two-year Bingham-Young Pro- awards from the National fessorship on Liberty, Security, Endowment for the Arts and and Justice. Events, discus- Joseph Rey Au Joseph Rey the National Institute and Acad- sions, and related activities will ■ Appalshop filmmaker Herb E. Smith, left, and Kentucky emy of Arts and Letters. continue through the spring of author Wendell Berry listen to questions from Transylvania The evening began with a 2006. students during the fall convocation. Summer program gives students biomedical research experience Eight students took part in on their research and learning came to a close, students dis- variety of possibilities. the Kentucky Biomedical lab techniques for procedures played posters and gave oral “I had my mind set on going Research Undergraduate Train- such as removing and purifying presentations about their find- to medical school and specializ- ing program at Transylvania this DNA from inside cells, trans- ings. ing in anesthesiology or sur- summer. Funded by a grant ferring pieces of DNA from Biology professor Peggy gery, but during KBRUT, I from the National Institutes of one bacteria into another, and Palombi, who organized the learned that there are many Health, the eight-week pro- cutting long pieces of DNA into NIH grant proposal and coordi- fields in medicine of which I gram gives students who have shorter pieces so they can be nated the program with assis- was completely unaware,” she just completed their first year pasted together in other ways tance from biology professor said. “I am still very interested at Transy a more realistic or in other organisms. Stu- Kathleen Jagger, said KBRUT in medical school, but I enjoy research experience than dents also visited institutions helps students determine working in the lab, so if I ever what’s possible in the laborato- that are potential graduate whether they’d enjoy a career change my mind, I know I will ry portion of an academic school destinations, including in research. have the option of going to course. the University of Cincinnati and Jin Shi, a sophomore from graduate school and doing Students spent full days in the University of North Caroli- Hendersonville, Tenn., said the research.” Brown Science Center working na-Chapel Hill.
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